*The new moon in Cancer has tremendous healing powers. If you would like to tap into and harness the potential of this new moon through ritual and astrological reflection, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: The New Moon in Cancer and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from June 23rd – July 22nd
The super new moon in Cancer occurs on Friday, June 23rd at 7.31pm PT. Happening on the heels of the solstice, this new moon occurs at 2°47’ of Cancer. It is overflowing with the emotional tides that this water sign is famous for. Cancer cares. Gives fucks. Gives its whole heart. Cancer builds its life through bonds built out of tender touches that disarm even the most cynical of souls. It is a sign that carries with it the undeniable power of the caregiver. The mother. The one who gives us life and sustains it.
In its presence, we are reminded of how in need of love we are of. Of patience. Of understanding. We are rendered defenseless in the face of such a force.
Cancer is concerned with creating security. It does this, in part, by making sure you understand that it feels you. Feels your hunger. Feels your loneliness. Feels the emotions you are yet to make sense of.
Cancer’s waters hold the memories of every important event. Our creation, gestation and birth. Cancer knows how to bond, not break up. It’s a sign that feels the feelings that have been left unfelt.
Cancer hears the cries of the unloved. Wants to cradle the uncared for. Yearns to hold the hurt of all children unclaimed.
This new moon sits with Mercury and Mars. Mars is the warrior, a planet that doesn’t know what to do with its aggression in a sign designed to nurture life. Though awkward, Mars in Cancer can embody the archetype of the parent that goes to battle for their baby. And Cancer will take in all the babies.
July 8th will bring a full moon in Capricorn that is conjunct Pluto, an intense culmination of energies that points to the fact that this lunar cycle is asking us to transform the structures in our life that do us no good. Internally and externally. This lunar cycle is asking us what we are willing to release, what we feel is ready to be transformed and what we are ready to part with. This lunar cycle is reminding us that our origin stories hold the seeds of our potential, potential that we are destined to live out, consciously or unconsciously. This lunar cycle is reminding us that our pain deepens us. Our struggles teach us how to deal with adversity. Our beginnings may have been inhospitable, but that doesn’t have to make us hostile.
Cancer reminds us to care. About ourselves. About our lives. About those that do not have what they need.
As exhausting and impossible as it may sometimes seem, Cancer knows that justice is the only thing that will heal us. Inequity in any shape, form or size will only ever cause more pain. More hurt between us. Cancer asks us why we would let that happen when we are responsible for each other’s safety. Well-being. Success. We are bound to one another. Related to one another. Relying on one another to do the right thing. To take care. To give care. Now and always.
New moon blessings,