
Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — July 24, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING As Venus descends into the underworld, the glare of the limelight might feel a bit harsh. A calculated retreat is just what Venus ordered, so you can clock how a deeper shift of values will steer your career in the future. In the coming weeks, play-act the roles you’d like to…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — July 23, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Breakthroughs are possible in your professional paths and public roles — especially if you organize an emergency mind-mapping sesh with your mentor, collaborator, business partner, or best friend. So stock up on those dry-erase markers. And refreshments. In fact, a revolutionary meeting of the minds could usher in your next career…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — July 22, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING As the Sun enters Leo, your public oomph will be dialed up. Whatever mark you’re meant to leave, self-expression must drive it. And maybe even a bit of drama. The opportunities, collaborations, and projects that make you feel vital, alive, and creatively recharged are the ones to pounce on. A new…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — July 21, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING As you move through a learning quest, the wisdom you’ve gathered illuminates your next stage. The process of compiling and organizing your scribbled notes, Post-its, and journals will help you to connect the dots even further. If you’ve been sitting on a trove of information that you know will make waves,…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — July 20, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING If efforts are stalling in your collaborative projects, group chats, or dinner party planning, let them sputter. Right now, forcing tidy resolutions or consensus could make things even angstier. Instead, spend time dreaming up the next plot twists in your own personal journey. Vision boarding the trips you yearn to take,…

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