We must be grounded. Rooted. Stable and unwavering. Our root systems connected. Interdependent. Linked up. Locking it down.
Together, we must be a forest. A place that supplies oxygen. Covering. Shade. An eco-system. A shelter for the sacred. Individually, we must each be a small but vital part of something much bigger than ourselves.
We must be in our bodies. So that we know what to do to take care of them. Know when to sit something out. Know when to engage. Know when we need care. Know when we can give it.
We must be like the Sequoias. Able to withstand the test of time. The snowfall. The fires. The floods. In it for the long haul. In it for thousands of years. Sturdy. Growing. Nourished by the ancient soil. By the wisdom of all the work that was done before us.
We must be calm when we can, so that we don’t burn out. Dignified. Determined. Unrelenting. Unwilling to deny what is at stake. Unflinching as we look into the future.
No matter how bleak it looks right now.
This is a time to awaken to our shortcomings. To our privileges. To our place in the grand scheme of things. This is a time to witness the greatest initiation we may have gone through in recent history.
Personally, perhaps. Collectively, absolutely.
This is the moment to fill ourselves with what feels generative. Loving. Kind. Life-enhancing. Life-affirming. Life-sustaining. This is the time to gather over good food while we strategize about self-care and the revolution. This is the time to take care of the physical reactions that we are experiencing as the reality of where we are now sinks in. This is the time to educate ourselves on how folks have faced and survived similar tyrannical take-overs. This is the time to find ways to work with the fears in our own hearts and in the hearts of those around us.
This is a time to build and rebuild the most secure connections that we have. To lay roots where we can. To dig into our humanity and our capacity to grow ourselves into the kind of people, the kind of society and the kind of country that we want to leave to the seedlings of the world.
On November 14th at 5:52 AM PT, the extra-super moon in the extra-earthy sign of Taurus, will light up the sky. Taurus is the most grounded of all the signs. The most sturdy. The most fecund. This is the closest, brightest full moon we will have seen since 1948, the likes of which we will not see again until 2034.
This full moon is the pinnacle of the lunar cycle that began with the new moon in Scorpio on October 30th. That new moon sat in the same sign as Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith. Its ruler, Mars, sat in a close conjunction with asteroid Lilith.
This full moon sits within 4° of the fixed star, Algol. Sometimes called Lilith by the ancient Hebrew star-gazers, and called the blinking eye of Medusa by the Greeks, Algol is a star that was feared by all. The myths associated with Algol illustrate the suffering, pain and horror that come with deep betrayal. As well as the creative, regenerative power that is accessible to us when we address the harsh blows that life deals us. The full moon, though not exactly conjunct Algol, is close enough to transmit these feelings. At the same time, the sun sits within a couple of degrees of both Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith.
Lilith is seen as the succubus. The evil witch. The hated, lawbreaking, wild and untamable woman.
Hers are the screams of the betrayed. Hers are the howling winds of injustice. Hers is the raging spirit of the damned. She is the feared one, the repository of our fears.
The Other.
She is the consequence of the split from the original Mother. The original Source of Life. Goddess. Gaia. Earth. She is the balance to the all good, all powerful, all holy, white, male, savior god. She is the balance point to the patriarchy itself. She is the origins of misogyny and every other sickness we are ill with since it.
If one side is help up too high, someone else has to take the fall.
Lilith is made into a monster because she refuses to tow the line. She refuses to be the gatekeeper. She refuses to refuse herself. She will not agree to place herself below her husband, Adam, in the garden of Eden. Lilith refuses to be relegated to less than. Refuses to be disconnected from her bodily wisdom. From her sexuality. From her erotic power.
Lilith never gives in. She exists on the margins but she cannot be destroyed. Not by the broken-heartedness of being rejected by her counterpart. Not by god. Not by anything. She exists in spite of everything that wants to annihilate her.
She shows up in the garden of Eden one last time as the sacred Mother Snake wrapped around the tree of Knowledge. She offers Eve her wisdom in the form of an apple. She says, “Incorporate my wisdom back into your body. You are more than this so-called paradise could ever hold. You are more complex. You will not grow here. You cannot stay here. You must awaken to your potential. Now.”
May we all awaken to our potential. Now.
Full moon blessings,