
Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — December 9, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Extra charismatic? That’s you. If you feel compelled to paint your nails black, brood in public, or radiate your moodiest gifts abundantly, do so. But also, stay open to feedback from your loved ones. If you encounter growth edges in your relationships today, seek the wisdom they contain. Our personal self-expression…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — December 8, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Over the past day or so, healing has been on your side. Notice what’s emerged for you, particularly around money, assets, or self-worth. Tender spots abound for most of us when it comes to resources. But being willing to gently expand your perspective — and lightly challenge unhelpful perceptions — opens…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — December 7, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Think big. Today, support is on your side for wedding vast dreams and small details. Take advantage by working on your writing, communication projects, or plans — preferably with others. Right now, getting lost down research rabbit holes or in brainstorming sessions with loves isn’t counterproductive, it’s incredibly generative. So schedule…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — December 6, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Over the past five months, you’ve been removing the stars from your eyes and grounding down into reality. Particularly when it comes to your creativity, desires, and romantic plotlines. It’s easy to fantasize about channeling something genius, discovering a perfect hobby, and meeting your soulmate effortlessly. But all of these things…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — December 5, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Healing magic abounds when it comes to tending to your self-worth and outer appearance today. Take advantage. Make a list of your most enduring — and endearing — qualities. From expert secret-keeping to an ironic sense of humor, shine appreciation on yourself for what you do well. And lean in to…

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