Friday, May 20th
7:37 AM PT – Sun ingress into Gemini
Saturday, May 21st
2:14 PM PT – Full moon at 1+ degree of Sagittarius
Sunday, May 22nd
4:17 AM PT – Sun in Gemini oppose Mars Rx in Sagittarius (both at 1+ degrees)
6:20 AM PT – Mercury stations direct at 14+ degrees of Taurus (makes a near miss trine to Jupiter in Virgo as it stations direct)
This month’s full moon in Sagittarius is anything but tame. In large part this is due to the fact that it is reaching its fullness as it makes a conjunction with Mars (currently retrograde and kicking ass and/or kicking up a fuss in the area of our chart that contains Sagittarius). A moon/Mars conjunction (happens once a lunar cycle) is always going to be a day that feels a little extra heated, temperamental, testy, bold, courage-inducing, rash and active.
But a full moon conjunct Mars while it is retrograde adds some intense fuel to this inferno.
On a practical level, the generous light of this full moon will help to illuminate the most important aspects of Mars retrograde thus far. It may inspire us to act more courageously true to our desires. It may encourage us to passionately claim our independence. It may convince us to rise to the occasion and come to our own aid.
When planets are retrograde, they end up spending a longer than usual period of time digging up and reorganizing a certain part of our charts (and therefore lives). Each retrograde is unique, even if themed. Each time one occurs it lands in our lives as we need it to. Some retrogrades will be harder for us personally than it is for others. It all depends on where we are at with the aspect of our charts the planet is retrograding through. Throughout the journey of the retrograde, much can be shed and therefore much can be found within ourselves.
Five days after the full moon conjuncts Mars (May 27th), Mars will retrograde back into Scorpio, expressing its lessons in a different style and a different area of our chart. The days leading up to the full moon and the days following will be very important ones to pay attention to as they should help to unlock a secret, reveal a truth or help us to see what we most need to see in this area of our lives.
The sun (always opposite a full moon) and Mars will also be in direct opposition. Because Mars is a planet that can oppose the sun (Mercury and Venus cannot), this is also an important moment in the Mars retrograde cycle. Just as the full moon rises as the sun sets, so too will Mars, intensifying its amber glow in the night sky.
On one hand, Mars can help the sun do its bidding as the active, courageous and willing-to-risk-all-for-the-sake-of-doing-the-thing-we-are-meant-to-do planet. On the other hand, Mars can cause damage, do some harm and create malcontent. As Mars opposes the sun, while the full moon is highlighting its effect on us, we may want to watch out for escalating arguments, aroused aggression and too much percolating self-importance. Mars knows how to incite a riot, which needs to happen sometimes, but we also have to be willing to pay the price for the damage done. Mars lighting up the night sky can feel ominous or empowering. Mars can leave us cowering or awestruck, depending on what we do with our own anger, frustration, inner-fire and raw potential.
Knowing your opponents well (sometimes that is ourselves) is half the battle. Make it your code of conduct to never use force unless as a last resort. Stay ahead of the game by staying true to your personal boundaries and self-respecting borders.
Lastly, Mercury stations direct on Sunday, a couple of hours after the sun/Mars opposition. Mercury’s station direct is granted a certain amount of grace by a near miss trine to Jupiter. This could produce a subtle but helpful shift for us. When Mercury stations direct sometimes important information is revealed, a kink in communication gets ironed out or we find this keys that have been missing for weeks. However, it may also go largely unnoticed due to the scene-stealing drama of a full moon conjunct Mars.
At any rate, it’s one less planet retrograde, #AndThenThereWereThree.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Saturday’s full moon illuminates aspects of your long-range plans. It highlights some of the most important components of your journey thus far. And your doubts about it. And your re-routing of it. And the importance of not being too rigidly attached to any one course of action. Because, you know, life.
Saturday’s full moon wants to direct your attention to what is most meaningful in your life. It wants the truth. It wants the quest and the question much more than the destination or the answer. It wants to help you forge your way by giving you some light to see by.
Rely on your intuition. Pay less attention to your aggravation. Get underneath any anger that surfaces. Become more curious about the fear that might be producing it. What are you worried about? What are you unsure about? Where are you afraid to go? What do you need courage to combat?
This full moon might help some of your ideas enter the world. It might be publishing your memoirs. It might be sending you off on a spiritual retreat so that you can sit and feel your way through your life as it is right now. It might be insisting that you take your dreams, your philosophies and your future plans more seriously. Something here is undeniably desired by you or desiring your attention.
Mercury’s station direct might help a financial issue straighten out or can remind you that you already have all you need to make the life that you’d like. All that needs to happen is for you to work with it honorably.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Saturday’s full moon makes clear what you are letting go of. Saturday’s full moon makes obvious what you do want to do with others, as well as what you do not. Saturday’s full moon is really good at reminding you to take financial matters seriously. Keep you finances sorted and running as smoothly as you can. Keep your end of the bargain. Refuse to cheat, cut corners or go against your integrity when dealing with the deals that you are making. Stand up for yourself. Be fair. Keep it simple.
Same goes for the emotional energy that you share with others. Try not to get too caught up in anyone else’s emotional mess. Stay with the facts. Stay with the facts compassionately. Stay with the facts compassionately and with a little distance if you need to. Especially if the other party in question is still working out how to maintain their own healthy boundaries. Keep an appropriate distance if you are still working at finding your own way to maintaining a boundary that keeps your energy intact. Sometimes no one is at fault for an emotionally charged interaction. It’s not like we want to keep ourselves sanitized of the dirty work that is relating, but more often than not taking a moment to sort through our feelings can also provide us with the clarity to see our part in the problem.
With Mercury stationing direct in your sign and Venus still there too, this week could also have distinct undertones of self appreciation. With Venus in your sign you are well equipped, protected and showered with the Goddess’s good grace. It’s an ace up your sleeve. A bouquet of 4-leaf clovers. A sweet little treat to help the medicine go down. Keep working with this magic while remaining willing to work with the edgier part of this week’s astrology.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, stations direct this week. It might bring you some clarity. It might help you tie up a loose end. It might help you unblock something. It might help you feel a little release. It might make a recent healing event make more sense.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This week has much more in store.
The real show takes place in your 7th house of committed relationships and important partnerships. Saturday’s full moon illuminates all of the activity that has been happening there. This could be inspiring you to be bold, blunt and courageous in your relationships. It could be asking you what could happen in your relationships if you weren’t so tied to the roles you occupy. You might feel a need to break out of a societal norm in regards to partnering. You may feel the need to do something differently. You may feel compelled to address a situation head on. But hold on. Try counting to ten. Try calming deep breaths. Try to not be too impulsive, but do try to be true to yourself.
Whatever you do in your partnerships, do it honestly. Without drama. Without attention seeking. Without self-pity. Be clear. Be fair. Be the best representative that you can be for your needs and your desires.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Saturday’s full moon might have you feeling like your work projects are piling up but so too are the possibilities for breakthroughs and breakouts in regards to what you are producing. There is an emphasis on your ability to get things done right now, possibly within the framework of needing to learn how to balance that effort with deeply restorative practices.
While everything needs to keep running as smoothly and effectively as possible, so too do you need to be taking the appropriate amount of downtime to make sure that is possible. The downtime is not only useful for staying on course, but it is exceedingly important for your creative energy. Right now you could easily run the risk of becoming a tense task master, which might in someways make you bad ass, but could also be bad for business.
Instead, adopt an attitude of acceptance and ease when possible. As if everything that needs to get done can get done with much less effort than you normally think. Keep looking for all of the things in your work life that are easy. Make an effort to acknowledge it. Make room in your consciousness for it to be possible.
Insight about what could be next for you and your work is on its way. A desire, a creative project is waiting to be born. Something that you know on a gut level needs to occur but that you haven’t quite put into words, thoughts or actions yet. Don’t worry. You don’t have to know now. It’s not quite time. Right now work on what is in front of you. Grind till you own it. Make your personal best the only standard to reach for. Keep on keeping on and nap when you can. Spend time daydreaming, allowing yourself time to romance new ideas and inspirations.
Mercury stationing direct could help you to straighten out an issue with friends, groups and community members. Listen for the information you get from folks you are hanging out with and pay special attention to those old relationships that resurface for some closure.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Un-lived creative potential makes us cranky. Unused creative energy runs a’muck in our lives. Untamed creative power can be a magnificent sight to behold but feeling unhinged and out of control isn’t cute for long. It’s not necessarily helpful for living out our day-to-day lives.
When we deny ourselves the gift of getting to know our creative gems, we deny ourselves the gift of knowing ourselves. When we stop short of the struggle towards self-mastery, we deny ourselves the gift of self-supporting efforts. We were given a creative spirit, to use, to know and to learn to grow with. Not to be destroyed by. Not to be afraid of. Not to be a stranger to.
We need to become sturdy, solid channels for that kind of energy, otherwise it just runs wild. And can easily run us into the ground.
Discipline, dedication and determination is a life-long priority when living within the fields that our wild horses run through. Saturday’s full moon wants to help you ride these beast of benefit. Saturday’s full moon wants to teach you how to stay out of their way when they are running free. Saturday’s full moon doesn’t want you to get trampled by this creative potential, but it also doesn’t want you to cower in fear from it.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Like hot lava bubbling inside a volcano, this week may have you feeling potentially eruptive. Before it gets the better of you though, consider how you would most like to channel such a powerful force.
Saturday’s full moon is highlighting what Mars retrograde has been digging up for you in regards to the housing, familial, foundational or deeply personal issues that you have been making contact with.
The thing about a retrograde is that it gets us to relive, review and return to a certain area of our life for an extended period of time. Saturday’s full moon is highlighting what Mars has been relentlessly trying to teach you. What Mars has been insistent on bringing up. What Mars refuses to let you ignore.
For some of you this will land in a way that will bring old childhood issues to the fore. For others, an intensive lesson in rearranging your inner-home decor. And for many this full moon will help to reveal to you the well-spring of potentially dangerous but ultimately transformative power that is your energy source. That energy may appear as rage. It may appear as courage. It may appear as a positive break from a foundational set back. There is no right or wrong way for it to manifest, but it’s exceedingly important that you work consciously with it as it reveals itself.
With your ruling planet, Mercury, stationing direct on Sunday, there is a good chance that some part of a longer range plan might come into focus, work itself out or reveal itself to you which could help you feel more focused and grounded in yourself and decision-making process.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Is there something on the tip of your tongue? Has the cat got your tongue? Is there some conversation that needs to be had, wants to be had or that you really don’t want to have? If so, make sure that you aren’t spending time denying it. Write it out. Have it out on the page. Express your truth, at least to yourself. Be conscious of when conversations get your back up. Investigate into the nature of what it was that pissed you off. Become interested in learning more about the nature of what bothers you and why.
That way if there is something that needs saying, you are quartz crystal clear on why.
Saturday’s full moon highlights a part of your chart that deals with your communications. It’s a particularly fiery full moon, but these flames doesn’t have to be destructive. They can bring you a tremendous amount of insight as well. In fact, much of the astrology of late has been digging around in the topic of your intuition. This might be just the moon you need to take that part of your life more seriously. Working with our intuition takes discipline, a healthy amount of skepticism as well as a willingness to test it out and take field notes.
Pay special attention to the messages that you receive, especially if they are in relation to something that you have been dreading, hiding from or fearful of. As Mercury stations direct this week it is bound to help you make sense of something that has felt difficult but is actually much less scary, much less complicated and much less of a big deal than it has appeared to be.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Saturday’s full moon marks a moment of understanding around a financial issue. This week might be particularly illuminating in helping you to understand more about the nature of what you need in this area of life or what it needs from you. One thing to keep in mind is what about your ability to generate a life of sustenance and safety is under your control. While so much may not be, it can be really helpful to put out energy into the part that is.
Put energy into the areas of your work life where you feel like you are the queen of your hive.
With Mercury stationing direct in your 7th house of partnership this Sunday, some information about your partner could rise to the surface. A particularly healing conversation. An insight into how they operate. An appreciation for who they are. Stay open to the mystery of those that you are closest to. Try to remember that there is so much more to them than you know. Try focusing on the energy of your relationships. How do you feel around your closest people? What is activated in you when you are around them? What gets inspired, created and brought into being when you are together. Look for the relationships that are the most generative in these ways and carve out extra space for them and the gifts that they bring.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
As Mars finishes up the Sagittarius segment of its retrograde, it joins forces with the full moon. This puts you in the reddish glow of the duo’s spotlight. It might stir up some contention. It might rally your inner Warrior Queen. It might inspire you to strike.
This iron is hot.
Saturday’s full moon will ask you some questions. How are you handling conflict? What have you learned lately about those relationships that might feel adversarial? If there is conflict with someone close, can you think of the best case scenario considering that they will most likely never change? Knowing this, how can you get to where you need to be in the relationship?
Saturday’s full moon will be one of two full moons in your sign, back to back. This gives you more than one shot at getting your goods into the world. This gives you more than one month to make yourself known. This gives you extra opportunity to take the courageous leaps forward that you are so famous for taking. It might feel like you are being asked to do a lot. It might feel like everything about your work is being ramped up. It might feel like you are given extra to do and to complete. You are.
Pace yourself well. Keep hydrated. Keep a sound sleeping schedule. Keep on task. You are in a moment where a lot of hard work and discipline is starting to pay off or be revealed as effective or not and with Mercury stationing direct in your 6th house of work projects this week.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Wallowing is not recommended. Wading through your own emotional swampland is a prerequisite however. Wallowing does have its place. Art and all kinds of creative endeavors can be a perfect cauldron to pour our mis-directed, misplaced misfit feelings into. An honest creative process lets us be ugly. A good medium knows how to showcase our awkwardness in the most charming of ways. A well-fitting backdrop can help our talent stand out.
Pain isn’t the problem here, it’s a given if you are on this planet. It is what we do with, through and in response to our suffering that is the most profound act of humanity we can engage in.
Saturday’s full moon shines an intense light on this aspect of your life, revealing what you have been doing with this energy. Of course, this full moon could also highlight just how desperately you need a little (or a lot of) time off. Do what you need to do to manage what might feel at times like unmanageable energy, and then give yourself the permission to take a much needed break. With Mercury stationing direct in your 5th house of How To Have Fun and how to work with the incredible resource that is your creative energy, make sure that you continue to keep some free time free. Peace out to keep the peace.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
Saturday’s full moon highlights the progress that you have made in regards to dealing with potentially disruptive forces in your social field. Saturday’s full moon also reveals the difficulties that are still present. Much as most of us wish we could, we can’t just remove ourselves from every aspect of social interactions that get our backs up. Part of the deal is that we have to deal.
But part of the deal is that we need to learn when, where and what to deal with.
It’s not always the right time to call a clown a clown. This week is not a good week to be on any one else’s case in too overt a way. But you can be very clear with yourself. You can be insightful in your ability to read a situation correctly and to believe yourself about it. You can be relentless in gathering data so that you can be a better friend, ally and partner to yourself. If someone or some situation among friends or community is upsetting, see instead what you can learn from it rather than reacting to it. Remind yourself that what appears to be threatening might actually just be another exercise in assisting yourself through another one of life’s little bumpy lessons. If this is so, give extra love to your life so that you feel you have all you need on your side.
With Mercury’s station direct in your 4th house of home and family you might be able to smooth over an issue with someone in your tribe or at the very least remember that to stay in too much disfunction can make us dysfunctional. Mercury may give you some clarity around one of these older issues, reminding you that taking care of yourself takes care of generations of issues.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.
When we are in a work situation that isn’t right for us, it is all kinds of wrong. It can be deeply frustrating to know that our gifts aren’t being used but our time and energy is by being misplaced in a situation that feels unfit for us. No matter where you are in your career endeavors, please use this week to help to guide you towards more fulfilling options or to keep self-correcting along your current career path until it fits and feels right.
Saturday’s full moon highlights the high hopes that you have for your career. It optimizes the energy that you have in this part of your life. It helps you to see the results of your efforts. All that you have been digging into will be held up for others to see. All that you need to keep working at will too. Saturday’s full moon encourages you to continue to roll up your sleeves and get it done.
Do what scares you but you know you need to do. Do what you need to do to stay motivated. Do take time to hang with your family and restore your energy. Saturday’s full moon might bring up an issue at home, within your family or in regards to the kind of rest and recuperation that you need when so much energy is being put out into the world. Don’t fight it. Every warrior needs a good retreat.
Mercury will station direct on Sunday which could help you to solve a miscommunication mystery, move forward on a contract or help to get the word out about what you are doing. It may also assist you by making your day-today doings much easier than they have been.
*Join me for my new course, Knowing Your Worth, an exploration of your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Each one of us is charged with the task of taking the assets, talents and desires that we have been given and finding a way to use them in the world with integrity. Knowing what we have to work with, knowing what to emphasize and knowing how to put it to work can make all the difference.