Wednesday, August 19th
Venus (retrograde) in Leo trine Uranus in Aries
This is an exciting, stimulating and possibly helpful aspect that may encourage you to go beyond your comfort zone in your creative projects and romantic affairs. It could bring in new relationships or bring someone back into your life that you are now ready to connect with.
If you have been riding the Venus retrograde wave with me or on your own, you might find that today brings a breakthrough in any intimacy issues you are working on or any topics relating to connecting. Healing usually comes via a new insight into an old wound. Seeing what usually pains us from another perspective can sometimes free us of it altogether. #GetFree
Thursday, August 20th
Mercury in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces
A great day to do some writing on the purpose of pain, the mysterious ways in which you experience healing and what you find to be the thing that helps you reroute your mind from unnecessary suffering to inspiring solutions.
Friday, August 21st
Sun in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio
A day of consequence, stalling, seemingly insurmountable tasks, contemplation and cultivating skills that encourage wisdom over immediate gratification. If things feel stuck today, be with it. Everything will move again most likely by Sunday.
Many planets have squared Saturn recently while in Leo. This is the last of it. There may be a finality to this day, a wrap up or a definitive answer that arises because of that. Definition is clarity. Don’t be afraid of the organic form taking shape.
Sunday, August 23rd
Sun enters Virgo
This begins a new shift in focus as Jupiter and now the sun have both moved into Virgo. Virgo is a sign famous for its desire to purify, cleanse, correct, tend to detail, be specific and be good at whatever it does.
New opportunities will be activated by the sun and Jupiter. The area of your life in which they occur will depend on where Virgo falls in your chart.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
It’s time to put your creative energy to use. It’s time to see what you are capable of bringing into form. It’s time to take all of that joyful, enthusiastic, opportunity that you have been experiencing or cultivating and make something real out of it, something tangible, something that you can use.
Werk it.
The details. The decisions. The costs you need to pay in order to bring the thing into being. The invoice is in. The bills need to be paid now. You can’t keep going around running your mouth about potential projects. It’s time to show up as a grown up and show us what you are made of.
The ways in which your daily work rituals work for you will become obvious as will the ways in which they do not. If you are expanding this part of your life, do so thoughtfully, meticulously and with great consideration. Who is the best person for the job? What job are you best suited for? What is your job and what is not your job? Get clear. Don’t get lost in details that aren’t yours to sift through. Don’t elevate nit-picky concerns about what others aren’t doing. Just do the best job that you can and let others follow suit or find work elsewhere.
This is the beginning of a year-long expansion of your work life. Uphold the parts of it that you want to be placed under the magnifying glass. Extricate yourself from the parts that you don’t want to be exaggerated.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Notice the ways in which you are willing to thoughtfully expand into a new understanding of love, loving and being loved. And adored. And sexy. And desirable. And in a love-affair with those qualities in yourself. And possibly in an actual love affair.
But not a reckless, throw-caution-to-the-wind kind of one. This is a well constructed, thought out, look before you leap kind of situation.
Because you know better by now.
You’ve just spent an entire year allowing your basic, and I mean rock-bottom basic, needs to come to your awareness. Don’t give them up now. This is when knowing them really counts. This is when you need to keep them in your minds eye. This is when you can make all that digging, all that reconstructing and all the revealing of those core-issues be for something.
Stand for something.
Like your needs. Like your bottom line. Like your foundation. Don’t let anyone or anything in that you know isn’t able to respect your space. Not because they are bad, wrong or otherwise but because they aren’t house trained and if you know that and let them in, don’t expect anything but a mess that you are left to clean up. This gist is extended to family members and housemates.
The moment we are disappointed in someone or because of them we have to immediately wonder how we may have been pretending that they were someone else or capable of being someone or something that they are not.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
It’s not that you are finished with all the busy-busy, but you may be feeling ever more pulled towards the comforts of home than the excitement of the streets. Or at the very least pulled towards spending time with those that help you feel like you are amongst family.
Knowing what we are connected to, whom we have history with and what makes us feel safe can help us face the difficulties that we deal with out there. You might come up against a situation, have a conversation or be privy to information that causes you to reconsider your stance on how you are going about something or how you feel about someone. Say what you can back up. Get the facts. Find the flaws in your own argument. Iron it out before you present it. Communicate what you need to and give the details a rest if you are pressed for an answer.
This might arise on an internal level as well. Mental poisons and ideas that spread an identity disease should be challenged and this week may give you such generous gifts.
Remember that whatever you come up against this week, the medicine or the cure for it is at home. Take care of that space and it will love you back and shelter you from any storms.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Which one of your ideas will you expand upon? You mind is full of innovative ideas and creative concoctions about all the fascinating details it would like to dish out. The information that you have been gathering, cultivating and creating is getting ready to be given out.
What is plausible? What will push you over the edge? What can you juggle? Which way to grow? A book? A show? A manual? A proposal? A teaching gig? A website? What is the most conscientious way to go about this?
Pause. Take a mini-break. Take a breath. Take a bath. Take stock. Take your wallet and put it away for a moment. Before you started gaining speed with your work, what did you hope for? When things felt like they would never work out, what did you wish for? If you still feel like that then what does your fantasy day consist of? Your everyday, your Monday/Tuesday/Which-ever-day? Which of your options will bring you closer to that optimal 24-hour experience? If you could influence your profession through your ideas in any way, what would you want to say or put out to your colleagues and clients and in which ways would you like to steer the conversation?
May whichever topics you choose to expound upon also be the ones that heal you. Excitement only lasts for so long if what we are working on doesn’t have a deeper significance or hold a personal meaning.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
It’s the summer that just won’t quit. You’ll most likely look back on this time and see the changes that you made not only in regards to how you view yourself but in regards to how you are viewed.
This week pushes you up against a core situation, something with your family, something with those you live with, something as it relates to your foundations, your beginnings and/or your parents. This isn’t a new theme for your summer, but it’s a very potent part of the story that is unwinding here.
It’s also the last chapter in the story.
You are finishing up a monumental shift in your identity and this week might feel like a temporary set back, but if it does know that it’s actually just a momentary bout of fatigue as you cross the finish line. After Saturday you are lighter and less compressed than you have been in recent weeks. A lot of the pressure lifts and you might even realize that the only person that you really need to impress at this point, and really at any point, is, always has been and always will be yourself.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
As the year unfolds you will come to realize that more than one spotlight is upon you. Your birthday is just the beginning, like the dawning of a new age. You’ve got big boots to fill. You’ve got big help on your side. You’ve got eclipses in your sign and Jupiter by your side. This is no time to be splitting hairs. Eat your Wheaties and roll up your sleeves. This is going to take every bit of your strength and all of your smarts. It’s high time to highlight your skills and strut your stuff in your famous self-deprecating Virgo style.
There is an increase in your life and all that you experience. It’s an increase of epic proportions. It won’t excel all at once. The strides that you take will become wider, quicker and more sure-footed as your birthday year unfolds. You won’t always want to move at such a pace. It’s harder to obsess over details when you do. You won’t be ready for all that is thrown your way or all you are thrown into, but that is the point.
What you have known yourself to be up until now is all well and good. It still remains true. But it’s now ready to be brought out, magnified, examined, strengthened and put on display. And you have absolutely zero control over how, when and where this will occur. The only thing that you do have control over is recognizing and saying yes to the best opportunities that come your way.
Hint: they will be the ones that scare the pants off you.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Listen to people when they tell you who they are. Listen to them and then believe them. Listen to them, believe them and then remember it. Listen to them, believe them, remember it and then act accordingly.
Giving people the space to grow and heal and change and become their best selves is a beautiful way to live, but so is seeing where they are now. You can see where they are now while seeing them grown into their potential.
Use both sides of your scale.
This week could make clear the situation that you have been sorting out, working on or wanting answers from regarding a friend, ally, confidant or a working relationship. If this is a topic that you have been tending then this week could give you the deciding factors that you’ve needed.
This week could also help make clear the choices that you need to make in terms of a future direction or vision that you are working towards. What you would like to be doing, where you would like to be headed and who you would like to be with once you get there all needs to be chosen, picked and given precedence.
And then you get to spend the next working on your get away plan. Secret and undercover operations will take up the better part of your next year, but especially your next month. Do them with pleasure and tend to them with the kind of faith you reserve for great heroines to get the job done.
You’ve got this.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
What you’ve done, who you’ve become, and what you are known for stands on its own. Reputations are like that, and while it’s simply none of your business what other people think of you, it’s high time you consider your considerable efforts and how hard you have worked. It’s high time you stop waiting around for others to do so. I am sure that you have received your fair share of praise in the past year, but at this point if you aren’t impressing yourself, what’s the point?
Self-acceptance can’t be given to us. Self-acceptance can’t be forced. Self-acceptance can’t be contrived. At a certain point we are just too tired, and perhaps too busy to keep worrying about whether or not we are good enough for life and we just start living it. As we are. As we were meant to be.
All of a sudden (but not at all) we start to fit in. Not into other people’s version or vision of us but into our own skin. We start to fit into our lives. We start to fit into our work. We start to fit into the shape of things and we realize that the things that are ours start to shape themselves around us. We stop clinging so tightly to what comes and what leaves and we start showing up for what is and who is in front of us, beside us and willing to be with us through it all.
As your focus starts to shift more towards who you can build with, who you can grow with and who you can see in your future, look for what feels like a natural fit that you can keep growing into, and even beyond.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Our travels are supposed to bring us into and through the shadow lands. The mind likes to think that going far away physically will create emotional or psychological space, but eventually all roads lead back to us.
Wherever you go, there you are. What we find out there is only as good as what we experience in here.
This week do the things out in the world that will help to bring you deeper into your center. Notice what you bump into that helps bring you back to yourself. What if getting away was about getting to know your self better?
While your role in the world demands that you show up in larger capacity than you have in a very long while, you are also finishing up a two plus year stint of unprecedented soul searching. The truth is fraught with nuances. When we neglect to see them situations can appear simple, stark and even cruel.
Don’t fear the facts that shape what you have faith in. Have faith in your ability to choose intelligent philosophical systems that give voice to the complex and paradoxical realities you are experiencing. Because there may be many. Most of us are experiencing multiple realities at any given time. Our identities clash, overlap and intersect with our environment in multiple ways and all at once. You can stand in all of it. You are that broad.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
While this week offers you the possibility for innovation, excitement and surges of creative power into a project that pertains to your career, there is also some barrier or boundary that you come up against as it relates to how you share your fortune or how others share theirs with you.
Sometimes it’s really good when a line is drawn. Then you can decide if you are going to stay inside it or color as you wish, lines be damned.
This won’t be a long drawn out issue. There is plenty that is going to start opening up for you, plenty to make you reconsider what you have known to be true, plenty to get you to travel out into the world but for a specific reason, with a plan and with careful consideration.
Map out the terrain you wish to cover and then leave room for surprise. This is your time to be the best Girl Scout that ever was. Totally prepared and up for the adventure.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
While you are weighing the options and seeing which partnerships, mergers, loans and donations would best suit your business or career dreams, this week holds an important lesson regarding your boundaries and the barriers that you need to be cognizant of in your intimate relationships and business partnerships.
Merging your resources with another, joining forces and getting married to a situation is an important step in your maturity. We all need to commit to something in order to see what is available via any given partnership. However, commitments need to be made to the correct (for us) partners in order for the coupling to be successful. You may be in the final stages of seeing which ones are and are not. This week acts like a clarifying solution. It may come with a couple of scenarios that seem to stall your progress but that ultimately make it easier for you to move ahead with what actually works.
It’s important to keep this in the foreground because, as the opportunities to work with others start to pile up and become more enticing, you’ll need to remember what your top priorities are so that you can choose swiftly and wisely.
Your partners may also have a bit of a tough time this week, be gentle with them. They are up against their own angels and demons and may have to struggle to remember which one you are.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.
Your mission for the year, if you choose to accept it, is to expand your sense of self in your relationships.
We are all impeded by heart scars. We are all arrested by our developmental delays. We are all trying to hide from what might cause us future pain. We are all frightened by the possibility of having our hopes shattered and we all feel helpless in the face of our capacity to love someone. Because it is massive.
They might leave us. They might fall ill. They might not come home one evening. They might change their minds. They might do all of this and worse but that is none of your business. Not at this moment. At this moment all you have to do is be open to being opened by the act of loving, trusting and accepting the gifts from all of the new relationship opportunities that appear before you.
Your world is opening, but it is through others. Your career possibilities are expanding, but through those you meet and begin to join forces with. Your sense of self and the possibilities that are before you are becoming evident and will continue to all year long via your ability to be willing to work through relationship issues and work on healing what might separate you from healthy bonds and mutually beneficial collaborations.
Join me for Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Guide to the New Moon in Leo and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from August 14th-September 12th. We’ll explore how each sign can best use the energy of this new moon, we’ll do an in-depth summary of the auspicious days in this cycle as well as those that could be potentially problematic, and we’ll do a new moon in leo ritual that aligns with the significations and energies of this new moon. For those of you who have purchased the Venus Retrograde Summer Guide (tickets still available), while there is a little overlap between that guide and this new moon call, there will also be different information focused specifically on the astrology of this next lunar cycle.