Whatever is unhealed goes underground. To fester. To flourish beneath the surface. To enter into the streams. The soil. The stalk. The fruit.
To feast on these unblessed breads leaves us malnourished and soul-starving. Bellies aching. Hearts hollow. Minds unable to make meaning.
Every day that the wounds of our world are left unattended, they grow in strength. Pulling from our life source. Swallowing up our precious time. Devouring our days.
Unhealed pasts and un-grieved ghosts are prevalent these days. Haunting our news cycles. Relentlessly relived in every aspect of our world. Repeatedly demanding our exhausted attention.
The connection between the pains of our past and our present is begging to be realized at every turn. We must make these connections in order to stop reliving them.
The full moon in Aries occurs on October 5th at 11:40 AM PT. This full moon ask us to excavate what has been left to fester. In ourselves. In our families. In our systems. In our communities. In our world. It asks us to tend to the wounds that have thrown us off course. It asks us to take seriously our part in healing ourselves and our world.
Aries is the sign of the individual. Action-oriented. Bold. Daring. Aries is self-interested. Self-determined. Self-reliant. Aries unchecked is aggression. Aggravation. Attack.
The sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Libra oppose this full moon. Libra is the sign of peace. Love. Justice. Libra teaches us the importance of caring for others. Of balance. Of harmony. Libra unchecked overrides its own needs in order to meet someone else’s. To keep the peace. To avoid conflict. To avoid the work that needs to be done.
The full moon sits with Uranus in Aries. The Sun and Mercury sit with Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter and Uranus are still in a very closely configured opposition.
Uranus in Aries warns us about the too radicalized individual. The one that forgets its connection. The one that acts outside the laws of humanity. The one that is out for himself alone. Jupiter in Libra warns us of the too easy answer. The too quick conciliatory agreement. The too eager to please peace. There must be balance between these extremes.
The Jupiter/Uranus opposition is wrapping up, but this full moon emphasizes its lingering lessons.
Both the sun and moon are sitting in a square to Pluto (as Jupiter and Uranus also did recently). Pluto is the underworld. Underbelly. Underhandedly demanding that we deal with the unhealed issues that we’d rather sweep under the rug. Whatever work we have yet to do, whatever we have hoped would just disappear, comes back for healing. For reckoning. For our ultimate betterment.
Pluto is death. Rebirth. Regeneration. Pluto is transformation. But this is no spa treatment kind of problem solving. This transformation is the kind that brings us to the edge of our emptiness. To the brink of our existence. To our knees. So that we might understand just how massive our work here is. So that we might understand just how unprepared and ill-equipped we are to do it. So that we might understand how it is the only thing worth doing.
We must find a way, find many ways, find all the possible ways in which to heal ourselves and our world.
The ruler of Aries is Mars. The ruler of Libra is Venus. Mars and Venus come together in a conjunction on the day of the full moon, encouraging the integration of self and other. Courage and cooperation. Passion and peace.
We are supposed to use our individual self, our personality, our courage, our fire, our Aries, in service of something far greater than ourselves. We are supposed to care for and foster our interdependence, our allies, our friends, our partners, our Libra.
We are all are responsible for some part of this world’s undoing and we are all responsible for some part of this world’s recreation. We must always try to find what that looks like for us. In each moment. In each aspect of our lives.
Full moon blessings,