Monday, June 22
Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus in Aries
When major players line up like this we want to be able to capture the energy. These two most definitely want to help us muster up the courage to do our thing. This aspect can help us refuse to be complacent in our lives any longer while at the same time granting us with the auspiciousness needed to accomplish great tasks. Look back and take note of what occurred in September 2014 that may have had you venturing into uncharted waters and begging you to be more willing to move with courage through seemingly impossible situations. That was the last time that Jupiter in Leo made a trine to Uranus in Aries. This trine is the completion of that one and there will not be another for quite some time. Therefore this can be the final kick in the pants you’ve been looking for. This can light the spark within you to inspire forward action. Breaking free just got a little easier.
Tuesday, June 23
Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (retrograde)
Ooof. The last time these two were majorly active (June 10th-12th) there was a shit-storm of controversy surrounding identity, deception, betrayal, truth, lies and alibis. I won’t say her name, but I will say that even though race is a construct (as in we are all part of one human race), black folks still can’t identify as white. So I’ll just leave that there.
This aspect can reveal all shades of deceptions. Don’t buy it if it’s broken. Don’t believe it when your gut says otherwise. Don’t be fooled by pretty packages, false claims of ownership or anything that you know is not true. If you’re confused, just wait for the day to pass.
Also, take off any rose-colored glasses. It will be hard enough to see straight without them.
Wednesday, June 24
Chiron in Pisces stations retrograde
This will be felt most acutely in the area of our chart that contains Pisces so take a look to see where that is in your chart. If you have any planets or points (ascendant, etc) from 20-22 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini this will be especially felt. Chiron is a master teacher that shows us how our greatest wound can become the gateway to revealing our greatest talents. When the planet changes directions it can tend to bring up the old wounds for review. It can also illustrate how we are now better apt to address those wounds.
Mars enters Cancer
Mars entering a new sign means that it will start to energize the part of your chart that contains Cancer. Your horoscopes are (mostly) written with this in mind but it’s always good to check it out for yourself. Mars in Cancer works in some weird ways. Crabs don’t love conflict. Martians do. The combo is a little confused and can make for lethal passive aggressive leanings. Spend time sorting out deeper emotions so they don’t get the best of any given situation.
Saturday 27 June 2015
Mercury in Gemini leaves its retrograde shadow phase
Go! Go ahead with your plans! Move forward with whatever wants to move through you. Soon Venus will retrograde (she’s already entered her shadow) and we’ll all be under a deep relationship review. Use this time, along with the energy of the recent solstice (June 21st) to catapult your causes forward.
Sun in Cancer square the Moon’s Nodes in Libra/Aries
The moon’s nodes are places where eclipses happen. Eclipses are turning points in our lives. Usually times packed with potent portals of cosmic creativity (that can sometimes feel like catastrophe).
We are half way in between the last set of eclipses and the next round of them. You might look to what came about in your life between March 20th and April 4th 2015 and look ahead to what you might be involved in from September 13th-28th. Today lands us in the center of these two great turning points. It might bring up old relationship dynamics that need healing. It might bring up your own need for independence. It might bring a deep appreciation for all that you have learned in these two realms and your need to balance both self and other.
Astrologically speaking, you are an antenna for brilliant, innovative inspirations this week. Catch what comes through you. Right now I wouldn’t pass off any idea as silly, stupid or without merit. Go with what is unconventional. Go with what stands out to you as the most exciting option. Go with what is a little terrifying but ultimately has the most potential to catapult you into a next level yes.
Getting caught up in what others think is fancy, what others think is fine or what others deem is worth your time is a sure way to waste your talent. Don’t lie to yourself about what you are capable of. You’ve got the universe in your bones. Act like it. You are wearing prolific pearls of unapologetic wisdom right now. You look good. Flaunt your fabulous.
Your ruling planet, Mars, has just entered your Fourth House of home, family and foundational work. Mars can act as an ally, helping us to break free from what we are too afraid to lose. Any part of your past that you need to separate from, anything you need the courage to face and any dragon you need help slaying, Mars is here and near to lend a hand. Do away with old strifes if you can’t still remember how they began or what they were about. And be careful not to cause new ones. Especially through passive aggressive power plays at home. Play clean. And play for keeps.
Redo your boudoir. Make it a temple. Make it smell sweet. Make it comfortable. Make it beautiful. Make it a monument to how far you’ve come and how far you’d like to go in regards to your ability to love in the face of being human.
Experiment with your space. What colors are in your abode and do they make you happy? Do you feel calm and centered when you gaze around your room? Is there anything big or small that you can bring into your space that will make you feel more connected to it? Bring flowers home. Bring love home. Love your home. Use your physical surroundings as an experimental space where you can try out different ways of experiencing your own vulnerability.
How can you open to your own longings, craving and needs without feeling swallowed up by your fear of them or your fears that they may never come to pass? Drop an anchor of faith that life will bring you the love that you need to get through whatever the future will bring.
There are some conversations that you’ll need to start having. Some conversations that are tender, that might pull on your heartstrings and tear at your tidier edges. It’s important that you tread the terrain lightly but that you don’t misrepresent yourself because you are afraid of hurting other people. Be sensitive, but also be strong. If your truth hurts someone, that’s real, but it’s not a reason to dishonor it.
You’ve got some good energy brewing in your house of coinage right now. The summer solstice and Mars are both infusing your Second House of income with vital concoctions of kick-ass. The dynamic duo should be jump-starting your appetite to seek out new and innovative ways to bring in the bucks. Search for new resources, both internally and externally, to draw from and you will find you’re rewarded. Let your talents be denounced and you’re likely to get moody-broody.
Truth takes top priority this week. Tend to your territory and be clear about your boundaries. You might find yourself having conversations that tease out a tremendous amount of complexity about identity and intention. Be transparent about who you are and what you want. Steer clear of denying what is right for you. Self-destruction is so un-cute.
Don’t lose sight of yourself.
You’re riding an interesting edge where you could be tempted to misrepresent yourself. It might be slight. It might be almost unnoticeable. It might be undetectable to everyone else but you. But you are the most important keeper of your fate and so, take whatever warning, take whatever heed you might need from the stories in the news or the stories in your life and remember that, to your own self, be true.
It’s go time, my cautious little crabs. With both the sun and Mars in your sign this moment is one you want to work with. But so is this year.
You see, each one of you will bear the mark of the warrior all year long. This is due to the fact that Mars will be in your solar return chart, a chart that is specific to this birthday-to-birthday-year for you. Having Mars with you motivates you to make things happen and impels you to make your mark on the world.
Also Mars gets a little funky feeling in Cancer.
Crabs scuttle sideways and Mars means to charge forward. Mars in Cancer can come off as a little (read a lot) passive aggressive. Try being a warrior when all you want to do is curl up at home and cuddle your cats.
But. We all have to find our way through the uncharted courses of our lives. We all have to sharpen our swords and lace up the boots of kick ass in our own special and unique way. How you do it is OK, it’s just that you have to do it this year. Shells be damned.
Mars in Cancer can also just stay home and fight with the family instead of getting out there and conquering. Don’t waste your efforts here or be a pain when you could redirect your efforts. You’ve got a lot to accomplish and right now you have an open financial channel that wants to reward you for all your sincere efforts.
Work at what you wish to accomplish in the world more. Cry about it less.
It’s a good week to be a fire sign. It’s a lovely time to be a Leo. It’s a divine time to be down with your desires and to open up to your possibilities. In short, the universe is on a megaphone yelling keep going.
So go.
Do your thing. But don’t float on the waves of charisma and charm. Don’t cash in on your good looks or waste all your time styling your mane. Worry about what’s on the inside. Be concerned about all the background work that needs to go into your projects. Be mindful about what you need to get in order for your bigger plans to be able to live themselves out.
Don’t charm your own pants off.
But do have a good time. Do give yourself time to open to inspiration. Do get inventive. Do let yourself create from a place of wild abandon and do not let yourself be dumbed down by trying or worrying about fitting in.
Keep aiming true. True north, true south, true east, true west. Whatever your direction get there on good credit and with your good reputation still intact. Don’t cut corners just because you won’t get caught. Cut out the lies or detect them so that you will feel free of debt and deceptiveness at the end.
The sun and Mars have just moved into a sphere of your chart that has to do with dreaming big and building allies across many borders. You might have to contend with some factions that aren’t necessarily friendly. You might have to come up against some bonds that aren’t exactly worth fighting for. You might start to shed some of the folks that you thought were down with the same agenda. It’s OK to go your separate ways, just go with the least amount of resentment possible.
But you also might find some new talent that you want on your team. Some players with the same dream as you. Some mates with the kind of ambition and careful consideration that you could see yourself playing ball with. Big plans begin in the dark and this is a week where some very important behind the scenes work can get accomplished.
You are meant to shine right now. The brilliant beams of the sun have entered your Tenth House of Total World Domination. OK, maybe that’s Mars talking. You see Mars is also activating your Tenth House of career (as it’s more traditionally known). This burning ball of ass-kicking rock brings power, activity and action to whatever part of our chart it charges through.
The teaming up of these two here is a sign that the time has come to gather your goods and get going on whatever career goals need some extra encouragement. You’re being asked to step it up and you aren’t alone in that endeavor.
There are still many ways in which unexpected help is trying to get to you. Through friends and friends of friends. Through colleagues and co-conspirators. Through angels in disguise and in plain sight. Don’t worry about the package, the posture or the preconceived notions that you have about the way assistance arrives (unless your intuition is telling you that the situation is too good to be true). Just be grateful and gracious in your acceptance of it. And be on the look out for it.
It’s time to refurbish your outlook on life. It’s time to see how an open road and a week off could change your whole deal. It’s time to take a trip but one that has the ability to make an impact on you.
The sun and Mars have both just entered your Ninth House of travel, explorations and philosophies. This part of our chart helps us see life through a broader lens that can help us come from a more complex context and therefore a more informed one. Both the sun and Mars are energizing forces in the chart. Having them both infuse your Ninth House right now bodes well for opportunities to get out and see something new that’s bound to influence you.
You’ve got a tremendous amount of grist in your mill. You’ve got a lot to chew on. You’ve got a lot to mull over, to consider and to clear up this summer as it pertains to your place in the world. As well as a whole barrel of beauty to express in all of your public affairs.
The relationships that you have built in this arena and relationships that you are currently developing become of chief importance to your development both personally and professionally. As you get deeper into the heart of the summer there’ll be more decisions to make, more growth opportunities that will demand your time, your attention and a sacrifice or two. But everything good does.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I highly recommend that you see how the resources of others can help your mission take off. Pairing, partnering and finding the perfect fit are essential to your growth at the moment.
I also recommend that you consider how you contribute to the success of others. None of us are in this alone. It’s important to understand your contributions even if your work has been historically invisible. Who we support and how we support them is still extremely valuable. Don’t let a dollar amount define your contribution. It’s easy to say but hard to remember when it comes to ourselves.
This week gives you access to a major lift in terms of your outlook and your ability to see beyond the everyday trappings of what might normally appear as “reality”. Keep letting your life’s circumstances inspire you to seek your truth. Keep letting your life’s circumstances lift you higher so that you might gain a more generous perspective. Keep letting your life lessons be less personal and more educational so that curiosity is the foundation of your thought process rather than shame, blame or guilt.
Getting too enmeshed in the ways that other people might find it important to lie, cheat, steal or perform great acts of deception is too derailing for you to deal with right now. Focus on your own truth and finding your way to it as an antidote.
It’s all about how you relate to others. It’s all about how you relate to what others say and do. It’s all about how you can bring yourself to acknowledge that it’s not personal. When folks get seized with the spirit of stupid it’s not about you. Step back and beware of getting too caught up in their commotion. Don’t take the bait or lose the plot.
Having said that, look to see how you can get in the game. Date. Mate. Make more love. Make less war. Make dates to connect with those that can help move your projects forward. Make dates to help others. Make an effort to show up for those that inspire you and those that you know you inspire. Make time for others and they’ll make a few doors open and a few donations to your cause.
These aren’t all financial either. There are many gifts growing in their strength and influence in a section of your chart that deals with difficulties and all kinds of mental maladies. But for you, this time has tremendous healing capacities. The way you think about what it is that you have historically feared has every reason to start spontaneously healing.
There comes a day when, like cocoons being left behind by the butterflies that emerge from them, we simply outgrow what has held us. I see this for you. In abundance.
Listen to your cheerleaders. Listen to the mothers that accept you as you are. Listen to those that will call you on your shit but that will also hold you to your greatness. Listen to what you love. Listen to what loves you back. Listen to the whispers and listen to the longings of your life yet lived.
What are you in relationship with that fills your ears with honest advice and your heart with real-time sweetness? Who are you in relationship with that fills your life with the same? Whose confidence in you can you borrow if you need it? Who’s love for you can you use as a substitute for the parts of yourself that you have yet to embrace?
The more connected to your own value you are, the less likely you are to fall for tricks and tempting tales of self-doubt and despair about your creative capacities (or any other capacities for that matter). You’ve got some renewed energy flooding into the part of your chart that helps you get the little things done so that the bigger things might have a fighting chance. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping the machine well-oiled and tuned for greatness.
This week the energizing forces of the sun and Mars enter your Fifth House of f-this I need to go have some fun. It’s the place in our chart that rules feeling free and frisky.
I whole heartedly encourage you to do so.
But I also encourage you to take advantage of the very fortunate situation that is brewing in your Sixth House of employment. Go get the job if you are applying. Go get the application if you have yet to. Ask around, see who’s hiring. Be extra willing to do good by your boss or those that you boss. This is a time to make some major magic happen in this area of your life. This is a time to believe that everything is unfolding as it should for you and, as long as you go ahead and put in the work that is yours to do, that you’ll be assisted by just the right people at just the right time.
Sometimes taking a break, having some down time, some play time, some hanky panky time is just the thing we need to help us be open to the luck that surrounds us. And it does surround you.