These moments are important to stay close to. Not to try and move too quickly from. Not to be above or beyond or detached from.
These moments reveal to us how willing we are to learn how to take care of ourselves and our community. How willing we are to stay present with our people. How willing we are to reach out and make a connection with those we know are struggling. How willing we are to give ourselves what we need. Because moments like these speak to all the other moments that felt like fractions of this. Like splinters of this. Like hints of this. Like the possibility of this.
We cannot leave each other in the dark.
These moments cast a light. They reveal shadows. They reveal edges. They reveal the flaws in our foundations. They reveal what heartbreak can make. This light can be used to rebuild by. This light can be used to wake and shake and not forsake the work we have yet to do. This light can be used to illuminate any matter of aspects that this moment has woken us up to.
What will we wake up to?
Monday June 20th brings us both the light from the full moon in Sagittarius (at 4:02 AM PT) and the shift in light from the sun’s ingress into Cancer (at 3:34 PM PT), signaling the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. This is the first time since 1967 (and won’t happen again until 2026) that we in the north have experienced a full moon on our summer solstice.
That was the Summer of Love. May this one be one too.
This is the second full moon in a row in Sagittarius. The third of four full moons to happen within a season, this is a blue moon. It happens at the last degree of the sign, at 29 degrees and 33 minutes. It’s on the edge. It puts a double emphasizes not only the house that contains Sagittarius in our personal astrology charts, but also on the themes of Sagittarius for us collectively.
Sagittarius is the archer, the rambler, the gambler, the one who bets on hope and runs on faith. Sagittarius moves. Swiftly. Sagittarius seeks. Endlessly. Seeks meaning. Seeks experience. Seeks the horizon. The archer can’t stop for fear of missing out on the next adventure. This is the sign that wants to run with the big questions. The ones that are sure to send us on the most open-ended quests.
This full moon trines Uranus, the planet that begs us to bust out. Out of the old. Out of the out-dated dogma. Out of the old fear-mongering maniacal melodrama. Out into the streets where change can happen. Where change needs to happen.
By the late afternoon and on the same day as the full moon, the sun will have sunk into the emotionally receptive waters of Cancer. Cancer doesn’t care much for the great outdoors. Nothing too far from home is as interesting as one’s inner world. Cancer’s main gig is to initiate us into the realm of feeling and it’s hard to know what we feel if we are forever distracted by the pursuit of something outside of us. Cancer doesn’t get off on the rush of Sagittarius’s flight. It would rather dive into the depths of its emotional life. Here there are pearls of wisdom that can only be understood by letting oneself be pulled under momentarily by the tides of today. No future adventure is as good to Cancer as the one that awaits us right here, in the chambers of our heart. Nothing could ever be as satisfying as establishing connection, familial feelings and emotional bonds. It’s how the crab feels safe, and safety is everything for the one who guards the home front and tends to the babies. Venus is also here, in Cancer, cooing to its loves and building a home for love.
This is tender terrain.
So how do we work with these forces that don’t know much of each other? How do we make room for both of these needs? What do we see with this light available to us?
We see both.
Both the inner experience and the outer quest. Both the deeply personal meaning of the moment and also the collective one. Ask the big questions. Feel the big feelings. Listen for the quieter responses. Tend to the tiny tugs at your heart.
There is so much we can offer this moment. Mainly our humanity. Our willingness to know how our little lives intersect with our bigger roles. To know how our personal identities play out in the larger world. To connect to each other, in solidarity, so that we feel the power of collective resistance and resilience. To open to the global impact, while keeping an eye on our home front.
Solstice full moon blessings,