Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
On the way to the New Moon, I remember to listen: to my friends when they give good advice; to my community when it calls my attention; and to my intuition when it urges me to be wary of wasting energy on those that aren’t ready for an equitable exchange.
I am more concerned with the truth than getting what I want. Being honest with myself is the antidote to being in situations that aren’t made for me.
The New Moon is an invitation to purge myself of the notion that I am trying to get anywhere in my career. It reminds me of the power of being attentive to where I am right now, of deepening my relationship to what I have already developed, and of minding my business in the process.
When power dynamics flare up in my professional life, or in regards to how I support myself, I know that my work is to study them. It’s not my job to fix, change, or manipulate anything into the shape I think it should be. I recognize what around me is out of alignment, and I do what I can to not get swept up in it, be a pawn to it, or abide by its rules.
With this New Moon, I am appropriately rebellious to outdated notions of conformity and supremacy and in that, I align myself with the regenerative forces already at play and in support of our collective growth.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
I take all opportunities to slow down that are offered. I know it is in my best interest to move with the forces that be, rather than waste energy railing against them. There will always be time to rush; right now I need time to thoughtfully find my way through the day.
I trust that if I have a lot on my plate, I probably forgot to delegate. My nature may be to do most things myself, so that they are done right, but that sensibility isn’t helpful if I ever wish to grow—let alone flourish. I realign my thinking within the most prosperous of mindsets. What needs restructuring so that I feel less burdened and more burgeoning?
With this New Moon, I commit to sorting through my thought processes about my biggest, heftiest, most cumbersome projects. I seek out the teachers that have faced similar situations and found a way through. I remember that I am not alone in any struggle but that I am tricked into believing I am when I wrestle with it without guideposts, strategies, or prototypes.
I break with all traditions that teach individualism by asking for help when and where I need it.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Nothing but the truth will do. No half baked alibi, no cheap imitation, and no out of context data will derail me from seeking out the path that is right for me. This is no time to pretend that substitutes will satiate or that time isn’t the most important resource I have.
A moment knowingly spent on a route that isn’t right for me can equal months of finding my way back to where I’m supposed to be.
Right now, I am being gifted too much insight and foresight to waste it on worrying about what hindsight has to say. I know when a road is not my own.
With this New Moon, I get familiar with the inner obstacles I have to happiness. Right now, I get to unearth something that, when left to its own devices, can become an internal bully, beast, or burden. What is mine to heal calls me to it.
I do what I can to interrupt the suffering my mind so willingly creates. I remind myself that all I need is a steady approach to my well-being; just a little at a time, just what I can manage on repeat, just what works for now and I know that is enough.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
I know that my rebirth is inevitable and it doesn’t come without the proper process. I know that not all relationships are built to last, but the ones that are will be able to weather the rough roads and enjoy the vistas of the high ones.
Endings are just one part of a greater beginning.
Instead of worrying what will come, I focus on the quality of the interaction. Whether it’s a hello or goodbye, I stay with the process. It’s common to want to rush through the feelings that cause me discomfort, but I can’t grow if I don’t let life teach me.
I can’t serve others if I can’t see myself for who I am.
With this New Moon, I make it my practice to give conflicts, worries, and fears as much love and boundaries as I would a physical wound; address them, wrap them up, and prevent further infection.
Stress is a never-ending faucet, but I don’t have to put myself under its flow night and day. I am free to take breaks. I am free to close my laptop. I am free to turn off my phone and turn towards the sun, the green, the seas, and the open spaces that remind me I am so much more than what I fear I might not be.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Leo & Leo Rising
I know that the most important thing to do in the face of scarcity is to focus on what feels abundant. If generosity is foreign to me, I seek out the places within that have had to go without so that I can give them what they need.
I want to know the power of living through giving, loving without needing a reward, and building a home for my offerings to flourish in the world.
Right now, I am looking for radical honesty and maximum creativity in all my unions—so this is what I bring to them.
With this New Moon, I refresh my work life, routines, and schedules. Freeing clutter from my desk, inbox, and to-do lists, helps me get clear on where my daily energy needs to go next.
Naturally occurring chaos in my career may be a pain but it is also necessary at the moment. Within all the jostling, I watch for what shakes loose: who stays, who goes, ideas that stick and fantasies that end up falling flat. If anything, I am being taught to handle the professional ups and downs with more awareness of what grounds me and reminds me of my freedom.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
The New Moon reminds me that not all creations are meant to come into being. Nothing is wasted in my process. Valuing the end result is a misplacement of status. Every practice shows up in what the world ends up receiving. Every invisible effort is what gets imbued in the finished product; in fact the repetitions, the time I’ve spent working a technique, are what gives it its nuance, its uniqueness, and its clarity.
I’m proud of what ends up in the compost heap. I know the richness of repurposing, I know the power of trusting the timing of what I am trying to bring into being.
I’ll sacrifice many things for my creations, but I will not sacrifice their quality or my health. I take it slow when I feel stuck, take inspiration for a spin when it visits, and take the changing needs of my physical being into account when I’m planning big things and bringing forth a whole host of new projects.
Not everything needs to get done as urgently as my mind may suggest. Instead of thinking about what my work schedules, dates, and deadlines should be, I let my body have a say and work backwards from there.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Libra & Libra Rising
Sitting with whatever truths arise is the most transformative thing I can do. Willingly accepting what has come to pass, what my past has shaped me into, and what I am now free to do with it, helps me make the most dramatic of pivots, without pushing, straining, or forcing anything to happen.
The very act of being in radical acceptance of my experience provides me the agency I need to act with integrity.
I take these practices into my creative labs, cauldrons, and workshops. With a need to get innovative in my problem solving and experimental in my collaborations, I don’t underestimate the issues that begin to crop up now. To the contrary, I take them seriously without giving them my power.
I know that the resources I need, the partnerships that are right for me, and the environments within which I can thrive are worth working for, caring for, and curating. I don’t resist the efforts being asked of me now, but I don’t try to solve every problem all at once either. At times like this, patience is a greater virtue than expediency.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
In the right partnerships, weathering a storm is as necessary to growth as all the good times combined. Learning to commit to others that are on my side is a skill that I cultivate, refine, and refocus on now.
Come wild windfalls of fortune and tumultuous times, I commit to those that will back me up and help me course correct without hesitation. Absorbing the shocks and abrupt changes that life throws my way is near impossible when I’m not sure who my touchstones are but a change of tempo is no threat when I’ve got partners who can keep up.
With the New Moon, I clear space to have honest conversations about all this and more. When I give myself enough reflective time, the truth is impossible to ignore, and therapeutic to receive. When I engage in daily practices that deepen the relationship I have to myself, I am tethered to a sense of internal support that encourages my truth to come forth.
Routinely making space for myself, no matter the to-do’s on my list, is an intangible safetynet that reminds me that no matter what, my well being comes first and foremost.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
When the big ideas come, I catch them. On paper, on film, on voice memo, on repeat, I make it a practice to honor the insights that try to anchor themselves through me.
When all that’s disruptive refuses to disperse, I listen to the protests that want to inform me. If it’s trying to get my attention, I’ll first assume it has a good reason. Beyond being disruptive, what else is this energy trying to tell me?
Whatever revelations I am having regarding my work life, I know that change is needed. I’ve agreed to be a partner to it, so I have to trust that it is happening in the particular ways it is, for a reason. How I take care of my physical home makes all the difference. My body is how my intelligence, radiance, and creative prowess gets made manifest. It cannot be left wanting, needing, or wandering around unkept or uncared for. Tending to it is the very thing that teaches me how to bring my dreams and desires into being.
With this New Moon, I am radically honest about my resources and their power. I’m not here to play small, I’m not here to play games about what my impact is and will be, and I’m not here to pretend that I don’t want to create all that I know I can.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
With this New Moon, I refuse to hide, shrink, or settle. I know that my power gets warped when I am afraid to own it. I know that my fear grows when I don’t challenge it. I know that my hesitancy to take up space comes at a cost I don’t actually want to pay.
Rebirth is my right, but it also requires me to make a sacrifice to its fire.
With this New Moon, I offer self-diminishment. No matter how helpful it’s been in the past, no matter the ways it kept me safe from the impact of envy, it’s no longer a harbor I want to hole up in. I’m not doing anyone a favor when I’m in hiding.
I also offer up the ways in which I tend to withhold from myself. I’m not getting any rewards for going without my basic needs met and no one is impressed (at least not for the right reasons) by my stoicism. It’s time to embody the sacred act of replenishment.
I offer taking myself too seriously up to the altars of my life. It obstructs my ability to play, peel back the layers, and understand the depth of my joy. Being rigid won’t get me anywhere except more brittle, fragile, and frail.
This week tests my determination, perseverance, and persistence when it comes to a creative pursuit, so as often as possible, as frequently as I can remember to be, I will meet each scenario with as much humor as I can muster. Laughing at myself is a spiritual practice I make sure to put into my rituals.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Honoring my boundaries in relationships with others teaches me how to honor them with myself. I am not allowed to start worrying about what I have no control over right before my head hits the pillow. I am not allowed to ask Twitter if it thinks I’m funny when I’m already having a bad day (or ever, I am to make myself laugh first and foremost). I am not allowed to play chicken with my mental health—especially when I am already teetering or in need of a little harm reduction.
Tenderness, especially on days when the world feels extra rough, or life feels a little unforgiving, is the most powerful medicine to take. This week, I stock up on it and administer myself extra doses. I make careful consideration of my needs my base and I make radical care my practice.
With this New Moon, I give myself a day to retreat, to curl up, to cut out what causes me angst. I use this moment to restore, replenish, and partake in the incredibly productive act of rest. Without guilt, shame, or reluctance, I remind myself that I am not so important that I can’t pause, and I am too valuable to run myself ragged.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
If I am feeling unrecognized for my efforts, I pause to reconsider what I was expecting from a certain person, group, or organization. If I’m feeling the impacts of unconscious power dynamics at play within a community, I make it a point to be more considerate of how they impact me. I know I want to give to others, but that doesn’t mean I have to lose in the process.
With this New Moon, I reset my standards in my platonic interactions. I don’t need to beg for affection, carry the weight of other’s unclaimed pain, or be burdened with the residue of unconscious feelings.
With this New Moon, I allow myself to be radically honest about what I want from all levels of my networks, friendships, connections, and collectives without hesitations, worry, or apology.
I’m not offending anyone if I’m being clear with myself. In fact, it’s the only way to take care of each other collectively. An honest relationship is the only kind I can honor, understand, and grow within.
Download the CHANI app for iPhone and head to the Workshops section to get a New Moon reading for your sign, guided meditation, journal prompts and altar suggestions.