This week the sun squares Uranus on Tuesday and the moon in Capricorn passes over Pluto just before it peaks on Saturday. It then goes onto square the Mars/Ceres/Vesta/North Node combination in Libra.
That’s some passion folks.
That’s some passion, some obsession, some devotion, some relationship food for thought, some excitement, some naked realness and some deep meditations on the medicine that is sure to cure. Or devastate. Or destroy. Or kick us into high gear. But most likely all of the above.
Therefore, I give you the ultimate pop-passion-diva-dance tune. Because the full moon. Because Pluto. Because Mars. Because sometimes the only thing to do is to dance for your life. And then do it again.
Aries & Aries Rising
There is more than your personal plan at work here. There is more than just the need for a paycheck, an award, applause, or accolades that is tugging at your heart.
Whatever it is that you are seeking out in the world it needs to be deep. It needs to have meaning. It needs to reveal who you are. Don’t waste your time on pretending that it doesn’t. Don’t waste your time denying, refusing or starving your deeper desires for a life filled with work that reminds you that everything you do strikes a chord that is an essential component to the greatest song ever composed. Going for what you really want is one of the most healing things you can do.
Your work has meaning so show up for it like that means something to you. This is a relationship, be an attentive partner. This is your lover, be a generous companion. This isn’t without a connection to your experience of home, family and security. All of the grounding that we have been talking about is leading you to a greater understanding of what you are capable of working out in the world. This too is a relationship.
Speaking of partnering, there is a tremendous amount of energy colliding in your Seventh House of partnerships. It’s also asking how you are serving, nurturing and standing for what you desire most in this aspect of your life.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Let none of your journeys be without meaning. Movement may be fun, but pilgrimages are what we are after this week. A journey of the soul often involves a trip to the underworld, but as long as we are breathing it’s never the last stop. Whatever goes down must also come up, in one form or another.
You will come back up. You will rise. You will reformulate in new and unbelievably awesome ways. You will trust this process. You will remember that it’s temporary. You will be open to having your mind blown during the events that unfold this week because you will not grip, clutch or suffocate the situation. You will be okay with the occasional bruise, bump and bend of your straighter lines because you can meet the moon and all of its big, big plans.
You will rejoice in having your mind blown. You will seek out the teachers that are sure to light the spark of transformation in you. You will read the books that fall off the shelves and go to see that speaker that is in town. You will seek out ways to be opened but not by thinking your way through life but by going with the current of each moment. You will come to see that everything, everything that is showing up is begging you to follow it somewhere. You will have the courage to say, “Wait up! I’m coming!”
Gemini & Gemini Rising
It’s important to know when it’s a good time to wail on the floor with no shame. It’s important to know when it’s actually to your benefit to curl up under the covers and refuse to come out. It’s important to know when it’s appropriate to rail your fists against the sky and tell all the gods to suck it. It’s good to know when it’s constructive to refuse to see the brighter side and instead allow yourself the luxury of wallowing in your (temporary) misery.
Only once we have reveled in our suffering, wallowed in our pain and righteously refused even a moment of hope that we can find the desire to let it in again. It’s our choice.
This horoscope is not predicting that you’ll have a week full of suffering, it is merely trying to point out that if you have moments of suffering it’s okay to allow yourself to fully dig in so you can honestly let it go and fully let yourself get on with it. Because eventually that is all there is left to do. Acknowledge the pain, address our wounds, sing the song of woe and redemption that needs to be sung and gather our courage so that we might get to the next rest stop.
The most important thing to remember is that we must release our expectations periodically in order to allow for a greater plan to emerge. The most important thing to remember is that in order to succeed we have to be willing to let there be moments of disappointment, doubt and uncertainty without that meaning that we need to give up entirely. The most important thing to remember is that we must be willing to walk away from the very thing we fear losing in order for us to know if it’s really ours to have.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
In the face of all that we want, all that we have hoped for and all that we have dreamed possible sometimes the only thing to do is to bow the fuck down.
If you are lucky, this past week has rendered you completely powerless over controlling your every reaction with intimate partners and situations that you have to meet face to face. If you are lucky you have been left dumbfounded, mesmerized and moved into submission. If you are lucky your tricks no longer work and if you are smart you don’t want them to.
If this has yet to happen to you, do not worry. It’s on its way. This Saturday’s full moon is no ordinary July bloom. It reenacts what occurred this spring (March-May but especially April) except this time the emphasis is mostly in the area of relationships for you.
Whoever is standing in front of you is your greatest teacher. Whoever is standing in front of you is your greatest ally. Whoever is standing in front of you is your salve, your prescription, and your medicine. Whoever is standing in front of you is your gateway to understanding a deeper dimension of your soul.
Bow to them as often as you can. Honor them as deeply as possible. Honoring them is honoring the heart opening that is occurring and when you get down to it, isn’t that the only thing worth getting out of bed for in the morning? Care only about healing your heart this week. Ask for what you need, know that it’s okay to need it. It’s too late to let fear steer this ship. It’s too late to pretend you don’t know better. It’s too late to play dead. But it’s not too late to let the greatest change possible occur within you. Just remember to leave it alone when you can. Leave it alone and let it breathe. Nothing works when it feels like it has the pressures of a million worried mothers bearing down on it. There is such a thing as processing something to death.
Leo & Leo Rising
While there has been loss, perhaps great loss, there has also been a tremendous opportunity for revealing the very nature of your healing process. Sometimes healing comes through the great moments of joy in our life and sometimes it requires a more nuanced perspective. To see the beauty despite the pain is to get the most out of this sometimes terrifying ride. To refuse the bitterness a home in our heart can be the greatest challenge and the greatest triumph of our life.
I encourage you to pay special attention to how these latest lessons have unfolded in your body. To listen, even for a moment to the insanity of what our bodies should look like via pop culture compared to the brilliant recording device that it is to know pure insanity. The body records, detects, creates, identifies and transmits the information needed in order to follow our greatest callings. The body is the most intelligent part of us most times. It’s the most intimate relationship available to you.
Perhaps the body is our greatest tool for awakening because it’s the one thing that fails us. We need it and it will ultimately abandon us in the greatest way possible.
Life is so precious. Health is so fleeting and yet nothing can be done here without this sacred vessel. To really understand that we must listen and deepen our relationship to it.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
You know, Virgo, sometime you just need to let it go. Sometimes you need to put it all out there. Sometimes passion is the only option, or at least the only true thing. Sure, it’s extreme, but it combats fear and removes the worrying mind.
When hesitation backfires it leaves us with one hell of a mess on our hands. Mostly that mess is regret, missed opportunities and an accumulation of what ifs bound to trip up even the slickest among you.
Do what you came here to do, and do it so well that others are left wanting more. Play your sexy tunes, wear your good socks and for the love of Creation strut your stuff.
You are a little slice of heaven resplendent as the stardust you are made of.
Your work this week is coming to terms with the fuzz that stands in the way between you and showing us all that you are. It’s no easy task, this Saturday’s full moon doesn’t let us off easy, but that’s when things get interesting. It’s important to address this and allow yourself out of your regular self-confinements as career kerfuffles are straightening themselves out. It looks like you may have chosen either a new situation or a new way to handle an old problem, good for you. Now please go have some meaningful fun.
Libra & Libra Rising
This week might feel like it rolls into your most secret of chambers, like a delusional king who doesn’t know that his days are numbered. Foot stomping, dish breaking and cursing like a sailor he may come. That’s how it goes when we know we are losing control. The big question is what does one do with such a beast?
Pay it no mind, as fairy godmother Marsha P. Johnson said.
We are all well served to turn away from drama this week, you are especially well served to do so when it pertains to your family and other folks you share a home with. This isn’t a call for denial, this is a call for strategy. There are still too many ways in which you can be quick to temper and take situations personally. This week is asking you to rise above that and embrace something much more in line with your inner priestess than your inner prima donna.
Once we uproot something a transplant is tenuous at best so if you can leave things where they are, they will tell you when it’s time for them to go, move or shift ground. It can be easier to destroy something than it is to just sit with the discomfort of knowing whether it is a good fit or not. However, when we choose to sit with discomfort instead of destroying everything in our path we know, as only the priestess can, that transformation is occurring. Get your caldron out my pretties this week wants you to work some magic.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
We are all living out some sort of script that was written for us. The question is whose script is it and what were their intentions when writing it? Your parent’s? Your culture’s? Your religion’s? The government’s? A corporation’s? A deadly concoction of all or some of the above? Are you aware of these scripts or are you just following along blindly?
Are you living out the script that you feel was written for you, the script of your soul, the script that was written for your greatest evolution? Have you?
You don’t need anyone to tell you that you can lean towards the intense side of life. Therefore this Saturday’s full moon might roll off your back like glitter off a drag queen.
It will be a deep dive down into your mind-stuff. It’s a golden opportunity for you to see just how destructive obsession can be. It’s a priceless trip into the backrooms of your unconscious that can reveal such treats as your repressed rage, illogical fears and fantastical fears. But perhaps better than all of that, it’s your golden ticket into your internal writers room. You can fire and hire as you like. You may not be the show runner though, I think it’s best to give that job to a greater consciousness, but you are the one who needs to edit the final draft. Proof read that shit like you are the love child of Cherríe Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa. Entertain no false notions of who you are and what you are here to do. Get down to the essentials and leave the rest on the cutting room floor.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
As long as at the end of it all you can say that you did it all with love. As long as you can say that the work that lead to the money, that lead to the buying, that lead to the building was a labor of love. As long as you can feel like you are honest and forthcoming about what you do for a dollar and in the end that it’s all worth it, Saturday’s full moon will roll out okay. There may be a financial bump or two but it’s nothing new at this point.
If you know your financial niche needs a new dress it may be time to go shopping. I suggest reaching out to your networks, communities and pools of people that you are connected to this week. Like, devote yourself to communicating with them. Take them out to a show, invite them over for a good meal and let people know how important they are to you. People are your greatest resource and this week there is a special confluence of creative energies in this area of your chart that I encourage you to utilize.
Don’t give your energies to romantic interests exclusively, though it may be tempting. Share your attentive gaze with the masses (and the one) equally. The other component to this full moon is that it makes its greatest positive impact on you when you are able to get down to core self esteem issues, which again, cannot be worked out in only the intimate settings. It takes a village, my friend. A village, a lover, a lot of fulfilling work, a therapist, art, exercise and some good food. Diversify your investments for maximum returns.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Stand back. Step down. Give up. Let Go. Redeem. Re-member. Return. All hail. Repeat.
If you try to control this one it could get ugly. If you try to overpower this one it could get bloody. If you try to manipulate, coerce or contrive you will get called out, dragged down or dropped into the underworld with no hope for return.
Okay, that last one was a little dramatic, but I’m a Queen and that’s how we roll.
But now that I have your attention Saturday’s full moon in your sign could very well unleash a powerhouse of personal potential for you. Don’t waste it wondering if you are good enough for the opportunity (I know you wouldn’t openly admit that or present it to the world, but lets be real). Don’t waste your time worrying if the thing that is happening is what is meant to happen.
Just show up. Let vulnerability lead you to invincibility. Let humility be your scepter and willingness your crown. Make the magician your crest and commit yourself to serving and protecting the principle of transforming pain into purpose.
A full moon in your sign means that it’s time to be revealed, maybe just to yourself, but perhaps to your surroundings as well. It’s an unveiling of something much deeper in you than just your average mug shot though. This half birthday wants you to make manifest your powerful persona more so than your average July full moon juice. Your medicine is to remember that you have every right to be here and then to enact that in everything you do.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
There always comes a time when we are rendered completely powerless over our subconscious material. Actually, we generally are, we just aren’t usually conscious of it. Saturday’s full moon looks like it is about to change that.
It will be pulling things out of the deep corridors of your mind like a vortex with a voracious appetite. And I mean hungry.
But these are the moments, although uncomfortable and eerily disarming, that lead us to the greatest treasures. Like that jacket you have that you forgot about because it’s been buried deep in the back of your unkempt closet. You gotta go in to get it out.
It’s just that we need breaks every once in a while, especially when such digging is demanding to be done. It’s not worth burning out when you are in the deep dark, how will you get back if you do? Better to sit your self down and have a little picnic if possible. Wait to regain your energy and then start again when you know the time is right to do so.
Everyday leading to the full moon is like this. Walk slowly, the healing will not get “done”all at once, nor should it. This isn’t territory that needs to be sped over, it’s ground that might open up and swallow you whole if you aren’t conscious of where you step.
One. Foot. At. A. Time.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Most of the healing that you will experience this week will come via your friends, communities and any organizations that you belong to. By healing I mean anything from, “F*ck, that hurt.”
to “Oh my goddess ya’ll, that is so sweet!”
Cookies crumble in all sorts of ways right now giving us ample opportunity to meditate on the pattern of the crumbs.
Saturday’s full moon will not disappoint in terms of bigness of emotion, events large enough to swallow us whole and situations that may feel altogether too much to handle. But each event, however it unfolds still holds a key to our evolution.
If I was the tattooing kind I would get “Yes”written across both of my feet, just to remind me that wherever I am is exactly where I need to be. Whomever I am with is exactly who I need to be with. I don’t have to stay forever, or even a moment past the ding of the timer, but while I am meant to be in this place, I may as well say Yes.
It’s good to know though, how to listen for that little ding. It’s good to know when to say yes to leaving too, even if it’s just to hit the reset button. Don’t be afraid to take the space you need especially in matters of the heart with those that you love and/or share space with.
Crumbs need space to fall, try not to get in their way.
*edited by Moi Garcia xo