Mercury retrograde is not to be feared. It’s a rhythm to be rocked. It’s a song to be sung. It’s an excuse to get your introspective groove on. It happens three times a year. Three times a year people. And if one considers the shadow phases of Mercury as well as the retrograde itself (the time […]
Weekly Horoscopes: May 5th -11th
Aries & Aries Rising Cue hot seat! Put accelerated personal growth activation in full throttle! All systems go! Full steam ahead! Sort of. Your ruling planet is still retrograde demanding that you stay in review of relationship issues. There are more opportunities to grow in your understanding of how others receive you this week, […]
Dark Moon Double Dutch
I asked two of my favorite writers, astrologers, thinkers and hearts to comment on this dark moon and this is what they told me: Hurray-Or How I Am Not Afraid That The Masquerade Is Over by Laurence Joseph Jones To tell the truth is to become beautiful, to begin to love yourself, value yourself. And […]
New Moon/Solar Eclipse Horoscopes April 29th-May 4th
Aries & Aries Rising You are off the hook for a moment as the attention rests on your friend Taurus. Monday’s solar eclipse is in that sign and in your Second House of financial freedom/shekel struggle. Because Mercury is in the mix you might just get a little perspective in this area of your life. […]
Solar Eclipse In Taurus: Planting Seeds Of Change
Prayer is no substitute for action It is, rather, like a beam thrown from a flashlight before us into the darkness. It is this light that we grope, stumble and climb, discover where we stand, what surrounds us, and the course which we should choose. Prayer makes visible the right and reveals what is false […]