Tuesday, May 24th
2:45 AM PT – Venus enters Gemini
7:38 PM PT – Venus in Gemini opposes Mars in Sagittarius (both at 0+ degrees)
Thursday, May 26th
5:28 AM PT – Jupiter in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius (both at 13 degrees)
Friday, May 27th
6:51 AM PT – Mars retrogrades back into Scorpio
This week two stories run parallel through our skies, a theme that we will be seeing a lot more of as Gemini season unfolds.
On one hand the planets that are occupying mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are beginning a long couple of weeks of butting heads. Tuesday sees Venus ingress into Gemini. The planet of love and connection will be instantaneously met with an abrupt opposition from Mars, the planet of severing, separating and waging battle. Often dubbed as the cosmic lovers, these two in such an unfriendly meeting may produce manifestations of the struggle in our personal relationships and on the world stage.
Also occurring in mutable signs is the last square between Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius on Thursday May 26th. This is the third and final square for now between these two planets. They squared each other previously on August 3rd, 2015 and March 23rd, 2016. Squares between these two planets illustrate the shifting nature of the culture that we are creating. While Jupiter governs the philosophical, spiritual and judicial laws we agree to live under, Saturn represents the institutions that will uphold them, the authorities that come to be and the shape that our societies take as a reflection of those values.
It’s great astrology to read a little Chomsky during.
This is a waning or closing square. It is similar to the moon when it is half full on its way to complete darkness. Symbolically this is a time for us to turn away from the old, outdated paradigms and structures that no longer hold truth, meaning or worth for us. What good is a society if it turns its back on the most vulnerable of its citizens? What part of a democracy is democratic if almost everyone running for office has been bought by big business?
This square between Jupiter and Saturn does not operate in isolation however. Neptune in Pisces sits just a couple of degrees away from a square to Saturn and an opposition to Jupiter. Neptune adds unhelpful flavors of confusion, deception and delusions to the mix. It can also help to dissolve old and oppressive structures and provide us with the inspiration to choose love over fear and compassion over violence. Neptune can, if we are lucky, remind us that corruption depends on our separation and cannot survive when we thrive through our interconnectedness.
United we win.
Meanwhile Mars, super bright in the night sky, retrogrades back into Scorpio. Mars belongs in Scorpio in traditional astrology and is at home here. Mars is strong in Scorpio. Fully armed. Stocked with secret weapons. Fortified with a staying power that cannot be dissuaded. This is neither good nor bad. This is about what we do with it.
On a personal note this component of the Mars retrograde may offer us access to our own personal treasure chest of no-nonsense cannonry. Work wisely with what you have been given. Damage is easily done, but wounds take their own time to heal.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Your ruling planet shifts gears this week. With Mars motoring back into another of its home zones, Scorpio, it draws your attention back to the areas and aspects of life that have you sharing your energy, your talents, your skills and your resources.
You have a lot to share. Don’t forget it.
You might find yourself remembering, reviewing and reaffirming all that you have to offer. You might be wanting to renegotiate the contracts that you set up before you understood the kind of cosmic gold that you are working with. You might be wondering why exactly you said yes to a situation that doesn’t really benefit you. You might be asking yourself what your motivations were and are. You might even be seeing how you have taken advantage of a certain something or someone and find that you now need to balance the budget sheet.
Whatever you do, steer clear of manipulating a situation or being manipulated by one. The cleaner and clearer we can be in the next couple of weeks, the better. Misinformation and backing out of opportunities for healing and growth are all too common given the current astrology. This might occur for you in the areas of communication. Don’t be afraid to know what the truth is even if you are alone in the witnessing of it. It’s extremely important that you are able to think for yourself at the moment and not feel too dependent on other people’s truths.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
This week’s song bird is singing long folks songs about your relationship battles and peace treaties. With Mars retrograding back into your 7th house of committed partnerships you are being asked to review the nature of what you want here. You are also being asked to review the nature of your power here. What do you do with yours once you are in the face of potential partnership? What are you teaching folks about how you like to be treated? What are the subtle and overt cues you are giving about your worth, your boundaries and your desires?
Because we are dealing with planet that is retrograde, this week and the next few might put you into a literal review of your relationships. An old love might come back around. Old relationship issues might come back to remind you that they need love too. An old paradigm might show up that reminds you just how unstuck you really are. Keep focusing your attention on the choices that you do have. Keep putting your awareness of the parts of your life that you have power over. Keep reminding yourself that the most important thing that you can do is show those that you are in relationships with how you want to be treated by treating yourself that way. Regardless of what anyone else is doing.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
This week Venus enters your sign. The Femme Fantastic Goddess will help you to spread your message far and wide. Venus will most likely help you to attract what you most desire, so be clear about what that is. Venus can act like a magnet, drawing in experiences that help us to get clear on what it is we want to be in relationship with.
There is a little bump in the beginning of her travels however. A standoff with Mars on Tuesday may prompt an abrupt challenge. Try not to be on the defensive, but do be aware of where you are and what is coming at you. Try your best not to come to conclusions too quickly. Whatever weirdness might be floating around won’t last for long.
Your sign acts like an ignition point over the next few weeks. Gemini is the missing component to the larger fireworks of 2016’s astrology. As planets (the sun, Venus and Mercury) begin to enter into the open air of your sign they will be activating the potential and the problematic positions of the larger astrological set up.
That could show up in in your life in multiple ways. On one hand, it could feel like so much is being ignited at once that it is hard to find where to keep your mind focused.
Find a way to stay focused.
On the other hand, this astrology could help you to get engaged in multiple aspects of your life, make connections and tackle long-standing scenarios that used to scare the pants off you. Especially at work and in relationship to your overall physical health. With Mars retrograding back into Scorpio this week you’ll be gifted with opportunities to work on the ways you work. There is power in perfecting your schedule. You have a secret weapon right now when it comes to knowing what your body needs. Make sure it gets it.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Deep self care, dude. Deep. You need it. For the next couple of weeks. If you are any kind of Cancer, you give a lot. You give a lot that you don’t always have to give. Stop doing that. Make your health your wealth. Make your ability to self-care your barometer for success. Make work what you do after you get yourself right. You’ll be amazed at how much still gets done when you make yourself a priority.
Put enjoying yourself on your agenda. There is power in play. With Mars retrograding back into your 5th house, it’s important to remember the importance of pleasure. Your creative energy is getting an overhaul. Your creative projects might be too. But what is most important for this leg of the Mars retrograde is that you make time to make friends with this aspect of yourself and your life. Understanding our creative energy is understanding our power. Don’t be afraid to decolonize, decapitalize and demisogynize your creative filters, modalities and practices. Don’t be afraid to reclaim, reunite and redirect your erotic energy. Don’t be afraid to own this part of your life and yourself. Liberating this aspect of ourselves changes whatever paradigm we have been operating in into a paradigm in which we can win.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
What is going on with friends becomes increasingly important to pay attention to over the next couple of weeks. Some folks might be needing you a little more than usual. You are moving into a time when dealing with those that you love to be with becomes important because of what they are struggling with. Unless they are just struggling with you and then it might be important to take some time apart. Be there for those that let you be.
Be a rock. Be a foundation. Be a sturdy place for yourself to land too. As Mars retrogrades back in your 4th house of home, family and inner life this week, you’ll want to pay special attention to the aspects of life that hold you up, that keep you feeling solid, and that keep you grounded. Notice the power that lies in this area of your life when you feel like you are right with the folks you live with. Notice the energy available to you when you feel right with your history and when you stay out of the family drama that you can. Notice what happens when you are able to focus on what matters most to the well-being of your inner life. Serve and protect it. Let the needs of your inner landscape rule. Do what you can to be in courageous defense of your family’s needs and don’t be afraid to reconnect with the power of your foundations. You were born out of greatness and you will go back to it. In between those two events try to remember it.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
This week helps you to be seen, especially for the work that you do. This week puts you in contact with others in a way that might evoke the more difficult aspects of human interactions and the most pleasurable ones. Pack extra patience and use it liberally if folks tend to get a little bent out of shape.
Right now, your career could be a mix of unknown realities, erratic energy and unmet expectations. It could feel like you are in uncertain terrain and yet full of extremely potent creative possibility. You are. So much is up for grabs right now. So many possible outcomes are swirling about. So many unknowns are still to be revealed.
Get grounded. Be the eye of the storm. Be unshakeable. Be mindful of the big picture. Getting caught up in the fragments will only leave you feeling fragmented. You are whole. You are here. Make something out of this energy or stay deeply connected to your core through the shifting tides of the season.
Your expansion depends on it.
You are completing a cycle this week. A cycle of growth that was concerned with your unfolding and your grounding. A cycle that wants you to make the most of your potential by applying it in painstakingly responsible ways. A cycle that lets you know that all things are possible if you are willing to do the grown-ass work necessary to make them a reality.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Mars moves back into your 2nd house of finances, self-worth and self-funding this week. It wants to remind you of the kind of resources that you were born to use. It wants to remind you of the cards that you have to play. It wants to remind you of the power that you are capable of curating and creating with on the material plane. This part of the Mars retrograde journey is asking you to take an existing issue as it relates to money, self-worth and resources and dig a little deeper. There is more to the story. There is more to investigate here. There is more that you are able to create than you have been lead to believe.
This is not about quantity however. This is about remembering that what you have to work with is, in and of itself, priceless. Don’t let a financial institution determine your worth. That would be like asking a hungry lion to watch your lunch. We live in a system that wants to see us separated, conquering each other and keeping one another from the golden ring. But all that is a sham. All that is a lie. All of that is just a way to keep the machine in power. The only thing that we can do in resistance to it is to remember our authentic nature, our deep desires and the needs that we have that are, without question, the most important aspects of our life to protect. Fight for that. Fight against the apathy that might set in. Fight in resistance to it. Fight for your right to live and produce creatively, in harmony with your nature and in service to what the world needs most.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Your ruling planet re-enters your sign this week. Like a homecoming, this leg of Mars retrograde should help you re-align your intentions and your actions with your highest good. Mars is capable of a great many feats and in your sign, Mars can accomplish anything it sets its mind to. Set your mind to something that is worthy of such effort. Direct your energy towards what is most important in life to experience. Find out what is worth fighting for. Wage a campaign to win its heart.
Allow a natural review of the times in which your desires were squashed. Allow yourself to reimagine those times with a different ending. Recast yourself as the courageous knight in shining armor and vanquish the evil forces that kept you from your destiny.
Allow your imagination to remain wild. Allow a space for being incorrect and inappropriate. Allow within your personal world the freedom to express yourself without fear of being misunderstood. A sanitized imagination is a poisonous one. Reconnecting with your raw power can help you to see pathways to what you want that you didn’t know were there.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This week completes a very important cycle of growth that has been occurring in your career via your willingness to harness your energy and direct it towards self-mastery. Whatever you have been developing that has taken tremendous application of your will and a healthy dose of self-discipline will show-up prominently, revealing how productive it has been.
With the exit of Mars from your sign, you might start to feel moved to explore your motivations for doing what you are doing. You might feel the need to pull back from some of the more frenetic energy of your life and go within. You might feel the need to understand an aspect of yourself and of your psyche that has remained a mystery to you thus far.
Our energy and potential is easily distorted when we refuse to investigate our inner lives. Self-destructive tendencies can have at it when we have no system of seeking self-knowledge. We all have patterns and pathways that can take us down the rabbit holes of self-rejection and destruction. We all have the uncanny ability to keep recreating situations that we swore we would never get into again. Our job is to understand what leads us to self-destruct in the first place and then how to use that energy for our spiritual growth instead of our demise.
It takes a dedicated willingness to master the most difficult aspects of ourselves if we truly want to live free. But every time we encounter what we most fear within ourselves and we refuse to be ruled by it we win. We win dignity. We win self-respect. We win a medal that no one and no thing can ever take from ourselves. We win the prize of being able to look ourselves in the eye and know what we are made of. The next leg of this Mars retrograde offers you the opportunity to do just that.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
While it is still important for you to take care of your work, your health and pay special attention to your overall well-being, there is a cosmic break in the skies for you. The stars are calling you out or, more specifically, Mars is. With a transition back into your 11th house of friends, groups, allies, hopes and dreams for a fortunate future, Mars brings you back in touch with the power of the group and the power of your connections to those you enjoy being around the most.
You might resume or begin a role that puts you in a leadership position amongst your peers and peeps. You might feel called to act courageously on behalf of a friend or a cause. You might feel that being around those that see the world as you do gives you a surge of energy that has been dormant lately. You might notice that you are called on to take some group or some individual to task at the moment and that you have more than enough energy, desire and daring to do so.
Mars is the warrior, and a warrior doesn’t always get along with the herd. Take care not to force yourself into any mold or any group behavior that doesn’t suit you. This is a time to both distinguish yourself from the pack and also find the source of power that lies within your unique way of connecting to the group. Be your authentic self and look for those friends and allies that love you genuinely.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
This week the focus shifts back to your career ambitions and long-range strategies for success. Think in terms of what will help you win your self-respect, the awards that matter to you most and the prizes that will still count way down the line. With Mars back in its home sign of Scorpio, the next two months are decidedly good ones for you to be utilizing to better understand the power and the drive that you have and how to use it towards succeeding at what you want to do most.
You can use this time to refine the tools that you have to work with. There are some skills that you can work on in secret, skills that, once honed, will help you to feel a greater sense of confidence. Skills that you can keep developing for eons. Skills that will only increase the value of all you do.
This week Mars burns bright in the night sky. It is calling upon your courage, your conviction and your ability to plan for your overall success. This is not astrology that encourages you to go for flash-in-the-pan fame. This is astrology that wants you to get in touch with your gut. This astrology wants you to connect with your instincts. This astrology wants you to be unafraid of making a mark on the world and it wants you to consider how you are going about leaving it.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
The relationships that you rely most on, especially as they relate to your career, have been undergoing a particular kind of growth. Not all growth is easy. Not all of it is simple or uncomplicated. But whatever we work for, whatever we work with and whatever we work on, we understand the value of.
The relationships that you have developed, worked with and grown with over the past 10 months are beginning to reveal their importance. Look for the results of the completion of this growth both within your personal life and your career and see what you have learned most from it. Some professional relationships will be ready to take off and some will naturally be able to move on.
With one of the main focuses in your chart being about the joys and the occasional conflicts that come with having a home, family or housemate situation, you may want to make sure that you don’t spend all your time at work. Save some space for the pleasures of being with those that are supportive to your foundation and those who stimulate you philosophically, spiritually and emotionally. With Mars retrograding back into Scorpio, you have the unique opportunity to review and re-connect through experiences that feel spiritual in nature. Experiences that help you to feel connected to something larger. Experiences that lead you to remember that ultimately your power lies with what you stay connected to throughout the day to day shenanigans of life.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.