
Gemini Free Daily Horoscope — September 18, 2022

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GEMINI & GEMINI RISING Today is brought to you by exquisite daydreams. Inklings of creativity — be they notes hummed on your morning commute or doodles taken during afternoon meetings — are doorways to a more expansive perspective. Even if they seem small, the melodies and wavy lines you produce help you tap into something…

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Gemini Free Daily Horoscope — September 17, 2022

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Gemini glyph

GEMINI & GEMINI RISING Focus on the homefront stretches from room to room today. If you begin a project in or around your physical home — like repotting a plant or moving that one picture to the other wall — your perceptiveness will help your experiments stick. If your rearranging is more internal — say,…

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Gemini Free Daily Horoscope — September 16, 2022

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Gemini glyph

GEMINI & GEMINI RISING Dreaminess is encroaching on the homefront today. Whether you’re having trouble shaking your sleep away, experiencing slowness in your morning routine, or feeling a pinch of work anxiety, fog is in the forecast. Feed your mind with regularly scheduled zone-outs to keep the cloud cover at bay. If the lack of…

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Gemini Free Daily Horoscope — September 15, 2022

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Gemini glyph

GEMINI & GEMINI RISING If you feel self-critical or reactive right now, take a breath. Prickly emotional energy and the desire to throw verbal jabs are signals that you’re moving through creative tension. Rather than externalizing the feistiness, turn your gaze inward and find the parts of you that are ready to transform. Dialogue with…

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Gemini Free Daily Horoscope — September 14, 2022

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Gemini glyph

GEMINI & GEMINI RISING Last week’s Full Moon rocked the realm of your career or calling with its light — and now it’s time to rest. If recent events stirred insights about how you can boldly make your mark, integrate them gently. Preferably near water. And on a minimum of eight hours of sleep. Moonwalk…

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