*Please note that I only write about the major aspects of the week
Tuesday, October 27th
5:05 AM PST Full Moon in Taurus
Venus opposes Chiron
Please see the full moon post for a full description.
Friday, October 30th
Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
This is a sweet, possibly intoxicating little treat. Neptune can bring boatloads of inspiration, imagination and an instinctual need to let go of earthly confines. Neptune lifts us up, leaves us high and then it’s our job to remember the way back down. If we can figure out a way to keep the inspiration with us once we land, we’ve used this kind of astrology well.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know your rising sign, please read it. If you don’t, read your sun sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both. Take what works for you, leave the rest. There is no right way to do this, it’s all just a friendly suggestion. If you find inspiration here and you want to share it you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for sharing the work, it means everything to us and we really appreciate it!
Tuesday’s full moon makes use of your recent efforts to stabilize any issues that you have around self worth, self-esteem and valuing your own efforts.
It’s also got some money-magnet-magic.
In preparation for it you might want to make a donation (money, time, goods etc.) to a cause that is close to your heart, an organization that has helped you heal or a foundation that does work that you want to be a part of. Show yourself, your unconscious, your inner skeptic that you are abundant enough to give of what you have. Show the fearful in you that you have been graced with the good sense to know that you are enough and that sharing increases this consciousness. Show yourself that you are not afraid to use what you posses for good. Show your inner critics and the dark forces of greed that you will not be controlled by fear or the fragility that privilege creates.
And then ritually allow more in. Open the doors, open the windows, open your awareness to your experience, your thoughts and what you have been fed about having enough.
You are enough. Period.
We have more than enough. More than enough food to feed everyone. More than enough resources to house everyone. More than enough arms to hold everyone. Collectively we have enough, the only thing that stops us is our fear and our ignorance around what life would be like if we gave more and left with less.
Like the relief that comes when you know that a project is finally as complete as it can be. Like the untying of a bow wrapped around a much anticipated parcel. Like the arrival of a package from your latest online shopping spree.
You are unfolding, exhaling and unwinding from a time that asked too much of you in some ways. From a time that might have pushed at you with too sharp a poker and too stern a consequence. From that time to this one. From there to here. You can relax a moment.
You can celebrate the skin that you are in. You can take a moment to truly appreciate all your senses can devour. You could make it a priority to notice all that you are and all that you are able and privileged to enjoy.
Tuesday’s full moon finds comfort in your sign. La lune loves to roam through your fertile fields, finding pleasure in the simple and great luxury in the raw realness of Taurus. This full moon might highlight your efforts, it might shine its silvery light on your achievements and it might reveal your visions as real plans in the making instead of far off flights of fancy.
Whatever the case allow your self to be seen, allow your efforts to get noticed, allow your generosity to overflow so that others might benefit too.
There is no better way to celebrate Tuesday’s full moon than to take off and try to take it all down a notch.
Get low. Get lost. Get off the grid.
Let yourself decompress and say yes to a Netflix marathon, a napping triathlon or a trip to the spa.
Get creative if it calls you. Get lost in imagery if you have that kind of time. Get your headphones out and listen to your favorite artist and study how the sunlight splashes across your room as the hours pass.
Your work will benefit in big ways from allowing a little more space in-between study sessions. Your body will benefit in obvious ways from creative visualizations and all manners of relaxing. Your mind will benefit in concrete ways from letting it wander away for a moment. It’s amazing how compact our thinking can become, how limited our intellectual abilities can become, and how strained solutions become without rest.
Use Tuesday’s full moon to remind yourself of the simple and sublime truth that doing is done better when we first allow ourselves to be for a moment.
Tuesday’s full moon highlights your connections with friends and allies of all kinds. It might be that a part of your work gets a boost through those that support it. It might be a reunion of sorts with the friends that help you feel like you are lucky just because they are around. It might be that a little parcel of helpful hope leaps onto your lap and you have no choice but to listen to its wisdom.
But listen over a bowl of soup, a cup of your favorite tea and a slice of freshly baked affection. Enjoy the multi-sensorial luxuries of sharing all you have to share. Slow down enough to do so. Offer your affection through your attention to those that surround you. Offer your attention as a healing balm. Offer your steadiness as a place of respite for another.
Each one of us has within us the ability to show up for others. It might be the single greatest thing about being a human. It might be the greatest gift we could ever give. It might be the greatest legacy that we could ever live.
Tuesday’s full moon reminds you that what is truly luxurious is to have comrades and to remember to take the time to connect to them.
Tuesday’s full moon shines a magnificent spotlight on your recent career efforts. Tuesday’s full moon shines like a disco ball on the dance floor of your determination. Tuesday’s full moon is like a cosmic congratulations on the work that you have done.
Slice up the cake and share it.
Offer to share the best of your lunch with those that come to your desk. Bring a plant into the office. Wear the clothes that make you feel like you are on your own personal Best Dressed list. This full moon wants to get you noticed. This full moon wants to bring fulfillment. This full moon wants you to feel the weight of your accomplishments and how that reflects the sturdiness of your career strides or the ways in which you have started to recently move through the world.
Remember where you came from. Remember where you started from. Remind yourself of all you’ve come through. Remember all it takes to do what you do. It’s not nothing. The thresholds of doubt and despair that we cross. It’s not nothing. The suffering and the sweat it takes to get through it. It’s not nothing to live through being human and to still be able to show up in the world and offer what we hold in our hearts as the thing we can contribute.
It’s not at all nothing. It’s actually quite something.
Tuesday’s full moon wants to inspire all kinds of insights. You might astral travel like there is no tomorrow. You might boogie-woogie till dawn with all kinds of sprites, spirits and specters. You might be moved to get out and wander past your bedtime and past your usual boundary. You might be inspired to build out some part of your belief system that you know helps to ground you.
Make what you believe in real. Bring your big beliefs down to earth. Bring your heart to your studies. Bring your experience to your philosophies. Bring your entire being to your systems of belief. Make room for yourself on the shelves that hold the texts that move your soul.
This is a grand moment for you, astrologically speaking. A lot has and is and will coalesce in your sign. This is an important part of your journey and this week highlights the steps you have taken, the thoughts you have curated and the beliefs that have guided you.
But any moment can only be as helpful as we allow it to be. You can only be as thoughtfully, considerately and conscientiously big as you allow yourself to be.
Tuesday’s full moon is here to remind you that you are more spacious, more vast and more capable of following your inner compass than you might currently believe yourself to be.
Tuesday’s full moon celebrates the successes of certain collaborations. It isn’t easy to join forces with others. Success doesn’t mean that deep feelings don’t erupt. Success means that we find ways of consciously navigating through the swell of subterranean feelings that can threaten to flood the fields of production. Success means that we are able to steady ourselves as issues arise.
This full moon brings you evidence of your success but also the need to remember your intention for coming together with others. If you are receiving money, access, help or assistance in any way, remember what your intention was for collaborating or accepting assistance in the first place. Keep your intention at the core of your business model. Make your intention the foundation, the center, the altar you worship at. Make it the most important piece of your relationships to tend to. Steady yourself with it. Steady your collaborations with it. Steady your doubts, fears and phobias by remembering the reason why you decided to get on this road in the first place.
If you realize that you are intention-less at this point, use this new moon to meditate on what the most important foundation for you to have could be. Then claim it as your own.
Tuesday’s full moon highlights the importance of approaching the experience of loving another with your own anchor intact. It might highlight how far you’ve come in this area. How many potholes and pathways you have trotted down in search of something sustainable.
Tuesday’s full moon helps you to see the successes, the triumphs and the totality of what it takes for you to love somebody, the way only you can love them. We can’t love like anyone else. Our way of getting there is entirely our own. Our way of finding the courage to battle the demons of despair that might tell us to turn back before its too late and run for our lives is unique. We can’t love like the movies, clean, quiet and considerate. We harbor greedy appetites for affection. We harbor significant insecurities about being abandoned, betrayed and forgotten. We ache for recognition and we go to all kinds of messy lengths to be seen.
Tuesday’s full moon wants you to be seen and to see that you are. See your reflection in the eyes of those you get to gaze upon.
Tuesday’s full moon might bring connections into your life that feel solid and sturdy. Tuesday’s full moon might give you the opportunity to show up for another as a well-built base camp for them to land.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Tuesday’s full moon highlights the needs of your physical well-being and being in touch with your body, its beauty and its temperament. Put yourself to bed early. Go out for a run. Eat until you are full. Pay attention to what it is telling you. This moon can get you back in touch with how to prioritize your physical needs.
Tuesday’s full moon also brings light to your professional progress. Something might occur this week that will help your efforts go the extra mile. Some connections might coalesce that can help give your work a boost and your profile a promotion. Some experience might unfold that brings clarity to the kind of effort you put into your work, effort that you might take for granted.
Don’t take your work for granted. If you do, others can too. Not just your work, but their own. There is something urgently important about what you are bringing to light in your life right now, specifically through your career. Whatever societal wounds you are wanting to heal through what you do professionally is of great importance. As you struggle, grapple and get down to the details of what you are trying to relay, we do too. Humanity is one large organism. As one of us stands up for something, the rest of us get the message that it’s ok to do and say the same. What you do, say and demonstrate on the world stage has a considerable kick to it right now. One that can unleash a stampede of stallions just waiting on your word.
Don’t keep them cooped up.
Tuesday’s full moon highlights your love life or your love of life. Tuesday’s full moon is full on romantic. Tuesday’s full moon might be tugging at your heart strings, serenading you and casting you in the most adoring light.
Take. It. In.
Seriously. Let yourself be loved. Say thank you to everyone around you. Refuse no compliment. Consider each one. Give thanks for the slightest sweetness. Offer it in return, but mean it. Think on it. Slow down enough to feel how it feels to give of your good energy and receive it.
Give of your good energy and receive it.
You owe yourself this much. You owe yourself every ounce of patience and persistence you can muster. You owe yourself the willingness to love and be loved in return.
Consider how often you used to give your heart away. Ponder how many times you treated it like it wasn’t the most valuable aspect of you. Remind yourself of all the healing you have gone through and will continue to go through with your heart. Meditate on the profound strength of your heart. The physical, the energetic and the emotional strength you have been gifted with. Feel as you move through your day, the way this strength, this reliable pulse pulls you through time and time again.
Your roots are showing. Your baseline. Your bottom line. Your foundation and your family issues too. Your needs are showing, and so is your capacity to show up for them.
Tuesday’s full moon makes this clear. All of the work that you have done. All of the ways in which you have been able to take care of your needs, all of the ways in which you have been able to address your fears, all of the ways in which you have been able to help yourself settle and all of the ways in which you have been able to choose yourself first are being made explicitly clear now.
Your home is here. Your ability to create comfort for yourself. Your ability to create a home for yourself. Your ability to create family for yourself is all being revealed to you. Take yourself home decor shopping. Buy the cashmere throw, some good linens, a plush towel or a single rose to place in your space as a reminder of how sacred it is and how well you have learned to love your it as a reflection of yourself.
Tuesday’s full moon brings to light conversations that help to ground you. Tuesday’s full moon is urging you to have those conversations with yourself. Tuesday’s full moon is tempting you to plan next spring’s community garden, block party or holiday gift exchange.
It’s a perfect time to polish up your writing practices. It’s a wonderful time to communicate your ideas to those willing to listen. It’s a really, really, really good idea to slow down so that you can listen with your ears, eyes, heart and head. Listen to signs, signals and soliloquies. Listen to the information that might waft your way by means of all kinds of transport.
Listen to the conversations that are swelling up inside you. The ones begging to be heard. The ones wanting to be spoken. The ones willing to be risked. Tuesday’s full moon might be calling for the calming effects of healing a long standing issue with a friend, partner, sibling or a neighbor. Bring your patience to the table if you are sitting down to sort it out. Bring the wisdom of the seasons with you. See that every relationship has its own rhythm, its own flow, its own way it needs to go.