How will the New Moon impact you? Read your New Moon in Leo horoscope to find out.
Your New Moon in Leo mini-horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. These horoscopes are meant to be read alongside our Guide to the Astrology of the Week of July 25th. We also have a New Moon in Leo workshop for you on the CHANI app. Our Journal Prompts, Altar Suggestions, and Ritual for the week of the New Moon will guide you to make the most of this magic.
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Aries & Aries Rising
This New Moon in Leo wants you to fight for your right to revel. If your creative hatchlings are ready to burst through their shells, let them. The world is dying to be seen through your eyes. Tune your guitar, practice your bars, and scrape the fossilized paint from your easel. It’s time to bring that first crucial note, or brush stroke, into the cosmos. Your audience is waiting.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
This New Moon in Leo lights a fire in your heart and hearth. Make an intention to call in the people, practices, creative lineages, and traditions that make you feel at home. Rummage through your chosen family’s symbolic Tickle Trunk, and delight in the tulle or baubles you find there. Sing the songs of your ancestors in a minor key, bake your grandmother’s famous bread, or rally your chosen family for a game of cards. Home is the place you surrender your heart — where is it for you?
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
This New Moon in Leo brings a sparkle to your everyday routines, errands, rituals, and offerings to spirit. Commit to the daily practices that promote your vibrancy. Take note of the passing conversations that spark your creativity. Give your website the glow-up that reflects your radiance. Sing hymns to the gods with extra flair and ask them for what you need. A little flattery goes a long way with our cosmic comrades.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
This New Moon in Leo asks you to bring a creative flair to your budgets, income streams, and pursuit of the bag. Lean in to your talents or hobbies that could be spun into gold. Invest in the furnishings, talismans, and trimmings that will make you feel vital and radiant. Let any potential turbulence in your financial world spur your competitive — and innovative — spirit.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Leo & Leo Rising
Are you ready for your closeup? This New Moon in Leo lifts the curtain of a new era. Its spotlight falls on the personal goals, ambitions, and inner monologues that can no longer be put on ice. Donning the velvet robes of your power and agency requires that you trust yourself. What helps you get to the next act? Though things may feel hectic, trust that you will remember your line (or make up a better one) and take your rightful place — front and center. What will you proclaim? There’s no understudy in this play, but you won’t need one.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
This New Moon in Leo asks you to risk a bit of drama in exchange for getting the rest you need. Switch off notifications, draw your black-out curtains, hang a “do not disturb” sign from your doorknob — whatever it takes. Use this time to recover and explore your creativity in privacy. You might discover that finding your voice requires the hush of a dark room. Don’t be afraid to go underground for a while — a bit of mystery is marketing gold.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Libra & Libra Rising
This New Moon in Leo asks you to source your creative sparkle from your cohort, community, and collectives. Seek out the friends, fans, muses, and agents that draw out your inner primadonna. Test your voice against the measure of your audience and embrace the spirit of competition. Explore the clubs, acting troupes, jam sessions, and dance parties that unleash your more playful side. Your public is waiting.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
This New Moon in Leo prompts you to take up your rightful space in your profession, vocation, or life’s direction. Whatever pitch, career path, or uplevel showcases your unique voice, talents, and creative edge — go for gold. The air will be thick with static, so do what you can to clear out the voices of dissenters. Whatever personal mark you desire to leave on the world, sharpen your scorpion’s tail and take the first bold cut.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
This New Moon in Leo sprinkles gold dust on your big-picture ideas, long-range plans, and wisdom pursuits of all kinds. Whatever courses, teachers, or temple trips widen the scope of your life — get hot on the trail. Don’t be afraid to put your personal slant on such quests of the mind either. Your light shines brightest when you’re seeking, so clear out life’s more mundane distractions and let your hermit’s lantern lead the merry way.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
This New Moon in Leo, all that glitters is not necessarily gold, but every twinkle requires serious investigation. Make it your intention to put out as many feelers as possible when it comes to grants, loans, stipends, and lines of credit. Trust the mergers that not only look but feel vital. Your creative edge requires the dance of collaboration now — just make sure your tango partner showcases your shine too.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
This New Moon in Leo brings sparkle, mirth, and mane-tosses to your most intimate relationships. Sometimes a little drama greases the partnership wheels. Make it your mandate to cultivate partnerships that leave you feeling witnessed for your gifts, vitality, and talents. Whoever fans the flames of your inner hearthfire is a keeper. Those who leave you feeling small — paw swipe to the left, please.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
This New Moon in Leo wants you to move toward the work projects, side hustles, and apprenticeships that bring your unique gifts to the world. Whatever clients, contracts, or work rituals light you up from within — trust them. Then dare to bring your secret sauce to your daily hustle too. Whether it’s gold-leaf lettering for your business cards or sassy new headshots for your website: investing in yourself pays dividends.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.