
Leo Free Daily Horoscope — September 10, 2024

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LEO & LEO RISING Leap with faith toward your goals in the realms of creativity, romance, or play. Whether you’re beginning an artistic project, a relationship, or a fun hobby, setting positive intentions and then following through makes magic. When you think expansively about your endeavors, you have more wiggle room to mess up and…

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Leo Free Daily Horoscope — September 9, 2024

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LEO & LEO RISING For more than a year, you’ve been unknotting your entanglements with others. And some tough lessons may have come up in the process. Whether you’ve been extracting yourself from messy financial situations, breaking restrictive bonds, or learning to flex your personal power more responsibly, give yourself props — and loads of…

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Leo Free Daily Horoscope — September 8, 2024

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LEO & LEO RISING Investigate what’s not working in your financial world. Whether you turn your attention to draining side hustles, unhelpful scarcity complexes, or unjust socioeconomic conditions, give yourself permission to pick apart all the flaws. Over the coming weeks, your ability to laser-focus on what could be more functional is a superpower —…

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Leo Free Daily Horoscope — September 7, 2024

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LEO & LEO RISING Abundance stretches far beyond the financial. But that doesn’t make money matters any less stressful. If you feel pressure mounting in your budgets, business deals, or income streams, breathe. Though moments of constriction can be uncomfortable to navigate, they also provide critical feedback. Encountering obstacles forces us to zero in on…

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Leo Free Daily Horoscope — September 6, 2024

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LEO & LEO RISING A breakthrough in your public offerings may have you scrambling to rewrite your bio, bedazzle your business cards, or book a last-minute glamour shot. You might even get the urge to livestream your insights while they’re still hot off the synapses. If you haven’t yet found a role that honors your…

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