*Please note I do not write for everyday, just the days with major aspects
Wednesday, August 26th
Mercury in Virgo sextile Saturn in Scorpio
A nice helpful aspect for writing projects, communications, laying out practical goals and generally using our good sense.
Sun conjunct Jupiter in Virgo
Generally a day of exuberance and optimism.
But Virgo though…
Virgo loves to invert, study, dissect, detail, diligently work and be of use. Jupiter in Virgo expounds upon the details, makes more work for itself, elevates the minute and is a master at organizing large amounts of data.
The sun and Jupiter haven’t come together in Virgo in 12 years. The part of our chart that contains Virgo gets an infusion of both solar, life-giving light and Jupiter’s jovial gigantic tactics (even in Virgo). Jupiter makes everything it touches bigger. As the sun approaches the mighty momma, Jupiter, there is a highlighting and energizing of what is being expanded. It’s like a cosmic Miracle Gro.
As always chooses what you wish to focus on and expand. Grow the seeds you want to harvest later. Compost the bitter bits.
Thursday, August 27th
Mercury enters Libra
Mercury leaves its home in Virgo where it was comfortable and empowered to enter the upcoming terrain of…
Friday, August 28th
Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase at 0+ degrees of Libra
Wait…what?! Aren’t we already in a retrograde? Yes. But that is Venus. These planets don’t care about our schedules (or is it all part of their perfect plan?). They don’t care that you have had enough excavating of the past. They don’t care that pop-culture (and Taylor Swift) has completely over-blown the significance of Mercury retrograde and that it likes to blame everything on it.
All Mercury retrogrades are not created equally. They all have unique themes and qualities. They all have their own agenda.
Mercury stations retrograde on September 17th and will be there until October 9th. It looks like a very fascinating foray into meaning, what we hunger for, how to find balance, relate, communicate and deal with appetites unquenchable, mental maladies and our life’s direction.
No biggie. You got this.
Saturday, August 29th
Mercury conjunct Mean Node in Libra
One of the reasons why this retrograde will be so interesting is because of it’s contact with the north node in Libra. The north node has many interpretations in many different traditions of astrology. For the purpose of clarity and brevity let’s just say that the nodes are where eclipses happen. Eclipses are the diminishment of either the sun or moon’s light. We need light to see by, light to grow food with, light to maintain life. When the light goes out humans get anxious and fearful. When planets conjunct the nodes they can activate such latent concerns.
Remember your night lights.
The nodes can also reveal important information about one’s life direction. Keep your ears open and your mind alert for signals and signs.
Full moon in Pisces 11:35 AM PDT
This full moon is full of dreamy, mystical, magical anxiety. It is packed with beautiful delusions and far out fantasies. It is far from grounded and swollen with its ideals of perfection. I will be back later in the week with the full 411 on the situation but for now your horoscope provides some insight.
Just because it’s not all glitz and glamour doesn’t mean it isn’t worth paying attention to. There are some tremendously important ways in which you need to expand and become more realized at work but it has more to do with keeping your books straight than being a hotshot.
This is the thing: when we have paid attention to the details, when we have done our due diligence, when we have sorted the papers, filed the taxes and taken care of business, we are free to run wild with our creative dreams, visions and inspirations.
We are also free to take a nap.
I am a big proponent of naps as a means to mental health, happy relationships and quality of life. This Saturday’s full moon is inviting you to partake is some form of napping. Whether that be of the sleeping kind, the space out kind or the “taking a nap from life” kind, they all are suitable, helpful and necessary. The full moon is encouraging you to let go and let your dreams guide you. Take a break.
So just to recap: Pay attention to the details. Expand your organizational expertise at work. Hire people that help you stay exuberantly focused. Be the kind of worker/employee/boss that goes the extra mile, shares their lunch and looks out for the little person. Be the nice one. Be the great worker. Be organized and efficient. Then go take a nap of epic proportions. All weekend long if you like. Report back next Monday.
Your full moon ritual is as follows:
1) Make a list of your friends
2) Circle the ones who would be down for anything
3) Make a new list consisting of only them (this could be a list of one which will make the next step easier)
4) Pick 1-20 of them that you would like to make mischief with
5) Make a plan to see them on Saturday for a night of Full Moon Magic
6) Get together for a ritual of epic proportions
7) Make potions
8) Drink elixirs
9) Draw pictures of your wildest hopes and make collages of your biggest dreams
10) Create an alternate world together
11) Map out a landscape of justice and the steps you’ll need to take towards creating it
12) Tell stories to each other about your future successes
13) Celebrate the victories that have yet to come
14) Write sonnets to your current or future lovers
15) Write a short play about one of your dreams, cast it with the friends present, see it in action and remind your brain that you are watching a re-enactment of a future possibility. Make them perform it over and over again until you believe it to be true, until you work out the kinks or until you have come to see it as inevitable. Remember that creating any type of art is a sacred act of making something in the ethers real and making something real into something that holds power. Power can be used to control others or it can be used to free us all. Use your art and its power wisely and for us all to benefit from and it will support you through even the most difficult of days.
Perhaps one of the hardest identities to outgrow is the one that our family forms for us, the one that we are formed by. Perhaps one of the most important things to remember is that we have the right to outgrow it. We have the right to outgrow any of our identities. With consistent effort, rigorous introspection, the willingness to hold ourselves accountable, and a desire to be a better human being, even the most stubborn among us can shift. Even the cruelest among us can be struck with a lightening bolt of love. Even the most self-centered can learn to see beyond the limited scope of the ego.
We are supposed to change. We are meant to grow. We are capable of great transformations. Healing is for everybody.
None of us are meant to be held in place by our pasts. None of us are meant to stay miserable. None of us are meant to curl up into a ball and give up. Not forever.
Eventually (or hopefully) something comes along and connects with us at our core. Something comes along and reminds us that we are better than our worst day. We are more than the sum of our parts. We are forgivable. We are lovable. We are worthy of the dream that we are too afraid to dream. Something comes along and connects with us at our core and reminds us that we can inhale, from the deepest part of ourselves. We can expand. We are all allowed to experience renewal.
Saturday’s full moon lights up your tenth house of career and social standing. It speaks of big dreams here. It holds the energy of a hundred years of healing. It has the ability to give you the lighting usually reserved for an ingénue’s close up. Allow yourself to show up in the most public of ways and be seen for all the efforts that you have made in your career and your life’s work. But, remember, the good feelings can crash in from the outside world, but they’ll only make a home when there is space for them to settle in and stay.
Expand upon your ability to think in generative terms. This is not the time to tighten your perception or tame your curiosity about how you might grow your ideas or how you might communicate and connect with others.
It’s time to let everyone know what you are thinking about. It’s time to reach out. It’s time to test out some of your ideas and your ideals.
It’s also time to detect, dissect and not shy away from considering the ways in which you might shut down possibility and begrudge growth. A simple test will tell you how you fair: Do you envy the success of others? Does your chest tighten when someone has something that you have always wanted for yourself but never been able to have? Do you feel the bitter bile of resentment when faced with the facts that you aren’t where you’d like to be at in life?
Envy locks us away and inhibits connection. Thinking there isn’t enough to go around and fearing that we will be left out makes us less attractive to opportunity. It’s all too important that you bare witness to the times that you buckle in the face of another’s happiness. Then and only then you can begin healing that specific hole in your heart and mend that particular hiccup in your thinking.
You’ve got a lot to give intellectually this year. You’ve got some great ideas brewing and stewing that are ready for you to benefit from. But you’ve also got a human brain that loves to hold on to the past, make mountains out of age-old hurts and create monuments out of ancient history.
Saturday’s full moon wants to remind you of your ability to heal the fractures in your mind through dreamtime, through astral travel tours and through connecting with the elders in your life that have outgrown their need for greed. Go towards what inspires the greatest faith and what reminds you of your connection to the ultimate source of unlimited energy.
This Wednesday the sun (your ruling “planet” responsible for your penchant for pizazz) joins forces with the ever-mighty Jupiter in Virgo. The dynamic duo is asking you to take your natural talents and well developed hobbies and make them into something that can support you.
The time frame goes as follows: You’ve got an entire year to work this out. You’ve got this week to make a bold, yet calculated move towards it.
Faith feeds upon our ability to take well-assessed risks. Every time we take a risk we end up with a great story to tell and we are one step closer towards believing in ourselves. And nothing is more valuable than that.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to believe in yourself at this moment. If not yourself then at least believe in what brings you joy and what makes you the happiest. If not yourself then at least believe in what you feel most drawn towards. If not yourself then at least believe in your right to learn what you could be capable of.
This is your time to build something lasting. This is your time to have fun with all that you are creating. This is your time to learn about how effortlessly support can come to you when you are doing what you love to do and what you need to do.
Saturday’s full moon highlights the dreams that you share with others and the need to pick your partners wisely and with eyes wide open. When we do, most things are possible and so much is in your realm of possibility now.
Dream big. Let your mind wander, your body follow and your heart lead the way. Imagine that your life is a supportive structure. One that your potential can effortlessly fill. One that is waiting expectantly to be filled. Beyond fretting over the details of the dream, what would you do if you didn’t have to worry about how it would get done? What would bring you a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of fulfillment and a renewed hope for the future?
Who is this dream connected to? What partnerships have the potential to collectively move mountains? Who is on your dream-team? Who is ready to go the distance?
This Saturday’s full moon lights up your seventh house of intimate relationships. It brings some opportunity to you through another person, a partnership, or through the vehicle of relating. Intimacy is a sometimes hard won experience to sustain. We must go through all of the trials and tribulations of keeping connection along the bumpy road of life. Some relationships are worth the effort, especially if there is a mutual dream we can work towards.
Dreams are the fuel that gets us through the mundane. They must be both full of inspiration and attainable. Your homework this week, and this year, is to navigate where you need to stretch your idea of what is possible and where you over estimate what would actually make you happy.
This week could illustrate the places where your faith is strong and where it continues to falter. This week could have you stumbling into pockets of persuasive positivity and fretful fears. This week will have the tendency to tempt you into funky corners of corruption and hearing the catcalls of the incredulous aspects of your psyche. But fear not. You’ve got a super power and the strength of a million angels on your side.
We are talking about some serious soul retrieval.
This kind of concoction doesn’t happen everyday. The kind where the real deal is revealed but so is your strength to overcome it.
This Saturday’s full moon occurs in your sixth house of work. It may bring about the fruition of a dream job or employment opportunity or employee. It may resolve a health concern using healing methods that are outside of the healthcare industrial complex. It might bring to light a certain idealistic situation that helps you see the potential of the projects you have been working on (especially over the last 6 months).
Mercury is planning its next retrograde and it’s all in your sign. Lucky, lucky. It will be asking a lot from you. Mainly in the area of staying true to yourself and truer still to your growth. To thine own self be true.
For all of the work that you have accomplished, accrued and been attentive to, it is time for a break.
Go have fun. Saturday’s full moon demands it. Feed your need for pleasure and for feeling pleased. Let yourself unwind and find out who you are apart from the demands and beyond all the details.
It is easy to forget how to unwind. It is easy to forget how to let go. It is easy to forget that while the world values our ability to produce over our ability to be kind, creative or happy, we need to take time out of that cycle of ceaselessness in order to remember the value of play.
Dream. Imagine. Create. Entertain what takes your fancy. Dedicate the weekend to it. Decide that this is what is most valuable, spiritual even. Remember to recline like a queen and dance like a diva and don’t for one moment discount the value of a laugh with a good friend. It is sometimes the only thing that gets us through. The only thing that keeps us going. The only thing that makes all of our efforts worthwhile.
Try to put a smile on the faces of those you meet, and notice when you do so without trying at all. Like a child, try to embrace inquiry and encourage foolery. You’ll get further than you would have had it been all work and no play.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Show up with your big-kid pants on, lunch-box full of treats to share with your peeps and good beats in your earpiece. It’s your time to turn up as the generator of genius and generosity. This is a week of optimizing your potential by making sure that you put yourself on the playground.
Wednesday supplies you with ample amounts of charisma. Become a beacon for your people. A medium for your message. A spokesperson for sweetness and inclusivity. Be critical of the world you live in so that you can offer specific solutions to the problems that you can’t help but see. Go towards the glaringly obvious. The big problems. The pink elephants that no one else wants to or is willing to touch. It’s your job to see what’s wrong and to work hard at finding a fix. This week helps everyone that you work with, and the world at large, see how well suited you are at doing your job justice.
Saturday’s full moon will occur in your fourth house of home, family and foundations. Something that you started six months ago is now settling in and you are now able to see if the root system is established and if you can keep growing your base from this place.
Take your time, map it out, be conscientious, be methodical, be willing to be surprised and be careful not to be too cautious. Know that you don’t know. Be up for an adventure.
Air yourself out. Act like you are on a grand adventure. Be willing to go the extra mile. Be prepared to go more than that.
This is a journey, not a 5-star vacation.
You are here to learn. This year is asking you to stretch your wings, travel abroad and dip your toes in new ponds in far off lands. But not unquestioningly. Be open to adventure and be willing to hold all gurus accountable and all teachers to their word. You are as much of a teacher as anyone else.
This Saturday’s full moon would like you to spend some time imagining, dreaming, scheming and planning all your adventures. Don’t hesitate or hold back on your bucket list. Make it your biggest accomplishment this year, both making one and checking things off of it.
But also make this full moon count by communicating your dreams, your visions and your ideals. Make this full moon count by using your words and communications for your healing. Make this full moon count by becoming a source of healing for others.
We know you are an independent momma. A big boss daddy. A do it yourself kind of kid. But this week you need to make some magic with the ones that love you and that you love back. Romantic or not, your gold comes via your contacts with others. Work on co-dreaming, scheming and imagining magic together.
If you don’t already, stop to take notice of what your energetic exchange is in your intimate partnerships. Do fireworks go off when you close your eyes and pucker up? Does your energy both increase and level out to the point of feeling better for being with them when you are in their company? Is going to the grocery store a possible adventure of epic proportions? If our worlds don’t open up like a children’s pop-up book when we are together then we can still be friends, but most likely not much else is going to occur.
Chemistry is a formula that you can’t fake. It is a feat of mother nature that cannot be replicated or construed against it’s own will. Of course it takes much more than that to sustain a union, but without it, why even start?
Saturday’s full moon lights up your second house of finances and property. You might be buying a home. You might be fantasizing about doing so. You might be seeing the financial fruits of your labor of the last six months (at least). All I want you to do is to keep seeing how you are in the perfect position to create more of whatever you want through picking the perfect partner to grow with.
Saturday’s full moon is in Pisces. It highlights the personal projects that you have worked on. It displays the growth that you have made. It heightens the feels, distorts some facts and can quench your creative soul with a powerful and intoxicating elixir.
You may feel more sensitive. You may ask if that is possible. You may feel more inspired. You may feel more creative. You may feel more in your element.
Swim with it.
This Wednesday could bring you a perfect opportunity to join forces with another. Take it. Analyze it. Notice how you feel about it. Recognize what is life enhancing about your partnerships. Spot what isn’t. Notice who drains you, who supports you and whom you want to support back. Ask whom you could give to without needing anything in return. Ask how you could give to yourself without feeling guilty about wanting to do so.
It’s not your job to take care of anyone else. It is all of our jobs to find others to build a better future with. Keep your ears open for plans that pique your interest. Keep your eye on those going your way. Stay aware of which connections bring a sense of healing and mending and stop you from pretending that things are OK when they aren’t.