
Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — January 11, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Some days go off without a hitch, and others are a chaotic orchestra of mishaps, missed connections, and one million tiny annoyances. If today starts to feel like the latter, take a breath. Or five. Then channel that frustration into curiosity. Figure out what deeper sadness or anger is hiding beneath…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — January 10, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Last week’s Full Moon illuminated the momentum you’ve experienced in your studies and long-term plans. You may have spent this time plotting your next adventure, logging extra hours at the library, or committing more time to your mindfulness practice. As the dust settles, consider how you balance self-care with your hunger…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — January 9, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Your desire to dive into all things home-related is overflowing. You’ve also got extra charm in your pocket, so anything you focus on now will be infused with honey and ease. Begin that DIY project. Research your dream city. Re-negotiate your chore chart. Decorate your fridge. Acting on your impulse to…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — January 8, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING This is your green light to break with your routine. If you’re bored by buttoned-up small talk, ask your neighbors, that barista, the corner store cat, or the next stranger you strike up a conversation with what they love or what they’re learning. If you’re a texter, try calling instead. Doing…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — January 7, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Your daily life is a well-spring of inspiration today, so stay attuned to what messages find you. The small talk you make with your neighbor, the lyrics of the song streaming out of the car next to you, the gifs in your text threads — even the tiniest interactions carry aha…

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