
Libra Free Daily Horoscope — November 4, 2022

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LIBRA & LIBRA RISING Today and the days that follow feature a little bit of everything: excitement, opportunities, and maybe even a pinch of the blues. Whatever variety comes your way, know that all of it is for your highest growth. Flickers of excitement around money and partnerships could show you where you’re ready to…

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Libra Free Daily Horoscope — November 3, 2022

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LIBRA & LIBRA RISING Big-topic discussions are loaded with firecrackers right now. Bring water into the chat, if you can. Conversations about politics and the meaning of life could shower sparks quickly, and the instinct to set off more could be swift. The most strategic move today is to retreat and reflect. Rather than Tweeting…

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Libra Free Daily Horoscope — November 2, 2022

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LIBRA & LIBRA RISING Eclipse season is showing up and showing out — and there’s another event around the corner. During the last eclipse, you were asked to cleanse sticky money energies from your space. Now, you have room to collaborate with others and build wealth. To prep for the next eclipse, notice where teaming…

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Libra Free Daily Horoscope — November 1, 2022

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LIBRA & LIBRA RISING If the cosmos has seemed a touch zany lately, it’s not just you. Between eclipse mischief and Samhain spookiness, lots has been going on. So today might be a good time to rest. Turn on your tea kettle and brew a hot cup. Put on your most snuggly sweatshirt. Woo yourself…

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Libra Free Daily Horoscope — October 31, 2022

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LIBRA & LIBRA RISING Samhain blessings are incoming. The veil between dimensions is thin today, and spirits are flirting with our realm. To join in the fun, honor all those who helped get you here — from loved ones to artists, elders, and leaders who inspired the ways you think. Summon the strategists who know…

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