*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Wednesday, December 30th
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
This is an aspect that can be used for productive daydreaming. See what projects you are working on that require a little imagination, a little vision and a little magic in the mix.
Mercury in Capricorn square Mars in Libra
Normally this aspect wouldn’t be so dramatic. However, Mercury is about to enter Aquarius just as Mars is entering Scorpio. These two will then square each other once again on January 5th as Mercury is stationing retrograde. This combination colors the Mercury retrograde (January 5th-25th) with a distinctly combative hue. Best to chill. Best to divert anger into actions that will help you feel your agency (see Sunday, December 3rd). Best to agree to disagree.
Oppressive attitudes want to rile us. They want to have us in a reactive state so that they can call us unstable, uncivilized and unworthy of being listened to. They want us to burn up our energy in self-destructive anger so we’ll be too distracted and burnt out to organize and resist. Use the upcoming cunning power of Mars in Scorpio to refuel and strategize for long term success.
Venus enters Sagittarius
Venus in Sagittarius loves broadly. It loves without boundary. It loves without judgment or jurisdictions. It will, in a week and a bit, collide with Saturn. This will mark a moment of tough love or a time for committing ourselves to our resolutions and our responsibilities.
Sunday, January 3rd
Mars ingresses into Scorpio
Mars is strong in Scorpio. It’s cunning. It’s stealth. It’s a sleuth. It’s a mastermind. It plays to win. It’s an undercover lover and extraordinarily potent and powerful protector. If you were born with Mars in Scorpio you are about to have a Mars return.
Mars is the planet of action, will, assertion, bravery, brutality and pure energy. It owns the house it’s traveling through in your chart now, meaning that you’ll have extra energetic power to move within this domain of life.
Later in the year (April 17th-June 29th), Mars will station retrograde and take the first 9 months of 2016 to cover and recover the landscape of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Mars is not yet in its shadow (which it will be in as of February 23rd). Therefore, during the next month and a half we have much more energetic agency to move with. Specifically, Mars will be its strongest between now and January 17th. Use it. There will be plenty of retrograde ridiculousness come January 5th-7th, when Mercury, and then Jupiter, will station retrograde. Working with Mars now, and the house(s) it rules (the houses in your chart that contain Aries and Scorpio), is key to being able to set your year up the best way you can.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. Reading your rising sign gives you an idea of how the astrology is landing in your personal astrology chart. If you don’t know your rising sign, read your sun sign. Sun sign horoscopes let you know how the astrology is impacting you (your sun) and gives you a symbolic way of looking at the rest of your life. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. You are the expert of your life. This is all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
This year may move you around. This year may not make the sense you always want it to. This year may not move at speeds that maniacs like you wish to rock’n’roll along. This year has its own plans and its own rhythm.
I suggest that you work this into your 2016 intentions.
Since your ruling planet, Mars, will be retrograde from April 17th-June 29th, this will be a year of getting clear on what drives you and if you want to be lead along by such engines. This year can and should expose your motives. This year will, in part, reveal the inner work that is necessary to do in order to run with your creative reserves as you wish.
We’ve all got to get straight on what we are doing in order to do it well and to in order to feel well while doing it. We’ve all got to be willing to lose something, to let go of some things and to let life run its course through all its seasons. This year may teach you many things about giving up control and letting go, but I can promise you that in so doing you’ll feel more successful, much more successful than you would have if you’d done what wasn’t yours to do.
Some possible affirmations, intentions and inspirations for your new year may be: What looks like rejection is really just protection. I trust that taking a moment to get still and reflect will always serve me best. I am allowed to change and grow, just like everything else in nature does. I am allowed to grieve. I am allowed to be human. I am allowed to become everything that I have always secretly wished for myself and it’s OK if I don’t know how to get there. I will take 2016 day by day and step by step, reminding myself that how I care for and carry myself through this year will determine my success within it.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
Over the next couple of weeks you have a very interesting combination of lessons to contend with. On one hand there is a fantastic amount of va-va-voom in your 7th house of relationships. It’s intense. It’s smoldering. It’s dangerously defiant of any morality clause. Don’t try to be good. Just focus on being honest and true to yourself.
This aspect also bodes well for business relationships. Strategic plans put in place for industry domination could go far. Just remember that Mercury is stationing retrograde on January 5th. Mercury rules your money-making capacities, so don’t take too many risks with your finances. Remember that strategy is what counts here.
So while there is an aspect of your chart that is focused on gaining through the wise investments made with your heart and your business acumen, the other influence in your chart to pay attention to emphasizes what you are willing to and need to let go of, give away and commit to leaving well enough alone.
We can’t live freely when we are still trying to take care of what keeps us in bondage.
If I were you, I would work some sort of intention into your new year that has to do with a sentiment best said by Nina Simone, “You have to learn to get up from the table when love is no longer being served.”
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
This year is big for Gemini. Most of the major astrological influences of 2016 will have their eyes on you. Gemini is the missing link to the very mischievous mutable magical madness that will define this year. That means that you will get many an opportunity to make the most of your dexterous ways. This year will require you to bend and sway with the best of them.
But the trick will be to keep your core intact. It will help if you keep yourself organized and on point with your own personalized program. It will help if you think of the ways in which you can best set yourself so that you get what you need out of your day. It would help if, at the end of each day, you made a list of what you did that day for self-care. Such a list could include what you ate that helped you, how you moved, stretched, exercised, meditated, who you spoke to that helped you heart get back on track and anything else that you did that day that had you feeling like you were on a path to self-love and self-forgiveness.
Do your spiritual sit-ups. Engage in any activity that helps you find stability in the vicissitudes of the year. Your ability to do so will become a prized possession, a skill that others will keep asking you to teach them, and another way that you get to teach what you most need to learn.
Others might be calling on you a lot this year and over the next month. As Venus moves into your 7th house of intimate relationships and commitment issues/opportunities, you may bear witness to some things in your most intimate relationships that you simply are not willing to put up with any longer. You’ll also notice those you want to commit to making more room for. This is ground you will cover countless times this year, so no need to be 1000% clear here. Just start paying attention to what catches yours.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
This year wants you to find the time to organize your life. But it’s not exactly enough to organize it because it’s the right thing to do. It’s not enough to organize your self because your horoscope told you to. It’s not going to stick or make any major difference to the quality of your life if you do it merely because it’s some duty that you feel you must do.
You’ve got to get organized for a higher purpose. There is a lot of creative power in your chart this week and in the coming ones. There is a lot of energy for you to harness and draw upon. There is a lot of potential there if you want it. You might start feeling sexier, smoother and more sophisticated in your saunter. You might feel more alive, more ready to pounce on life and more able to conquer your fears of it. You might know all of a sudden what you wish to pounce on and feel lithe enough in your loafers to do so.
The theme here, and for a great part of the year, is that if you don’t organize your life in accordance with the bigger visions you have for it, not nearly a needle point of it will be able to get done. Make it your New Year’s resolution to streamline your days in the sleekest of ways, so that you have the down time, the play time and the creative time to make sure your bigger picture gets a place on your planner.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
Draw on the power of your home base. Keep the flame lit in your hearth. Keep the faith alive that you can (if you have yet to) find somewhere to land. If you focus on cultivating your awareness of what makes it possible for you to recharge, you’ll be much better at giving yourself what you need in this area of life.
We all need a bat cave to call our own.
Cast the spells that you might need to cast in order to clear some space for yourself. Family might take on a whole new meaning for you. Finding those that fit on the inside might be all you care to do right now. Fulfilling your foundational needs might be all you need to focus on.
When we feel good in our foundations, everything is possible.
There is a large emphasis on home and family right now, with an emphasis on your relationship to wanting children, being in the studio with your creative children or working things out with your loves, lovers and love affairs. This is a theme that will follow you through 2016.
You might want to fold some of these themes into your new year’s resolutions. You might want to make it a priority to put your needs for home and family first. You might want to give yourself permission to have that be an entirely unique creation that arises on its own but that is tended to and watched over by you as it gets growing.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
At any given time there is a general astrological emphasis in the air. 2016 has a pretty big Virgo theme. One that ramps up the pace of your life and gets you going on projects that you may have thought that you could hide from the public eye.
I wouldn’t try it.
Take time in January to revise what you have been working on. Take care not to rework it past the studs that hold it together. Take care that your possible new found ferocious appetite for experience doesn’t keep you from finishing off the business at hand or have you thinking that it isn’t worth your efforts any longer. Take care to complete what you have committed to. And then you can carry on down the road.
You may also want to keep a little coin aside in case of family members in need or aspects of your home life that need some extra love and attention in the next couple weeks. There may be some issue that has you wondering if you’ll resettle this year. There may be some work around communicating, negotiating and navigating through important dialogues that will have you utilizing your wicked skills of reasoning and demonstrating your depth, your attention to detail and your ability to work your well-earned wisdom so nonconfrontationally into the conversation.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
You’ve had some difficult conversations lately. They are back for round two. They just don’t seem to quit. They may still have to do with your family or with those that feel like family. They may force you to find a way to navigate through complex and problematic material. They may force you to find your best way through what you know you cannot fix, at least not immediately.
Think of these conversations as the gift that keeps on giving. Think less about winning an argument and more about what you can learn from it. Think of the whole deal as an exploration of your ability to maintain your inner equilibrium while stating your truth. Think of not taking it personally but getting everything that you can take to heart from it.
And then leave well enough alone.
You see there is a bigger theme that weaves in what you communicate and what you make, what you earn and what you learn to say and how you learn to say it. There is a situation that you are working with right now that might allow you to make a lot of cash, just make sure that it’s in line with what you might proclaim to others is your honor code. There is an emphasis on being really clear about what you profess to believe in right now. Or at the very least being clear that you are or are not sure about what to do when it comes to a particular money issue and whether it sits well with your philosophical sense of well-being.
See which of these themes spark your imagination for your new year’s resolution. The solution for you seems to be around making your money while keeping your integrity intact.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
Well aren’t you sitting pretty for the new year? By January 3rd your ruling planet, Mars, is back in your sign and you are reborn and re-formed. Your superpower has returned to you and it’s up to you how you want to use it. Your natural state is one that supplies you with an unshakable confidence in your own abilities … something others find terrifying as well as tremendously appealing about you. You are not afraid of diving into the depths of any given topic or state of being. You are not stopped by fear of the unknown or fear of what might lie beneath.
Scorpios know a thing or two about what chemical compounds are needed to break something down and can do so with the best of them. Not a showy sign that operates with overt optimism, Scorpio would rather do things that keep its deep reserves of power a secret. These are power sources that most could not stand to be a conduit for.
If you could bottle it, you’d not need worry about any work, check or payday because folks would be lined up to get some at any price. This is a power that you can use as you wish, which is probably the most daunting thing about being a Scorpio. This is a power that you can implement in the world as you see fit.
For now.
The first 6 weeks of the year you have some free reign on your life and the shape it is taking. Even though Mercury and Jupiter are about to station retrograde (January 5th and 7th, respectively) there is still a way in which you can skate by and keep moving in the direction of your choice. Just take note that from mid February to late August this won’t necessarily be so. You’ll have to take into account the fact that your drives, motives and ways of making money may be shifting. There may be a whole new side of yourself that you have yet to see because you haven’t ever had to. There might be an opportunity to slow down and redesign how you are moving through the world, where you want to go and how you want to feel while en route.
You’ll definitely benefit if you include some kind of statement in your new year’s resolution that proclaims that you’ll use your powers for good and you’ll trust that whichever way your year unfolds, you’ll work on being as flexible as you can to accommodate the situation so that you can learn all it’s trying to teach you.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Who among us with Saturn in their sign couldn’t use the delightful influences of Venus? Venus was last with you last winter, but that was before the arrival of the stern and stately Saturn. This trip through Sagittarius is a little more serious for sweet Venus. Some of you might be feeling the need to commit to certain self-care situations. This would be wise to work into your new year’s resolutions as the astrological influences that get going come the spring suggest that you might want to make your health a priority this year.
Some of you might be on the market for some kind of relationship set up that speaks to seeking out those that could and would settle down. Some of you might just be feeling like the lift from Venus is a luxurious and appreciated influence that assists you in finding those that bring you the most joy now.
The other piece to your astrology, and to your year really, is the kind of cosmic power that is now with you helping you to work in secret on something that is undeniably powerful. This could represent any project that needs you to tend to it, but it also can become about you being able to remind yourself of the power you know you have access to. The power that lies beneath all you do. The power to draw to you those powerful allies that might be potentially problematic but also carry with them the resources to make magic. You’ve got a little extra magnetism at your disposal now. Use it for good and to stay true to your cause but also to get the leg up that you could use right about now.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
You might be challenged at work this week. You might be pushed, poked, prodded and provoked into a reaction you’d really be better off not engaging in. At least not in a way that will have you looking like the problem.
Cover your career buns.
The real deal this week is how you run any information that you get (especially via conflict) through your internal system. It’s really, really, really not about getting your point across as much as it is about listening to yourself and strategically boiling down your point to a succinct sentiment that you can be clear about and execute concisely.
You’ve got a Mercury retrograde (mostly) in your sign in a hot second so many of the things that rub you the wrong way will get a chance to be understood on a much deeper level than you might otherwise bother with. This Mercury retrograde is an alchemical process that might have you examining what you say, how you say it and why you say it. This can all be aided greatly by utilizing your wisest friends, your comrades that you can confide in, and your peers that perpetually impress your pants off. They might have some good advice for you but, better yet, hanging with them might show you a way to rise above the ruckus. Surround yourself with those that are too busy to be dragged down by drama.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
One of the best skills you can work on is navigating through the tricky terrain of being fed up and full of feels that fuel epic imaginary battles and beheadings.
For real tho.
But the deal you should keep your eye on is this: you have epic amounts of power to work with as it pertains to your career and by career we are talking about life long goals for greatness. The fuel that you should utilize is the kind that will help you rev the engines of your ingenuity. You wield wild amounts of world power. You might have an inkling of this, but certain transits will come along to highlight it and help you to execute your exquisite ability in this domain.
One of those times is now.
However, much of this year will test your ability to stay the course. Therefore it’s important that you use the first 6 weeks of 2016 to make your point, stake your claim and rally for your cause, because after that it’s anyone’s guess what will occur. Best to be as clear as possible about your potency and your passion for the projects that are sincerely closest to your heart.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.
One of the battles that you face this week might be more about a sense that you get that something has gone astray. There’s no telling if someone has an issue with us unless they tell us. There is no way to control what another does or says about us. There is no way to convince anyone of anything about us, nor should we ever need to.
Refuse to explain yourself. Give the facts. Be clear. Be fair. Be transparent. Be willing to be held accountable. Be generous with others. Be generous with yourself in regards to the things that you are learning in social circles, about friends and in community. Be done with being apologetic for simply being yourself.
Be curious about what things you are learning that help you feel clear. Be interested in aligning yourself with teachers that can help you learn more about such practices. Be careful not to project too much on to them or to expect anything from them other than what they can teach you and what directions they can point you in. 2016 will rock your world. With two very potent eclipses in your sign (in March and September), you’ll be asked to step up your game in many aspects of your life. This can be glorious. This can be terrifying. This can be everything that you need and then some. This will all be much more helpful if you are able to work out any angst through a spiritual or philosophical practice or pursuit. Follow what gives you hope, what makes the world make sense and what helps you to decipher your next steps and the most important precepts to follow.
For much more information on the astrology of the next year and how it will impact you, purchase 2016: The Year Ahead for Your Sign. This $21 package includes: (1) a 23-page e-booklet laying out the major astrological transits of the year ahead and in which areas of your life they will occur; (2) A recording with suggested rituals and writing exercises to help you best capture the energy of the astrology of 2016.