Skin thins. Thoughts move towards the suffering of others and onto how theirs collides with our own. Memories are triggered. Body stirs in the recall. Throat tightens. Chest constricts. Eyes well up with tears.
Maybe the waterworks are a natural outcome of the latest installment of Venus retrograde. The once-every-18-months-or-so cycle has been hard at work this summer, revealing every truth that we have ever tried to outrun as it pertains to how our heart works. Those that we have loved, lost or never had at all seem to re-enter the scene, bringing with them pathways to ancient feelings. Feelings we thought we had long since let go.
Or maybe it’s the next full moon in Pisces that is urging you towards weeping at the drop of a hat. On August 29th, at 11:35 AM PDT, the moon will fulfill its monthly course and peak in the mutable water sign of the fish.
Pisces is the most sensitive, caring, nurturing, kind, understanding, confused, wishy-washy, dreamy, deluded romantic that ever was. Seeing pain is as hard as feeling it personally. Seeing suffering is as hard as experiencing it. There is no difference between us and Pisces perceives these connections. Pisces cannot un-know them. This sign which carries with it the energetic cleansing and creativity of the primordial waters of life has no protection. This is quite possibly its greatest strength. Its vulnerability and its transparency may not win at hand to hand combat but it will win the hearts of its opponents. It’s almost impossible not to fall for the charms of this fish.
Pisces is open to everything: every feeling, thought, experience, person and being on the planet. Pisces wants to feel connected to all, reminds us of our connection to all and engenders opportunities to cry your eyes out for the pain of it all.
This super moon (super moons occur when the moon is closer to the earth than normal) in Pisces has an interesting set up. It is conjunct Neptune, a planet known for its ability to emphasize feelings of anxiety, a planet that has the tendency to erode the concrete and a planet that creates the illusion that life is coming apart at the seems. Being overwhelmed, feeling extra sensitized and less than focused are also effects that Neptune is famous for. It’s not all bad though. This outer planet can lend us its creative genius, psychic talents and all kinds of kindness.
Neptune in Pisces reveals issues that we have around water, both the sources of water that we depend upon to stay alive as a planet and the sources of emotional healing that we need to address both publicly and personally.
On the other end of the full moon is the sun in Virgo. Virgo is the critical feminist theory to the Piscean penchant for a we are all one kind of spiritual philosophy. Pisces is the soothing elixir to the fretting furrowed brow of Virgo. Pisces says it’s all good in the end and Virgo says, sure but this is no where near the end there is so much to do here, now. Virgo cannot see the tree for the bark and all Pisces sees is a giant living, breathing beautiful orchestra that is the forest.
The sun in Virgo is currently separating from a conjunction with Jupiter. Jupiter has just moved into Virgo and will be there for the next year. In Virgo, Jupiter will be expounding upon data, details, facts and figures. Jupiter’s stay in the mutable earth sign of Virgo will most likely continue to draw our attention to the details of the ever increasing state of environmental emergency we find ourselves in.
Virgo is getting a lot of astrological action in the coming days. The new moon following this full moon will be an eclipse in Virgo. Eclipses tend to speed things up. Having an eclipse in Virgo speeds up the data we receive and therefore need to process. Jupiter in Virgo asks us to focus on a great many facts. Our world is becoming increasingly complex and while we need to take time out for self-care, we are all asked to become more increasingly complex thinkers, feelers and humans.
Because Virgo is getting so much attention right now it’s a great idea to understand what house Virgo occupies to understand what area of life is getting ramped up and what area of life’s details are getting elevated.
If Virgo can teach us anything it’s that we need to move towards specific solutions. We need to organize ourselves. We need to have a list of what is non-negotiable. We cannot stay stuck in emotion. We must work on what we can. It is difficult to find our way through intense feelings to find logical solutions but that is what is necessary when faced with large challenges.
If Pisces can teach us anything it’s that we truly do suffer when any other being does. We simply cannot replicate the satisfaction that is possible when we devote our lives to alleviating the suffering on the planet. And we surely have no idea of the joy and euphoria we might feel if we lived in a world that refused abuse in all its forms.
Full moon blessings,