Your New Moon affirmation horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration and speak to the astrology from September 28 – October 12. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
September 28th
11:26 AM PT – New Moon at 5° of Libra
Venus in Libra sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 17°
The New Moon in Libra is an affirmation, an invitation, and a little revelation sent to lift our spirits and remind us of what’s possible under pressure. Arriving in the nick of time, this refresh occurs when life’s squeeze is a little tight, its grip a little unrelenting, and its tasks mounting in importance and numbers.
As the faster-moving planets (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and eventually Mars) move through Libra, they each make a square to Saturn in Capricorn. As they do, an issue or two is defined, outlined, and solidified. Astrology like this often signals something in our lives that feels like a roadblock, a no-go, no way, no how. Forcing us to tackle something differently than we have been, it’s no wonder if you’ve felt a little stalled, slowed, or lacking in luster or answers lately. It’s not only you, it’s also them (gestures broadly at the sky).
Saturn asks us to commit to the work before the reward. Saturn asks us to know our fears more intimately so that we can figure out how to fool them. Saturn asks us to master the art of working with what is available. Creative ingenuity will always win over gluttony and greed when we are talking about authentic maturity and living a meaningful life. Saturn may make life feel like it’s withholding the goods from us, but it’s just asking that we work in a more efficient way. Something we wouldn’t do unless we were forced to most times. Saturn demands we take our tasks seriously and ourselves with a grain of salt. Heavy is the load that is weighed with ego. Better just to get to work on what we can.
As the planets plow past the ringed one they also sextile Jupiter, experiencing a moment of levity. A breath of fresh air. An inhale. An expansion.
The day of the New Moon comes bearing the imprint of such an opening. The ruler of it, Venus, has just completed a square to Saturn and now makes a sweet and fortuitous sextile to Jupiter. From rags to riches, this moment asks us to appreciate the bonus we’re being gifted. This aspect reminds us that shift happens, love needs protection in order to flourish, and when we set boundaries and channel our energy, we’re able to make the most of our luck. It’s an aspect that reminds us that beauty is always abundant but sometimes it needs to be sought. This New Moon is a moment that asks us to protect our optimism, make room for luck and love, and to leave the door ajar for even the slightest chance of an opportunity. And that is exactly what your affirmation horoscopes are meant to help you with. Think of them as an entry point for this New Moon and the astrology that follows. Think of them as encouragement from your guides. Think of them as a jumping-off point to working with what’s challenging as a means to get to the blessings at the center of it.
After sextiling Jupiter, the planets traveling through Libra make a square to Pluto, offering us the opportunity to lay an unhelpful pattern down. This New Moon is a pocket of energetic gold in the midst of some defining astrological action, but it’s demanding that we take part in our own alchemical processes if we want to get to it.
September 30th
Venus in Libra square Pluto Rx in Capricorn, both at 20°
From the sweetest sextile to Jupiter, to the rigorous work of excavating our demons with Pluto, Venus is presented with the awesome and the ugly within a matter of days. Here, Venus asks us to lay down the accessories that inhibit us from accessing our power. Whatever trinkets we feel make us special have no power in Pluto’s underworld. This transit uncovers intimacy issues, our value, and worth, and the power dynamics that must be challenged, deconstructed and transformed in our lives and in the world. These are long-lasting changes that won’t be completed today but are part of a greater story that’s unfolding in your life and in our collective experience.
October 2nd
Pluto stations direct at 20°Capricorn
It’s a Pluto-infused week. With the deity of depth presiding over these hearings, there is no telling the levels we are asked to go to. Excavations of all kinds are a major theme now. Pulling things up from the root requires finesse. We have to learn when to tug and when to gently shake loose.
Go easy with these onions. One layer at a time is all that’s needed now.
Those with planets (or points) around 20° of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn are going through in-depth investigations. Check the meaning of the planet (sun = essential self, Venus = love and relationships, etc.), the meaning of the house it is in, and the other house(s) it rules for clues on where and what is going through a long-lasting change.
October 3rd
Mercury enters Scorpio
Mercury will remain in Scorpio for a long time this year. Stationing retrograde on October 31st, Samhain is set up to be a trip. In Scorpio until November 10th, Mercury will want to talk about secrets, power, deeply embedded psychological issues, death, rebirth, and every horror it can get a hold of. Mostly making affirming aspects to other planets, however, this transit will be intense, but not as challenging as it could be.
Mars enters Libra
Here until November 20th, the Warrior is challenged to do its job in the sign of the peacekeeper. As it navigates conflict right now, Mars may uncharacteristically second-guess its actions, feel demoted, or try to stifle issues that need to be dealt with. Headed towards a square to Saturn and Pluto, the first part of Mars through Libra signals yet another moment of needing to apply incredible determination to what we have chosen to do.
October 6th
Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus, both at 5°
The only challenging aspect that Mercury makes while in Scorpio is today. Startling news, unexpected conversations, and unpredictable but very inventive outcomes abound. Roll with the turbulence, it might just knock something else back into place – or into a better one.
October 7th
Sun in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn, both at 14°
The bi-annual bummer aspect. Saturn is a harsh critic of the Sun’s glow up. Saturn isn’t swayed by its theatrics. Saturn is the hard-line that cannot be negotiated. Today’s astrology is a moment to be faced, met with hard-work, sincere effort, and an ability to move through self-pity. No one is saying you don’t have the right to feel sorry for yourself, but staying there won’t get your work done. And most likely there is much to do right now. If you are reading this ahead of time, be forewarned and do not overbook your calendar.
Venus enters Scorpio
Here until November 2nd, Venus in Scorpio is a lesson in joy and pain. Scorpio’s wells run deep. These intense feelings aren’t necessarily the easiest waters for Venus’s inflatable unicorn to remain rightside up in. Here, Venus will help us work through our more challenging emotions, encouraging us to connect with what’s far below the surface yet incredibly close to our hearts. Venus in Scorpio is often touted as “too much” but anyone who has been called this knows that only the bland and boring would think such a thing about the truth. Venus in Scorpio is the raw and real deal and wants nothing else.
October 12th
Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus, both at 5°
Like Mercury, this is the only difficult aspect that Venus makes in Scorpio. The rest of the time it’s pretty smooth sailing. Here, relationship issues get a rude awakening. Inconsistencies break the bonds long enough for the truth to emerge. It’s a quick but loud transit that is sure to shake things up between you and yours.
Aries & Aries Rising
Love is a risk. Love is sacrificing my pride. Love is the biggest threat to my ego and the greatest gift I can give myself.
Winning at love means wanting more for myself than merely getting what I want. Winning at love means wanting the kind of partners that I need and being rapidly disinterested in the ones that gaslight, disrespect, or devalue me. Winning at love means wanting to grow more than wanting to be right. Winning at love means trusting that the process of partnering with the right people will make me better for having committed to them.
With this New Moon, I recommit to protecting my heart, hopes, and energy from those relationships that only seek to keep the gifts flowing one way. I am here for reciprocity. I am here for renewal through mutual respect, affection, and accountability. I am here for good times and heavy ones if I am with those who are too. If this moment makes one thing clear, it is that no one but me can clean up the dynamics I am a part of for me. If I’m not honest with myself about what is and isn’t ok for me to do, agree to, or be a part of, I can’t advocate for the partnerships I need and deserve. Little is as life-saving as this information. I make it a top priority in my meditations.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
If what I do daily isn’t infused with a little love, affection, and compassion, it hasn’t got the hydration needed to be long-lasting. If I don’t have rituals at work that remind me to remain a source of love and kindness for myself, my soul feels shriveled. If I don’t care for my work, it will wander around unloved and unclaimed, dry and dusty.
With this New Moon, I am committed to cleaning up my act. I prepare space for abundance to infuse my work and relationship to it, my love of what I do and why I do it, my care and consideration for the energy demanded of my mind, body, and soul in order to get it done. I reclaim my professional projects from any pits of despair they may have fallen into. I make sure to witness the effort, skill, and determination I have applied to my work life and relationships. I make sure to strike a balance here; I do not disrespect my efforts nor am I delusional about what I still need to work on. If I want my work to command the respect I think it deserves, I have to respect the time, energy, and experience it takes to get there.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
With this New Moon, I make space for my muses. I’m not afraid of blank pages, canvases, or business proposals. I know that to start from scratch is daunting, but I like the challenge. It’s a turn-on to have to try hard. Having to be patient prolongs the pleasure.
Anticipation is its own aphrodisiac.
With this New Moon, I remember to romance my creative energy, projects, and fantasies. I want passion to run deep through all I make and give to the world. I want my desires to be a starting point, not a problem to shut out. I want to build the kind of containers that are strong enough to handle my energy unbridled. I consent to let my muses show up whenever and however they want. I promise not to complain if they catch me in the shower, mid-sentence, or in the most inconvenient situations. I’ll stop whatever I’m doing for them, I am a dutiful servant to them. I am willing and wanting to be used by them and know my kinks will always be worked out by allowing myself the time and space to get to know them better.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
If love was missing, it’s my job to make sure it’s no longer left out. If care wasn’t in attendance, it’s my job to invite it in. If understanding was never part of the equation, it’s my job to add ample amounts in now. No matter what unfounded fears show up at my door, it’s my job to slam it shut. No matter the sorcery of sadness that tries to creep into my present from the past, it’s my job to break its spell.
The survival strategies that I’ve had to develop over my lifetime are more than understandable, but they are no excuse for staying stuck in a pattern that keeps me resentful, fearful, or forgetful of my agency.
With this New Moon, I reclaim myself from my past. I recall my energy from every unnecessary entanglement. I reorient my energy towards getting to work on what I can. I know that to worry about what is out of my control is a waste of my time, talent, and energy. I am smarter than that. I am wiser than that. And if I fall prey to it, I snatch myself back from that.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Leo & Leo Rising
Learning how to effectively communicate through conflict is an essential element of learning how to resolve it. Learning how to have difficult conversations is an essential skill for being a good partner. To myself. To my loves. To my entire life. Learning that conflict isn’t cause for flight helps me stay grounded in the reality that life requires that I deal with all aspects of it.
Compassion for myself and others requires that I embrace the truth, not shy away from it.
With this New Moon, I send the messages that I most want to hear. I tell others the honest truth about how much they mean to me. I’m thoughtful and clear in my feedback. I’m generous and kind in my delivery.
I give my daily routines a little extra time and attention, amplifying the ones that help me feel refreshed, cute, and capable. I keep clearing my calendar of all events that don’t actually call me to them. I reserve my energy for the things that will fill me up the most. I am conscious and mindful of what I have to give to each day so I don’t overextend myself every night.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
I put a little honey on my money so more of the same sticks to it. I keep my coins in quality-controlled containers so they know I appreciate their value. I protect my assets by caring for the conditions I work within.
With this New Moon, I attract the kind of work that appreciates, honors, and pays me well. I release the gigs that don’t pay, don’t equal out to a good investment of my time, and don’t end up helping me make ends meet. I make sure that those I trade with feel the love I have for what I do.
If there’s no sweetness in making it, it’s not the kind of success I’m after.
With this New Moon, I clean out my wallets, purses, and pocketbooks. I make sure to declutter the spaces that I hope will hold a great number of good things. I remind myself that clearing pathways for fortune to find me is my part of the bargain. Magic relies on my efforts, and the spells I am casting don’t Bibiddy-Bobbidy-Boo on their own.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Libra & Libra Rising
Being dedicated to my personal best means being dedicated to quality rest, quality care, and quality time with myself and my inner-circle sweethearts. Being dedicated to my personal growth means being able to cut out what curbs it. Being dedicated to making this next year one to remember means being clear about what I want and learning how to express it without hesitation, guilt, or wanting it redacted.
With this New Moon, I become unwavering in my commitment to meeting my needs, protecting my energy, and reclaiming any investments I’ve made that are costing me. I value the gift of every day too dearly to waste even a moment on what isn’t necessary, needed, or mine to mind. With this rebirth I am more considerate of what I say yes to, remembering that the first affirmation has to be with myself. If it’s not a yes for me, it can’t be for anyone else. I no longer waste my time thinking I can please everyone, it’s an insult to all involved. Relationships based on equality can’t function unless honesty is central to everything in them.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
All good things begin in the dark. Conception must be done without criticism of its process. The wrong kind of light leads to overexposure. Bleached out beginnings lead to abrupt endings.
I let myself linger in the unknown.
I refuse to pressure myself. I refuse to force myself. I refuse to forsake my current momentum. As I prepare for my season, I know some stillness is needed. I know that listening requires my entire being. I know that trusting my body when it demands rest is the most intelligent response I can conjure up.
There is magic in the downtime.
There are dreams that need to find me, but flee when I’m too consumed with being busy. There is power in my stillness. The deeper I am rooted in myself, the clearer I am on the actions I need to take and the less energy I waste chasing what isn’t mine or any of my business.
With this New Moon I know to honor the endings I am experiencing as gateways to new beginnings right around the corner. May I be released from wanting anything that isn’t meant for me.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I’m invested in creating networks that become safety nets. I know that diversity is the key to generativity. I know that finding allies takes time. I know that finding those that want to energetically, creatively, or financially support my dreams takes my ability to remain dedicated to the process no matter who approves of it. Learning how to take constructive feedback is very different than being railroaded by critique without creative solutions. I take care of my creative projects by protecting them from such carelessness.
I’m invested in the ingenuity that is accessed when everyone in the group feels valued. I know that if I think I’m responsible for figuring it all out, I’ll collapse under the weight of the responsibility. I know that the most intelligent way to work is to count on the inherent wisdom of all involved. With this New Moon, I commit to honoring the members of the teams I am a part of.
I’m invested in building spaces where everyone that enters is given the opportunity to tap into their potential. Including myself. With this New Moon, I make my friendships a priority. Caring for my community is a blessing I cash in on. Loving on my people is loving myself. Seeing my besties glow gives me all the more reason to keep shining. Letting others know what I struggle with, hold, and hope for might be hard but it’s the only way to get help holding it all. I am not in this alone, but sometimes I need to put myself in the company of those that know how to remind me so.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
To scale great heights takes great focus. It takes knowing what to put aside. It takes knowing what to cut out completely. It takes knowing what to pack extra of. It takes trusting that whatever falls down the cliff wasn’t meant to make it to the top with me.
This is no time to get side-tracked.
With this New Moon, I set intentions for my work-life and make preparations for the professional peaks I wish to reach. My to-do lists are made with great pleasure and specificity. My emails are constructed with confidence and clarity. My ability to side-step power-hungry people with agility and grace is at an all-time high. I’m not willing to host those with bad intentions, bad boundaries, or nothing nice to say.
There’s no room in this caravan for those kinds of shenanigans.
I’m serving the world my work in hopes that it is sweet to receive. I’m working alongside those that know the power of creativity, kindness, and care. I want to create pockets where my industry can grow its integrity and foster work that I can be proud to say I was a part of.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
September’s New Moon asks me to make a choice. I can choose to invest in myself and the path I am currently on, or in my past and what I have no power to fix, change or do over.
I can’t have both.
I can’t forge a new way and be stuck in a paradigm that doesn’t support it. I can’t hold onto what is over and feel full with hope for what’s on the horizon. I can’t keep letting the guilt of surviving to stop me from thriving.
It’s unfair to keep dragging the past into the future. It’s unreasonable to expect that I’ll get anywhere if all I’m doing is looking back in regret. It’s unconscionable to split my energy, myself, and my life in two.
I respect what and where I’ve come from while allowing myself the freedom to grow into all I know I can be. I know that when others ask me to dim my light, dull my shine, or slow my roll, it’s only from a place of fear and I love myself and respect them too much to oblige it. Changing me to make you more comfortable does no one any good, ever.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Long-lasting change comes through long-standing effort. I don’t expect all things to heal in an instant, but I know that cumulative efforts can create the conditions for quantum leaps.
With this New Moon, I appreciate the work that I have put in, making my healing possible. With this New Moon, I honor everyone who has invested their time, energy, and talent in me. With this New Moon, I make sure to pay these investors back by taking my dreams, potential, and productivity seriously.
I haven’t come this far to cut my chance for success short.
With this New Moon, I clear space for the most important collaborations I am cultivating. Even if there are multiple opportunities that I’d like to take on, I focus on the ones that are the most energetically and monetarily profitable. I know that saying yes to one thing means saying no to others and while I’d love to stay open and available, the more powerful move is to stay focused and determined.
Work more deeply with the New Moon in Libra in this month’s workshop – it has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you. A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26.