Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
Monday is messy. If you can enjoy this puddle-jumping moment, do. If you can forgo focus for all-encompassing immersion in the moment, do. If you need to get details, data, and organized information across, don’t count on efficiency today.
It’s a mini Mercury retrograde moment.
For you, Monday can bring gifts that come in the form of letting go of control. Today reminds you to respect the ephemerality of life. Rather than forcing an outcome or grasping for the right words, let feelings wash through you and see if the exercise of doing so brings its own kind of clarity.
The rest of the week is subtly, but definitely supportive.
When you reflect on the structures that you’ve implemented in your community work, friendships and activism since December 2020, which feel the most sustainable and supportive to you now?
The ways you’ve committed to the collective will only amplify your emergent self-confidence. In general, your vitality is a marvel to many, but there is something extra-affirming about knowing which structures you vibe in most.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
On Monday, besties offer you delightful escapes and tall tales. Conversations aren’t necessarily cogent, but hanging out with dreamers is your ticket to new worlds—just don’t count on them to bring a roadmap to the gathering.
By Thursday, transformative introductions will be made. You’ll want to show up to your meetings prepped and present. The points you’re making now prick the ears of those who can help you make your mark. Deliver your message without fearing the depths it contains.
Then duck out.
Right now, you’re more than likely planning a great escape or deep dive into the subjects, practices, and activities that keep your flame alive. Gestation is a wildly active stage of growth that needs every ounce of nourishment you can offer it.
Cultivating the courage to choose yourself over the business of life and its tasks could be a hot topic for you, but remember the choice won’t always be uncomplicated or simple. Sometimes you have to show your love for your own life with dramatic and affirmative actions.
When you take note of the structures, boundaries, and containers that you’ve erected in your professional life since December, what’s in good shape, working order, and well on its way to becoming a self-supporting system?
Trust in what’s efficient. Take heart in what you’ve built. Know that some things can run without you for a while, while others need you more urgently.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Healing requires a constant survey of all sides of you. Both your neediness and your independence, your dragons and your good daimons, deserve attention. Right now, with Mars and the north node in Gemini, your dual nature is heightened. The paradox you embody pierces your awareness daily.
This is a good thing.
The less you try to boil yourself down into a relatable, shareable product, the more you’ll appreciate the kind of space you need to grant yourself now.
Because Monday, and possibly some of Tuesday, brings distracting or derailing events that can impact your career, public roles, or vocation, it’s extra-important not to waste time on trying to be right. The beginning of this week reminds you that mistakes and misunderstandings happen, sometimes in public. Developing the humility to get through them is how you learn.
This moment passes quickly, but its lessons may linger. By Thursday, things take a helpful turn, offering you the opportunity to advance the messages you most want out in the world.
As your social roles heat up over the next 3 weeks, an urgency to voice your opinion, clarify your points, or take action courses through you. Folks are taking notice of the spirit you bring to the roles you inhabit. Even if leading the pack isn’t your usual deal, you can borrow courage from the cosmic forces now by your side.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
While Monday’s astrology might see some of your best ideas turn to mush, or some too-good-to-be-true scenarios turn out to be just that, the mental fog of the moment lifts quickly. In fact, by Thursday you find solutions and new routes to your destinations.
Stay focused on your goal.
Leadership is an all-encompassing game, one you are very much playing right now. Most likely this moment is teaching you that on the field or off, there’s no returning your uniform. Honestly embodying this role in your career requires you to do so in all aspects of your life. It’s not just for show.
This week helps you understand just how important boundary-setting has been for you when it comes to achieving your goals. One reason you’re winning right now is your willingness to divide responsibilities and be ruthlessly honest about what is yours to do and what is not.
Teamwork is how you cheer those on the field with you, but also how you position those that play alongside you. Whether or not it’s a conscious choice, you are making an impression on the world through your professional or vocational roles.
The question for you becomes: what could an encouraging, compassionate, heart-centered sovereignty look like?
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Leo & Leo Rising
While Monday brings with it the need to tackle some potentially messy conversations about shared resources, exchanges, and financial set-ups, it’s actually an end to the discourse. However, be sure to pause when the equations don’t add up. Numbers don’t lie and relying on things “working themselves out” isn’t likely right now.
Stick with a situation until clarity comes, because it will.
By Thursday, you find resolve, or at least, you are resolved to move forward. Blazing a trail towards future goals is what your main MO is right now. You are lit up, and as a result, you are also (knowingly or not) lighting a path for others to follow if they so choose. You’re never on your path alone.
The work you’ve done to clarify your responsibilities in your relationships serves you well now. No matter what partners feel about your current trajectory, you need to be on your way. Some will come along, others will cheer you on, and a few may even feel left out.
Get clear on what you owe your partners and what you do not. This way you’ll also be clear on what to keep with them and what to return to sender.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
It’s complicated, but it passes quickly. Conversations with partners, loves, and clients get messy this Monday. Find your way through by focusing on the most important outcome: would you rather be right or be a good partner? Sometimes you can be both, and sometimes you need to choose.
This is one of those times.
By Thursday, communications smooth and deepen as things sort themselves out. You’re in a better position to incorporate the wisdom that others offer, and the same goes for them. In fact, all your exchanges become a crucial point to focus on.
An urgent desire to initiate the right kinds of collaboration dominates your days. Courageously engaging in the process of sharing what you’ve got is paramount. Right now, you are able to burn through the intimacy issues that usually hinder you and doing so breeds greater faith in your capacity to be on your own side.
It’s not about what other people do or don’t do, bring or leave behind. It’s about the integrity you show up with, no matter what.
The structures you’ve put in place, and the systems you’ve clarified in your work, have set you up for success. They also make you a leader in all your partnerships. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be on the hunt for people that have the kind of special sauce that brings to life what you are already dishing out.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Libra & Libra Rising
If work projects get messy on Monday, you are free to blame Mercury. No, it’s not retrograde (or even retroshade), but it may as well be. Conjunct Neptune in Pisces, Monday’s version of Mercury is fantastic for vision-boarding but disastrous when it comes to handling the details.
The good news is it’s over soon.
In fact, by Thursday you get a little assistance on the job. Task completion is well within reach, and getting your work done is likely to attract conversations that advance your agenda. Show up early to your meetings and stay late when the exchanges are feeling fortuitous.
Relationships of all kinds bring emergent beginnings. In your existing partnerships, you show up with energy to spare. The next few weeks promise fresh starts in all your one-to-ones. Clients benefit greatly from your directness, as do business and creative collaborators.
Part of the confidence you feel stems from the structures you’ve implemented in your creative projects and in regards to your creative process. Inspiration can’t be relied on, but rituals can. As the architecture in this area of your life reveals itself as sturdy, you can relax more fully into your talent.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
While Monday brings with it flights of fancy and many an intoxicating daydream, it’s not exactly the most high-yielding moment of the year when it comes to getting work done. If you feel pulled toward pleasure more than production, take the day to plan a (partial at least) escape.
Lunch breaks should not be skipped.
If this minor blip aligns with a moment where you feel less creatively focused, don’t sweat it. It’s ok to feel a little lost. In fact your art needs you to weather its storms. Some days the skies are clear, and others overcast. The more you learn to appreciate both for their hues and humors, the more you can serve your creations in full form.
This week’s bright spots arrive when you take note of the ways in which you’ve been able to create a home base for yourself. Whether it’s about the internal work you’ve done, the external structural support you’ve erected, or a little of both, this week helps you take note of all the ways you’re benefiting in the process.
Finding cures that address the roots of your needs are no insignificant discoveries. It takes long-haul effort and even more patience: both qualities that help you find more sustainable pathways to your well-being right now. One brick at a time, you are learning how to build what lasts, and how to give yourself the protection you need in the process.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Monday may bring a deluge of memories. It could be a song, a scent, a sound, a texture, or the tenor of a moment, but it loops you back to something previous and precious. This pearl may have a rough edge, a little sand in the mix, but the feelings that surface also want to set you free.
Be buoyed by the fact you’ve come this far.
The next few weeks feed your fires and find you more energized to take risks and move the needle of your life forward. In fact, the best kind of competitiveness gets rekindled in you now: you are your only real rival.
Meet yourself on the court and see what new moves you come up with.
Since impatience can be your expertise, vice, and talent, take note of the discipline you’ve been developing. This week amps up your need for speed, but also teaches you the importance of slow and steady growth. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of systems you’ve already put in place.
They may have been painful to erect, but their dividends are astounding.
You still get frustrated when others can’t move with you, but you’re learning how efficient it is to accept folks where they are and rework your strategy to reach them.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Monday’s meetings, tasks, and conversations might have a strange way of disintegrating into the unrecognizable. It’s a great day for meandering, meditating, and making the most out of what arrives on your doorstep.
Just don’t plan on doing business as usual.
The deluge of derailing events clears up quickly, however. By Thursday, your communications come into powerful alignment with just the right people at just the right time. The good news is that you are well-positioned to make your mark and state your point with compassionate practicality.
The rest of the week focuses on what home means for you and how to rekindle the flames of your hearth. The week sparks insights about your non-negotiable needs and baselines.
What becomes clear now is how important it’s been to parse through all the fiscal issues that you’ve been painstakingly tending to. The more you meet your growth edge when it comes to material issues, the safer you feel in your own skin.
Money is make-believe, but the emotions it evokes are very real. The more structures you have in place to back yourself up, no matter whose funny business you are contending with, the more you can focus on the facts of the matter.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
This Monday is no day for a business deal, at least not without double- or triple-checking the numbers. It’s a day that makes a mockery of math, so don’t depend on calculators that aren’t fully charged.
It is, however, a fine one to spend dreaming about how you most wish to make your money and what else you’d like to do with your resources.
This fog burns off quickly. By Thursday you’re offered insights that help you appreciate your resources and remember their secret powers. Investing in yourself brings great dividends; make a sizable deposit into the bank of your becoming.
As the week progresses, so too do your writing, teaching, and learning projects. There’s a high-octane kind of energy that you get to apply to your daily routines, schedules, and intellectual pursuits. Write the book proposal, editorial, blog post, or poem.
Your muses want to be actively worked with.
Conversations seem to circle around the disciplines you’ve been able to devote yourself to. You may notice how impactful it is to do a little bit of something regularly instead of trying to accomplish everything at once. Take these affirmations to heart and further dedicate yourself to the routines that keep you humming through your days and weeks.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Monday finds you waxing all the way poetic or feeling every emotion within a 10 mile radius. The wild slip and slide of information overload this day amps up your natural ability to soak in the world around you.
Wring yourself out.
On the contrary, if you feel lost, detached, or numbed, know that this astrology is fast to pass. Give yourself extra understanding and more minutes to stare at the ceiling than you usually alot yourself.
Sometimes you’ve got to space out to tune in.
As the week unfolds, you glimpse the power of your way with words. Because you’re so good at making an impression on others, you’re also more prone to not appreciating this part of your talent. Thursday lets you know just how potent it is. Take note of who’s impressed by you.
The rest of the week, and the next few to follow, focuses on the emergent need to put your talents to use. Finances may become a top priority. Maybe it’s time to renegotiate your rates, salary, or exchanges. Whatever the deal, you have the courage and energy to tackle the material concerns that otherwise leave you feeling washed up.
Seek ways to ignite your passions while you also keep your purse plentiful.
See what’s in store for you this week, exclusively on the CHANI app.