Weekly Astro Pro Tips
This week is jam-packed with astrological awesomeness, most of which I detail in an extended essay about Thursday’s full moon and the next Uranus/Pluto square (which I will post by Tuesday). Thursday is also the Jewish holiday Purim where we are encouraged to dive into chaos, dress up, let go and celebrate the mayhem inside the order of our existence.
Beyond (and alongside) Thursday’s full moon there are some more major movements in the sky. On Monday Venus conjuncts the south node (the point responsible for eclipses) of the moon. This is a hotspot for growth and healing. Modern astrologers tend to relate it to past behaviors and old tendencies we need to unravel, understand and release. The week could start out with a conundrum to consider, though I doubt resolve is near. That comes later in the month.
On Tuesday Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth opportunities, will trine Uranus, planet of upheaval, change and chaos. Jupiter, with its pockets full of luck forming a trine with Uranus, the queen of unexpected events can bode very well for most. It’s a time to test your faith, or at least suspend your disbelief that there is something to have faith in. Abundance tends to stay with those who adore it.
On Wednesday, Venus, planet of connectivity trines Jupiter and then conjuncts Uranus.
And then Squares Pluto.
With Venus making a helpful aspect with the greatest beneficiary in our solar system, Jupiter, there is a much greater ability to access our positivity and ability to expand. However, Venus hanging out with Uranus and squaring Pluto (also on Wednesday) is a different story altogether.
It’s an aspect that can damage the connective tissue of our relationships. It’s an aspect that can push us to the edge or push us forward onto bigger breakthroughs. To the sensitive and weary this astrology can be aggravating and worrisome. To the bold and daring it can be invigorating and inspiring. To the average human it can be just the thing that brings a much needed jolt of spring.
Mars will make the same exact movements next week, which promise to be a little worse for wear. Easy does it tigers.
Much love!
Or not.
Makes no difference to life. It waits for no one.
Get on board with the changes at hand. Action is the antidote to despair as Ms. Beaz once said. You’ve got big breakthroughs brewing but it’s easy enough to stay stunted through your next set of “growth opportunities.” It’s easy enough to feel insulted, to feel slighted or to feel like life is personally attacking you. It’s easy enough to be on defense.
But ego games are expensive to play and by the looks of your karmic bank balance you can’t really afford a ticket to the low road.
High roads have better views anyways.
You have a very interesting mix of fortune and foreboding brewing in your chart this week. It all depends on what you rush towards, what rushes towards you and if you accept whatever comes graciously. You’ve got wattage on your side. You’ve got ampage to plug into. You’ve got luck to lift you out of potentially tempestuous situations so do your best to stay open to honestly accepting life as it is.
Honesty is key here because if you fake it your insincerity is likely to shine through and folks will be much less likely to trust you. If you fake it you’re doing yourself a disservice and cheating yourself out of the kind of quality experience that a good long look in the mirror can afford you right now. If you fake it you might just break the bridge that wants to carry you towards a more honest and meaningful life of action and self reflection.
Be willing to bear the burden of your own human experience (embracing the nasty, cranky et al.) without passing the buck. You’ve got the bravado of a thousand matadors right now so do something life affirming with it.
Stay with it. It’s a funky, weird process right now but trust it. There is a great freedom that can come from it. There is a great release possible here. Like the unwinding of a false truth that has been bound around you for lifetimes, this moment wants to free you from fights that can’t be won.
Shadow boxing strengthens your swings but it can also strengthen what stings if we give the imaginary too much power. Don’t give your demons a free pass to play as they want to. Name those suckers and call them out on their BS. Train in the fine art of standing in or sending them on their way.
Help comes from home if you let it. Help can come from a family member if you listen to what they are telling you. Help comes from making peace with a part of your past that wants to be released, especially the part of you that may think you have to fight for anyone’s approval or attention. Forgive yourself for such follies. Forgive yourself for not always remembering that you are a wondrous creation of nature that need never compare itself to any other wondrous creation. Forgive yourself for forgetting your perfection. And forgive them too, whomever they are.
Even ghosts need forgiveness. Even spirits need a break. Even ancestors need to be pardoned.
You might be more apt to shed an old skin right now because you know deep down that you really are abundant. You might be better able to open up to healing ancient wounds and stories too dusty to decipher because you know deep down that you have the faith to find your way through. You might just be more willing to sit still in silence and in ‘not knowing’ because deep down you trust that the answers will come.
The other night I was dreaming about a medical astrology conference recently held in Portland. In it one of my friends told me that Venus represented our connective tissue. I appreciated this astral insight because Venus is up to some tricks this week.
The planet of love, relating and yes, connecting will be graced by a trine from Lucky-in-Leo Jupiter, but it will also enter the fray of the Uranus/Pluto square.
Most precisely it will trine Jupiter and conjunct Uranus on March 4th and for you this takes place in your Eleventh House of groups, associations and community. You are in a moment of being radically awakened through your connections to others. See how your personal journey intersects with your collective experience. What needs repair is whatever psychic state your communal trauma has left you and your fellows in. Remember, damaged connective tissue can be repaired.
Thursday’s full moon occurs in your Fourth House of beginnings, endings, ancestral roots and home life. It’s important that you have a place to go that feels like a safe space to repair in and that you can call home. It’s important to be able to connect to the life force that feeds you. It’s important to remember where you can come down for landing.
Remembering both your independent and interconnected needs will help you sort through what’s an energetic memory, what is systemic and happening in real time, and what you need in order to have a chance to thrive.
Caught between the urge to book the first flight to the other side of the world and the knowledge that you have so much on your professional plate that you might just burst into tears?
It’s real.
Both the need to get lost in a long-term journey and the need to capitalize on this very impactful and possibly career-savvy month are happening simultaneously. Mostly the next few weeks are filled with volatile, evocative activities that run up on you full force, refusing to let you space out on your duties.
It could be all out war if you engage that way. It could just be all out destruction if you facilitate the swinging of the demolition ball. It could be all out divisive tactics if you make everyone your enemy.
It all depends on how annoyed you let yourself get with the way the things are. It all depends on if you can welcome impassioned, imposing, impossible-to-ignore action or if all you do is focus on how and why it’s ruffling your feathers when you’d rather float away into the great blue yonder. It all depends if you can find grace on the battle field.
This Thursday’s full moon flourishes in your Third House of communication and local environments. You might not be able to set sail or fly off into the sunset but you can always find your way to a new local haunt, take a different route to work or decide to get interested in the ones that are around you on the daily. Keep at the projects that relate to the big picture work of your life (they are getting you somewhere!) and disregard the crankier curmudgeons within that may be trying to sabotage your best efforts.
Thursday’s full moon lights up your house of finances pulling focus for a moment on a tension that has been building between what you view about your work that is worthy and what you find when you look at your bank statements.
While you are in a much needed time of self-renewal and self-improvement, whatever money matters you are dealing with matter, especially in terms of handling or receiving money from others. Shared resources and any issues about them (especially in regards to inheritances, debts owed or taxes yet to be paid) are up for debate so get clear on what you owe, what you are worth and what you should be asking for when it comes to getting paid, because right now the Universe is listening.
You have a bit of luck coming your way this week and moments like this don’t come around every day. You don’t have to earn good luck to get it. Sometimes it just comes. And it’s here now.
Especially on March 3rd and 4th.
If there is a risk that you need to take, a journey that you need to make or an attitude adjustment that you have to fake (at least at first), do it. This week’s astrology has you poised for a breakthrough (if not for greatness) so you might as well step up to the plate and swing big. This is no time to play coy or pretend that you don’t want to go for broke-you do and we need you to.
We need you to because we need to, too. Seeing our fellow travelers go for what they want helps us to do so. You’re visible now, possibly to folks that you have no idea are watching. You’re visible always to those that will look back on your life and say, with pride and great gratitude, that you lived your life with immense amounts of courage, creativity and resilience, helping them to as well. Your actions and intentions are visible so act with the gratitude and optimism you would like to be remembered for.
Thursday bears a full moon with your name on it. When we have a full moon in our sign (once a year) it highlights our issues around identity, body and our general vitality. You can honor this new moon by simply taking time to honor your physical being. Imagining all the bits and bobs that have to pump and tick and move and motor along each day just to keep you afloat.
However there is more to this beauty than just taking a bubble bath and telling your reflection that you are perfect and beautiful just as you are (though I highly recommend both of those). This full moon is most certainly leading us into some deeper astrology.
You may be feeling like the other shoe is about to drop.
Crash. Bang. Boom. Which it will and/or is. This is in part due to the fact that the first of two eclipses occurs in your Seventh House of relationships on March 20th. Because this full moon and that new moon/eclipse are both happening in such powerful angles of your chart (1st house and 7th house; self and other) you are set up to learn quite a lot about the ways in which you relate to others.
This isn’t exactly new in terms of what you and I have been discussing over the past month. In fact all of those conversations have really been leading up to this one. Take a look at your calendar, notice the engagements that you have set up over the course of March and consider that they may be some of your biggest and best tickets to self-awareness. As you go through the month note which lessons taught you the most and which you feel like you have graduated from. The rest of this month’s astrology awakens and reveals much about how you share resources and drops you into issues about death and letting go. It’s a deep process of undoing what you know about having enough, being enough and getting enough. The less you focus on the getting and the more you focus on the already being enough, the easier it will be.
Thursday’s full moon highlights the behind the scenes work that needs to be tended to, what has naturally come to an end, and what needs to be left well enough alone. You can honor the full moon by actively releasing something that has a symbolic meaning to you (give her old t-shirt to Goodwill already). Whatever you’d like to “lose”, whatever you’d like to be separated from and whatever agreements you may have made that you would now like to have undone, write them down and set them (safely) on fire. Unwind yourself from negative stories of failure and misfortune. Give yourself a break. Give yourself a fresh start.
The rest of the astrological brew-ha-ha is happening in your house of intimate relationships and it looks like your work is cut out for you in that department.
Whether or not you feel like it’s acceptable behavior to project all your short comings onto your partner (professional or romantic), you’ll most likely be tempted to. Whether or not you feel like it’s OK to be competitive with the ones you are in close proximity to it might prove impossible for you not to at least feel that way. Whether or not you have a handle on your need to please, these next few months look like they want you to break free from that paradigm in order to show you a new way to be in partnership with the world at large.
Freedom is key. Let yourself have some. Fun is freeing. Make sure you have it on your agenda. There are new ways of being in partnership as well as new people to partner with so be open to the possibilities of engaging with folks outside of your perceived posse. Awareness of what you expect from others, what you imagine they should do for you and who you think you belong with will also help you find your way to some exciting and unexpected liberations.
While Thursday’s full moon lights up your Eleventh House of friends and community gatherings urging you to get to your nearest Purim Party dressed as your alter ego (the more twisted the better), the majority of this month’s astrology has you working overtime.
Time and time again.
You just can’t get it right if you aren’t prepared to get it all wrong. There will be bumps, there will be boils (hopefully not too painful), there will be issues of organization and internal mending that you’ll need to tend to. There are sure to be habits that you need to make a break from.
And fast.
It’s like pulling off a band-aid. The more willing you are do do the dirty work that life calls us all to do, the quicker you can get to the good stuff. It’s all changing anyway, your work and the honors you receive for it. There are big opportunities opening up for you, especially in regards to your career, life-calling and public profile. You might feel it more come April. You might notice the effects come August, but this week is a small step towards what is unfolding for you out there.
Don’t let yourself get too disgruntled with the drudgery in front of you. It’s all for a good cause. Have the best attitude that you can possibly muster (or keep it to yourself) when shoveling the sludge. Later you’ll be glad you kept it together and led with a more humble approach.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Thursday’s full moon lights up your Tenth House of career and notoriety. It’s also Purim, a Jewish holiday that celebrates deliverance from destruction. Marking the occasion is done by partying one’s pants off. Drinking too much, dressing up like one’s alter ego and loudly enacting the story of Queen Esther (in full drag) is how the festival may appear on the outside. What’s really going on is a celebration chaos as a means of creating order.
Every so often we need a release to keep the peace.
It’s important to turn things on their head, empty out the drawers and rejoice in chaotic upheaval as a means to getting organized. Your career is getting this kind of recharge (use this week to put your best work out in the world-it will get noticed). Your inner creative kiddo is too.
There are a whole host of wild and robust energies igniting the part of your chart that is responsible for letting off some steam. Engaging in all things that have to do with love, sex, play, performance, embodiment, abandon, and embellishment as well as giving yourself creative license to unleash your genius is all part of this process.
Dealing with the part of your ego that demands attention, approval and adoration is too. My advice to you is to go for fun rather than applause-the lure of doing what others want you to do is far too great a seduction. Stay with what your inner knowing nudges you towards, especially if it appears illogical, irrational or completely chaotic. Not to create mayhem just to get noticed, but to create your life as you wish it to be so that you can feel peace in the midst of all life’s disorder.
Thursdays’ full moon lights up your Ninth House of spirituality, discovery and coming into contact with anything that feels foreign. Celebrate the lunation by getting out of your comfort zone and tuning into what moves you, uplifts you, carries you away and gets you thinking. Critically so. About big topics, grand questions and ultimate answers. If there is a god, She certainly isn’t interested in dumbing down the details.
The major emphasis however is on your Fourth House of home, family, foundations, hidden treasures and the beginnings and endings of all things. The Fourth House depicts the ground we have to build on. It’s who we are when everything else is stripped from us – our essence at the beginning of life and at the end of it.
Because so much is occurring in this area of your life and because there is such a potent mix of luck and upheaval there, I encourage you to think of this month as a chance to give yourself the childhood they never could or that you never had. If your childhood was the bees knees then this might be an overhaul of the kind of life you always wanted to create but never quite could. Whatever part of your internal, personal and private life that you feel you have yet to manifest is now being asked to come into form. This month may be a painful process of understanding the limits of your actual family members or the past wounds of your youth but with a healthy dose of acceptance you can start to turn your attention towards the present moment. A moment that is full to the brim with creative potential.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
What to say, when to say it and how to deliver the message. These are all subjects of current and future interest. Top of your agenda we might say. It’s going to be increasingly harder to hold your tongue as the days go by. It’s going to be increasingly more difficult to remain tactful and gracious in your truth offerings too. It’s going to be difficult not to entice your adversaries into a battle of wit and wordsmith.
You are on point and on time but also maybe a little on edge…
You’re amped up but without sufficient pause you might just cause some upset. I’m not saying that it’s the worst thing in the world but I am saying that if you aren’t trying to burn bridges you might want to remember to breathe deep and count to 10 before you terrify those you are trying to impress.
Clarity can come from the ones you are in close contact with and opportunities abound with all those that know you well or have worked with you often. In short, use some of that wild west word-smithing to wrangle business that will benefit all. Thursday’s full moon occurs in the part of your chart that speaks to shared money-making prowess. Especially because Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow (i.e. the end of the end of the end of the last Mercury retrograde in your sign), this week is a good one to highlight, help and foster any joint ventures that need a push forward. Just make sure any contracts have your best interests in black and white.
You are in between transits that have a tremendous amount to do with healing and feeling. If you have been resisting these states of being I can’t imagine that this time has felt like anything other than a deluge of disappointment.
But dude, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Giving into whatever *feels* and *heals* present themselves is the fastest way to having any kind of understanding about your life and any ability to make meaning from it. Pain is a part of this process, for sure, and sometimes too much so, but morbidity doesn’t have to be.
Keep your eye on your tendency to hold onto your suffering and your tendency to try and figure out all the problems in your life. Doing either keeps you paralyzed and right now we need you as fluid as you can be.
Thursday’s full moon has its way with your Seventh House of love and partnerships. Lilith is in the mix meaning that there might be a hell no that you need to say or that is said to you. If rejection is protection then you are doubly covered. Besides, your luck runs straight through your financial department so while you may be sorting out the details with an intimate affair, I’m going to advise you to keep yourself open to encouragement from the gods of coinage.
There’s more than one way to skin a dollar bill and it looks like the next two weeks would like to deliver you some details about how to make that happen. Just a word of caution about risk taking and financial wellbeing—don’t bet the farm if that’s were you live.