Your New Moon affirmation horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
With this New Moon, I dissolve any dissatisfaction that I have about my life into the pools of gratitude I have within.
I know that there are no greener pastures, just places perhaps a little more conducive to my wellbeing. No matter where I go, I’m the person that I will meet when I get there.
Instead of clinging to fantasies, I focus on what I adore about my reality.
As I heal I know that it is normal to come into contact with more of my bitterness, hurt, despair, and grief. This does not signal that I’m sliding backwards, it simply is a clue as to how deeply I am connecting to my life in its entirety.
There are layers to my being, built up by the years and experiences that I have accumulated. There are sweet sheets of experiences on top of heavy blankets of shame, guilt, or fear. All are a part of my past, present and makeup. None are the entirety of who I am. None dictate what I am growing into, but all inform me, all are part of the fabric of my life. Each a part of the patchwork of what makes me.
When I am able to claim all aspects of myself, I have access to the energy I would otherwise spend denying who I am and what I am becoming. Full wattage is my way forward.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
With this New Moon I am reminded of how intoxicating my ideas of others can be and that having unrealistic expectations of my friends and communities does not do them justice.
It’s merely a recipe for heartbreak.
Having a good amount of patience, a healthy dose of acceptance, a willingness to witness their shortcomings and my own, and a commitment to addressing issues that come up between us with rigorous compassion is a wise way to build with others. I might not be an expert at it just yet, but I can work towards being a source of discerning generosity over time.
The collective dreams we share will never be reached otherwise.
The more radically abundant my hopes for the future are, the more I must embody the same sentiment. Doing so not only helps me create the world I most want to live within, it also gives me an understanding of what is fair, or otherwise not at all reasonable, to ask of others.
With this New Moon I remember that people are complex, gorgeous creatures that can’t be pigeonholed. Instead of being disappointed in the human frailty and faults that always emerge, I remember that I am made of the same wobbly and wonderful ingredients. If I wish to move the masses towards a certain aim, I have to always begin with me.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
With this New Moon I make a little more space for myself in the world. I remind the collective that I am a multi-talented human with a wide variety of interests and an ability to shapeshift as my talents emerge into being.
I was not meant to be siloed.
In my career, vocation, and public roles, I set out in search of new delights. I know that when all of my senses are recruited, I am more likely to connect to the audiences I am aiming for.
As I gain attention for the variety of tools at my disposal and how I wield them, I remember not to lose myself in the hotspot of the limelight. I know that I am just as prone to getting distracted by attention as the next person, but that doing so takes me far from my center.
Searching for praise always promises a rough landing.
Instead of falling from grace, I look to strengthen my support systems. Being in honest relationships with others keeps me grounded. Being of service is the greatest gig I could ever be granted, and it’s the aspect of my worldly roles that I prioritize now and always.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
With this New Moon, I make it a point to put myself in a position to receive the epiphanies meant for me. I know that the gift of foresight, insight, and inspiration isn’t something reserved for those that are special.
Intuition is waiting on us all.
Extrasensory perception is a teacher always anticipating my attendance. It is a skill to develop, an awakening I can have, another way of knowing. Class is in session.
Preparing space for the arrival of such wisdom is my practice, but it is not a promise, nor should it be my expectation. The more available I make myself to Divine intelligence, as a ritual, as a routine, the more likely it is that I’ll be in communication with it.
It’s not rocket science, but it is my birthright to reclaim.
With this New Moon, I remember that romanticizing teachers, wisdom traditions, and schools of thought is a trap. I pack a substantial lunch, bring sharpened pencils and honed discernment in my knapsack. If I truly want to serve what it is I am learning, I will come to the lesson remembering that flawed and phenomenal humans are the transmitters of what it is I’m soaking up. To deny that is to deny a central theme of the text.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Leo & Leo Rising
With this New Moon, I visualize the kinds of ideal exchanges I most wish to have with others, make a list of all the people I want to work with, and I get specific about the support I need to receive to make my dreams a reality.
Then I hunt for all the ways in which these trades are taking shape or already happening.
I know that it’s easy to pine for what I want while denying the ways in which it already exists in my world or is on the brink of coming into being. I don’t want to waste time hoping for what could be when I can spend my time enjoying what is already present and in need of praise.
I acknowledge the gifts that flow to me from others: offers of work, encouragement, and assistance. Even if the fit isn’t right, or isn’t for right now, I make a practice of tipping my hat to the abundance of life. I make a practice out of witnessing how I am in constant communication with a force that is affirming and acknowledging my desires, hopes, and dreams.
In all of my daydreams, fantasies, and visualizations I give thanks for what is on its way.
Subtle shifts of my mindset can make an indelible impression on the world around me. With this New Moon I refresh my awareness of what my mind is up to daily, gently guiding it toward the beauty that surrounds me and the healing power of what is already present.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
The more open I am to the beauty of others, in their entirety, the more I learn about self-love. The more willing I am to understand how, when, and where I tend to overlook red flags in relationships, the more I come to understand about my own wounds, needs, and tendencies.
The way I show up in relationships with others, says so much about how I also show up for myself. If I don’t want to witness it in you, chances are I don’t want to own the same in myself. When I am fixated on what others are or are not doing, chances are I am afraid of the ways in which I may also be participating in a version of the same.
As I heal, I understand how to be a better partner to the rest of my life.
With this New Moon I am reminded that while love is the most healing medicine known to me, it doesn’t serve unless it’s matched with discernment.
When I see-saw between being overly critical to overly gullible, I am not doing any of my relationships justice.
I’m learning about balanced approaches to being in partnerships so that I don’t have to spend my energy swinging from euphoria to disappointment. Instead, I’m working on coming from a place of acknowledgement and awareness.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Libra & Libra Rising
I leave space to dream. In my work life, I know that my imagination is a tool I can’t work without. In regards to the chores of my life, I know that their meditative quality is something I can focus on while I work. In terms of my health and well-being, visualizing vibrancy never hurts.
Sometimes my fantasy life is just the kind of short-cut I need to attune myself to the truth.
With this New Moon I remember that creative energy exists in all aspects of my life. Sometimes doing the dishes is a gateway to the best idea I’ve had in months. Stirring the soup pot can be a portal to my next download from the Universe. Color coding my art supplies can bring endless joy on every level. Whatever helps me attune more deeply to my body’s needs, and what it resonates with, is prioritized now.
I’m not trying to push a specific state of being upon my body, but rather, I am using this moment to encourage a conversation with it. I know that to listen to the wisdom my physical system contains means that I quite often need to turn the volume down on the rest of the world. As I hush the static, I open the channels of communication with my interior experience, dialoguing daily with it so that I can give it the vibrations, textures, tones, and frequencies it needs.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Pursuing pleasure is not an escape route, rather it is a way of working that helps me put life’s harsher moments, truths, and tendencies in perspective. When I know that life’s suffering is not the only thing to focus on, I am more likely to hold more than one truth at once.
This world and my well-being both hold multitudes.
Taking note of the beauty that exists, the sensual needs I want to meet, and the aesthetic dreams I have for myself and life, is part of how I practice my own caretaking.
There is nothing frivolous about art-making, but there is a great danger in negating its power and my need for it.
With this New Moon, I honor the artists, creative practices, and pursuits that remind me how to reshape my life into an accurate reflection of my truth. I know that art is essential to our collective well-being, progress, and development. In a world that chooses to defund, belittle, and diminish what is life-affirming, it’s imperative that I follow my own creative instincts.
I am invested in a world that has as many representations of the human condition as is honest, as many monuments to the creative spirit as we can, and as many sanctuaries for the soul as possible.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I welcome all invitations to heal from my past. I know that this work is layered and nuanced, deep and subtle. I know that when given the opportunity to live out my purpose, I am doing so not only on my own behalf, but on behalf of all those in my lineage that couldn’t, didn’t, or wouldn’t. My life is my own, but the ripple effect of my actions extend throughout time.
Backwards and forwards.
With this New Moon I reset my commitment to building a base for myself. I know that clearing out the cobwebs of my inner and outer spaces is a top priority. Though I come with a mixture of baggage, heirlooms, and inheritances of mixed blessings, I am also allowed to clear the slate and reset my relationship with myself at this moment. My life is a testament to all that came before me, and it is my own to create as I need to.
First and foremost, my life is mine to care for.
My work is to create a life that prioritizes the beauty of connection. I know that to do so means coming into relationship, slowly but surely, to all aspects of myself. I don’t have to rush into all the corridors of my past at once. Over time, with great care, and in consideration for the impact of doing so, I retrieve all aspects of self that got lost to the events that were out of my control and beyond my understanding. With this New Moon, I do a little of that work and know it is enough for now.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
With this New Moon I remember that my days belong to me. A million alarms will ring, will try to dominate my attention, but my capacity to reclaim my energy from the bullies of bells and whistles makes all the difference.
Machines don’t own me.
I practice the fine art of meditating in motion. I don’t need to be on a retreat to find my breath, feel my body, and pull focus on what is here and now. This moment is mine to make friends with.
I take a deep inhale.
I exhale with ease.
With this New Moon I fill my senses with what inspires a little more of my imagination and with the things that quell some of my fears.
The more art in my life, the more I am able to contextualize what it is that I am experiencing. The more artwork in my days, the more aware I am of the artist within.
No matter who says it’s impractical, esthetically pleasing myself is a priority.
When my plans turn to mush, I take a break. I know that trying to plow through slush just has me spinning my wheels. I waste less energy when I go with the flow. I have enough faith in the timing of things to wait it out when the roads get flooded or the GPS loses signal altogether. Besides, tuning in is always a solid choice.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
With this New Moon, I renew my relationship to my resources. I know that investing time into developing my talents is a top priority, but so too is protecting them.
I willingly get messy in many situations. Numbers, checks and balances are not among them.
When I don’t feel up to doing the math, I make a point of waiting it out. The calculator isn’t going anywhere. When it comes to financial matters, if the numbers don’t add up I pause. Magic is real, but denying my responsibilities and thinking everything will work out magically isn’t helpful when my livelihood is at stake.
With this New Moon it’s more than likely that I’ll stumble upon a few new lessons about how to invest in beauty and how to avoid buying not-so-magic beans.
I can be in awe of how these lessons appear instead of being in resentment about having to learn them. I can work with this moment to develop a deeper appreciation for the creative ways in which I have learned to support myself, and I can use this moment to remember my talents are mine to nourish, nurture, beckon forth and be a caregiver to.
I wasn’t meant to stick to just one way of making a living. I am a multi-dimensional being with many tricks up my sleeve. With this New moon I refuse to downplay, forget, or forgo that asset
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
With this New Moon I renew my commitment to being tender with myself. My softness is a strength that I am learning to lean into. Compassion is a power that I don’t deny, even if the world around me does.
But the only way to bring love into the world sustainably is to begin with myself.
When things fall apart, I offer myself a steady supply of kindness. I know that when I am hard on myself, I am mirroring something someone did to me along the way, but I am also missing the point.
I am here to interrupt cycles of harm.
If I am looking for someone to blame every time something goes wrong, that is all too human of me, but it most likely means I feel like punishment is part of the solution. I make seeking other options a part of my practice. To release myself from the confines of binaries, I take note of all the ways in which I become too rigid within.
Embracing the messiness of life is necessary, negating my responsibility to it is something else entirely: being flexible isn’t antithetical to accountability.
Holding the tension between what is and what needs to happen next is where my mutability comes in handy. My imagination depends on this attribute, my ability to envision solutions relies on it, and my willingness to picture possibilities stems from my talent for moving beyond what the world says is possible and into the vast fields that creativity calls home.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get your New Moon in Pisces reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions. Android users, please click here.