Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
By mid week, the winds have picked up, and there is a definitive change in the air. Conversations quicken, a flurry of appointments fill your calendar, and everyone seems to want to run an idea by you. All this action is most likely welcome.
Mars in Gemini brings with it some room to move.
Ensure you allot some hours for rest, wandering, pondering, and other priorities. If you don’t, a million notifications can easily eat up all the minutes of your day. Life gets devoured, meeting by meeting.
Make sure you are enjoying the meal.
By the end of the week you are circling back; tying up loose ends with friends, following up on the promise of a group project, or witnessing a collective dream come to fruition. Something that you began in January, conversed about in February, boomerangs back to you in March.
Good things come in threes.
This news wants to give you a boost – let it find you. Open yourself up to believing that the things you want are possible, even if the means seem impossible right now. Open the windows and let the breeze refresh your senses. Let the sunlight defrost whatever has been frozen in fear, doubt, or dissatisfaction.
Live a little.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
This week brings you three gifts:
- Your friends, networks, or previously unknown supporters, offer you a kind word, a passing on of your message, or an out-of-the-blue opportunity that delights. The more that you can relax into the fact that there is a network of support that surrounds you, the more you can offer them your support in return.
- You get to lay down your sword. Mars is finally leaving Taurus, and as a result, you feel less of a need to defend or to prove yourself. As Mars motors into Gemini, it stirs up many ideas: how to make a living, conversations about your resources, and thoughts about where to invest your time, energy, and talents. Listen, learn, study, and take notes. There’s no need to rush any changes, but you just might catch onto something in the wind that shifts everything.
- As Mercury makes its third and final conjunction to Jupiter on Thursday, something comes full circle for you. Whatever you were ideating on, visioning, or introduced to in January regarding your vocation, profession, or public roles, it is now coming back to make good on its promise. It reminds you to trust the timing of your life.
Expand with the moments that want to help you make your mark.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
This year promises a profound confirmation of your true vocation in life. You are delivered overwhelming evidence about what it means to be affirmed by following your calling. This may have nothing, or everything, to do with how you support yourself, but the message is clear.
This week unpacks a little bit of that promise. It introduces you to some evidence that will be backed up come May – July of this year, and then again in 2022. A surprise opportunity to connect to what promises you soulful satisfaction is on its way.
Take it up on the offer.
As Mars enters Gemini, it brings an influx of energy that will have you feeling a little more alive than you have in a minute. In the process, you’ll likely need reminders to slow down and cool off when you get ahead of yourself. You can’t move towards every goal at the same time. You don’t have to get all of your points across at once. You don’t need to worry about missing out on anything.
What isn’t yours won’t stick; what is, will.
By Thursday, something that you’ve been studying, writing, pondering, or practicing comes to a triumphant finale; a graduation of sorts. It is not that the learning is over, but that the teachings from this leg of the journey will now land more profoundly.
You get your bearings and deepen your understanding of yourself through the lens of the lessons you’ve completed.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
The practices that help you relax and restore your connection to something bigger than yourself are more than important for you to partake in now. Engaging in practices that keep you centered will be life altering.
The more that you engage in what helps you feel spacious, the more prepared you’ll be for abundance. The more you’re focused on keeping your inner equilibrium in check, the more you’ll be able to balance the impact of the growth that is on its way. Vast valleys of opportunities will make themselves known a little later in the year, and you want to be prepared to receive them.
It’s easy to forget just how much our external world impacts what is inside. From dawn to dusk, we are distracted by disruption: alarms, sirens, and all manner of signals bark away at us, drowning out our internal clocks.
Disrupt your own distractedness. Find as many streams of well-being to escape down as you possibly can.
As Mars moves into Gemini, you’re bound to be a little more interested in your behind-the-scenes projects, inner-states, and all the ways in which you can restore your energy. This transit can help you to investigate the sources of your sorrow, the impact of your losses, and the avenues needed to tell these stories.
The ghosts in your closet want to get aired out. By opening the doors, you set something free that was never meant to be locked up. Less shame brings more space for joy.
Thursday brings with it its own healing messages. Whatever you’ve been working on since January in your collaborations or exchanges comes bearing good news. It’s a gift that comes after much perseverance and faith in the process.
The more you learn to receive right now, the more you are able to offer others in the long run.
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Leo & Leo Rising
This week ushers in a change. If your career has been overheating, a breeze is on its way. If there have been challenges navigating interpersonal differences in your professional partnerships, something softens, loosens, or relaxes. The escape valve has now been opened, public pressure is relieved, and options for repair or regeneration make themselves known.
It’s time for a little celebration.
Thanks to Mars in Gemini, more texts, exchanges, and processing sessions occur in a flurry. As the social energy in your life increases, so too does your desire to be a part of something collaborative. You are ready to take the lead, rally your people towards a certain aim, or stir the pot with your co-conspirators.
No matter what avenue you choose, taking action towards something with others is what will wield results. Over the next couple of months, deepening your awareness of your role in the group is the aim.
As Mercury and Jupiter make their third and final conjunction on Thursday, they amplify the social nature of this moment for you. A good idea, inspiration, or project that you and a partner have been pondering and/or working since January comes to fruition. It’s a moment of expansion and a reason to tilt your glasses in cheers.
Indulge in a little gratitude.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
If you’ve found it challenging to plan ahead, know that the obstacles are beginning to remove themselves. If you’ve found it hard to find a way forward, know that paths are opening. If the road has had obstacles, new routes are becoming clear to you. This week the skies shift. Movement becomes easier.
An influx of energy is coming to your public roles, career goals, and vocational hopes and dreams. Invites are about to pile up, as the messages you are sending spark just the right amount of curiosity. You are garnering attention now for your leadership and ability to confront challenging topics.
With a flurry of options for career growth, watch out for the ways in which you can tend to diversify in too many directions. Getting distracted by options isn’t in service to your most sacred of roles and projects. Serve them first, and trust that whatever else is yours to do will wait for you.
Just having had a Full Moon in your sign, you are getting noticed on many fronts.
As Mercury makes its last conjunction to Jupiter on Thursday, good news comes through colleagues about work projects or in regards to a health issue. As your ruling planet, this combo is especially sweet, and the impact lightens your load from things that feel laborious.
Help happens.
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Libra & Libra Rising
This week, new vistas beckon you forth. Options are open to you, pathways are cleared, and new possibilities that have been previously been obscured are now on the horizon.
The question is, which road do you travel down?
Your appetite for adventure will steadily increase over the next couple of months. Making a definitive choice may not be your strong suit, but discernment is necessary. No good comes from being overwhelmed by all you’ve taken on.
Remember, there are no wrong decisions. Just different ways to learn the same lessons. Trust your gut, and go with the options that are the most energetically alive for you.
By Thursday, a project gets the boost you’ve been waiting for, your loves bring you just what you need, or a good time reminds you just how medicinal it is to laugh.
Let any amount of joy you experience expand your sense of what is possible.
Take note of anything that you’ve been developing since January in regards to your self-expression, creative life, and opportunities. Some news that you’ve been waiting on comes, or the green light you’ve been waiting for flashes. The signals might be loud and clear, or subtle and soft, so keep the lines of communication to your intuition open.
Life speaks in mysterious ways sometimes, but it is always in a language meant for us.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Relationship issues work themselves out easily, or the strains on your partnerships become a little less tense. At the very least, a path forward becomes more clear, and the pointed nature of the issues that you’ve been working through will soften some.
Mars is moving on.
As your ruling planet shifts into a more loquacious mode, your collaborations and exchanges heat up. With an increased appetite for partnerships that help you get more done, it’s key that you are discerning about who you combine your assets with. Get curious and specific about what is owed, and what is being given with no strings attached. Knowledge of the ins-and-outs of these set ups is required. All options are not necessarily good ones.
By Thursday, something that you’ve been investigating, healing, or unpacking regarding your roots, traditions, home, or origin stories comes full circle. What began in January in this area of your life now completes a cycle. It’s impact is healing, illuminating, and helps you access more internal space.
With a little perspective, even the hard-to-accept parts of ourselves and our past can be viewed with a little more compassion.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Caring for yourself is foundational; the building block that buffers you and covers you. Ensuring your bare essentials are always met is protective. Ritually meeting your needs changes everything.
Life is too ruthless when your needs aren’t respected.
Relaxation is a surprising antidote to so much of the world’s harshness, and this week surprises you with the results of doing so. Rest adds up. Joy pools into the places where you feel rejuvenated.
As Mars moves into Gemini, you’ll need safe spaces to recuperate within. Roaming through your 7th house of partnerships for the next couple of months, Mars will bring both a burst of energy and a gush of fresh air into your relationships, as well as bring irritants to the surface of your interactions. It’s both/and.
Temper testiness with ample restfulness.
By the end of the week, good news travels fast. You now get to reap the benefits of all you’ve been writing, editing, and ideating on since January. Take note of the people who are ready to help your work circulate and ensure your bright ideas get the shine they deserve.
Take a look back at the ways in which you’ve been able to refine, rework, and reorganize your daily life and schedules. Take no extra space for granted; claim it for yourself before allowing anyone else to usurp it.
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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
While a financial situation or opportunity comes full circle this week, take note of what you’ve learned in this area of your life over the last two months. Which ideas garnered the best results? What talents helped you shine? What boyed you through moments of doubt, revision, or complete redo’s of your project, plan, or proposal?
Unexpected pleasures help you find greater resonance in your days. You are on less of the single track of checking off your to-do’s lists, and are exploring what is enjoyable as part of your morning routine, your midday break, or your evening rituals. It might feel alarming, but know it’s imperative.
There is no way to know who we are if we don’t know what we enjoy. As Mars moves into Gemini, it makes this incredibly clear. Life is rarely chill if we don’t carve out time to reset our system and senses.
Ramping up your work life and schedule, Mars will spend the next two months bringing you an influx of opportunities to develop your skills. As your duties increase, so does your need for delegation. You can’t take everything on, nor are you meant to.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
This week brings expansive, regenerative shifts. Energy for a creative project resurfaces, and the responses you receive from your output is rejuvenating.
The moment calls for a little celebrating.
With a little less pressure plaguing you, you’ve got more room to explore what you want to do next. Learning a new artistic modality might be high on your list, exploring a new pastime can be life altering, and expanding your treasure chest of pleasure inducing tricks is a must.
Over the next two months, Mars in Gemini will increase your appetite for these things and more. You’ll be ravenous for a diversity of avenues to help you explore your creative capacities. Not all will stick or lead to something tangible, but that is the point.
Don’t get distracted by your ambition. Stay with your curiosity.
Experimenting with the resources you have is also high on this week’s list of priorities. If you rarely invest in your desires, try it out. If there are slight changes you can make to the ways in which you make a living that promote relaxation and ease, give it a whirl. If you receive an unexpected bonus, invest it into a dream you have or what you feel devoted to. The returns will be sweet.
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Pisces & Pisces Rising
This week starts off by sending you surprising messages, sweet nothings, and little gifts that come in the most unexpected of packages, lifting your spirits and proposing a shift in perspective.
Sometimes enough goes our way to remind us just how lovely it can be here.
As Mars settles into Gemini, some part of your daily life smoothes out, gets easier, or feels less chaotic. You might notice that you are a little freer to fill out your calendar as you need to.
Pulling focus on your home, roots, traditions, and broods, Mars gives you a little more energy than usual to dig around the closets that have been neglected. A story or two may need to be remembered by you. Perhaps it is time to open those family albums, rearrange a neglected space, or interrupt a family dynamic. The next couple of months will help you with the much needed groundwork for this to happen.
Come the end of the week, good feelings surface and good news about a behind-the-scenes project finds its way to you. Something that began in January closes a loop in a way that leaves you feeling buoyed by the process. Let yourself float for a momen
See where every planet is in the sky right now and how that’s impacting your life in the CHANI app.