
Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — October 8, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Over the next month, be discerning about your social circle. Being choosy about which potlucks, message board threads, or community activist meetings you show up for makes you a conscientious steward of your energy. When you allocate your time and resources to the connections that are most aligned with your integrity,…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — October 7, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING If frustrations are rising, it’s okay to retreat into your cocoon. Over the next day or so, inner and outer voices might be more irritating than usual. If you feel like your desires are being stifled or you can’t get your point across, take a time-out. Refine the way you communicate…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — October 6, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Over the past few months, you’ve been tinkering with your voltage when it comes to your career or greater calling. Generously sharing your gifts with the world is an act of service. And it’s the quickest path to success. Going forward, commit to three ways you can use your talents in…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — October 5, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Over the past day or so, you’ve been receiving cosmic clues about which inner tricksters, critics, or saboteurs need to be ditched or transformed. This work can shake up a little anger. If you’ve felt more tired or cranky than usual, it’s a sign this process is already underway. You don’t…

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Scorpio Free Daily Horoscope — October 4, 2023

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SCORPIO & SCORPIO RISING Make a date with your inner saboteurs, creatrixes, and other alter egos. Over the coming weeks, taking time away from the crowd will help you sift through your psyche’s choir of characters and discern what each voice is asking for. Oftentimes, witnessing looping mental narratives robs them of their power. So…

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