Your full moon horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
October 24th
9:45 AM PT – Full Moon at 1° Taurus
Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn, both at 4°
The surface of our lives must crack if a deeper truth is ever going to come forth.
This process is often perceived as a devastating shock to our ego. It’s common to feel humiliated when our misunderstandings are exposed. It’s common to experience a path to liberation as loss at first. It often feels like death when we let go of a false sense of self.
Welcome to Scorpio Season.
With the sun, Mercury, Venus retrograde, and Jupiter all in Scorpio, we are reminded that the process of metamorphosis is not for the faint of heart. We need the cover of darkness to make it through the most intense shifts. We need to know depth intimately before we can know joy explicitly. We need contrast if we want to experience appreciation.
But not everyone appreciates the paradoxes that life relentlessly doles out.
The full moon in Taurus arrives on October 24th at 9:45 AM PT. Occurring in the 1st degree of the sign, this full moon is an appropriately intense start to Scorpio Season.
Generally speaking a full moon in Taurus is a luscious, lazy, lingering invitation to appreciate the sensual subtleties of the physical world. Taurus provides stability, consistency, and reliability. It reconnects us with our animal instincts.
Food. Rest. Rooting around for treats and temptations.
However, this full moon has another texture to it. Conjunct Uranus, it highlights the impact that the planet of breakthroughs has had on us since May, when it first arrived there.
Uranus in Taurus asks us to reinvent our relationships to the resources at our disposal. It asks us to break ground, rethink what security means to us, and get curious about what we might be able to produce if we innovated our systems of production.
Or our reasons for doing so.
Take a look back to what you were just beginning to change, shift, or awaken to back in May. What have the last 6 months taught you? What have you given up and what have you done with the space created?
Trine Saturn, this full moon is able to impact our lives in a lasting way. What we learn to reinvent now can be put to good, steady use in our lives.
The ruler of the full moon is Venus. Still retrograde in Scorpio, Venus is making a sweet and affirming sextile to Saturn. This bit of stabilization is useful because the next move Venus makes is an opposition to Uranus. The tension between the houses that hold Scorpio and Taurus in our charts is momentarily unrelenting. The tension will fade as the weeks roll out, but what we do with it makes an incredible impact on the way they do.
October 26th
Sun conjunct Venus in Scorpio at 3°
This is the heart of Venus’s retrograde journey. Purified by the sun’s light, Venus is reborn within the dark and dangerous caverns of the underworld. She’ll still need to show us the way back up to the land of the living, but her reunification with herself has taken place and this helps us do so too. Look for the insights and highlights of this Venus retrograde for you thus far by noticing what you’ve come to appreciate, understand, and hold space for in your relationships, and in regards to your relationship with beauty, pleasure, and the power of aesthetic appreciation this month.
October 27th
Sun in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn, both at 4°
The next few days are the sweetest that we have between the full moon and the next new moon. As the sun makes a sextile with Saturn, we are given an opportunity to harness the power of our drive within the containers that can take it to the next level.
Work with what functions most efficiently.
October 29th
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio, both at 27°
Here, a moment of hope, expansion, and perspective happens upon us. Jupiter always helps Mercury widen the lens through which it views the world. Maybe a little too much sometimes, but this is a day that takes the depth of Scorpio and the breath of Jupiter and spreads the most important messages far and wide.
Speak about your wildest dreams to those that know how to take the etherial and make it material, then follow the instructions that pique your interest and excite you into action.
October 30th
Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury in Sagittarius gets sloppy with the details, loves to think bigger than what’s humanly possible, and is always down to learn. Mercury will end up spending an incredible amount of time in Sagittarius as it will station retrograde on November 15th at 13° of the mutable fire sign.
October 31st
Samhain, The Witches’ New Year
Venus in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus at 0°
Venus Retrograde re-enters Libra
Like any witch worth their salt, Venus knows the power of the truth. Right before she changes signs, Venus makes the same opposition that the sun did at the full moon.
Uranus is currently transiting Taurus, one of the signs Venus rules. As Venus opposes Uranus it embodies this energy, doubling down on the power of change in the area of your chart that contains Taurus.
Shortly after the dual between the Goddess of love and the Goddess of IDGAF, Venus slips back into Libra, the other sign of her rulership. Here Venus finishes up the retrograde with a little more dignity than she was granted at the beginning of the cycle. Hopefully this aspect of her journey will provide a little more sweetness, and a little less re-enactment of the trauma experienced in a world that values Venus so poorly.
November 5th
Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces, both at 13°
A beautiful, imaginative, and dreamy mash up, today’s astrology helps us integrate something with ease. It fills the atmosphere with inspiration and helps us find our way to a little more creative freedom if we feel our way towards it.
November 6th
Uranus re-enters Aries
Back by popular demand, Uranus has one last piece of business to attend to in Aries. Having left in May of 2018, Uranus has spent the last 6 months in Taurus, shaking the most solid of structures in our lives. Back in Aries, Uranus leans into the personal revolutions, and radical individualism it developed between 2011-2018.
Uranus encourages change; in Aries, this is personal. But change without insight, consideration, and introspection is just chaotic movement. With this last go around, we are being asked to consider what we need to shift on a personal level, and what we need to reinvent our relationship to on a collective level. How might we use our individual freedom to help hold, heal, and create spaces that might be able to address the pain that we carry collectively?
Uranus will travel from 29°-28° of Aries over the next 5 months. If you have any planets or points at 28°-29° of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn this is the last pass Uranus will make to them. Uranus will conjunct planets or points at 28°-29° of Aries, square planets at 28°-29° of Cancer or Capricorn, and oppose planets or points at 28°-29° of Libra.
If you have anything at these sensitive points, what you can expect over the next 5 moths is a conclusion, wrap up, or closure in regards to events associated with these planets or points in your chart.
Uranus will officially leave Aries on March 6, 2019, not to return again for another 84 years.
Horoscope for Aries & Aries Rising
October’s full moon highlights the changes, shifts and revolutions occurring in your relationship to your money, resources, and work. If you feel unsure of how exactly to manifest your talents at this time, embrace the uncertainty with relentless curiosity. Being in the unknown is a profoundly creative place, but you have to learn how to be ok with space.
And mystery.
Let the breakthroughs that happen in this area of your life break your defenses down. Let the changes in the nature of your work or financial life change the ways in which you think of your value add. What power are you giving away? What power can you take back right here and now? What respect can you show the energy that you put into all you do?
Let the material rewards your receive for your efforts land somewhere solid in your life.
As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on October 29th, you get an insight, opportunity, or gift through another. Make it a point to actively invest in the collaborations that help you stay open, available, and willing.
With Venus opposing Uranus and retrograding back into Libra on the Witches’ New Year, you get to refresh your understanding of the most entrenched relationship patterns that you possess. Unearthing them might feel uncomfortable at first, but remind yourself that the sensation helps you understand the depth and breadth of the issue.
You are coming into a new dynamic, a new relationship with yourself. Let the excitement about what that might bring you, teach you, and reveal to you bubble up within you.
Come the end of the lunar cycle, Uranus retrogrades back into Aries. Here until March 2019, the Goddess of IDGAF graces you with one last audience with her. Over the next five months you’ll be asked to finish your degree in personal freedom. Give yourself the space and time needed to understand the gifts this wants to bring to you.
More so than most times, the next five months will remind you that nothing is permanent. No suffering or situation stays the same, but everything you learn along the way will be with you forever.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Taurus & Taurus Rising
What you have learned to defend has most likely helped you survive, but there is some part of you that now wants to know what it is to thrive.
October’s full moon is giving you the green light. It illuminates the changes that are taking place for you personally. It permeates the cracks occurring along the surface of your life, encouraging you to let your own light shine through.
Spend some time meditating on the places where you have become too rigid to grow. Too stiff to soften to love. Too tempted to shut down when you need to try and find a way through. Encourage your curiosity to liberate itself from the lockers of fear it has been held in.
Apply this kind of open-mindedness to your partnerships.
Come the end of the month an important conversation takes place between you and a collaborator, partner, or love. There is an opportunity here for you to expand your definition of what it is you do together. Abundance flows towards your unions, but not in any predictable manner.
The containers that you create with others need to be built spaciously, and with one another’s freedom in mind. Stay curious about your potential together. Stay with how your relationships need to breathe. Stay curious as to what is possible through partnership.
Come the Witches’ New Year you’ll need to refine your schedule. Leave space to enjoy more. Explore your creative impulses and take note of what they hint at. Some work projects might be delayed or put through a process of review right now, but trust the process. If the rhythm is different than what you expected, know that something you can’t conceive of is working its way to you or through you.
Before the next lunar cycle takes place, Uranus leaves your sign not to return until the spring of 2019. Retreating back into the recesses of your 12th house, Uranus will reveal more truths that have been hidden from view. Take it slow. This psychic clearing is a once in a lifetime event and its impact lasts as long.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Gemini & Gemini Rising
October’s full moon highlights the shifts, changes and unexpected awakenings that have been occurring within the back room of your psyche for the past 6 months.
Since last May you have been cosmically encouraged to give yourself the time and space needed to unpack and process parts of your life that you’ve had to hide.
Until now.
This process has most likely made clear that you can’t expect to both heal and keep the secrets that harm you. The full moon highlights the choice you’ve made and the results it has produced.
Whatever has been shaken lose over the past 6-months wasn’t made to last. The more you are able to accept, with great curiosity, the situation that you are in, the more prone you’ll be to pick up on the mystery and magic of the moment. As you give up harboring the shame that keeps you unwell, you’ll learn to love what it has taught you.
Come the end of the month, as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, one of your work projects gets a pick-me-up. Good messages find you and help to lift your work to new heights and wide horizons. Keep the depth that makes it so special, even if it is at the expense of its reach.
As Venus opposes Uranus and retrogrades back into Libra on the Witches’ New Year, you pick up on the fact that your creations need an infusion of innovation. With Uranus also retrograding back into past territory come the first week of November, this infusion may come through the communities that you are currently working with. Whatever you are doing in groups needs to be revolutionary. If it’s not helping to spur people into action you won’t be that intrigued. Hang out with those that know how to interrupt injustice and stay curious about the innumerable ways in which equality can take shape.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Cancer & Cancer Rising
October’s full moon highlights the changes, shifts, and breakthroughs that you are experiencing in and through the groups you are associated with. Everything that comes up for you via the social settings you find yourself in is essential for your overall liberation.
What you need from the groups you are, and have been, a part of is changing. The dynamics you were previously able to ignore can no longer be swept under the rug. It’s OK to be the one who is more sensitive to the shifts occurring between you and others. It’s actually your role at the moment.
Currently, you are more likely to be the trouble-maker, trickster, and temptress of truth for those you are connected to. This revolutionary spirit can feel threatening to some, but incredibly exciting to the right crowd. Find those that are interested in manifesting a little more freedom for one another.
As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter come the month’s end, your creative projects get a boost through a fortunate situation, communication, or coincidence. The collision that comes brings with it an opening. Emphasize this by applying as much curiosity to the situation as you can. In what ways do your creative projects want to grow, and what expansion would just capsize them?
By the Witches’ New Year, Venus’s opposition to Uranus exaggerates this need to remain open to the shape your creativity wants to take. Follow it. Don’t force it. Free its intelligence and study under its instruction.
Also on the 31st, Venus retrogrades back into Libra and your home life, family life, and relationships to parental figures gets an important review. Whatever issues that first came up in August in this area of your life are back for some important healing. Stay open to the depth of the situation. The feelings might transport you back to places you don’t usually want to visit, but remember that every time that happens you have the opportunity to retrieve a part of yourself waiting for rescue.
The last days of this lunar cycle see Uranus returning to your 10th house of public roles, reputation and career. Here, the planet of breakthroughs will spend the next 5 months exaggerating the fact that the changes that are occurring in your professional life are undeniable. It’s exciting, possibly destabilizing, and definitely unpredictable. Start envisioning the areas of your public life that you are committed to getting freer in, less concerned with who likes you, and more concerned with what excites you.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Leo & Leo Rising
October’s full moon illuminates the professional changes, wild rides, and unexpected leaps of faith that you have been asked to make over the past 6 months. What have you risked? What (assumed) security have you given up? What space has this created for your creativity to take flight? Even the smallest flutter of its wings can change the trajectory of your situation.
Give yourself the chance to see what can be built when you follow the impulses of your curiosity. Give yourself a break by remembering that in moments of incredible reconstruction such as this, your best bet is to fall in love with the unknown while being relentlessly committed to doing what you know you need to.
As the month ends Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and you get some good news about your home and/or family life. Over the past year, Jupiter has been asking you to grow your ideas of what home and family could look. Give yourself permission to unfold, unpack, and unwind. Exhale without waiting. Let this moment, and whatever good it brings, help you find the internal expansion you are craving.
As Venus opposes Uranus on the Witches’ New Year what gets awakened is a need to move, shift your surroundings, or reinvent your relationship with home. You might not be around the roost much, but when you are home it’s important that you feel you are reflected in your space.
And Venus retrogrades back into Libra and Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, the short-term/long-term plans in your life get put back on the top of your list. It is quite possible that over the next few months, the rearranging of your schedule will be epic, but ultimately worth it.
Keep an open mind about the opportunities that have a way of appearing out of thin air.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Virgo & Virgo Rising
October’s full moon highlights the twists and turns that your journey has taken over the past 6 months. Where you are is most likely not where you thought you’d be, but the main question is, are you enjoying it? Does this particular path suit your current needs? Can you grow here?
This lunation might bring with it a choice about your path forward. If there is a leap of faith presenting itself, remember that you can choose to take it or sit it out. No one but you can decide your direction, but you can get help by getting curious about what your life is telling you.
As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on October 29th you are given a message that helps you understand in greater detail your options. The way forward reveals itself by being the option that feels the most expansive, intriguing, and liberating. Come the Witches’ New Year, when Venus opposes Uranus, you’ll be itching for some new or different way to do your day. These little earthquakes can lead to major fault lines though. Pay attention to the cracks and the ways in which you might prevent something falling apart that could just as easily stay together.
Clear and concise communication is key.
As Venus retrogrades back into Libra, and Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, the two create a dynamic need for balance between what you have and what you owe. How you honor your gifts and how you honor working with others is in need of an overhaul. The equation has to be fair, but also appropriate for this moment. Not every opportunity is the right place for your talents. Knowing when to stay and when to leave is key. Be thoughtful about what you need to work hard at and what you need to let someone else do.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Libra & Libra Rising
October’s full moon highlights all the ways in which you are learning to collaborate in new, innovative, and possibly disruptive ways. There are experiments that want to find their way through your more sturdy partnerships. Those that are down for the ride of a lifetime will get rewarded when working with you.
This full moon will most likely bring about something unexpected for you to experience within your joint projects and investments. Notice what wasn’t worth your time, energy, or commitment and refuse to do it again. Notice also what grief, sadness, anger, or intense emotions get released with this full moon as they can act as a revelatory cleanse for the system.
Come the end of the month as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in your 2nd house of finances, money, and work, you get good news about a project or potential opportunity. Around this time do what you can to get curious about how you limit the flow of abundance in your life. Feel no way about saying goodbye to the relationships that only drain you of your reserves.
As Venus opposes Uranus and then retrogrades back into Libra on the Witches’ New Year, this sentiment is amplified. Ill-fitting situations that you try to hang on to will only run you ragged.
With the addition of Uranus retrograding back into your 7th house of committed partnerships and staying there until the spring of 2019, the most pressing of your relationship issues arise to be healed. These issues are forever unfolding and healing, but at this moment their tension is too much to ignore. You’d be cheating yourself if you let this time pass without a deeper investigation into the dynamics between you and others. No need to poke or prod them though, just simply refuse to ignore them once they make themselves known.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
October’s full moon illuminates your relationship dynamics and the changes that they have been undergoing over the past 6 months. What shifts have you and your partnerships had to adjust to? What do you feel freer to ask for, seek out, or allow yourself now?
Following the full moon, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in your sign, flooding you with inspiration, insights, and the ability to see beyond the limits imposed on you. Your imagination is your greatest currency come the end of the month. In preparation for the abundance coming your way find what blocks your ability to say yes. What you want more of, wants you too.
As Venus, still retrograde and in your sign until the 31st, opposes Uranus, you get bolder about your desires. This will most likely mean giving up something that may have felt like security, but is actually just stifling your life energy. No witch can make magic in spaces that don’t resonate with their life force. Find the places that pick up on your potency and celebrate it openly.
Venus then retrogrades back into Libra on the same day and you get reminded of just how important being connected to your magic is. The veils between this world and the spirit realm grow impossibly thin on the Witches’ New Year, reminding you of the transformative power of being in touch with your inner life.
Early November sees Uranus retrograding back into your 6th house where it asks for one or two more reinventions to occur within your work life. From now until the spring of 2019 you are being asked to bring your curiosity into your professional sphere. Be open to the more wild, weird, and unusual creative inspirations your work seems to call for. If it seems impossible to your rational mind, it might very well be the best thing to explore.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
October’s full moon highlights the changes, rearrangements, and rerouting your work life has undergone over the past 6 months. If you look back to the beginning of May, you might see that your situation is near unrecognizable. Which breakthroughs did you trust enough to act on? What has following their insights taught you? What did you do to make your own well-being a priority and what has that revolutionized in your life?
The less resistance we have to what we are being asked to embody, the more sense our situation makes. It doesn’t always mean it gets easier to manage, but it gets more interesting to be a part of.
Your work life, and your physical health, need your curious attention. What feels hard to pinpoint leads you to a much deeper understanding of what these areas of life need from you.
What keeps you healthy changes over time. Change with it.
Come the end of the month, as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, you get connected to the kind of well-being that only comes from within. The psychological restoration that you’ve made happen over the past year has helped you deepen your belief that you deserve to be happy. Freely. Without fear of being in trouble for it.
As Venus opposes Uranus on the Witches’ New Year, this message is amplified. Let its libations sink into the parts of your soul that have been desperate for this kind of hydration.
As Venus retrogrades back into Libra, and Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, they both stress the tension that lies between the people and groups that you need support from and the creative energy that wants to challenge that same group of folks. There’s a revolution brewing in and through your creative projects. Make sure you give them the chance to shake things up in the ways they need to. Being irreverent with intention, purpose, and a solid plan gets you the attention of those who know how to invest in your future.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
October’s full moon pulls focus on the ways in which the past 6 months have pulled you out of a creative shell you may or may not have been aware you were in. Having a variety of ways to express your talents will help you have more faith in your process. We’re less likely to get sidetracked by disappointment when we have a multitude of projects that need our care.
Look back at the spring and notice what creative urges began to break the ground of your conscious awareness. How have those sprouts built upon themselves? What is flowering at the full moon? What can you continue to get curious about as it pertains to this energy and how it wants to be put to use in your life?
As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter come late October you get messages of love and appreciation from your community members. Conversations, unexpected connections, and serendipitous meet-ups lead to growth and mutual good fortune. Make sure that you stay open to the spontaneity of it all. As Venus opposes Uranus in the same area of your chart days later, the importance of liberating yourself from old creative limitations is clear. The more permission you give yourself to make things in the way they need to be made, the easier those that need what’s coming through you, can find you.
As Venus retrogrades back into Libra and Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, the tension between your inner and outer lives comes into focus. Your career goals and your home life compete for your attention. Professional opportunities from the past may loop back around for you to take one more look at. Those you worked with an eon ago appear unexpectedly. These curious encounters want you to find something you left behind long ago. Something that’s now ready to be incorporated into your profession sphere reappears. Show up for it when it does.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Healing is hard work. It’s not simple. It’s not something done and then over with and it’s not ever finished with us.
Of this we can be sure.
The gift October’s full moon brings you might be hard to recognize at first. It’s the gift of outgrowing your home base. The gift of getting really familiar with the cracks in your concrete. The gift of knowing without a doubt that you are in danger of drowning if you don’t save yourself first.
Some part of you is waiting for you to do so.
Healing the issues that we have inherited from our family might cause rifts with them, but it’s the only way a closeness built on honesty is possible. Invest in the health of your blood line by giving yourself the infusions of love and acceptance that you couldn’t access at the source. Know that this nourishment reaches all those that you are related to if they want to open enough to receive it.
Come the end of the month you’ll get a chance to see how much these inner shifts manifest as outer opportunities. There are a series of career boosts offered to you. Make sure that you can stay buoyed enough internally to notice them. Professional allies are listening to you. Make sure to tell folks your most heartfelt, career-aligned intentions.
Venus’s opposition to Uranus amplifies the fact that the changes happening at the base of your life are undoubtedly influencing the opportunities for your professional one.
Nothing shifts outwardly without it also shifting inwardly and vice versa.
As Venus retrogrades back into Libra, and Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, the tension between your daily life and your long-term plans gets amplified. What needs to be accomplished immediately so that eventually your dream scenarios have room to breathe?
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Pisces & Pisces Rising
What unexpected messages is October’s full moon flooding your inbox with? Who needs your advice, assistance, or input? What information comes knocking on your door that alters your understanding of a situation?
Since May there have been shifts, changes, and challenges to your schedule. When you look back at the last 6 months, what did you want to begin then that you are fully emerged in now? What shocking departures were you pondering then that you’ve now fully embraced? What gifts have they brought you?
If you are still sitting on the sidelines, wondering, wanting, but worrying about taking a leap of faith, the full moon will bring you either information about it, encouragement around it, or a confirmation about your hesitation. Just because change is in the air, doesn’t mean right now is the moment to make it. Trust the signals that life sends you. You’ll know when to leap and when to wait.
As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on October 29th, you get a green light that a long-term plan is taking shape. It’s the perfect time to think big-picture while making time for all the small strides forward needed to get there.
As Samhain rolls around, Venus exaggerates the need to keep an open mind and schedule. As it opposes Uranus, the upheaval, unexpected opportunities, and changes in your plans come at you full speed. From the full moon until the last day of October, it might be hard to put things in ink.
But that’s not what this time is for.
For you, right now it’s essential to stay curious about the ways in which the winds are shifting. Stay in the place of possibility and mystery.
No fish has ever swam in a perfectly straight line.
There are many ways to get to a destination. As long as you don’t get side-tracked by energy vampires, you’ll find your own path to the places that are beckoning you forward.
As Venus retrogrades back into Libra and Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, the tension between protecting your resources and sharing them with others gets amplified. Whether you are working on something revolutionary with another, or you are trying to understand alternative ways to invest what you have, you are being asked to be equal parts brave and thoughtful. Find ways to appreciate the value of what you’ve created while learning about its amplification through partnerships that fit your needs.
Now 50% off: I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for your sign for the full moon in Taurus and Venus retrograde in this month’s lunar workshop.