Chiron is currently roaming the scorched plains of Aries, dabbing cooling balms onto our sunburns and astringent medicines to our tongues. Sometimes we have to break down before we break free or through, and Chiron is an old hand at such therapies.
The minor planet takes 49-51 years to circle the zodiac, and its orbit is wildly elliptical. That means that while it spends only a few years in some signs, it lingers for much longer in others. Chiron entered the sign of Aries in 2019 (after an initial dip during the spring and summer of 2018), and it will transit through this sign until 2026/2027.
That gives the Centaur nearly a decade to work its callused palms over the knots embedded in the Aries corner of your chart. Like any deep-tissue massage, the process could be uncomfortable at times — but that pain can be a wise old teacher, and we’re likely to feel some relief in the weeks after.
The following horoscopes invite you to acknowledge the bruises Chiron may currently be activating, and to lovingly alchemize these aches into wisdom, medicine, and healing.
To dive deeper into your natal Chiron placement, and to see how the centaur interacts with your other chart placements, check out the Chart tab of the CHANI App, which is included in your Premium subscription.
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Your Chiron in Aries horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Steph Koyfman (The Daily Hunch).
Aries & Aries Rising
What if the medicine was in you all along? Administered in gradual doses over the span of nearly a decade, Chiron’s patient teachings bring you back home to yourself. That’s not to say they won’t burn a little on the way down.
In Aries, Chiron uses the leverage of swiftness and heat to sear away insecurities, promoting a cellular regeneration of your body’s capacity to claim space with confidence. Along the way, you might discover the autonomy to heal yourself in the modes you know best.
This process begins the moment you decide to trust yourself and your body’s wisdom, even if it’s just a pinch more than you do already.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Some pills are hard to swallow, but Chiron in Aries seeks to dive head-first into subjects that feel tender. With Chiron simmering in an area of your chart known to be hidden and isolating, a great deal of bravery will be demanded of you to confront the ghosts and ogres looming in your side-mirror.
While other people can work against us at times, these treasons don’t compare to the ways we are tempted to abandon ourselves. The healing modality of the moment will involve loving yourself enough to get a little angry about these letdowns, whether external or internal. Your mental health and the things it responds to are the seat of much therapeutic learning right now.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.