While Jupiter was in Scorpio (October 2017-November 2018) it taught us much about the cathartic power of healing, expansion through cultivating depth, and turning towards our most painful wounds so that we might better understand the power locked within them.
If Jupiter in Scorpio was a magnification of our underworlds, Jupiter in Sagittarius is an exploration of our horizons.
On November 8th, Jupiter, planet of growth, good-will, and abundance will enter Sagittarius, one of the two signs (the other is Pisces) that Jupiter calls home. Jupiter’s entrance into a new sign signals a shift in what gets magnified. Over the course of the next 13 months, it will spend its time and energy making more out of the issues we face, with a Sagittarius flare.
It’s about to get abundantly enthusiastic in here.
Here until December 2nd, 2019, this is the first time since the late fall of 2006 that Jupiter has visited its home. In Sagittarius, Jupiter has all of the power, energy, and confidence it needs to do its job.
Get ready to grow.
Sagittarius is a sign that functions on faith. As a fire sign, Sagittarius takes action. As a mutable sign, Sagittarius diversifies its directions, ever open to new experiences. As the seeker, the arrow in the bow, the centaur ready to gallop off to great adventures, Sagittarius is here for the journey and all it can learn along the way.
But its adventures must be meaning-full.
Sagittarius is happiest when learning, teaching, and discovering a multitude of ways to experience life. Sagittarius finds its answers by trusting its intuition. Fire signs follow, with great gusto, the strongest inspirational current that runs through them.
Jupiter’s time in Sagittarius will help us to expand through the development of our faith and the “luck” it tends to align us with. Fire signs take action via their intuition and Jupiter in Sagittarius will inspire us to do so. Through this transit, we will develop a greater understanding of what we believe in and why.
A planet in its own sign is extreme. Without reflection, without pause, it pursues its aim with unearned confidence. It knows only how to be itself. Seeking its aim without shame. Needing no approval, it is sometimes impervious to being checked.
With this combination, that can translate into an increase in the proliferation of dogmatic philosophies. Proselytizing easily becomes a pastime. In general, Jupiter in Sagittarius is incredibly fortunate unless it is just impervious to common sense.
Faith without critical thought is delusion. Growth without a moral compass is corruption. Consuming as much as is possible is a greed that can only lead to a deep, spiritual depression.
These are shadows of Jupiter on overdrive.
Jupiter Square Neptune
With a square to Neptune in Pisces as the only major aspect Jupiter in Sagittarius makes in the next 13 months, we need to encourage a clarity of truth to come forward as best we can. Under a tense aspect like this one, Jupiter and Neptune tend towards a delusional idealism, magical thinking, unfounded optimism, and an anesthetic to the pain we so desperately, and understandably, want to escape.
We are, as a global community, awakening to so much, so quickly. Coming to consciousness is not an easy, feel-good experience. We are in the process of trying to grapple with a tremendously long and brutal history, while trying to create a kinder, less harmful current reality.
It’s a lot of trauma to unpack, understand and attempt to heal.
Both Jupiter and Neptune can help us do so, however. With Neptune sitting in Jupiter’s other home sign (Pisces), there may very well be a helpful collaboration between these two, resulting in a greater compassion, empathy, and awareness of one another’s pain.
With Jupiter and Neptune in a square on and off until September of 2019, we will most likely be privy to many a parlor trick promising us discounts on justice and an everlasting place in a heaven not built for our well-being. We may trick ourselves into thinking quick fixes are for real. In this astrological weather, some will want to find loop holes. But to buy into distraction is even more dangerous at this point in the human adventure. It’s fair to want to opt out, but irresponsible to actually do so.
There are a million healthy ways to take a break and refuel without falling out of the movements of our becoming.
Jupiter will square Neptune on:
- January 13th, 2019, both at 14°
- June 16th, 2019, both at 18°
- September 21st, 2019, both at 17°
Jupiter Retrograde
Every year Jupiter will spend about 4 months retrograde. These are months where we get to review our growth, making sure we are expanding honestly, and growing wisely. Because Jupiter is in its own sign, its strength is diminished during these months but not entirely put out. The most difficulty Jupiter will have is the square to Neptune while it is retrograde on June 16th.
If you have any planets or points between 14° – 24° of Sagittarius, they will receive extra time and attention from the Goddess of Growth.
Jupiter will be retrograde from April 10th through to August 11th. Jupiter will retrograde from 24° to 14° of Sagittarius.
Jupiter’s transit Through Our Charts
In Sagittarius, Jupiter is here to teach us the expansiveness of our reach and the importance of honoring our impact. Jupiter says yes to life. It teaches us how to include, accept, and gather good things through giving what we have. In Sagittarius, especially so. Personally, this transit is incredibly helpful for any planet, point, or house in our chart that contains Sagittarius. Simply having Jupiter transit through the same sign as other planets or points in your chart will grant them ease, grace, and good fortune.
Those with significant placements (sun, moon, ascendant, or ascendant ruler) in fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) and in air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) will do especially well with this transit. Jupiter in Sagittarius will have you feeling like you have extra wind in your sails, and a generous helping of abundant optimism, whatever that means for you and in your situation.
Jupiter Cycles
Because Jupiter has a 12 year orbit, whether or not you have any planets or points in Sagittarius, Jupiter is in the same part of your chart that it was 12 years ago. That means you are experiencing a growth spurt in the same area of your life that you did then (late 2006 – late 2007). You can read your horoscope below for more insight into what this might mean for you, and to jog your memory as to the development that this moment is continuing with. Like waves, the planets build upon their own rhythms.
Jupiter Return
If you were born with Jupiter in Sagittarius, you are experiencing what astrologers call a ‘Jupiter Return’. This happens around the ages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, and 96 (though you might be one of these ages and not have Jupiter in Sagittarius). A Jupiter return will tend to magnify your natal Jupiter’s significations. Whatever Jupiter is doing in your chart, whatever it means in regards to your life’s direction (especially poignant for folks with Sagittarius rising and Jupiter in Sagittarius), the 13 months Jupiter spends here will illuminate something specifically important about your growth at this moment. If you have natal Jupiter in Sagittarius, transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius will most likely feel like an extremely positive time period for you. The meaning of the house that your natal Jupiter is in and transiting Jupiter is moving through, will most likely feel especially blessed from late 2018 to late 2019.
Cultivating Good Growth
In preparation for Jupiter’s entrance into Sagittarius, all of us, no matter our sun or rising sign, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Jupiter sign, can assist this Planet Of Plenty.
Do what you can to allow the omnipresent abundance of your life to permeate your every cell. Waste not one moment of this transit on doubting the growth you are doing. Waste not one moment of this transit refusing the gifts presented to you because you feel undeserving of them. Waste not one moment of this transit questioning your quest if it is one of curiosity, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to seeking the truth.
Whatever we want to manifest must be grown in every moment of our lives. There is no one action we take to shift the tides. It is with each action we take that we shape the growth of our world. May we grow an unwavering commitment to creating spaces where healing is justice, and justice is healing.
We need not any more growth of gluttony, excess, fear, or hatred. It’s time to grow our capacity to do right by ourselves, our neighbors, loved ones, ancestors, and future family members.
Horoscope for Aries & Aries Rising
Clear space for abundance to arrive. Goddesses of Growth prefer an open floor plan to play with. Crowded corners are offensive to the deities that want to develop your life. They either leave or increase your clutter.
Better to start with as clean a slate as possible.
As Jupiter enters your 9th house of travel, adventure, education, and inquiry, you are granted 13 months to explore. This is the time to remove the constraints of time from your fantasy life. Momentarily cast aside conventional thinking about what you can get done in a year. Jupiter is here to keep you focused on the mystery of the open road that lies before you.
It is not your job to assume what any one event will lead to. It is only your job to make sure that you are giving yourself access to the optimism needed to stay in the game.
Anything is possible if you put yourself on the path you most want to be on. Not much will happen if you don’t.
What is the experience you most wish to have over the course of the next year? Envision it now. Use the feeling that this fantasy conjures within you as the framework for your big plans. If it feels similar, go for it. If it feels denser, more contracted, or restrictive, wait for the next opportunity to appear. Jupiter likes abundance, but the most powerful way to work with this energy is via optimistic discernment. Know that if you feel an internal “no” about something it means that another thing is trying to get to you. Something tailored to you, eager for you, and ready to work wonders with you.
This next year will help you to roll out some incredibly important long-term plans. Make sure they are the kind that make you want to rush towards them offering all you’ve got.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 9th house from late 2006-late 2007. What did you learn? Where did you travel? What did you publish, seek, and find to be true for you then? What similar growth spurt are you experiencing now? How is your current exploration, expansion, or learning a continuation of that time?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Taurus & Taurus Rising
You are wanted. In demand. In need of the right collaborations to complement your current growth trajectory.
Like a puzzle piece that fits into a larger picture of mutual success, you are being guided towards the best possible fits for your talents. Do not waste any time trying to become the shape of some other piece. You are the perfect you, don’t break yourself to fit in.
Over the course of the next 13 months, you will expand through those that you spend the most time with. You will attract to you opportunities for growth through the collaborations you commit to.
Don’t agree to just any old collaboration.
Study any tendencies you have for self depreciation so severe it severs you from the roads that will get you where you need to be. Study the tendency you have of refusing a perfect prospect because they don’t arrive in the packaging you prefer. Study any situation that you find yourself in that stimulates your curiosity and activates your imagination. You now find and join with the folks that have the assets and resources that you need. Knowing which options to take, and which to pass on, is all the easier when you are equal amounts open and discerning.
As Jupiter travels through your 8th house from late 2018 through late 2019, it helps you to heal wounds you would have thought previously impossible to address. These healings help you to access a greater wealth of energy from within. The more you accept about your losses, the more you are able to say ‘Thank you. Next’ to your current reality.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 8th house from late 2006-late 2007. What did you develop in collaborations with others? What did this process teach you? What did you heal around loss and grief, or learn about what your mental health requires? How is your current opportunity picking up on the themes from that time in your life?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Gemini & Gemini Rising
When the right love finds you, it feels like home. It expands your sense of what is possible. It heals the parts that felt unworthy of attention, affection, and acceptance. Love untangles the knots that self-rejection creates.
Love relaxes the system. It opens up to reciprocity. It allows the past to stay in the past. It welcomes in opportunities and allows us the ability to receive them.
Love comes in from every aspect of our lives when we let it.
As Jupiter spends the next 13 months exploring your 7th house of committed partnerships, it helps you to grow through the love, kindness, and generosity of others, and through your ability to give the same. Through the simple act of letting yourself be loved, in platonic or romantic unions, you will make quantum leaps in your life. The more you open to the gifts others are bringing to you, the more you can accept, acknowledge, and appreciate your own.
The opportunities that now come to you through your committed partnerships are growth enhancing to say the least. In order to make the most of this moment, you’ll need to know who to partner with, and who to let go of. Not every person is right for us in this moment. You may be outgrowing old relationship dynamics, making it necessary to let some people in your life partner with others more suitable for their situation. The more honest you can be about your needs right now, the more you’ll be able to find the people that want to expand, heal, and grow through the commitments right for you both.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 7th house from late 2006-late 2007. What did you develop in and through your committed partnerships during that time (business or personal)? Who came into your life that taught you something that is still with you? How are your current relationships, and the opportunities that they are bringing you, speaking to the themes from that time in your life?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Cancer & Cancer Rising
Growing pains are more pronounced when we become overly attached to any one idea of success. It’s hard to fit a new opportunity into an already overcrowded reality. It’s complicated to make room for something new if there are too many old, and ill-fitting, tasks to keep up with.
Your current growth needs you to grow with it, and let go of what won’t let you.
As Jupiter spends the next 13 months in your 6th house of work-projects, work-life, and health issues, it asks you to grow your awareness of the impact of your efforts. It’s offensive to our talent when we take it for granted. Over the course of this transit you will come to appreciate, in great quantities, the possibilities for the projects you are working diligently on.
In order to make the most of this transit, ask yourself how you tend to limit what you work is capable of? Ask yourself how you might tend to get in the way of your own success? What do you need to learn to celebrate, have fun with, and feel more joy doing in your work life and in regards to your responsibilities?
During this time, you’ll need to be able to hand off tasks that take up too much of your time. At work, everything is important to attend to, but not everything needs to or can be done by you. Make sure that you have the best team, support, and situation possible for yourself and your projects. There is so much prosperity that wants to travel through your professional projects that it’s imperative you give them the best possible circumstances.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 6th house from late 2006-late 2007. What did you grow in your work life around that time? What health issues were you able to heal? What did you begin to develop or pursue in your work that resonates in some way with this moment? How are your current work projects reflecting the themes from that time in your life?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Leo & Leo Rising
Creativity thrives on our ability to follow its lead. Its little movements. Its grand overtures. Its edits, and revisions. Its swells and swoons.
The creative process is a completely mysterious one. It is to be enjoyed, but never rushed. It is to be listened to, but never harshly judged. It is to be worked with, but never manipulated.
Creativity is something that flows more freely when we relax into its rhythm.
Over the course of the next 13 months, Jupiter will teach you many things about having faith in your creative process. It will teach you how to drop your shoulder, soften your solar plexus, and allow your intuition to guide you.
As Jupiter spends the last part of 2018 and almost all of 2019 traveling through your 5th house of creative energy, creative projects, children, and romantic partnerships, it will enthusiastically invite you to explore the possibilities of this place in your chart and life. Expanding these areas is more effective when you enjoy the process.
Jupiter gets wild when given the chance. Let it show you a good time. Let it remove the false notion that you have to suffer for your art. Let it show you that your joy and your beauty is as worthy a part of you to express as is your anger and anguish.
Notice who shows up in your life that helps you to heal through the sheer ease of being with them. Notice who brings you pleasure without the pain. Notice who loves you unconditionally and helps you do the same.
Astro Pro-Tip: Jupiter travelled through your 5th house from late 2006-late 2007. What creative projects, talents or skills did you develop during that time? What role did children or youth play in your life then? What did you learn about yourself through romantic partnerships? How are your current romantic relationships and creative projects speaking to the themes from that time in your life?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Virgo & Virgo Rising
As Jupiter travels through your 4th house, it reminds you that the more you ground, the more you are able to grow. Something urgently awaits your attention in your private life. Good things want to come to you when you find time to shut out the outside world, even if only for a moment. Make sure that you have enough room to do so. Clear unnecessary clutter from your past. Give the corners of your life more light. Give the rooms you call home more reason to receive the company you wish to keep. Give your internal life as much respect as your external life.
Prop yourself up from the base.
Some growth also occurs in your family life. Either you gain an extra member or two, or you gain good ground in regards to the healing work you engage with. Whatever issues historically come up between you and your parents or family members wants to be resolved to some degree. With greater ease than usual, you are granted the gift of understanding what may have been unacceptable about your past.
You might not dissolve all the issues that have left a bad taste in your mouth, but you may feel absolved of having to solve a situation that has no solution. Do what you can to lay down the burdens that are not yours to heal. Over the course of this transit, you will be granted the ability to give yourself more space to be. More space to take up. More space to relax and recharge your batteries. Feel no way about reclaiming your ‘me time’ because it’s the way to make best use of this time.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 4th house from late 2006-late 2007. What grew in your home and family life during that time? What were you able to heal in your family? How is your current home and family life going through a similar healing or expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Libra & Libra Rising
As Jupiter begins its journey through your 3rd house, it gradually enhances the scope of your reach. As your daily life and activities increase, your messages become more widely spread. And in demand. Your writing projects get promotions. Your teaching opportunities multiply. Your contacts bring you an overflow of opportunities to put out your messages, stories, and songs to the world.
With Jupiter’s influence, people listen more closely to you. More than usual, what you say catches people’s attention. Wherever you go, folks want to know you, talk to you, and exchange info with you.
Make sure you are communicating as clearly as you can. The next year promises to quote, reference, and cite what you say more frequently than usual. Slow down enough to think through what you are putting out into the world.
Jupiter will also gift your close friendships with a growth spurt. The good friends, siblings, cousins, and extended family members that you make an effort to stay in touch with will teach you much about the power of your attention. Nurture your neighborhood. Be generous with the folks that are right beside you. Extend yourself out to all the people in your orbit that you feel called to cultivate a connection with. This year you expand through each sincere interaction that you have. There is no wasted trip to the store or chat with the mail person. Each time you connect, you add a string to your community web. Something that, by the end of 2019, will be strong enough for you to fall back on.
Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 3rd house from late 2006-late 2007. Which of your communication projects went through an expansion at that time? What were you able to heal with your siblings, members of your extended family, or close friends? How are your current communication projects and relationships going through a similar healing or expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
What were you able to grow for yourself over the past year? What faith in your own abilities did you expand into? What depth were you able to travel to without fear of drowning? What did you learn about rising up repeatedly, reislliently, and joyfully?
Learning that your joy is a power to be worked with is a potent protection. Wear it always. Share it often.
As Jupiter leaves Scorpio in early November 2018, it spends the next 13 months in your 2nd house exploring the resources that sustain you. Your talents become magnified. Your ability to apply them to your work becomes easier than it has been in some time. Your Midas touch is something to honor and work with as consciously as you can.
As your work flourishes, you get to ask for a raise and then work on receiving it. As you get more familiar with the worth of your time, energy, and talents, you get to build a work-life that protects and projects it all. As you work to expand your horizons about what your gifts are capable of, you draw new opportunities towards you.
Amassing, consuming, and even creating out of greed is corrosive to the soul. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, learning how to be expansively, but still mindfully, productive is key. You’ll have plenty of offers to do any number of things with your time, energy, and assets, but if you want to feel satiated long-term, grow what gives you a sense of purpose and meaning. Greed is too basic an instinct to waste this kind of goodness on. Aim higher than the mass consumption prevalent everywhere.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 2nd house from late 2006-late 2007. What grew in your financial or business life then? What did you learn to grow or heal in regards to your relationship to your resources? How is your current professional or financial life going through a similar healing or expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
You’ve waited years for this. Not idly. Not passively. Not presumptuously. But timing requires that we do all we can in preparation for the opportunities we most wish to call towards us.
Ring-ring, my love.
As Jupiter re-enters your sign for the first time in 12 years, you get a boost of confidence that feels like a wink and a nod from the Universal herself. It is.
Give your hair a toss and ask her to dance.
Whatever you spent the last year healing now becomes fertilizer for your soil. Whatever hardships you have faced with dignity and diligence, whatever unhelpful habits you’ve actively relinquished, whatever demons were slain, all become reasons to refuse self-doubt and re-establish your commitment to your growth.
It’s not delusional to want to reach for the stars, it’s only delusional when we think we are the only ones who deserve to.
Take your lucky year and gift others with your overflow. The more generous you are with your excess, the more solidly you situate yourself as a guardian of good fortune. The Goddesses of Abundance love it when we enjoy, celebrate, and share our winnings. That is when they bless us with the good stuff: an unwavering faith in the process of our lives.
When we know we aren’t entitled to the good graces we have fallen under, we are more likely to want everyone around to share in the abundance that finds us. The more we share, the more is offered to us. The more we release our gifts into the wild unknown, the more inspiration we are given.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 1st house from late 2006-late 2007. What personal growth, expansion, and healing did you go through that year? How are you currently going through a similar healing or expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
We get so used to how something feels that we often forget to question it. We get so comfortable with the pain that is consistent in our lives that we often forgo our right to refuse the conditions that create it. We get so used to the distorted ways in which we see ourselves that we loose sight of our true form.
To suffer is the most human of conditions, but so too is to heal.
As Jupiter travels through your 12th house from late 2018 to late 2019, you are asked to clear out the psychic debris that has impeded your growth. The healing that this transit encourages you to do is tremendous, though tenderizing. Jupiter shines its light on the wounds you might not have realized were there. But the gift of this transit is that your healing is made easier. You may discover hidden sorrows that have acted like an unknown thorn in your side, but retrieving your energy from these psychic knots is made almost effortless.
Everything good and long-lasting requires our effort. Yours is needed but whatever you give to yourself at this moment is matched by Jupiter’s benevolence.
Since the 12th house is also about the work we do behind the scenes, this transit is especially beneficial to anything in its creative incubation. Protect it. Expand inward with it. Watch your inner life for inspiration. Keep watching the ways in which your projects take shape when given the right space to safely grow.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 12th house from late 2006 – late 2007. What grew in regards to your inner life and connection to it during that time? What behind the scenes projects did you develop? Are you currently going through a similar healing or inner-expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
As Jupiter leaves your 10th house of career and public life, you get to reflect on the growth that this area has enjoyed over the past year. Whatever you have accomplished gets carried over on the wave of good fortune you continue to ride for the next 13 months.
As Jupiter makes itself at home in your 11th house of friends, collaborators, patrons, and supporters, it infuses your social interactions with lucky breaks and meet ups. Fortune finds you with greater ease when you are hanging out with the people that inspire you to believe that anything is possible. The next year will quite possibly bring you into contact with people that have been able to fulfill wild dreams with great success. Pay attention when they share their time honored treasures of well-earned advice.
Listen. Learn. Party.
This year’s biggest expansions come when you allow yourself time to be with others that you feel a deep resonance with. The groups that you connect and collaborate with help you heal. Isolation is not the same as solitude. One creates a division between us and the world; the other cultivates a relationship with our inner world. This year might suffer from a lack of solitude, but isolation shouldn’t be indulged in for too long. This year needs your participation. It needs you in the game. It needs you to stay in touch with your dreams for the future so that you can meet those that are currently working toward the same end.
Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 11th house from late 2006-late 2007. In what ways were you able to grow your social life during that time? What lucky breaks did you receive through community? How is your current social life going through a similar healing or expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.
Horoscope for Pisces & Pisces Rising
As Jupiter spends the next 13 months crossing through your 10th house, you and all the work that you do is given a major public boost. This is no time to hide. This is no time to shy away from your gifts. This is no time to pretend that you don’t have the power to engage with the struggles that you see before you. In fact you have much more power to. Over the course of the next year you will be asked to be a part of the solution in whatever way your situation calls for.
Take up the public space that is waiting for you.
With an abundance of tools, opportunities, and inspiration to engage with, late 2018 to late 2019 is a time that you’ll most likely look back on as one that instilled a deep faith in your capacities to meet the challenges of your career and public life. This is a time when you are being asked to focus on solutions specific to you. Strategies tailor-made for you. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way you’ll grow. This year will put you in positions that will feel challenging.
Cherish them.
Whatever you learn is possible for yourself, through your career or public roles, will stay with you for years to come. Whatever challenges you encourage yourself to face will clear the path for the wilder dreams that you harbor to come forward. Whatever you most wish to succeed at awaits your very best try. Worst case scenario is you fail so you have to try again. Best case scenario is that you succeed and realize it wasn’t nearly as out of reach as you previously were led to believe. Then you dream bigger.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 10th house from late 2006 – late 2007. What grew in your profession and public life during that time? What were you able to heal through professional expansion? How is your profession and public life going through a similar healing or expansion?
I’ve got a reading, ritual and meditation for your sign for Jupiter in Sagittarius in this month’s lunar workshop.