Read your Astrology Guide to the Week of July 25th: a usable and concise toolkit for the week’s upcoming astrology.
How to make the most of this week 🎯 … This week, the New Moon in Leo wants you to set bold intentions when it comes to your radiance, vitality, and that “special something” you bring to the rest of us. Dare to be the drama the world needs now. Radiate your star quality. Recommit to making your creative talents manifest in the world.
Admittedly, the New Moon is surrounded by some turbulent astrology. With the North Node, Mars, and Uranus all coming together by the end of the week, the hunger for freedom reigns supreme. Refusing what feels or is overly restrictive will be a must. Breaking away from outdated norms and traditions will be too. Because this moment can be earth-shattering, do what you can to stay grounded amid it all. Flip the table with flair — but only if there is no other option.
The breakdown 🔮 …
- July 24th:
- Venus squares Jupiter at 11:13 pm PT
- July 26th:
- Mercury squares Mars at 12:13 pm PT
- July 28th:
- The New Moon in Leo occurs at 10:55 am PT
- Jupiter stations retrograde at 1:37 pm PT
- Mercury squares Uranus at 2:16 pm PT
- July 30th:
- Mercury opposes Saturn at 11:05 pm PT
- July 31st:
- The North Node conjoins Uranus at 11:23 am PT
Tarot card of the week 🃏 … We chose the Five of Wands for its correspondence to the first portion of Leo, where the New Moon is taking place. This card ushers us into the struggle and competition of life’s hustles and bustles. Even when things seem to be working at cross-purposes, the diversity of opinions presents a valuable learning opportunity — especially if you tap into Leo’s playful side. What projects or ideas could you test within this competitive environment? What can you learn about yourself when presented with a whirlwind of other perspectives? Let the games begin.
Affirmation of the week 😌 … The real win is my ability to make whatever I am doing my own.
What to read and listen to 📚 … Your Horoscopes for the Sun and Mercury in Leo; Your Reading and Guided Meditation for the week.
Read your horoscope to see how this New Moon in Leo will influence your life!