Sometimes all we needed is a little permission. A little encouragement to do life as we really want to. A little push to change in the ways we are ready to.
Let the chips fall where they may.
The first New Moon of the decade occurs on January 24th at 1:42 PM PT. It lets us know that if we are really living life, very little about us is supposed to remain the same. Our relationships are supposed to change. Our needs are supposed to change. Our priorities are supposed to change. When we heal, we begin to develop a completely new orientation to our lives.
Don’t worry if you have become unrecognizable.
Others might not know what to make of you. Some family, friends, and loved ones will have a hard time with your growth. Everyone is entitled to their own reaction, but it need not sway you from your conviction to following through with what is true. The waters of Aquarius are refreshing. They cleanse the mind of conformist ways of thinking. They wipe the dust of convention from the lenses we see our lives through. Aquarius offers us direct access to the visions of the future that are trying to break through to us in the present.
This kind of lunation helps us to shake off the residue of a particularly heavy Eclipse Season we are now finished with. Momentarily shifting focus away from the loaded Capricorn/Cancer axis where not only eclipses but a fairly gruesome Saturn/Pluto conjunction occurred, this New Moon is ready to help us tell a different tale. Square to Uranus in Taurus, this New Moon in Aquarius is a fresh start that comes equipped with a lightning bolt of insight, interruptions to regularly scheduled programming, and a curveball to contend with. It knows not of consistency. This kind of turbulence disturbs the status quo, shatters normative notions, and is queer to its core. It gives the middle-finger to systems that shame in order to control. It knows humanity is made up of (and made better for) its wild and unruly diversity. It illuminates the truth and makes fools of the fearful who deny it.
New Moon blessings,