Monday 06 July 2015
Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn
An emotionally intense start to our week, the sun and Pluto partake in a power struggle of epic proportions. This will effect us all differently according to where it lands in your chart. Take a look to see what houses contain Cancer and Capricorn and you’ll get a feel for how this particular, personal tug-o-war is effecting you (there is much action happening in Cancer over the coming weeks so good to know what realm of life you will be dealing with).
Pluto asks us to delve into realms unknown and uncovered but the underworld is a difficult place to be for the sun who just wants to shine its brilliant light so life can be had. This opposition can help us to see the other side of a situation. Oppositions tend to pull us towards extremes so that we might learn how to achieve balance, perspective and equilibrium.
With the sun, Mars, and soon Mercury traveling through Cancer, the emotionally charged sign that initiates us into the realm of feeling there is sure to be intense sensitivity to whatever occurs this week.
Put another way, Cancer doesn’t fuck around. It gets to what is important. Pronto. How we feel about something determines what we do, what we think and how we react. It can be helpful on days such as these to remember that surrender is ultimately one of the most powerful positions to take.
Wednesday 08 July 2015
Mercury enters Cancer
Mercury finally leaves Gemini and the comfort of its home. Entering the emotionally resonant waters of Cancer and joining the sun and Mars, there is an added emphasis on how much we need to be emotionally intelligent. Pause often to consider the link between how you feel (threatened, safe, angry, joyous) and what you think.
Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
Align your actions with a higher purpose. Match your movements to your ideals. Imagine all the things you wish for your life, for your community and for your world. Spend time swimming. Spend time telling those that you love that you love them. Spend time with whatever brings you inspiration. Imagine and create images that infuse you with spiritual strength.
Saturday 11 July 2015
Mercury square Mean Node
We have had the sun and Mars move through this mid point in the past two weeks. Now Mercury takes a swing at squaring the eclipse points. All this activity might highlight a certain directional shift that your life is taking or you might feel pulled between possibilities, directions and decisions. But being mentally stretched isn’t a bad thing. Let yourself consider multiple positions and see where you end up.
The pull between career and family continues. Choices, concerns and concrete considerations need to be made but try to take any win/lose outlooks out of the equation. The month is jam-packed with lessons on tribe, home, security and what you do with all those little, squiggly feelings that arise from the base of your belly every now and then. Then is now and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to deal with your emotional well-being throughout the first couple of weeks of July.
Don’t let extreme emotions float around unchecked. Stagnant waters are hosts to some pretty hostile bacteria. Wash your feelings out regularly with deep cleaning cleansers. Keep that shit free-flowing; pent up is potential poison. Keep a journal of all the “irrational” eruptions that get set off in you. Let rants and realizations find their ways to your pages, they might lead you to healing realizations.
Keep some time on Wednesday to free-style. Let your creations take center stage and use whatever modality fits the moment to express your deepest (even if confusing) feelings. Do the things that inspire you, reenergize you and leave you in awe of life. If that turns out to be a nap, that would be totally understandable.
Last week was a spectacular event involving your ruling planet, Venus, who teamed up with the Grand Dame of Decadence, Jupiter. They lit the sky up and hopefully opened you up to the wonder, the wealth and the well-being in your life, leaving you feeling more connected to your home, your tribe or your place in the world.
If you have been able to cultivate the growth of good things on an internal level with last week’s Venus/Jupiter conjunction, then any conflict that may arise this week, especially conversational conflicts concerning ideological power struggles, can be deflated by remembering that your power is not defined by anyone else’s idea of you.
Step back from situations that steam you up and have you digging your heels in too deeply. Instead, use any struggle you encounter to help you understand some more hidden, complex facet of your ego’s propensity to defend itself against experiences that have the potential to awaken you to more love and more understanding.
Much of the focus is moving towards the area of your chart that is concerned with how you make the money that you make. Wednesday has a way of infusing your plans with imaginative solutions and creative corrections. Take note of what inspires you and what actions you might need to take to move in ways that facilitate your dreams coming to fruition.
This past week you have had an incredible opening in the area of your chart that has to do with communication and all of the daily activities that help your days play out in positive ways. I am quite certain that there was an inspiration or two about how you could better utilize your talents and smarts to open up a new chapter of your business or a new skill set for your clients. Please harness those possibilities and put the best of the bunch into action.
Alchemize. Turn your deeper, more difficult, more “ugly” cries into opportunities for energetic clearings. Tears are just stored emotion being released in liquid form. Every good cry is the result of being a good cauldron for your own healing.
Let it rain.
Transform. Get interested in the process of shape-shifting to outsmart your inner and outer dictators and any of your demons’ desires for non-consensual domination. Try not to hide in safe enclaves. Reveal the power of being emotionally honest to all those who try to be otherwise.
Compost. Don’t leave your garbage strewn about. Take all your waste and place it in a container so it doesn’t stink up the joint.Turn that shit over and over and over again. Then let it naturally turn into soil rich enough to grow the greatest of grains.
Create. There is a wonderful and rich channel of creative inspiration open to you now. Embrace it in all aspects of your life and let it infuse everything that you do.
A lot of behind the scenes work must be tended to now. Take all that magnificent magic that blessed you last week (thanks to Venus and Jupiter coming together in your sign) and let it heal some of your more challenging internal monologues.
This week might not be as pleasant as the last few, but you still have the protective power of both benefic planets on your side, so use them. Especially to protect against any internal destructive forces that might wish to erode the gains that you have made. Especially to heal the parts of yourself that find it difficult to accept good gifts as is.
It’s time to start making important plans for your year ahead. It’s time to begin or to witness the energetic clearing that comes right before your birthday. It’s time to take stock of what you have done and what you will do to help yourself feel loved, adored and cared for this year. It’s time to step up your self-care so that you enter your new year with unbridled energy and a fearless outlook that sees future possibilities.
You might find yourself in the role of negotiator this week. With so much energy in the part of your chart that governs friends, good fortune and all those that you find yourself surrounded by, it looks like you are being called upon to hold space so that others might be able to do some deep and cathartic healing. There may be patterns of emotionally complex conundrums that you will have to sort through. Take your time and your patience. You’ll need them both.
But you too have access to such transformative practices if you are willing to do the dirty work. And that might just be standing up to those that either don’t see you as a powerful force and/or the aspects of yourself that don’t see you as such. You have what it takes to get the job done and when you apply yourself, you do it so well. Come August you’ll be able to unleash a whole new level of your potential and the more consciously you enter that experience the better. Know your talents and your strengths and you’ll be better known for them.
Fear can arise in the funniest of forms but typically it will wear whatever disguise it needs to in order to find its way in and make itself comfortable. Mostly it occurs as deep feelings we don’t want to deal with. We’ll see or do anything but the the thing we fear.
There is a push and pull going on in your chart between your home life and your professional one, between your foundations and your outward creations, between your inner life and your outer one.
It’s that time of the year where you may be apt to focus heavily on your profession and there are creative elixirs on their way that you are wise to take advantage of. But it’s also important to tend to whatever is happening in your home or family life that you might be fearing. Generally, ignoring what we don’t wish to deal with ends up derailing our success in some way. But when addressed, it can become a wealth of power and a rocking resource to draw from.
Obsessing over how life is “supposed” to go doesn’t ever make us happy, yet we seem to be obsessed with doing so. Dogma doesn’t get us very far and yet we each have a rule or two that we rigidly cling to and it harms us in some way.
You’d be wise to spend some time this week witnessing the ways in which your rules might wreck it for you. “It” being your experience of life. “It” being how you enjoy what there is to find joy in. “It” being the fleeting moments that fly past us.
The cool thing about your astrology at the moment is that if you are willing to witness the demons that dog you, your angels are on stand by with plentiful resources to help you battle the beasts that burden.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
One of the keys to life is learning how to effectively collaborate. This week teaches you more than a few lessons about how you are using your resources and to what ends you are able to effectively share them with others.
You are a generous generator. You have a lot to give. You give great amounts of it. This is a beautiful quality that I hope the rest of us can cultivate.
I advise you to see if you might be giving what you should be keeping at the moment. It’s important to see the possibilities between you and others but also to remember that in order to feel like you have enough steam left in your tank, you’ve got to also make sure that you are prioritizing your dreams. You are the only one who can birth them into being.
Your relationships are a hotbed of hungry feelings. Feed both your needs and your partnerships something nourishing and substantive. You can’t last on relational candy right now. There may be an intimate connection or two that gets purged in the coming weeks. There may be a realization that you come to about what role you play, what role you feel pinned down in or what role others have been placed in that you have outgrown.
Let yourself bust out of the situations that cannot hold your entirety. When you honestly show up in your relationships what often happens is either they can’t hold their shape and naturally break away or the structure of the relationship itself is inspired to follow suit and metamorphisize accordingly.
You still have access to some tremendously inspired energy via the partnerships that help you to feel enhanced, enlivened and in love. Keep taking healthy doses of the medicine that these pairings are providing you and bring those good feelings and inspirations into your work life.
How can you best support all the little tedious, time consuming tasks that you must tend to in order to get your gifts going? What old feelings arise when you consider getting the considerable amount of work done that you must do? What old familial patterns get you tangled in webs of “I can’t” or “I shouldn’t” that you need to detangle yourself from? What family dynamic, tribal norm or insecurity can you compost to make the most of this potentially highly-productive period?
I have a suggestion that is profoundly fruitful: daydream. Daydream your way into working as you wish. Spend time, especially on Wednesday letting yourself wonder, imagine and envision yourself with possibilities wide open and the world conspiring with you. Sometimes, often times, the imagination holds very practical keys to worldly ways. Explore there when you get stuck.
Do it differently. Do it another way. If you are writing a book, stop the writing process for a moment and paint your next paragraph, sculpt your next chapter or dance your next piece of prose. Let yourself know your creation from more than just one angle. Let yourself experience your gifts by struggling joyously with a new modality. Compost any attitude that declares that you are “no good at this”. Answer back, “I know! Isn’t it great? I don’t have to be good. I just have to be present for the experience!”
There is so much learning that we don’t get to experience when we stick to what we know, what we are good at and what will garner the most approval. There are so many phenomenal mistakes that we must make in order to gain an understanding of what we are capable of creating. There are so many beautiful flaws woven into the fabric of our lives; little missteps that were right on time, hiccups that helped us find our way in the end and broken bits that rearranged themselves into mosaic masterpieces.