*Your full moon horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you!
December 21st
Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, both at 13°
Today, both Venus and Mercury help to celebrate the solstice the right way. Venus and Neptune in a trine to one another are an ideal love affair. This epic duo deems the heart a holy place to build from. Today’s astrology plays a dreamy, romantic melody as the soundtrack to our wildest fantasies. Your fantasies are more than likely to reveal their truth today.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 9° of Sagittarius
For the second time in the past month, Mercury and Jupiter meet in Sagittarius (the first was November 27th). This combination is incredulous to despair and demands only the most enthusiastic of ideas to come forth. Great for pep talks and party plans, the astrology of this solstice is adding up to nothing short of sensational.
Solstice, Sun enters Capricorn at 2:23 PM PT
In the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day and longest night also marks the moment of the sun’s eventual return to lengthier stays. Celebrated as the rebirth of the sun, the Winter Solstice is a time where many of our ancestors preformed rituals of welcoming it back. This is just as psychological a process as it is a spiritual or seasonal one. The act of calling back the light is one where we ask to have our conscious awareness awakened.
What are you working on becoming more conscious of? Use the solstice to plant the seed of that intention.
The Winter Solstice is a time to gather with others, light lanterns, set intentions that will grow with the warmth of the sun’s increasing light (much like a new moon), and celebrate the healing powers of the dark. With a glorious full moon on December 22nd, this night sky may be long, but it’s also lit up with endless amounts of inspiration.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice is arriving. The days are the longest and the nights the shortest. To celebrate this season is to revel in the triumph of light, warmth and the abundance of the earth. It is also to appreciate the oncoming darkness from here on out. Everything in nature is balanced and celebrating its rhythms reminds us to do the same.
The sun will remain in Capricorn until January 20th.
December 22nd
9:48 AM PT – Full Moon at 0° of Cancer
No family, blood or bond, is without its wounds. No group of people that gathers around an intention gets out of the learning process of loving and being loved, without also hurting and being hurt, disappointing and being disappointed. No gathering of humans gets saved from the necessary work of self-reflection. The nature of family is that we are bound to one another through our joy and our pain.
Bound to bump up against one another’s sorest spots and sweetest attributes.
Working through the issues we encounter within family structures is no small feat. With nothing to solve, we all have to learn how to hold what gets triggered with great care and consciousness. Our past and the feelings that accompany it need to be handled with a slow and steady care. It takes boundaries made of steal to be able to stay with an emotionally charged process instead of trying to rush through it. It takes a great dedication to be loving and kind when trying to earnestly understand other human beings. It takes a great desire to grow up and out of the harmful behaviors we learned as young ones, and every effort to do so is a triumph of epic proportions.
The full moon in Cancer occurs on December 22nd at 9:48 AM PT. Cancer is the cardinal water sign that brings us back home, to the family, to the origin story. Its waters are primordial. Holding space for emotions to rise, flood, and finally wash through us, a full moon in Cancer will always tenderize, and aim to purify, what it touches. Exposing feelings normally covered over by everyday life, this full moon draws to the surface what normally gets to scurry away from examination.
When we allow our feelings to exist, to inform us, and to teach us something that we had previously ignored, we are released from their grip. We are no longer being unconsciously driven by them. We are free to experience more of life as it is, more of ourselves with less burden, and more of our relationships with less projection.
Come this holiday, solstice, full moon season, give yourself the gift of tenderness and release. You can’t heal your family, but you can heal yourself as part of that family unit. You can’t erase the heartbreak of those no longer here, but you can live with the blessing of their memory in all you do. You can’t be the perfect child, parent, sibling, or cousin, but you can be the best you that’s possible in this moment.
The winter solstice is a time of celebration, a time to call the sun back from its most distant journey away from us. A time to kindle the flames within us, lighting our own way back to ourselves. This full moon echoes this sentiment as it finds more hours to shimmer and shine in the longest night in the northern hemisphere. Under this disco heaven, the solstice full moon also has the Ursid meteor showers as its backup dancers, all of which makes for a fantastic celestial celebration if the skies are clear. When the heavens party, so too should we, even if a little emotionally.

Aries & Aries Rising
What you heal within your origin story, you heal in your present and future. No matter what is going on, look to the root of the issue. Investigate your emotional responses. There is great intelligence in them. They speak to something you had to gloss over earlier in life that is now ready to be received.
December’s full moon helps you connect with a home to call your own, in your body and the place you dwell. Be as honest as possible about what you need when you need it. There’s nothing brave about self-denial, but there is great power in the acceptance of yourself, no matter your state.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Taurus & Taurus Rising
December’s full moon finds you in some of the most poignant conversations of the year. What touches your heart needs to roll off your tongue. Tell your siblings, cousins, aunties, and besties how you feel about them. Tell yourself the truth about what ails you. Tell on yourself when your pride is inhibiting your healing.
We all grow through being able to admit to the most difficult of our feelings.
Honesty doesn’t mean we have to give everyone the details of our every pain and predicament. Honesty with others requires us to witness where they are at, where we are at, and where we can meet, if possible. Find ways to stay fluid with your feelings. Cry. Bathe. Sweat. Sing your heart out. Source your joy from the rituals in your life that never let you down. You’ve got an incredible amount to say this year. Give yourself permission to get it off your chest.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
Spend some of your resources on your healing. Spend some of your money on your emotional well-being. Spend some of your assets on what fills you with a feeling of connection to all that keeps you energetically un-stuck.
Issues around money, worth, or your work are most-likely charged with an emotional intensity. Whether you are getting a bonus, or a pivotal professional reflection, December’s full moon wants to remind you that taking care of yourself in the process is of primary importance. Your drive to get a lot accomplished in your work this year is undeniable, but the more you come from a place of nourishment and sustenance, the more you’ll be able to produce that has depth and meaning for you.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Cancer & Cancer Rising
You are a light for many. A source of love and understanding for the masses. A healthy heap of healing for the harrowed. You deserve to give yourself back the same sweetness, the same understanding, and the same generous compassion you dole out daily.
December’s full moon makes it clear that you have an incredible appetite for giving as much as you possibly can. But when you do so without returning the favor to yourself you get crusty. Curmudgeonly. Cautious about good things that want to get to you. While this full moon celebrates all your achievements, and they are many, it reminds you that this is no race. This is a lifetime. This moon is here to remind you that your boundaries and your ability to care for what is inside them, are imperative if you are to accomplish all you want to.
And you want to.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Leo & Leo Rising
Healing is so personal it’s hardly something that can be prescribed to us by another. It’s something we can be guided into, but ultimately its success depends on our ability to tune into ourselves.
December’s full moon makes clear the impact of your self-care rituals. Whatever you have put in place over the past 6 months that has encouraged your healing is revealing its impact. The solstice full moon reminds you of the incredible power of caring for yourself in most mundane of ways.
Water, rest, repeat. Laundry, poetry, repeat. Love, long-walks, repeat.
When you offer yourself the softness of self-love, and the nourishment of compassion for your struggle, you are fortified against the cold winds of the world. 2019 wants you to take seriously how potent this medicine is.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Virgo & Virgo Rising
The solstice full moon makes clear that caring for community, and being cared for by them, is an undeniably important aspect of your mental health. When you know that there are places and spaces you can go to that reflect your yearning for connection, acceptance, and love, you are vaccinated against the bitterness that can so easily seep into the human soul.
Get yourself around the folks that love you and love to celebrate life with you.
December’s full moon reminds you that your family extends out to those you will know intimately as friends and soul-mates as well as those you’ll only know in passing. Family is formed by blood, but also by intention. Make yours one that embraces the kindred spirits that you come across. You never know how you’ll impact someone’s life with even the smallest kindness. Or how you’ll impact your own.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Libra & Libra Rising
The solstice full moon reminds you that if it’s worth your efforts this year, it should flow. If it’s going to be a smash hit, it’s got to feel good for the soul. If it’s going to cost you a tremendous amount of time and energy, some aspect of it needs to be healing. This full moon reflects a blossoming of some aspect of your career. Whatever you began 6 months ago is finding its way to fruition.
Pay attention to what is naturally gaining momentum.
Keep aligning your career ambitions with what moves you. With what feels right to your heart. Get your gut involved. When it says yes, move towards the professional and public opportunities that make it happy. If it makes you queasy, know something about it isn’t kosher.
No one but you knows what the next right move is, but whatever comes to consciousness about your professional and public directions around the full moon acts as confirmation, and any confirmation is cause for celebration. Take time to honor your most cherished achievements of 2018, and see what more you can make of them come 2019.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
The solstice full moon marks a moment where you get to witness the distance that you’ve traveled. The marks that your journey has left upon you can now be worn with pride. You earned these tattoos and you’ve got a tale to tell about them.
Nothing left in its pristine condition has been initiated, at least not into anything interesting. This full moon illuminates the thresholds that you have currently crossed from innocence to expansive experience. It’s hard to understand what it is we are capable of until we risk leaving behind what we’ve always known.
As the full moon celebrates your willingness to try, it also upholds the best of your ideas. Helps to publish your message so that they can be received far and wide. The journey isn’t uncomplicated, but this solstice season there is no mistaking it for being anything but completely worthy of your every effort.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
December’s full moon reveals the value of the collaborations you’ve invested time, energy, and talent into over the past 6 months. Who has come through? Which partnerships get you and know how to grow with you?
Not every investment is meant to bring the returns you expect, however. Some situations reveal themselves as unable to care at the level you can, and should be noted as such. You have unlimited creative energy at your disposal, but a limited amount of hours in your day and life.
With so many waiting in the wings to get with the good energy you are giving the world right now, remember that you aren’t desperate for any one person or place to validate your efforts or ideas. Believe in the abundance of your options and then align yourself with the best fits available.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
There’s reason to celebrate with your loved ones. Whatever you have been working on within the containers of your committed relationships over the last 6 months is coming to fruition with the solstice full moon.
But so too are some lessons in (self-) love.
Nothing shows us how we are doing like the most important relationships in our life. The people we tend to take for grated will often be the receivers of our least thoughtful responses. How we speak to our loved ones is often a reflection of our inner dialogue.
December’s full moon reminds you to offer yourself the compassion you crave and then see what you are able to extend to others. It asks you to offer yourself a soft place to land and then notice how much more patience you have for others. It reminds you to offer yourself the amount of nourishment you need and then notice how much more you seem to have to give. Developing compassion, care, and kindness for yourself is the sweetest thing you can do for all the loves of your life.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The solstice full moon lets you know which of your professional projects have been worth your efforts. The seeds you have been watering over the past six months now bear fruit worth feasting on. Enjoy all that your labor, and some luck, has produced.
As your work-life and health enjoy the nourishment of your discipline, you get to take note of your reaction to it. Growth is funny thing. Sometimes it’s repulsive to the part of us that struggles the most. The thought of being worthy of our success can set off every resistance we have to it. Loving ourselves through the unexpected reactions to our own advancements is imperative to our well being, but it can take many moons to learn how to do so. Give yourself time and as each lunation ebbs and flows allow yourself to absorb a little more of its energy, light, and wisdom.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
The solstice full moon marks a moment that is ripe with potential for your creative growth. Take note of what you began putting together, experimenting with, and encouraging to grow 6 months ago. What about it is now coming into its own?
With an abundance of feeling, this full moon asks you to pour your emotional intelligence into the containers that best suit it. In 2019, you’ll have the energy to manifest many of your aspirations. As you do, make sure to maintain the depth you wish to imbue everything with. Otherwise your appetite for success will only stretch your capacity to consume, but not your ability to create what is most meaningful to you.
NOW 50% OFF: In this month’s lunar workshop, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Cancer, plus bonus solstice and 2019 intention setting rituals.