Here are horoscopes for the second two weeks of August 2019, starting with the full Moon in Aquarius. Your full Moon Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work, we really appreciate it and you!
August 15
5:29 AM PT – Full Moon at 22° of Aquarius
The full moon in Aquarius brings perspective. Sitting directly across from Venus and the Sun, conjunct in Leo, this full moon has a privileged view.
Venus (love, desire, pleasure, and connection) conjunct the Sun (sense of self, personality, energy, and vitality) is no insignificant affair.
As Venus is engulfed in the Sun’s purifying fires, it is said to be in the heart of it. What gets burned away is hopefully a little of the fear that surrounds so many of our emotional systems. Feeling unworthy of love is a distortion so many of us carry. Feeling unfit to love another fuels so many of our interpersonal issues.
As Venus and the Sun help us feel the impacts of some of these storylines, the full moon in Aquarius offers us a much-needed perspective on how to overcome these misunderstandings. Aquarius is a cool-headed, even-tempered air sign, who values a fair assessment of a situation above all else. Not one to get embroiled in emotional ups and downs, Aquarius prefers to sit a little further from the stage so it can take in all the characters of a play fairly and accurately. Being able to witness, but not be fully enmeshed in, our emotional process is what makes healing possible. It aids in our ability to allow more love, affection, and connection into our lives – exactly what Venus is after.
Given the right conditions, intimacy comes with great ease and sweetness. All of nature knows how to connect to what it wants. Nothing in the wild feels any way about sending out its mating call. Though many of us have to work hard to undo the conditions that have lead to the disruption of it, connecting is central to life on the planet. It is the core principle of conception – something that the natural world and Venus are always trying to create optimal conditions for.
Like bees flying directly into the pollen they desire, we are encouraged to go after what we want. The honey that flows from these days is not only golden but fortifying for the system. Claiming our desires makes our immune systems stronger. Suppressing a yearning only confuses our energy flow. Admitting to ourselves what we want is the first step towards creating the conditions that will bring it to us.
Celebrate this full moon by simply being a little more present to the love, pleasure, and connections that fill your life with joy. Feed your loves honey. Kiss more. Hug often. Create altars everywhere you go. Beautify your path and feel the blessing of being able to do so. Offer flowers and flirtatious affections to any and all Goddesses you come into contact with. Connect with all rituals that remind you what feels good, right, and holy to your whole system.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for the full moon, click here.
August 16
Mercury in Leo square Uranus Rx in Taurus, both at 6°
As Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shade, it makes a chaotic clash with Uranus. Hard on the system sometimes, what usually accompanies this astrology is the kind of truth that shatters norms. Be open to hearing the disruptive-but-decidedly-honest information meant for you. Be wary of saying something just to cause chaos.
August 17
Mars enters Virgo where it remains until October 3, 2019
None may be as aggressively hard-working as Mars in Virgo. Here, Mars fights back the urge to call it in, give up, or care less. This warrior is ready to challenge itself – and all of us – to do better daily. The part of our chart that contains Virgo is about to go through some exciting updates. Stay tuned.
August 21
Venus enters Virgo where it remains until September 14, 2019
Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 14°
While in Virgo, Venus gets dirty. Not afraid of hard work, here Venus is more likely to put off pleasure than pursue it. While in Virgo, Venus helps us get much accomplished, but we’ll have to remember to pause and make space and time for the pursuit of all that brings us joy.
As Mercury makes its trine to Jupiter, good news and big ideas arrive. Here, our plans and communications get a jolt of lightning-like inspired ideas. Some may be too big for real-time so temper the torrential downpour with sound timeline realities.
August 23
Sun enters Virgo where it remains until September 23, 2019
Beyoncé Season starts out with energy, excitement, and creative ingenuity. Virgo needs to work, sort, and sift through life’s debris regularly. It is imperative to its well-being. As the planets leave the heat and intensity of Leo, they ask us what we can do to utilize the tools we have at hand while in Virgo. As Mars, Venus, the sun and soon Mercury enter this earth sign, they quickly form a trine to Uranus, the planet of change.
It’s time to use our tools in ways that liberate their potential and show us something new about ours.
August 24
Venus conjunct Mars in Virgo at 4°
As the cosmic lovers unite, they do so productively. In Virgo, Venus and Mars aim for a perfect union, one that works as hard as it loves. Passion gets channeled into productivity and sparks some of our more potent projects. What gets conceived of now should be taken seriously, worked with thoroughly, and protected accordingly.
August 26
Venus in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus at 6°
Just after Venus and Mars unite, the two go on to receive an update from Uranus. A little disruptive and a lot innovative, Venus trine Uranus takes our industriousness to a whole new level. Our creative projects benefit greatly when we dare to break free from the confines of mediocrity.
Today’s astrology also helps us to update our relationship agreements, break out of the patterns that keep our desires repressed, and encourages us to open up to new and possibly out-of-the-blue meetups.
August 28
Mars in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus, both at 6°
A trine between two of the most disruptive planets is cause for a little pause. This astrology is fantastic for breakthroughs but not so much for stabilization. Use this transit to bust down any walls of resistance you have to your own success. Days like this show us what we are capable of when we refuse despair and instead focus on what is worth fighting for.
August 29
Mercury enters Virgo, where it remains until September 14, 2019
Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus, both at 6°
Today marks another moment in a week filled to the brim with industrious innovations. With the ruler of Virgo back in its home sign, all the planets there (the Sun, Venus, and Mars) have a little extra gas in their tank.
As the sun trines Uranus, we have the third planet in a week pass through this setup. That is a lot of positive, workable change we’ve been asked to channel. This first part of Virgo Season sets us up to confront, understand, and dismantle the outdated versions of our ways of working.
Aries & Aries Rising
The full moon pulls focus on the groups that you are a part of and the joy and pleasure they bring into your world. Party with those that you have loved, struggled alongside, healed with, and risked being vulnerable around. What you’ve been able to build together is what you’ll eventually refer to as ‘the good old days’, make sure not to miss living them.
The days surrounding the full moon will also help you get to the core of an intimacy issue with friends or lovers. Your ability to hold what hurts for yourself, while being able to communicate your needs to others, makes it possible for your relationships to have depth and length of life. Let your feelings breath and the facts that surround them will be all the more available for your use.
The days following the full moon have you on the professional move – but busy isn’t best. Right now your work calls for innovation, creativity, and sustainability. Take stock of your tool shed. What serves you daily? What have you let go rusty? What just needs a little rewiring? You’ve got access to everything you need, but you may have forgotten what you have to work with. Get busy remembering and renewing your relationship to the tools that are made to help you build successfully.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Taurus & Taurus Rising
The full moon lights up your career goals and public roles. What you have achieved, and what you have learned in light of it, now comes into view. Focus on what the process has taught you. Focus on what you have been able to understand about yourself through the brave act of chasing your dreams. Focus on what you are no longer afraid of trying, saying, or revealing about yourself. The more freedom you feel to be honest in the world, the more permission you’ll be able to give your projects and their process.
Once the full moon fades, what comes to consciousness is your need for a new creative outlet. Innovating what you make and how you make it is the theme of your last two weeks of August. What you are creating may or may not be changing, but how you create must. Meditate on the aspects of your self-expression that want a little more free will. Try not to let your ideas of what others want dominate what you make. The world needs you to break the molds of convention. The more you do, the more you’ll be able to access your internal age-old wisdom that is always willing and able to assist you.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Gemini & Gemini Rising
The full moon helps you to move beyond the realm of your known world. It gently nudges you towards what holds meaning for you. It helps you to slowly open up to a little mystery. It asks you to suspend your judgment for just a moment so that you might connect a little more deeply to it.
The full moon wants you to pull a tarot card, journal about it, draw it, dream on it, and give thanks for it. It wants you to remember that life is yours to fill with meaning. Find a moment away from the chaos of your life, your screens, your newsfeeds, and watch the moon rise. Watch the sun set. Watch the bees pack up for the day. Feel the breeze on your skin and find a place where you can ground and touch down.
Denounce busy and radically reclaim what in your life is beloved.
As the full moon fades, the rest of August encourages you to do what you can to reconnect to your home and inner life. It might require you to rearrange some furniture, change your area code, or shift a priority or two. You deserve to feel abundantly safe and cared for when you enter your inner chambers.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Cancer & Cancer Rising
The full moon pulls focus on the pleasures of your collaborative pursuits. How you make a living is getting gifted with an extra dose of sweetness. Share some. Those that support you, see you through tough professional obstacles and help make your work-life less challenging benefit from your accolades. The good things that others offer are to be received as a blessing – taking a moment to acknowledge them as such can go an incredibly long way in your work together.
The full moon also helps you to shed a layer of any emotional debris that has built up. Through appreciating the quality of the time you have during the day, you are more likely to let old stresses slough off. Acting as an incredibly gentle psychic exfoliant, the full moon illuminates the places in you that have healed-even if just a teeny amount.
The littlest of internal shifts can help you make the most dramatic overall changes.
Once the full moon fades, your days begin to get busier. With more action, adventure, and communications taking place, you are bound to feel the need to do and say more. Don’t feel pressured though, the key to the last two weeks of August is to innovate the ways in which you do your daily life. What you say gets extra attention now. Focus on getting your main point across with great clarity. This isn’t time to fill the silence, it’s time to think deeply about what you want to share while being discerning about how and when you share it.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Leo & Leo Rising
August’s full moon lights up your committed partnerships. The gifts of connection and companionship are portals into greater self-awareness. The messages that reveal themselves now are long-lasting. Allow yourself a little time to take them in. Allow yourself the luxury of letting go of a little resentment. Allow yourself the pleasure of not needing to be perfect in order to be loved.
Notice who is offering you affection without demands and care without coercion. Notice the appreciation that comes from others, with no strings attached. Notice who challenges you to make room for more tenderness and care.
Being open receptive to your emotional life isn’t easy work. Being vulnerable requires that we trust ourselves enough to do so. The more honest you are with yourself, the more clarity you can bring to all the ways in which you partner with others. Sorting and sifting through relationship dynamics dominates mid-August, but as the light of the moon fades and the days unfold your focus turns to your livelihood.
How you support yourself is changing, shifting, or experiencing a reinvention. You are abuzz with exciting professional projects. In order to claim queendom of your hive however, you’ll need to follow your wildest dreams and back them up with unabashed effort.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Virgo & Virgo Rising
August’s full moon finds you working with greater ease than usual and your health and wellness benefit from it greatly. The softer you can go on your system, the more you seem to accomplish. Find the sweetest ways to get done what would normally make you a little sour.
As the full moon helps you to put the finishing touches on a work project, you get to have a deeper appreciation for all that you have been able to bring, cultivate, or make happen in your professional life. Every little bit of love, kindness, and care that you have shown yourself shows up now in the quality with which you do all that you do.
As the light of the full moon fades, what emerges is a newly fortified drive. Whatever you have been able to let go of, work around, or resolve pays off. The focus is now on moving forward. The courage, ambition, and decisiveness that you are channeling are potent. Use it wisely and innovatively. You don’t have to wait to work your new ideas into the grand scheme of your life and in fact, you shouldn’t. Changes abound in late August and as they do the planets ask you how you can support what is professionally exciting, unexpected, and right on time.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Libra & Libra Rising
The light of the full moon encourages you to open up to the kindness that comes your way. Through good friends and connections, through small acts and grand gestures, through hard times and ordinary ones, life is made better when we routinely recall the sweet nothings that make life add up to sweet somethings. What you routinely acknowledge takes up more space in your life. No matter the other issues at your door, try to make a little time for pursuits that help you focus on the pleasure that your system needs and deserves.
As the light of the full moon fades you are called inward to do some deep digging, reassessment, and resorting of your life, your goals, and the way you use your gifts. Behind the scenes projects demand your time come late August and the first part of September. By the looks of it you’re being given the chance to rewire yourself and/or your life from the inside out. Take it. Don’t worry about what you have to show for your efforts. Right now your job is to focus on getting yourself sorted, sifted, and restructured in the ways that best serve the big picture of your life.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
The full moon in Aquarius lights up your inner world. Commenting on the quality of your home base, and the needs you have that aren’t up for negotiation, the full moon asks you to settle into yourself. Give yourself copious amounts of what grounds you, feeds you, and keeps you feeling connected to your inner world.
What success looks like on the outside, and what it feels like on the inside, can be very different. This moment demands that you make room for these extremes. Be tender with the parts of you that need a little extra TLC. Be firm in your commitment to your professional goals. From one side of the coin to the other, this moment makes clear that rooting and rising are of equal necessity.
As the light of the full moon fades, an emphasis is placed on your personal and professional social circles. There’s a need to do, try, or create something new with a group of people. You’ve got access to a point of view that others are ripe and ready for. As you allow yourself the freedom to self-express, you get a better sense of your audience and how to relay your message.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Clear communication is key. August’s full moon helps you feel safe enough to say what otherwise might stay stuck in your system. The moment calls for a little vulnerability, a lot of honesty, and a willingness to get to the heart of the matter.
What you need, needs you too. It needs you to claim it unconditionally. It needs you to know it like a lover. It needs you to say its name like you mean it. Life responds with as much passion as we come to it with. Try not to stifle yours.
Your days are holy temples. Each one of them asks you to worship at their altar. The full moon reminds you of your need to reclaim your calendars. Take a look at how you are spending your resources, specifically time and energy. To whatever degree you can sink into the joy of being present. Watch the Sun set and the Moon rise. Watch the fruit ripen on the vine. Watch the details of your life closely, they contain multitudes.
As the light of the full moon fades you’re asked to step more fully into the spotlight. What starts out as a whiff of an idea becomes a full-blown professional course correction by the end of August. It’s not that you change fields (necessarily), it’s that you are meant to be a catalyst for change in yours. The ideas, innovations, and downloads you receive now help you finish out 2019 with a bang. Make space for it.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
The full moon lights up your financial life and feelings about it. It gives you a little tip in the form of a monetary note or an emotional one. The partnerships that are worth working for, with, and towards come into focus. The full moon helps you get to the heart of an issue that pertains to the quality of your collaborations. Pay attention to any old feelings of self-worth, lack, or fear that come up to be healed. You are not what you feel, but you are the result of what you do with your feelings.
Ignoring them isn’t a sustainable strategy.
It’s time to outgrow outdated ideas about your resources and how you make a living. How is this moment encouraging you to pursue what is right for you?
As the light of the full moon fades, your desire to travel and explore comes to the fore. You need invigorating excursions. Seek out the adventures that challenge you to think in new ways and explore the philosophies that thrill your soul.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The full moon casts its gentle light upon you, highlighting the partnerships that propel your life forward. It’s not just driving what gets us where we need to go. The kindness, the care, and the love that we receive from others act not only as a protection against the world’s hostility but also a real reason to get up every day and make the messes of life into monuments.
Taking a moment to acknowledge the nourishment you get goes an incredibly long way toward maintaining the relationships that matter most to you. Use the light of the full moon to reflect back to others how much they mean to you. This moment aims to help you get to the heart of an intimacy issue. Investigate any resistance you have to be known, held, or loved like you deserve to be.
As the moonlight fades, what comes forth is a need to innovate the ways in which you collaborate. Some of the resource-sharing in your life needs to be reworked, changed, or updated. This is a theme that follows you throughout the last half of August, and while some of the shifts come from the outside in, the real work for you is around trusting the new direction things are flowing in. A change of mind is the only way to ensure long-lasting change over time.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29
Pisces & Pisces Rising
August’s full moon celebrates all that you have gotten done behind the scenes. Your ability to be generative within the creative incubators of your life makes all the difference when your work is finally ready to be delivered to the masses. The depth of attention, care, and consideration you are able to give all that you conceive of shows up in every detail, color, and curve of your creations. Even if it never ends up in the final product, no ounce of thoughtfulness ever goes to waste. Each struggle, each decision, each attempt is woven into the fabric of its being.
Trusting the process makes the art of your life that much richer.
The full moon also asks you to reflect on the ways in which you have learned to take care of yourself lately. What have you come to understand is an absolute for you? What do you now know you shouldn’t go without? Under the light of this lunation, how can you commit to being consistent with what keeps you on track and close to joy?
After the full moon blooms, the focus turns towards your relationships. Creative ways of being in professional, romantic, and platonic partnerships spark your curiosity and ingenuity. There’s a feeling of renewal here, and the innovative energy that comes into your life through others is amplified. Not all change is easy, but these changes aim to help you shift things in ways that affirm, rather than disrupt, your life’s unfolding.
NOW 50% OFF: If you want more sign-specific information on how the full Moon in Aquarius will impact you, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 31 – August 29