Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
You get by with a little help from your friends this week. Gifts of sweetness and support will flow more freely and foster connections as they do.
You can thank Venus for this.
Helping you to feel both your fire and the pleasure of a slow burn, Venus’ trip through Aries warms others to you. Similar to last week, this one reveals the importance of your efforts to commit to your future goals, hopes and dreams.
What you’ve recently had to give up is shrinking in comparison to what you are gaining.
The more you focus on the architecture that strengthens your connections over years, decades and lifetimes, the more abundance makes itself known through your friendships, networks and communities.
If something gets messy this week, it will have to do with your calendar, scheduling system, or email exchanges. Slow down when things get confusing, floppy, or hard to figure out.
Doing so will help you fix a structural flaw that impacts your daily routines and exchanges—a glitch that could resurface with a vengeance in the next couple of months if not addressed to the best of your ability now. A little extra covering now can bypass a proverbial fly in the ointment later.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
It’s the little things that make all the difference right now: a layer of stress sloughs off, a torch of self-love gets lit, an ounce of encouragement tips you into feeling confident.
Behind the scenes fine-tuning sorts you out and sets you straight, as do the people that have backstage passes to your show.
Those that know how to read your mood are of great comfort to you. Behind every great success is a group of friends, accomplices, and partners. Whoever supports you from the inside out is a shining example of which relationships you should invest more into.
The other way the latest astrology works for you is that your career goals and vocational aspirations are uplifted by fans that are more subtle in their approach. Secret admirers abound and bless your projects with a good word at just the right time.
Sometimes successes happen in secret.
The things to watch out for this week occur in the realm of your material world. Financial matters might get mucky come Friday. If that is the case, pause until numbers, details and data become clear. This moment passes quickly, but the issue may resurface in June or otherwise relate to that time period.
The point is this: get clear about your bottom line now so that down the road you aren’t caught off guard or in a situation you didn’t bank on.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Most of the week brings blessings through getting in touch with kindred spirits and taking part in group projects. Building with others that hold the same philosophies as you fortifies your spirit and helps you think ahead.
You can’t live in the future, but glimpses of it can spur you on.
Conversations with your colleagues and comrades bring a healing balm. Making yourself available for chit-chat opens up deep dialogues about the nature of healing and the pathways towards it. You may even find that you are filling out the role of teacher, healer, or mentor for others—go forth with that exploration.
Your exchanges are a lifeline right now. Awakenings happen in the most surprising of circumstances; all you really have to do is show up.
If there is a difficulty this week, it’s to be experienced while you’re already in motion. If your direction gets challenged, call a friend. If you feel a little foggy or soggy come Friday, slow down. If you want to call it quits, remember that this feeling is temporary, and a timeout might be just what the doctor ordered.
If this moment is tied to a bigger theme of self-realization, note what parts of your persona seem to be dissolving, what aspects of the self are wanting to soften, and what new porousness is getting pronounced.
You might be feeling momentarily strange, but if you can let your guard down, you’ll notice all the ways you are learning to connect.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
This week teaches you that the more you relax the more you succeed. Blessings have a hard time landing when we are too tightly wound to receive them. Good things stick around when we’re able to entertain them.
As you prepare for April’s New Moon, lay the groundwork with gratitude.
The next rebirth is foreshadowed by helpful hints and supportive moments that remind you to be a good partner to your public life. Asking you to recommit to yourself within the context of your career or vocation, this New Moon reminds you that your truest calling is to be unapologetically you.
Being radically honest about what it is you are willing to give and what it is you are committed to keeping for yourself helps you define your own success.
What the world craves, and looks to you for more of now, is the truth about healing. You’re being placed in the spotlight for a reason, the mic has been passed to you on purpose. Your messages don’t have to be perfect, just genuine.
Tell tales about the guide posts that have been helpful for you, the people that have been your support system, and the salves that have assisted your healing process when the opportunity arises. The storytelling you take part in now gives others permission to weave their own tales of wonder.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Leo & Leo Rising
The bursts of energy this week reinforce how good it feels to be on the move. Freedom is one of your biggest sources of inspiration. Although you’ve been working on showing up for your commitments, seeking out new adventure is currently feeding your flame.
Life is all the more alluring when your focus is on the horizon.
Feeling like you have room to roam, intellectually, spiritually, and otherwise, is what’s currently healing you. But this is not just a physical pursuit.
April’s New Moon wants you to seek out the teachers that move you into new realms of understanding and new chambers of the heart. Attune yourself to the ways you are also learning to mentor. In the process, honor the wisdom you’ve accumulated from the people that passed it to you.
If the week brings a challenge, it’s that you aren’t exactly sure what to make of a collective project or process. There’s something mysterious, confusing, or otherwise obfuscated in the group chat. Try to go slowly when parsing out what a friend or team is asking for. You’re likely to circle back to this issue come June. The more you’re able to tease the central concerns out now, the clearer the second round will be.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
The gifts brought to you now aren’t arbitrary. This week is sprinkled with offerings from others because of how you’ve shown up in the world, shown up for your collaborators, and shown how consistent you are in your exchanges.
Instead of questioning what you’re receiving, get curious about any doubt that arrives along with it.
Since December you’ve been cleaning up the corners of your life that have needed better systems. Structure facilitates a greater sense of vitality, optimism, and opportunity for you—knowing that you can rely on your checklists allows you to relax in your exchanges.
Come Friday, however, some aspect of your calling gets tested.
You might find that the things that go awry in your workplace, in regards to your career, or in a public setting, feel larger than the event itself. If this is so, unpack why the disconnect is occurring and what isn’t working.
If solutions feel out of reach, that’s because they aren’t fully available at the moment. Instead of searching for the answer, release your expectation of getting everything right. In doing so you’ll be more present and more attuned to what the lesson is trying to teach you, and if necessary, how to course-correct.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Libra & Libra Rising
Committing to self-development within your partnerships requires continual investigation of your personal nooks and crannies. Boredom is a myth when the well-being of everyone involved is centered.
Care takes a tremendous amount of risk.
It’s thrilling to be in the process of true companionship—not because others give us what we want, but because they supply us with what we need to witness, and ultimately heal, within ourselves.
April’s New Moon encourages you to dedicate yourself to the partnerships that bring you into a deeper alignment with your life and calling.
Because of the ways you’ve learned to show up for your creative process, because of the ways you’ve been able to give it a home, a stage, and a place to flourish, you are all the more equipped to be an ally to yourself and other people. The growth you’ve done in this area nourishes all parts of your life.
If this week brings issues, they will concern a long-term strategy or plan. If the pieces don’t add up at the moment, be careful not to force action. More will be revealed, especially come June.
Heed the redflags on your course now, and chances are you’ll be better situated a couple months from now. Big changes are afoot in regards to your long-term plans, but don’t put the cart before the horse.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Work begets better situations for you this week. Bonuses, recognition, and well-praised efforts bolster your sense of self. It’s not that you need the praise, but it is affirming.
Take this moment to relax into your expertise. Put your trust into the systems you’ve worked so hard to install. Any little bit of calm that you can soak up will recalibrate you in ways that you can’t even account for.
Make your well-being a top priority.
April’s New Moon asks you to renew your vows to your health. The needs that are finally making themselves known to you are doing so for a reason. It may feel inconvenient to listen to them, adjust to them, move slowly or speed some things up for them, but that is your most important job. You are the only one that can reparent yourself and that’s exactly what this year is about.
If the week brings issues, they may concern what is owed to you or what you owe others. Common sense may fail to announce itself in your collaborative exchanges. It will be important for you to take extra precautions as you balance the budget of what is coming in and going out.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Your creative energy hounds you relentlessly. It cares not what time of night it is, what else you’ve got going on, or what you’d otherwise be doing. It wants your attention and will raise a ruckus until it gets some.
With April’s New Moon approaching, this part of the year wants you to renew your vows to your creative process. This moment is bound to bring a rebirth, but it also requires your submission.
Give over to what wants to move through you.
The less pride you bring to the table, the more room you’ll have for your art supplies. The more open you are to this moment’s potential, the more likely that potential will reveal itself. The less you demand it turn out a certain way, the more enjoyable the work will be.
Like a hearth that protects the flame from the winds of change, practicing your craft for the sake of it keeps you warm through the bouts, and droughts, of inspiration.
If there is a caution this week, a hiccup may arrive through a partnership or agreement you made with another person. Some kind of union is coming apart at the seams. In some instances, letting it dissolve is the kindest thing to do.
There’s no need to push an outcome, but there are red flags to heed. When you can’t find a solution to a problem, the issue might be that it’s not the right fit. In June, some aspect of this moment will come back up for review. Better to have thoroughly parsed out its meaning now then get caught off guard then.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
With April’s New Moon occurring this Sunday night, you’re ready-set-going through a recalibration when it comes to meeting your needs, creating home, and learning how to settle in—not settle for less than you deserve.
This week highlights how important it is to know where you get fed.
Feeling at home happens a little at a time. Foundations get set brick by brick. Relaxing into what is already working can help you attune to what is solid and what needs repair.
The systems you’ve set up to keep your livelihood flourishing are a huge help now. In fact, the ways you’ve been able to cultivate a deeper respect for your resources and what they can do is one of your greatest avenues to feeling grounded.
Keep going down that road.
If the week brings challenges, they come through a work situation, partnership, or project. Whatever confusion occurs, whatever cacophonies of incoherent communications unfold—they need to be sorted through.
Stay the course.
What comes up now is likely to return early June. Get the intel that you need by observing what went wrong and why. Doing so will make the next round easier to deal with, or at the very least, less challenging to find your way through.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone..
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The daily grind is more generous than grizzly at the moment. In fact, much sweetness is coming down the pipeline: small gifts of praise, little notes of appreciation, and a reminder that the right daily habits can keep you attuned to the boons that want to bless you.
Make a ritual out of witnessing what you want more of.
Writing projects, teaching gigs, and the need to move into the role of the mentor makes itself known now. If your reason for entering the classroom is to heal, you’ll get what you need from the curriculum.
If you’re under the impression that you need to show up with all the answers, it will feel more like you’re burning the candle at both ends than drawing energy from the endeavor.
The more you remain a student, the better teacher you can be.
If this week raises issues, they may arrive through creative projects or collaborations. When it comes to having the resources you need to make your art, some boundaries are required.
In order to know how much to put out to the world, it’s important to understand what is coming in. It’s ok to need time to get the equation right, but at this point in your year, make sure you aren’t leaking your creative energy in ways you don’t need to. Save some of your juice for the projects that mean the most to you. Over the next couple of months, you won’t want to downplay your creative urges. You’ll want to heed them.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Whether it’s a raise, some praise, or a referral that helps you value your gifts that little bit more, this week wants you to let your light shine. If you haven’t already, hang your shingle. If it’s on display, dust it off and polish it up.
The world needs your offerings.
Besides your talent to demonstrate compassion for those around you, you have the unique ability to enter the marketplace with confidence. This may be startling to some, but your edge shows up when you get to talk business and finances.
Bust myths around money and how to approach the subject. The more unapologetic you are when it comes to supporting yourself, the more you understand how healing this process can be—for you and others.
Take note of any issues that arise connected to family, parents, or foundational beliefs later in the week. If there’s an event that activates long-held feelings of scarcity, interrogate it. If there’s a situation that pokes at a boundary of yours, it most likely contains a piece of intel you need and want.
You might feel a little more irritated than usual when a past pattern resurfaces, but what comes into focus helps you gain clarity about your long-term needs.
Daily meditations for every need and mood, exclusively on the CHANI app for iPhone.