Your new moon affirmation horoscopes cover the first 2 weeks of September. They are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
August 30
3:37 AM PT – New Moon at 6° of Virgo
No one appreciates the intelligence of streamlining like Virgo. This sign knows that in order to heal, the system in question needs enough space to do so. Clutter is a natural part of life. Chaos is an intrinsic aspect of the creative process. But the first order of magic is clearing a space for our rituals to take place within. Spells are cast to harness and align with the forces of the natural world; the less that stands between us and them, the more impact our incantations have.
The new moon in Virgo asks us to do some emotional organizing, declutter our psychological systems, and as a result clear a path for solutions and unexpected opportunities to find their way to us.
The new moon in Virgo is flanked by a pile-up of planets in Virgo, emphasizing this sign’s attributes. With Mercury, Venus, and Mars here, the earthy emphasis of this moment speaks to what it means to manifest our energy in real-time in the material world. Sitting with its ruler, Mercury, The Magician and Messenger, this new moon is encouraging us to take time to digest, integrate, and absorb the meaning of life’s current events. In a trine to Uranus, the new moon and Mercury are teaming up with the planet of innovation. Unconventionality, change, and bold new beginnings want to make their mark on our lives.
Mars and Uranus are two of the testier planets out there, however, and with such an emphasis on the sometimes pickiest of signs, our patience may run thin for things that don’t work, don’t move quickly, or don’t fit precisely. This astrology can trick us into being overly and overtly critical, tearing apart what is better left alone.
Careful where you put that criticism.
Under these skies, what has grown tired and tedious becomes a thorn in our side. This new moon brings with it a soulful efficiency. In order to receive its blessings, we’ll need to risk letting go of what might have worked for this long, but won’t help us go the distance.
September 1
Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus, both at 6°
Communications become increasingly interesting as Mercury and the Mistress of Mayhem, Uranus, team up. Watch out for ideas, inspirations, and all kinds of breakthrough conversations that fill your airwaves and ask to be channeled through your windpipes.
Venus in Virgo trine Saturn Rx in Capricorn, both at 14°
Venus and Saturn also team up today in support of the new moon’s initiatives. This is a transit that has heft and an ability to help us manifest. Making the most of our connections, today’s astro wants us to fill the containers we’ve built for pleasure, joy, and creative explorations with fertile soil.
September 2
Sun conjunct Mars in Virgo at 9°
Between today and tomorrow, Mars makes itself known. These are days full of action, heat, movement, flare-ups, fire, and new beginnings. Here, Mars begins a new cycle. Much like a new moon phase, what we learn about our power, anger, and agency makes all the difference for our future growth. Channel your drive instead of being steered by frustration, or worse, bitterness for having not tried at what you most want to make happen in life.
Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 15°
The two planets most focused on feeling good team up today. This secondary astrological tone of the moment may magnify our desires for connecting to any and all sources of pleasure. It’s best to give in to these kinds of moments instead of resisting just know that they will be encouraging us to go all-out without much regard for whether or not we can afford such extravagances.
September 3
Mercury conjunct Mars and Sun in Virgo at 10°
Today is a hot topic. Temperatures rise and it may be easy to say things we’ll later regret. Instead of letting today’s astrology run wild, run with it. Write, sing, shout from the rooftops if you can but just make sure to vent your more heated thoughts and feelings in ways that can be constructive (or at least not damaging).
September 4
Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, both at 17°
Today is dreamy and deluded, derailing and delightful. Not great for specifics, Venus opposing Neptune is here to make your most ideal relationship scenarios come to life. They may not be the real-deal, but under this influence, you might not care. These two might not land you in anything long-lasting, but the mirage will most likely be entertaining. Some will feel this as a deep need to escape and this desire should be indulged if possible. Binge on all the rom-coms you can, just don’t compare your life to their plot lines.
September 5
Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn Rx in Capricorn, both at 14°
Helpful information, conversations, and agreements are made now. Look for those that can and want to commit to what you do.
September 6
Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 15°
Big moves, bold conversations, and bright ideas are the talk of the town today. Mercury feels especially bolstered here, but a little unevenly. While the flashiness of the moment might momentarily win favor, the nitty-gritty details will eventually have to be dealt with. Enjoy this influence, just remember that every big adventure we say yes to requires as big of an effort to make happen.
Sun in Virgo trine Saturn Rx in Capricorn, both at 14°
This signature anchors some of our best efforts into reality, helping the machines of our lives stay well-oiled and industrious. Keep working with what keeps working.
Venus in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn, both at 20°
This aspect of today’s astrology helps us to get to a deeper layer of our relationship dynamics with some ease. The intimacy that occurs with this influence makes an impact and doesn’t require another person to take place. Date yourself today.
September 7
Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, both at 17°
Much like a Mercury retrograde, today’s astrology will tend to frustrate the myopic, detail-focused, and fact-obsessed aspects of us. As the Messenger gets caught up in a world of make-believe, we might not get all the data we were promised but we do get access to some fascinating visions and fantasies. Go easy on yourself if day-dreaming derails you a little. Tomorrow gets you back on track.
September 8
Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 15°
Today’s astrology is uplifting and affirming. If yesterday was a bit of a mess, today makes up for it. Amplifying what works, almost to an extreme, today’s industriousness might make us over-produce but at least we’ll get the job done.
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn, both at 20°
Conversations run deep today. There is a need to have the kind of talks that are satiating on mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. Knowledge is shared in ways that transform the profane into the sacred. Catharsis is central to the conversation but comes with greater ease than usual.
Mars in Virgo trine Saturn Rx in Capricorn, both at 13°
This combination of Mars and Saturn in earth signs can’t be beat for its ability to connect us to both our drive and discipline. This is super-hero astrology. As humans we can use it in small doses or large ones, depending on our current appetite to accomplish our to-do lists or total world domination.
September 10
Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, both at 17°
There’s no need to rush any aspect of today. In fact, it’s a day to dream, sleep, meditate, take a bath, take to your bed, make memes and other messes. This may not be at all possible for you right now, but just know if all you want to do is daydream or dilly dally, you are more in tune with the cosmos than you may give yourself credit for. At the very least read a trashy romance novel or get to a museum and wander through the work of the impressionists and surrealists.
September 12
Mars in Virgo square Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 16°
The desire to win today runs wild. This astrology wants us to go hard for the things that are worth it. The aggressively accurate style of Mars in Virgo gets amplified, however. Criticism might get a little out of control. Temper it by cultivating a desire to be generous with the prizes you are awarded.
Aries & Aries Rising
With this new moon, I tap into my determination. It is always there as a resource for me to draw upon, but now I put it front and center as a practice. What I do on repeat plays the tune I create my life to. My rituals create worlds of meaning or disappointment. Mayhem or joyful chaos. Much ado about nothing or a lot of that special something.
I routinely sharpen what is in my toolshed. By flipping, reversing, and reconstructing the outdated structures I have been handed to work within, I make a triumph out of what was too tired to be of use.
I make sure that my instruments are cutting edge.
I’m not here to create a career in honor of mediocrity. With this new moon, I honor my unique way of using what I have in my professional grasp, when and where I can. Doing so requires effort as much as rest. It requires planning as much as it does dreaming. It requires me to develop my talents as much as it requires me to play without needing to produce. I focus on staying on track as much as I allow myself pathways to get lost down.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
My creativity needs to roam. Needs time and space to experience its wildness. Needs no one to tell it what to do or where to be. I may at times think that I am in charge of this process, but the real boss is the process. I am here to serve it, see it through, get out of its way as best I can and be in support of its tangents.
They always lead to an important discovery.
I don’t need this part of my life to make sense. I need it to help me appreciate the mystery of the moment. When I doubt my creations because they are not finished fast enough, I know that is a form of sabotage. I know that this kind of battle is waged with little pellets of doubt. Shrapnel that consists of criticism that splinters into the system. Shards of poison that develop into despair.
I know that this world isn’t invested in freedom of expression. I know that so many would rather conform than let the power of their paradigm-shattering creativity run the show. I know that we cannot keep living as we do and stay here for long, so I pledge allegiance to the innovative ideas that keep me up at night.
With this new moon, I promise to wake up to the power I possess because it can make my corner of the world more just, joyful, and sustainably, sensually, sumptuously generative.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
I sort through the rubble of my past with purpose. I find ways to make it a ritual. I find it essential to building a life of meaning. I give both the sorrow and the sweetness of my history a place to exist. Their colors complement each other. One texture tells me what to avoid. Another sound reminds me to attune myself to more of the same.
One way to look at how far I have come is to feel gratitude for the journey. The other is to feel resentment for what it hasn’t been. I can’t have both at the same time, so I choose what will help me at this moment.
I know that honoring my blessings doesn’t mean I need to discount my suffering. I know that any amount of appreciation for my life grounds me in what is fertile here and now. I know that to build a home for myself in the world might seem impossible at times, so I start by creating a world where I am welcomed. Appreciated. Applauded for what I am good at. Encouraged to grow and keep going.
It’s my job to create for myself what I need in the world, knowing that if I am missing it, others are too and future generations will need it as much as we do.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
I pay attention to what my intuition is telling me. I thank it for the messages it sends. I track its ability to always guide me to where I need to go next. I’m all for making plans, but I’ll break them if and when my gut demands I do.
With this new moon, I make a note of the books that magically fall off my shelves, the teachers that I accidentally stumble into, and the emails that come at exactly the right moment. I know that each time I acknowledge the synchronicities of my life, I reclaim a little bit of my power. Being overly invested in only the physical realm dulls my senses and intuitive powers. When I forget my connection to the living world, the most intense self-criticism my mind can cook up has a chance to take hold of my spirit.
With this new moon, I thoroughly investigate all the murmurs in my mind that suggest I am losing, lost, or failing at life. There are too many systems that win when I entertain self-doubt. There are too many other possibilities and potentials at play that I can and will tap into instead. There will be moments when I forget this, but they will pale in comparison to the moments when I recall my power. With the new moon, I commit this to memory.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Leo & Leo Rising
I am discerning with my resources. Not to be withholding, but to be enterprising. I respect the limits of what I have. Within the reality of what is sustainable, an abundance of ways to get professionally creative is possible.
Gluttony is basic corporate culture. I am here to build something that can see itself well into the future. And then some.
With this new moon, I rededicate my resources to what keeps me refueled. With this new moon, I stitch up the holes in my pockets so that my coins can collect. With this new moon, I aim to honor all the ways in which I am breaking the mold in my professional life. It takes courage to cut through the density of outdated cultural norms. What worked in the past but no longer has much use in the present needs to be revised.
With this new moon, I work on respecting the time, energy and talent it takes to pay my bills and keep my life on track. If the world has yet to pay me what I’m worth in dollars, I will pay myself what I’m worth in appreciation, affection, and self-respect. I know wins are out there, I just need to persevere in-between to get to them.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
I’d rather live my life in pursuit of joy, justice, and connection than spend my precious energy convincing others that I’m right. I know that what I’m right about will reveal itself. I don’t have to push truth on anyone.
When I’m present, the need to prove anything vanishes.
I trust that everything I do in earnest is revealed eventually. I focus on directing my energy towards what works right now. I focus on channeling my creativity into projects that help me regenerate. I focus on my rebirth this Virgo Season.
I trust that what I need will find its way to me, what is mine will never refuse me, and what is happening at this moment is needed and necessary. I trust that the relationship dynamics in my life are helping me hone in on a couple of key lessons I need to learn now. I trust in love’s medicine. Its healing process uncovers my fears, my fortunes, and my everything in-between. I am here for the whole unveiling.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Libra & Libra Rising
Closure is sacred. Endings require ritual. Saying goodbye is as important to the process as hello. Anything in my life that is wrapping up, getting reinvented, recycled, or renewed gets my blessing.
I know that what I am being relieved of is clearing the way for what I need to live into.
I know that moments of stillness don’t come often, so pausing is my pleasure when I get to. I also know that these moments can bring up sadness, loss, longing and all manner of rubble. But unless I check in, I can’t help to clear it out. With this new moon, I remember that both connecting with and sorting through whatever lays in wait when I stop, is some of the most important work I can do.
I know that so much activity happens underground before the bright light of day gets a hold of it. I know that what I see on everyone’s timeline is rarely reflective of the struggle it took to get there. I refuse to mistake a snapshot of a moment for the lifetime of effort it took to arrive at. I am more interested in the insides of things. In the ways in which I work. The ways in which a life of depth is created, protected, and lived out fully.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
I’m paying attention to the good news I get from others. I’m paying attention to who the core of my life is aligning with. I’m paying everyone I love the compliments they deserve.
Because I travel with gorgeous souls, it isn’t hard to reflect back to them the beauty they bestow. When I find myself in the company of those I couldn’t, or wouldn’t, honestly give love to, I know I need to rework my social calendar. It’s too late in life to hang around those that don’t make me want to sing their praises. I love myself too much to waste my energy on those that don’t. I am more interested in making way for solutions than swimming in the sewage of self-sabotage.
I know that right now there is important work to be started with those that can and will get it done alongside me. I initiate projects with the people in my life that possess the prowess needed. I am here to help make way for our collective genius to emerge. I focus on facilitating spaces that are intelligently constructed, so much so that people feel safe enough to soften into their wisdom and let it come forth. I know each one of us carries so much baggage, and that finding ways to acknowledge it, without encouraging more of it, is key to getting to the wisdom we each have to offer.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
With this new moon, I cast spells of sustainable wellness in my professional life. I know that when building what may take a lifetime or longer to complete, I need pick-me-ups along the way. I focus on the little wins; the step taken, the poison extracted from the system, and the personal growth with each quality effort made. I focus on the things that I can get in order, not those that are beyond my control.
With this new moon, I remember that when abundance blesses me, my clarity about what to do with it keeps me progressing. Instead of wondering if I’m deserving of it, I trust that because it’s here it’s my job to do with it what’s right. The quality of the service that I can provide is the most important place to put my attention and intentions.
With this new moon, I make sure to polish up any skills that have been left to languish. Connecting the dots between what I have to work with at my disposal and what I want to bring into being is what differentiates me as a leader in my field. No matter who else comes along, right now I follow what is professionally promising and perpetually alluring to me.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
I know that a meaningful life is created every day, a little at a time, in the smallest of ways. I don’t underestimate the power of my practices. What I do as a ritual becomes my way to experience the transcendent.
With this new moon, I remember that big isn’t better, humility is where hope lives, and being of service is the holiest of endeavors. Without finding some satisfaction at the moment, I’ll only ever chase a fantasy of a future not granted to me.
With this new moon, I realign my actions with my visions for the future, making sure that where I am going is truly where I want to be headed. I remember to routinely readjust my compass. As I grow, so too does my understanding of where I want to be.
With this new moon, I’m planting the seeds for my future by saying yes to the incoming opportunities that stretch my understanding of the world. I have to leave my comfort zone regularly in order to know myself more deeply. I know that any pond in which I am a big fish will need to be traded out for one where I can test my strength, skills, and let the scales of my tail shine.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
There is no succeeding if I’m unwilling to work with the entirety of my experience. Particles of my past regularly intertwine with the events of the moment, but being able to parse out one from the other is what makes deconstructing demons possible. Pretending I am above my burdens only forces me to remove myself from life. Beauty doesn’t always showcase the process it takes to get there, but I’m here for the whole of my experience.
It’s my job to dissect what derails me. It’s my job to know the difference between what is dangerous and what feels threatening but will ultimately leave me thriving. It’s my job to find the people and the practices that help me live a life with less self-condemnation, doubt, and devaluing of my gifts.
With this new moon, I sort through what is a phantom of my past and what is the promise of a noteworthy future.
It’s never fun to face a fear, but it’s the only way to ground and grow. It’s the only way to truly get to know who I am. It’s the only way to get to the gold that lays in wait underneath it.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
The best relationships don’t feel like work, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require that I do a lot of my own. In order to be with you, I have to be able to be with me too. I need to be able to bear witness to all the parts of myself that are hard to accept if I want someone else to.
If I desire intimacy, there is no end to the unpacking of my past experiences, beliefs, and misgivings of it. In order to feel more connection in my life, I thoughtfully remove the obstacles I have placed between my heart and the whole world.
My defence mechanisms are understandable, but not an excuse for staying stuck in a pattern that I resent.
In order to transform, I have to be of service to the situation at hand. The issues my relationships pinpoint give me a much deeper appreciation of how tricky and tenacious they are. I need others to help me do this work, but only I can decide to do it. With this new moon, I honor all of the ways in which I am learning to disrupt unhelpful dynamics in my partnerships and replace them with ones that make it possible to build beauty together.
If you want to make the most of Virgo Season and this new Moon, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon in Pisces, and the Astrology of August 30-September 27.