Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
Every seed contains within it the blueprints for its unfolding. An acorn is not going to grow into a fish, nor will it feel self-conscious about unfurling its greenery.
The same kind of attitude is ready to take root in regards to your talents. No matter your stage of growth, this year reminds you it’s time to radically accept the DNA of your gifts.
In order to break through to the soft, sweet core of your offering, this week asks you to disrupt your people-pleasing tendencies at work. If it has to do with livelihood, make a practice out of being fair and kind, but unapologetic when you go about your business.
Cultivating this attitude will allow you to take responsibility for your resources in ways you’d never have considered. It will also help you to honor, respect, and give them a chance to grow.
Quantum leaps occur when we are able to own what’s ours, ragged edges and all.
As Mars changes sign, it will spend the next 6 weeks in the part of your chart that deals with issues of home, family, and foundation. This transit brings an edge to a part of your life that would rather be soft cushions and plush fabrics.
The red planet’s blade can help you carve out some aspect of home and family that you need now. Whether it’s a boundary drawn with relatives, or some other affirmation that begins with “no thank you,” the process will help you plant yourself more deeply in the soil of your life.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
Taurus season helps you to magnetize a multitude of pleasures into your orb right now. Life is swollen with possibilities.
And responsibilities.
Your career or vocation calls on you to make good on your promises. What you began this time last year has taken shape just enough for you to understand what it could become. The monuments you are building need you to keep defining, refining and shaping them.
Your work in the world isn’t something to leave to chance.
Even when there are a million factors at play, making it near-impossible to know what to do next. Stay focused on what you can get done and know that this never includes pleasing everyone.
Interrupting the habit of over-extending yourself, so that others won’t have to do their fair share, is your homework for the week.
And year.
As Mars changes sign on Friday, it pulls focus on your daily life, rituals, and writing projects. Over the next 7 weeks, Mars will parse out a heated conversation or two. More than a challenging debate, these verbal tangos will teach you when you’re shying away from the bold statements you need to make, and when clarity is the best way to demonstrate care.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
Starting this week, many of the good things in your life dwell under wraps. Though this is very temporary, it’s a great time to snuggle into your creative incubators and let ideas hatch in their own time, tempo and rhythm.
Patience helps you heal.
You can’t rush your own unfolding, and with eclipse season on the horizon, trust that you don’t want to speed up anything that’s already wound up to release at a billion miles an hour. Instead, place importance on the innovations and updates you add to your recuperative practices.
Rest radically.
Don’t mistake a little less movement on the surface for laziness. Internal stirrings are loud, and you’re undergoing a long-term system change that has you parsing through the beliefs you’ve inherited, as well as the ones you are actively piecing together for yourself.
Data devoid of humanity is far from accurate, and right now you are looking for the philosophies that give the human struggle perspective, not condemnation. Seek them with abandon.
As Mars enters Cancer, the financial issues you need to sort through make themselves known. Rather than letting them be a thorn in your side, see what you can do about getting ahead of the game. Whether through filing your receipts, or being more direct about balance sheets, Mars’ ability to cut through the haze will help you understand what creating security means for you.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
Taurus season is asking you to slow down when it comes to building bonds. Collectives need a moment to build supportive root systems; colleagues are created after quite a few quarters come to pass; friendships require many moons to reveal their nature.
Not everyone needs to stick around forever. Growth requires our paths to diverge at times, reconnect at others, and separate at certain junctures.
Besties that have staying power will be able to appreciate the waxing and waning of growth cycles. Harvests can’t happen everyday.
This first week in the bull’s sign will bring about lessons that amplify both the innovations and changing needs that are occurring in your circles. It will ask you to hold the tension with a contemplative curiosity, as well as a refusal to act on any people-pleasing.
Mars in your sign restates how impossible it is to make everyone else happy and experience anything close to a light heart yourself. In fact, when you give away what you don’t have, your system is more likely to boil over with outrage.
Emotional boundaries are the most slippery of suckers to lay down, but not attempting to do so will steer your relationships towards wreckage. The areas within them where you have a hard time being fair, consistent, and firm will be tested now.
The good news is that graduating from this 7-week course will give you a black-belt in being unapologetically caring towards yourself, and everyone else.
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Leo & Leo Rising
The spotlight finds you in fine form. Taurus season highlights your best features for all the world to see while also bringing your more unruly attributes into focus.
Your eccentricities need a little PDA.
What you currently bring to your industry, field, or vocation is both desired by the world at large and disruptive to it. Because of this, all manner of reactions can be expected.
With this astro weather in mind, make sure that you prioritize the most pressing of your rebellions. You don’t want to waste this energy flipping the tables that don’t need to be overturned.
Because this week brings you so much attention, you’ll also become more aware of what others are expecting from you. Whether it’s a commitment you need to make good on, or a misunderstanding someone is making about your relationship, getting down to the nitty-gritty of your contracts is a must.
It’s not all about being on-stage, however. As Mars begins its 7-week foray into Cancer, you’ll get a chance to tend to the pots that have been on your back burner a little too long. What’s gotten crusty can’t be saved, but a soak will help the scouring process. Let your more repressed emotions, hurts, or wounds get flushed out. You know what they say — you’ve got to feel it to heal it and this transit resurfaces some long-forgotten states of being that are primed and ready for some tenderness.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
Taurus season taunts you to go a little further. Beyond your block, beyond your usual responses, beyond your preconceived notions of what to expect out of your day, this week in particular awakens you to the fact that there are new paths for you to try out.
Get experimental with your routes.
While you might feel a need to be freed from your daily constraints, you also know that what you’ve been building is forming into something substantial. Consistency is imperative, but so is venturing into the great unknown.
How you hold space for both is puzzling, but it’s the ultimate question to meditate on now.
One solution is to slow down. It might sound strange when a part of you wants nothing more than to bolt off into the sunset, but relishing the journey will get you further than rushing to pastures you only think are more green.
Your philosophies are challenged, but the interrogation is also an invitation to get clear on which of your beliefs stand the test of time.
With Mars setting off into a 7-week surfing trip through Cancer’s deep waters, your accomplices, allegiances, and friendships also get tested. Whatever is revealed about these relationships may or may not come as a surprise, but the feelings that surface need space and sorting through.
Give yourself that kindness.
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Libra & Libra Rising
Taurus season encourages you to slow down in your exchanges, partnerships, and collaborations. What you build with others needs to be done in ways that are not only sustainable, but also generative for generations to come.
Wealth can be built in ways that are enhancing resources, not extracting from them.
Take note of the attitudes that you bring into these unions, and pay special attention to how they are changing, shifting, or updating.
How you do partnership needs to be different from what you have done before. This might require you to take your creative talents more seriously, as well as your time, energy, and natural limits.
The point is, this is no time to waste what you’ve got in deals that don’t value your gifts.
Similarly, with Mars spending the next 7 weeks in Cancer, your ambitions for career, vocation, and public roles come calling. It’s no good to pretend that you are above wanting the success that you do, but on the way to achieving it, be clear about any double-edged aspect to its sword.
Feigning innocence gets you into hot water fast, but claiming your passions propels you onto the stages you wish to do battle on.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Your one-to-one relationships are what Taurus season centers on. You may feel ready to delight in all kinds of pleasures with your partners, but you aren’t willing to compromise on the quality of the exchanges.
If someone wants to rush you, they may as well hurry along.
Not in it for a quick fix, you need both those that are willing to be rebellious for the right reason and ready to commit no matter the season. Losing interest in fair-weather friends is a sign of your growth, not your need to regress into accepting whatever is offered to you.
Because this week brings both disruptions and delays, it will also tend to parse out any miscommunications you were unaware of. Getting into the nitty-gritty details of your contacts with others will help you clarify which unions add to your support systems and which destabilize them.
As Mars submerges itself into Cancer for a 7-week steep, it brings up some philosophical conundrums for you to consider. This might be about you getting clear on what is important to you and what is worth journeying towards, or what it would take for you to live a little closer to your values.
Whatever way this cookie crumbles, by early June you’ll have a deeper understanding of which issues you will fight to the end to defend, and which ones you won’t.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
While there’s an abundance of projects to tend to, to-do lists to complete, and a plethora of meetings to make, Taurus season also reminds you how much gets done when you slow down.
Gasless engines don’t get far.
Bulk up on your rest routines. Go heavy on your hydration rituals. Get into bed an hour earlier than you usually do. Like a rain barrel, sometimes you need to be horizontal to get filled-up.
It’s not that there isn’t plenty to get excited about in regards to your projects, plans, and work prospects — there’s more than one instance of out-of-the-blue fortune (and maybe disruption) on the horizon. It’s just that all of the deadlines and surprises need to be met with an equal amount of respect for what your system craves.
You’ll be a better collaborator in the process.
As Mars starts its 7-week soak in Cancer, receiving what you need becomes a hot topic. If your exchanges are out of balance, or shared resources are mismanaged, it’s more likely to push your buttons.
This transit will give you ample opportunity to work through feelings that otherwise stay submerged. Like a scuba diver in too deep, the emotional sharks you approach will demand your respect, but also reintroduce you to raw power they contain.
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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus all in Taurus, this week makes submitting to your senses a must. Insights are gleaned from immersing yourself in beauty, art, song, and whatever refills your creative wells.
Feed the muses and romance the deities of desire.
You can’t count on getting these sweethearts the same kinds of roses and confections you usually do, however. There’s something new that your relationship to them needs.
A little edge, a little risk, a little venturing outside your comfort zone is what the week calls for. Truly committing to your creative process requires you to go off-script.
While the later parts of the week might feel burdensome when it comes to perfecting an aspect of your craft, or learning the hard lines that need to be drawn in your romantic exchanges, saying ‘no’ to what you don’t want can bring more of what you do. A little delay of gratification now becomes miracle grow for future abundance.
As Mars begins its journey through Cancer, it drives home this point in all your interpersonal commitments. Be they professional, platonic, or romantic unions, it’s time to work through what you usually sweep under the rug. This transit may reveal all your tendencies to do so.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
‘Tis the season to set your anchor down in the most radical ways possible. This may have you breaking with tradition, breaking the spell of people-pleasing (especially as it pertains to family members or housemates), or experiencing breakthroughs about your need for a specific kind of base.
When you build the abode you need unapologetically, it attracts all that will fit snugly into your nest.
Taurus season reminds you that slow and steady reaps rewards. It’s only one decision at a time that can create the conditions you need to thrive. No matter what gets delayed come the weekend, apply the mindset of cultivation to your homelife.
As much as possible, focus on the pleasure of sowing the seeds of your future harvests.
As Mars enters Cancer, you are given the go-ahead to get on with work projects that have been on the back-burner, chores that have been waiting in vain, and a routine or two that encourages a little more well-being.
Regularly scheduled venting may be a main self-care theme over the next 7 weeks. When the dishes remain unwilling to do themselves, or when people at the office boil your kettle, find a way to release the steam.
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Pisces & Pisces Rising
Pleasures need to be pursued daily. There’s no need to put off what is so central to your wellness. Taurus season will remind you to ring your own bell as loudly or frequently as you wish to.
Some may find your dedication to joy, sweetness, connection, and care alarming, or a disturbance to their peace. You can pity the scarcity in their mindset, but let no one crash your party.
The more flagrant you can be about remaining true to the rituals that keep you in remembrance of why life is worth living, the more present you can be for the sorrows that need tending. One does not cancel the next; they enhance each other. Building resilience requires us to hold multiple realities at once.
We are living in this world, but everyday we can take actions to recreate it.
As some of your tasks mount at the close of the week, you’re better able to witness what to cut out of your schedule and what to keep. Some housekeeping is in order, but some of it is better off delegated. You might think it’s easier to do it yourself, but does that help you and everyone else grow?
Explore the blueprint of your life, whenever you want on the CHANI app for iPhone.