The turning points are in the rearview mirror. Our destination is clear. At this point, we are either all in or not at all. To try and count the many ways in which life is out of balance, our institutions are corrupt, and our systems set us up to fail would take us from now until the end of time. To try and tip the scales towards justice will take each and every one of us, all our might, weight, care, and commitment. To do anything else with our life, to waste any of our precious time concerned with anything less would be a life lived in vain. To whatever end, and with whatever tools we have at our disposal, being consumed with making space for healing and justice to occur is the only option left.
In the words of Libra legend Fannie Lou Hamer, “If I fall, I fall 5 feet, 4 inches forward in the fight for freedom. I’m not backing off.”
The New Moon occurs on Friday, October 16th at 12:31pm PT at 23° of Libra. In a sign known for its eternal yearning for balance, harmony, and justice, this New Moon reminds us why we do what we do.
Picking up on the themes that opened up 2020, the New Moon is square the (now separating) Pluto/Saturn conjunction. A configuration that has come to define not only this year but also the next decades to come, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction has permanently marked us. Together these two planets expose the infrastructure of our world and lives; they magnify the principles of restriction, authoritarianism, power hungry humans and the systems that support them.
This New Moon also sits in opposition to Mars retrograde, picking up on another one of the year’s defining themes. Though Mars retrograde is common compared to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, it’s never subtle. Plus, as this year would have it, Mars retrograde squares both Saturn and Pluto multiple times, pulling those themes into its own journey.
This New Moon isn’t a joyful frolic of a new beginning; it is a serious look at the bitterness we harbor, the obstacles we face, and it is an honest appraisal of the transformations we are undergoing. It is an invitation to accept the situations we are in so that we can know what to do with them. Magical thinking will not cure us. Denying the truth only hurts us. Seeking justice from someone, or some source, that doesn’t owe it to us is a waste of everyone’s resources. Growing up is hard to do, but so much more challenging when we don’t own our power, our potency, and our ability to make change.
This moment is loaded with importance. Square Saturn, this New Moon reminds us that we must pace ourselves, pausing to parse out what we can do, and do well, given the circumstances. Square Pluto, it reminds us that whatever is putrid can and must be composted. Square Mars, it reminds us that whatever thorn is in our side, as uncomfortable as it is, is necessary to tend to.
The astrology of the moment might be unrelenting, but it’s not a punishment. The planets are not out to get us; they are here to help us locate the sources of our suffering so that we might repurpose the waste and restore our systems and ourselves in the process. The heavens are always on our side, but it’s up to us to embody their best intent. May this New Moon remind us how to do so.
As the New Moon builds, much is at play in the heavens:
October 18th
Sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn
Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces
Mars retrograde in Aries squares Jupiter in Capricorn
This is a day of extremes – total bummers, intoxicants that anesthetize, and overzealousness. This odd mix teaches us how to respect limits from many different angles.
The Sun square Saturn is a reminder of what isn’t negotiable in our days. Work is due and bills must be paid. However, this closing square between the two opposites, signals a deeper understanding of our duties and how to contend with them. Take note of the ways you’ve matured (aged?) since January and how it’s helped you deepen your relationship to your life.
Venus is the ruler of the New Moon, and in this fuzzy, hazy, heady mix of Neptune’s perfumes, the Goddess of Good Times goes off the rails. This Venus/Neptune duo wants us to get high, watch romcoms, and eat bon-bons. If it wasn’t for that Sun/Saturn square that would be perfectly reasonable (and still might be if you finish your homework early).
Mars retrograde makes its second square to Jupiter today setting up a couple of extremes. This combo can help us want to win, and gives us enough oomph to deal with the Sun/Saturn square, but it can also make us overshoot our shot in one area of our lives, while we struggle in others.
In short, today is a Choose Your Own Adventure type of tale, but we’ll have to live out all three scenarios eventually.
October 19th
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Venus in Virgo trines Jupiter in Capricorn
This is the second of three oppositions between Mercury and Uranus. The planet of communication and the queen of chaos are at odds, but Mercury just ends up making the disruptive messages louder. Mid-October can’t be counted on for anything but reversals and last minute shifts. Stay flexible and open to the idea that what gets lost along these bumpy roads makes space for what is to come.
A subdued but decidedly helpful Venus/Jupiter trine also takes place today. It’s a hard working assist if we know how to accept it. There might not be a wellspring of exuberance here, but it’s a perfect time to amplify the small pleasures of life.
October 21st
Venus in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn
Venus is the bringer of gifts during this otherwise challenging time. Today’s aspect helps us unearth the value of a sincere connection and helps to deepen already definitive feelings.
October 22nd
Scorpio season begins
Let the witchcraft begin.
October 24th
Venus in Virgo trines Saturn in Capricorn
An end to these hard-won delights, today, Venus makes its last attempt at helping us in the ways it currently can. Solidifying connections, making plans with sweethearts, and tweaking the creative blueprints that have staying power can make all the difference.
October 25th
Mercury retrograde makes its inferior conjunction to the Sun in Scorpio
Deep into the mysteries goes Mercury. Today’s astrology can be very helpful for retrieving insights and receiving inspirations. Just make sure to catch them by writing them down or speaking them aloud to a friend with a good memory. The flurry will pass and so too will the clarity that comes with these very temporary conditions.
October 27th
Mercury retrograde re-enters Libra
Venus also enters Libra
Back into the crosshairs of Saturn goes Mercury retrograde and into the fray of Mars retrograde goes Venus. If the first part of Mercury retrograde was full of upheaval, the last half is full of traffic jams and refusals. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can push a boulder out of the way; instead see if there is a crack you can slip, squeak, or get through.
Your horoscopes are written affirmation style. They are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
Whatever this moment wants to teach me about connection, I will be a student willing to learn. I know that there are most likely many crossed wires in my system, setting me up to push away what I really want. I know that being defended against life doesn’t make me wrong, it just makes me human. In the process of healing, I practice the fine art of laying down one shield at a time, one disruptive behavior after another, carving paths to deeper connections slowly but surely.
Intimacy begins with me.
With this New Moon, I commit to healing the parts of my heart that otherwise get neglected. I no longer need to suffer in silence, seek out relationships with people that have different priorities than me, or sacrifice my integrity to try and fit into a situation that isn’t meant for me. There are some fights worth giving up. I gather my strength to face the battles that can shape my life into a meaningful one.
I honor the obstacles in my path by observing them rather than burning out trying to force them in one direction or another. I welcome the transformations that are taking place, trusting that they will bring me to the places meant for me.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Paying attention to what feels good in my system right now, I choose to avoid what drags it down unnecessarily. Eliminating what keeps me in a state of irritation helps me find solutions more easily. I can’t rearrange the world so that it runs my way, but I can make some strategic shifts that help me to better cope with the way that it is.
It’s the only way to be effectively engaged with change long-term.
If my work projects or partnerships feel especially gruelling, I pause to consider why. More than I might think, it’s better if I take my time. Rushing is the worst strategy if there are other options available. I make sure to question my preconceptions about how I am “supposed” to produce, I ask for the time I need, and I focus on the quality of my work as an act of resistance.
With this New Moon, I make a point of listening to my partnerships, navigating the changes they are going through with care, and reviewing the commitments that we’ve made with honesty. If old dynamics about intimacy and urgency resurface, I investigate. Pushing feelings away doesn’t help me here, but unpacking them, slowly and one at a time, does.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
With this New Moon, I tend to my creative projects, making sure that their structures are sound, their systems are operating efficiently, and that they have enough room for new energy when it arrives. I know not to monocrop my creative practices and projects.
Diversity breeds the strongest safety nets and the sweetest fruits. I’m not fooled into thinking I should stick to one thing, one way, one party trick just because it brings me some success. I’m disciplined in my approach to the modalities I use, but I’m open to other ways of being of service.
I’m willing to be a channel for breakthroughs, open to any reorientations that I am in need of, and eager for the innovations that make themselves known to me. I won’t let mishaps in my worklife mess with my main aims, but I will let them inform me of how to better go about moving towards my goals. I know that when something doesn’t really work, it’s bound to make a mess at some point. If the damn breaks, I’ll reconsider if it’s the right thing to have had in place to begin with.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
When I’m unsure, I pull my energy in and go back to my base. When something doesn’t seem to be working above ground, I check my root system. I need to know what I am working with at the most fundamental levels of my life. Without fertile soil, nothing will take. There is no use planting seeds in inhospitable conditions. Better to let the earth of my life rest than overwork, deplete, or demolish its soil.
Even when it’s not what I would have chosen, I trust what is showing up. I study what is off kilter, make note of what sends me spiraling, and meditate on what I have no control over. Somewhere amidst the chaos, the answers are calling me. One of my most important jobs is to learn how to be the best listener of my life as I can be.
Understanding the relationships dynamics that leave me feeling disappointed is key to my current evolution. When I want something from someone that they aren’t offering, I place an obstacle between us, preventing what we could be. In truth, the last thing I want to do is waste time being in a fantasy. Instead, I want to build what I can with who I can. Any other way only leads me into resentment, depletion, and unnecessary despair. With this New Moon, I remember to listen to people’s actions, believe what they are telling me, and seek to accept the changes for what they are: a gift waiting to be unwrapped.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual..
Leo & Leo Rising
With this New Moon, I can be sure that the most challenging obstacles of my day will also be the most defining, rewarding, and educational. I assume that all of the hefty projects in my planner are sure to reveal something essential about my purpose so I treat them as such. When my daily life, routines, and rituals go through an adjustment, it’s my invitation to consider what I want to center them around. I make my priorities my hearth so I can see what else gathers around its warmth.
Any challenging conversations that come up get met with patience. I know hot topics don’t sort themselves out on their own, but not every battle is mine to win and not every victory needs to be loudly received. Quiet has its own strength.
When memories, people, or situations from my past suddenly reappear, I approach the timewarp with great curiosity. I want to understand how and when I repeat the patterns I’d rather interrupt. I want to know, in greater detail, how I’ve come to be wired in the ways that I am. Whatever has had to be repressed all these years becomes conscious when I am ready. I trust the timing of surprise visits.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
I am never lacking, not in vision, ability, nor in an abundance of my own special sauce. When reserves get low, I leave space for my systems to regenerate. I believe that I have everything I need at my disposal: every talent, every bit of willingness to refine my skills, and every desire needed to propel me forward. When something feels stuck or unwilling to move with me, I review my strategies. I repurpose what no longer works, re-use what I can, and reinvent when possible. I’m grateful for the work within my reach while refusing to take my efforts, labor, or application of my resources for granted. This is sometimes a tough balance to strike but one that helps to reset my own equilibrium.
As I review my calendars, and the reasons for filling them up in the way that I have, I welcome any changes of plan that leave more space for me. I know that cancellations are also cleansing. I don’t always feel ready for the purification but, given enough hindsight, I am always grateful for the room to breathe, rest, or let myself meander for the moment. There is always more to come; of that I can be sure.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Libra & Libra Rising
Since life is a constant negotiation I will not be surprised by the back and forth of this season. In order to understand my limits, I sometimes have to visit extremes. In order to understand my preferences, I sometimes have to experience what doesn’t work for me. In order to find the people and the places that are right for me (for now), I have to visit many that aren’t. I let myself experiment, gather intel, and go where the energy is.
It’s more than ok to change; it’s imperative to my well-being.
The growth cycle that I am in asks for an exchange. Understanding the value of my inheritances and the cost of the burdens passed on to me is key. Some family heirlooms are meant to be kept and some are meant to be repurposed, traded in, or returned to sender. No matter the source, I don’t let what isn’t meant for me live rent-free in my being.
With this New Moon, I take time to reflect on what I have to give my life, what I need to recoup, and where I tend to lose myself. I commit to coming back to center each and every day. I remember that not every battle is mine to fight, or worth attempting at this moment.
Everything has its time and I trust my intuition to lead me in the right direction. Through roadblocks and deadends, it has never let me down.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
I know that it’s the power behind my sentiment, not the decibels I can reach, that makes ripples throughout the world. What is loud is not always heard, but what cuts to the core is always felt. I reserve my energy for statements that are well-thought out, well-timed, and worth the backlash, disruption, or upsets they may cause.
I’m not afraid of controversy but I’m not here to cause a scene that distracts from what we need to focus on at this moment.
I know that the truth always surfaces, but in today’s world it’s rarely given the respect it needs. I know that to shout at brick walls is a waste of my talent, so I turn to the darkrooms, creative incubators, and drawing boards that help me strategize. Making a mockery of injustice can feel cathartic, but if I really want to change the systems, both internally and externally, that are too outdated to function, I need to destabilize them by surprise. It’s not about rushing, it’s about having a plan that will outsmart my unhelpful patterns. Self-sabotage is an injustice against myself, but I can’t right that wrong unless I understand its reasoning.
With this New Moon, I welcome any helpful hints from my psyche, guides, and good friends about how to support my unfolding, get out of my own way, and celebrate any unexpected wins.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Endings are a natural part of any growth cycle. I don’t fear the composting that has to happen, the decompression that needs to go down, or the changes that are taking place. I give myself space to absorb any shock and time to see the benefit in the shift of plans.
I know that life never leaves me without options.
With this New Moon, I focus on the group projects I am leading and the cohorts I am building alongside. I know that without some kind of structure, it’s more difficult for the wisdom of the group to come forth. What I can bring now is a plan, a deep desire to listen, and an ability to discern who is ready, willing, and able to go the distance with me. Shared visions are the glue that bind us through the hard hurdles and the celebrations. The most important thing that I can offer those I create with is enough patience to really understand who has the stamina and who is just along for the ride.
When I feel less than exuberant, or able to give to others, I allow myself a retreat from the world. My restoration is a priority. I know that a well-timed pause can be more impactful than a half-baked attempt at doing too much.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
With this New Moon, I make a commitment to trust the delays in my days and the pace of any problems that arise. The answers I need are always woven into the issues that I have to wrangle. Renewal comes when I can be receptive to solutions, engaged with the process of finding them, and willingly participate in the game that is happening. I don’t waste energy wishing that my life was another way. Instead, I apply my talents to the transformative work that restores my equilibrium. I make space for harmony to happen naturally. Every sustainable system was built over many years, trial and error, droughts and deluges and my success is no different: it is always dependent on my commitment to the entire process.
If this year has taught me anything, it’s that I have no idea what life has in store for me. I take note of the healing I have been able to do with my past, the progress I’ve been able to make with setting and keeping boundaries, and the integrity that I’ve been able to bring to my projects no matter the unprecedented conditions that I have been dealt. I stay open to the gifts that come in the form of small pleasures and cute escapes, the insights I am granted when connected to good friends and community, and the bounty that is naturally occurring because of all the effort that I have put in. I will not miss the chance to enjoy what I’ve put so much effort into creating.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Relationships are the basis for all life. Every organism in the universe is in an exchange with, connected to, and impacting the world around it. I am no different. I work with this New Moon in Libra to better understand my union with life at large. Problems arise when I come from a diminished sense of self. Conflicts come when my ego is puffed up disproportionately. I’m not able to embrace my potency and apply it towards an end I can be proud of if I believe I am either unworthy of, or too good for, a situation. Mayhem unfolds when I’m only halfway invested in an outcome. Resentment follows close by if I’ve committed to a project both of my own volition and with great reservations.
I can’t be 100% engaged in my commitments unless they call to me, so I use this time to review the career choices I’ve made up until this point. What I’m not sold on might need to go on sale. Reorienting myself towards the work that brings me the most rewards, the work that keeps my hopes and dreams afloat, and the work that helps me heal, is my priority.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
When a collaboration, a group effort, or a partnership goes awry, I know to meditate on the reasons why. It’s only human to want vindication, it’s so very tempting to point fingers, and it is (momentarily) reassuring to find all the reasons why I’ve been wronged. However, while all of that is a healthy part of my process, stopping there is not ever going to solve my problems.
In order to work with life’s most perplexing obstacles, I also have to let myself be honest about how they make me feel, if I have had any part in their creation, or if there could be another way to show up to a situation I did not create but now need to tend to. I’m not here to exhaust myself in the process so I also refuse to delude myself about the issues at hand.
I know that fearing an outcome that hasn’t arrived won’t get me anywhere helpful, but considering how to prepare for the possible can lower anxiety and direct my energy proactively. I know that staying flexible in this moment creates the ability to see my options with perspective. With a shift in my priorities, I know that there will also be a shift in my plans. This month offers me the insights I need for long-term triumph if I stay a willing student to its teachings.
For a detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Taurus, Mars & Mercury Retrograde, & the Astrology of Oct 16 – Nov 13 + Bonus Samhain Ritual.