Wednesday, July 27th
Mercury in Leo trine Uranus in Aries both at 24 degrees
Friday, July 29th
Mercury in Leo square Mars in Scorpio both at 28 degrees
Uranus stations retrograde at 24 degrees of Aries
Saturday, July 30th
Mercury enters Virgo
Sunday, July 31st
Venus in Leo trines Uranus in Aries both at 24 degrees
Do not sit down. Do not pass go. Do not give up.
Orcs are arriving. Death Eaters are swirling above. Columbus is docking.
Everything is at stake.
We need every watt of everyone’s energy, creativity and consciousness thrown at this thing. The dragon has been poked. The poisons are being purged. A little bit of progress pulled all the illness to the surface. The oozing wound is inflamed and demanding more of what will keep it sick.
We must cast collective spells of wellness.
This is no time to opt out of showing up every day and doing everything we can to foster an environment where nuance, diversity and truth can flourish. This is no time to remain innocently ignorant. This is no time to get tripped up by the tricks of the past that are being replayed. This is no time to be offended. That’s what they want. That’s what they are aiming for. That’s how they’ll hook us. If given the chance, hate will bludgeon us with our own self-righteousness.
This is a time to rise above the rubble, to rise above the infantile rage and the archaic rhetoric. This is a time to be smarter, centered and appropriately sized in the face of so much inflated self-importance.
It’s the little things that will trip up the Giant.
It’s our humility and our willingness to work together that will tip the scales. It is our collective creativity that will weave the net that will trap the beast. We are on the brink. If we push too far we will break. We have to handle these moments with a fierce sensitivity. We have to nurture our secret societies so that our good magic can be made. We have to commit to our collective well-being like never before.
This week Mercury in Leo will trine Uranus in Aries before it ingress into Virgo. Mercury the messenger and Uranus the awakener will team up in fire signs to inform us of the innumerable ways in which we can reclaim our creativity to subvert the system. Venus will also follow this pattern at the end of the week, persuading us to reinvent our relationships to reveal their true power.
Connection will always accomplish more than division.
But the real fireworks that we need to keep our eye on happen on Friday, July 29th. It’s the day that Mercury in Leo will square Mars in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries will station retrograde.
Mercury square Mars tightens the tension on all we wish to communicate. Stay out of unnecessary battles. This is no time to spend our savings on short-term wins. We need long-term strategies.
Uranus stationing retrograde magnifies the meanings of Uranus. Upheaval. Breaks. Changes. Chaos.
Uranus and Mars have been big factors in July’s astrology. Trauma is the terrain of Uranus. Something comes at us that we didn’t foresee and breaks a pattern, breaks consistency, disrupts and derails. If Uranus has taught us anything while being in Aries (2011-now), it’s that the power of the individual to break from tradition is unlimited but chaos reigns when that individual rebellion isn’t linked to the well-being of the collective.
Mars has also been revealing much since the beginning of the year. It has been in its retrograde cycle since February and will be there until mid-August. Mars battles. Mars draws blood. Mars is the sword, the weapon and the metalsmith who makes them. Mars in Scorpio teaches us how much damage we can do, how much harm can be caused and how much psychological strength it takes to battle against our own demons in order to do what is right instead of doing what we want.
Both Scorpio and Aries are signs that Mars governs. The movements of these two planets are correlating with movements on the earth, movements that become increasingly more difficult to make sense of, process or know what to do about. It feels as though we have collectively lost our minds. The unending triggering of our personal and collective traumas leaves us depleted, numb, raging, restless and reeling. Only the deepest, most sincere care can cure this. The festering wound of our world has been exposed, we must address it as we can when we can.
There is no greater calling.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it (tagging isn’t enough) and link it to this post and website if possible. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
This week has the power to deepen your awareness of what gets your back up, what backs you into a corner and who has your back. Partnership agreements (both creative and romantic) get pushed to their limits so that you can see what you need to work on. Be extremely curious about any envy, hatred or fears disguised as self-righteous anger that springs up unannounced. Curiosity can save us from a great many fates, namely the fate of taking ourselves too seriously.
This week might unveil a few surprises for you. It might startle the horses that drive your chariot, sending you off in a new direction. It might manifest as an unforeseen shift in your self-awareness, self-image or self-understanding.
Whatever has been conspiring and transpiring to shift your identity or your relationship to it is happening for one reason and one reason only: to free you. Free you from whatever you think you need to be. Free you from whatever you think you cannot be. Free you from whatever gets in your way of becoming more of what you need to be.
Celebrate any ability you have been granted to make your own choices. Weigh them against the power of serving your responsibilities. Welcome in these shifts without allowing too many seams to come undone. We need change, but we need to work inside of heavy-duty cauldrons that can hold the kind of ruckus that comes with liberation.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
Nothing tests our ability to stay centered and true to ourselves like an issue that arises with a family member. Or an important partner. Or both. This week all these possibilities are on display for you to watch or engage with.
I’m going to encourage you to observe rather than become embroiled.
You might want stay away from all or nothing extremes in relationship dynamics. You might want to refrain from becoming or engaging with dictators. You might want to divest from what keeps you separated, isolated and feeling alone.
Chances are you are more connected to what you most want than you think.
When old feelings of lack arise, sit with them. Prove them wrong. Prove that you are willing to give yourself what is missing. Prove that you need nothing but the courage to counter ancient fears through constant and ever-present self-love. Prove to yourself that there is no merit in winning at systems that seek to destroy us. Better to use our energy creating new ways of coming together in the spirit of mutual support, respect and resilience.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
This week your ruling planet, Mercury, travels through some precarious terrain. This might leave you with a choice about how you want to or how you are able to use your energy at work. Which jobs are the most important to tend to? Break big jobs down into bite-sized portions so that you are able to get done what you can each day. Try your best not to get discouraged if your schedule gets momentarily derailed. Think big picture. Your daily efforts are what matter. Bear witness to your accomplishments, no matter how small, and it will help everything run more effectively.
Also notice what your body is telling you about what you need. Notice how you respond to the information. Notice what level of attention and care you give yourself as opposed to what you give everyone else.
Give yourself what you need. When you do, not only are you modeling self-care but you are also modeling what a revolution would look like.
Imagine a world where everyone was able to take care of their needs and make it a priority. Imagine it by embodying it. As you fill up on more of what you need, you’ll be able to be more present to the problem at hand. Your friends might need this kind of modeling from you right now. Issues that arise in your community need a different kind solution, a different kind of remedy than that which is so far a standard. Start by filling yourself up first and then seeing what you have to offer to the group or the friends that need some love or understanding.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
This week is both trying and telling in terms of the resources you have to work with and the body of work that you wish to create with them. This week sends you some ideas that can help you to unlock a long-standing code that traps your talent. Whatever you have been given is yours to use. The less you look for outside validation of it, the more energy you will have to use towards uncovering, refining and mastering it.
You may feel like there is something to defend about your right to create work that is meaningful to you. You might feel like you have to prove to yourself that your art is worth working on.
Your art is more than worth working on.
Find ways to provide for yourself that don’t kill your soul if need be, but never ever give up your gift.
This week could help you to break new ground in your career. Break your former records. Break the molds that made you. Change is what will keep you able to come back again and again to what feeds you.
Your finances could be a little more slender than you would like due to recent fun and frolicking. Try not to overspend where you don’t have to but instead of worrying try to focus on innovating what you have to work with.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
This week you’ll have to parse out what is an actual attack and what isn’t. This week’s astrology features some friction, some controversy, some possible hostility and some passionate responses. It also holds for you the possibility of creative solutions and breakthroughs.
This week walks a fine line. One that could bring about extreme outcomes. The problem is never how we feel about a situation; the problem arises when we unconsciously react to a situation because we don’t know how to hold our emotional response to it.
Choose to respond. Thoughtfully. Patiently. Purposefully. The world is in desperate need of adults who know how to stop and take stock of their emotional responses. Especially when the emotional responses resonate with our childhood struggles and stigmas.
There is help that comes your way this week though. Your astrology is sending you bright ideas and revolutionary new ways to relate to others, but it’s up to you to choose these paths instead of ones that could lead to more separation and divisiveness. You burn bright. Hot. You illuminate. Create. Folks look to you for a lift because of this. This week use your power to shine the light upon pathways of peace and mutual benefit. Even when it looks like there isn’t one, there is always a win-win option for us to choose.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
It’s OK to feel your way through this one. It’s OK to not know what to say. It’s OK to know what you want to say but to not be ready to say it. It’s OK if all of that is making you feel a little more vulnerable than usual.
You’ll know when the time is right to respond. You’ll know what to say. You’ll know how to say it. You can trust yourself that much. Because even when we say the “wrong” thing, even when we say the right thing the “wrong” way, we still have the irrefutable opportunity to learn something of great value about ourselves and the way in which we live in the world. We can always trust that life is eternally teaching us what we most need to learn.
This week has the potential to reveal something about yourself that you normally don’t get a glimpse of. It has the potential to reveal a hidden anger, resentment or resistance. It has the potential to reveal something about what you want to bring to the world but have a hard time believing that you can. Notice your doubts. Notice your struggles. Notice your longings and how you respond to them. We all have doubts. We all fear we can’t, shouldn’t or should have. The point is not to erase the part of ourselves that fears living life but to not let that part rule us.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
For the moment it’s enough just to listen. For the moment it’s enough just to learn what you can from being in relationship with others. For the moment it would be helpful to assume that any communication issues might be best dealt with by asking questions rather than assuming that what you heard is what was meant.
This week is an interesting one for you in terms of learning how to deal with the disruptions that come with being in partnerships. Every upset is an opportunity to learn about the true nature of connection. If those closest to you are going through their own revolutions, give them some space. Shells have to crack open in order to give way to growth. Breaks aren’t always a bad thing. Some fractures are fundamentally important for our unfolding.
Trust other people’s growth processes. Trust the breakthroughs that come for you when you do. Focus on liberating others from your limited view of them. Focus on liberating yourself from the narrow roles you have carved out for yourself in your relationships. Find the freedom to let your self be known and to let yourself truly know another.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
Everyone sees who we are. There is no way to hide it. We reveal what we mean all day, every day. There is no way to conceal what it is we want. Our intentions create tensions when we pretend that they aren’t ours. Most of us devise these elaborate plans so that folks will think that we are going left when really we are going right. We bend over backwards in order to be accepted, loved or revered. Most of us do this unconsciously. Repeatedly. Redundantly.
Until we have learned the art of caring more about what we think of ourselves than what others do. Until we remember that status is nothing but a disposable costume and popularity is far from meaningful. Until we make our experience more important than our accolades we are at the whim of our egos.
While your efforts, skill and attributes are being highlighted right now, this week puts you up against a challenge. There is something that might call you out, catch you off guard or catch you with your story not so straight. Respond to any conflict in your professional or public life as you would any other spiritual exercise.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This week offers you unique perspectives to consider. One of the main illnesses that runs rampant in the world right now is fear. Fear engenders a desire to find the quickest solution possible so that said fears can be quelled. In order to do that we often have to find a way to simplify and boil down a problem to a common denominator, a practice which generally leads to highly problematic courses of action.
Try to be as conscious as you can about when you are seeing the world or yourself through the lens of fear.
What the world needs now is long-range vision so it can work towards long-term solutions. The world needs it and so do we. This week might seem like it messes up some part of your big plan but take a second look to see if it isn’t just revealing something that you need to know in order to make your journey a success.
See around your fear. Refuse to be held back because of it.
Everything that occurs in our life can be seen as information that we need in order to make our journey a meaningful one. See the creative responses that you have to the information that makes itself known. Knowledge is power. The more you know the better. Even if it hurts. Even if it changes the landscape of your life.
Right now you need all the information that you can gather.
Ask what you are unable to see because of fear, ignorance or ego. Ask to see the higher road, the option with the most integrity and the route that is sure to keep you aligned with what is most important to you.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
Get beneath the anger to the fear. Get beneath the fear to the need that wasn’t met. Meet the need. See your needs as children that will act up when you forget to act right and take care of them. See your inner child and refuse to look away until that part of you feels seen. This week signals a shift or change on a core level. Let it be a shift in how you respond to your core, fundamental needs. Let that shift be one of radical self-love and a dedication to helping yourself find home.
Notice what energy you spend on your friends and what you feel you lose in the deal. Are you giving more than you are able to recoup? Do you feel spent in ways that leave you wondering how you will refill your tank? Are some folks in your circle unwilling to work out their own issues, leaving too much to work out yourself? Sometimes some relationships need a break in order to find their way. Sometimes some relationships need an honest ass-kicking in order to figure out if folks are really with you or just with what they can get from you.
It’s good to know who is with you and for what reason because despite this week’s possible upset, there is also a whole lot of understanding that could be happening in regards to whom you should be sharing your energy with and what could possibly come about as a result.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
What’s important to focus on is your ability to revolutionize your modes of communication, no matter what is being communicated to you or what information you need to relay. There could be a couple of stumbling blocks/opportunities to practice new ways of responding to the relationship dynamics that test your patience. There could be issues regarding your career choices and the relationships that those choices will effect. There could be relationships that require extra attention this week.
Instead of getting caught up in what drama decides to land at your door, get interested in responding to folks in ways that leave you feeling free to be yourself. Take the risk to reveal yourself but do so in ways that leave you feeling like you have unconditionally embraced yourself rather than left yourself an open target for others to practice on.
This week’s winds blow with some contention and competition. Let your competitiveness re-awaken your need to make your mark on the world. Let any contention be turned into fuel for your projects. Sometimes there is nothing to do with negative energy but use it as a spring board to push off from.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.
This is the perfect week to rely heavily on the spiritual practices that help keep you feeling emotionally and physically centered. Go to class. Sit on the cushion. Read the book. Roll out your mat. Recite your affirmations. Listen to the guided meditation. Fill up on what helps you to deal with your core, relationship issues. Lean on the practices that give you the experience of feeling well, centered and solid in yourself.
There may be conversations that you have this week that throw you for a philosophical loop. Rejoice in what gives you pause. Some disagreements are meant to help us listen to the opposition without needing to win the war. See what you can learn about staying with yourself when listening to those that see the world through their fear and unhealed trauma.
Goddess forbid we (think we) have all the answers or know all the questions. Feel gratitude for what gets you to think more deeply about what you mean and how you can better express it. See if you can feel gratitude for the situations that require you to humble yourself and remember what really matters. See if you can feel less threatened and more curious about possible solutions. Unexpected revelations could come about, especially in regards to your investments and the ways in which you are working. The more open you are to seeing what is possible in every area of your life, the more you’ll be able to utilize any unexpected opportunities, especially as they relate to your work.
Join me for this month’s lunation cycle guide, Committing to Your Self: New Moon in Leo and the Astrology from August 2nd-31st in which I’ll offer a personalized guide for each sign, an overview of the best and hardest days to work with, and ritual, reflection and altar recommendations.