Join me for this month’s moon installment, A Midsummer Healing Guide, in which I detail how each sign can make the most of the grand water and fire trines during this lunar cycle.
I want to live in a world where old ladies can afford to buy a cup of coffee.
And healthcare, because it’s free.
A world where folks are allowed to dress as they desire to and call themselves as they need to be called. Love who they love. Live how they live.
I want to live in a world where folks are allowed to live.
With dignity. In diversity. In a world that honors our differences and celebrate our connections.
I want to live in a world that apologizes when it’s wrong. A world that makes amends and reparations for what it has taken. A world that does not look away from its own horror. A world that builds monuments to resilience and resistance. A world that listens to the stories of the survivors. And believes them. A world that seeks to understand rather than to be understood. A world that listens to the stories of the past and a world that refuses to repeat its mistakes.
I want to live in a world where pain is transformed in the present, not passed down to future generations. A world that is organized around protecting the rights of each being, including every creature on the earth and the earth itself. A world where the hungry get fed first, the wounded receive remedies right away and the heart-broken know where to go to get a hug.
I want to live in a world where everyone is afforded the ability to take care of their own needs. And the needs of their loved ones. A world where The System prioritizes self-care. A world where self-determination is possible. A world where feeling competent, autonomous and related to folks that love you is the measure of a good life.
I want to live in a world that knows that hurt people hurt people and healed people heal people so we focus on helping folks heal. A world where mean-spirited violence and intolerance are not an option so they get interrupted immediately before they are allowed to take root. I want to live in a world full of self-correcting communities. A world full of folks that hold themselves and each other accountable. And close. A world where no pain goes unprocessed, no fear gets to fester, no greed goes unchecked. A world that understands its own imperfection. A world full of grown folks that know how to get down and children that feel safe enough to discover who they are. A world where creativity is the currency, where prisons are replaced with healing centers and no human potential is pissed away.
I want to live in a world where it is known that to go against any life would be to go against our own. Where it is known that to cause harm to another is to harm ourselves.
How free would we be if we cared that deeply?
The new moon in Cancer arrives on July 4th at 4:01 AM PT at 12+ degrees.
Cancer cares. It initiates us into feeling. It refuses to let us refuse our needs. It reveals the depth of our emotional life. It tips us off to the fact that if we want to feel ecstasy we have to open to feeling despair. There is no one without the other.
Cancer takes care. Good care. Cancer holds you close. Gets you a hot meal and a cool drink. Embraces you with its warmth. Has you crying in its lap like a baby before you know it. Cancer creates a space where you are allowed to feel deep needs, your deepest needs, the needs that lie within the depths of your soul. The needs you didn’t know needed you to know them.
Get to know them.
This new moon is sitting with Venus and Mercury also in Cancer, opposite Pluto in Capricorn, square Uranus in Aries, sending a trine to Neptune and the south node in Pisces and Mars in Scorpio and a sextile to Jupiter and the north node in Virgo.
In touch with almost everything, the moon, being very strong in Cancer, is transmitting many messages, urging us into awareness about what we need, urging us to care for ourselves. Sitting next to Venus and sextiling Jupiter and the north node is a major boon for the new moon. It lends this lunation the ability to connect, relate, create opportunity, increase self-care and exude optimism and openness. Add in a trine from Neptune and the south node and we get an added emphasis on healing energy. An influence that wants to transcend the limitations of earthy limits and introduces us to high-octane love potion.
The opposition from Pluto demands that we purge the emotional garbage that we carry with us and that we collect along the way. Pluto loves to make power plays. It loves to trip us up and test our egos. It loves to create situations that are extreme, cathartic, colossal and transformative. This adds extra emotion to an already sensitizing situation.
Try not to get caught in emotional power plays. Stay close to your feelings and feed them what they need. Cancer takes things personally. Don’t. This new moon is bound to hit everyone right in the feels so give the emotions room to roam and sort themselves out.
Mars sits at the 23rd degree of Scorpio, having recently stationed direct at this degree. It will stay here until mid-July, dragging its heals, proving a point, and deepening our understanding of the violence that we create when we participate in the betrayal of life’s needs. Mars in Scorpio, especially as it is stationing direct, shows us the horrors that humanity creates when wounds go unhealed, but it also shows us the power we each hold to transform our pain into a life that is on purpose.
It’s time to heal and hold each other close, dear ones. We are our everything.
New moon blessings,