Here are horoscopes for the first two weeks of June 2019, starting with the new moon in Gemini. Your New Moon Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work, we really appreciate it and you!
June 3
3:02 AM PT, New Moon at 12° Gemini
The creative potency of what we communicate, not just to each other, but also to ourselves, should never be underestimated. How we choose to interact with our inner world, all day, everyday, is the difference between feeling fulfilled or forever empty.
We can’t always change how the world treats us, sees us, or categorizes us, but we can learn to be more forgiving in the process of our life. We can change the quality with which we accompany ourselves through life’s biggest hurdles, wild successes, and best laid plans gone awry. We are capable of being our own best friend or biggest adversary.
Evil twins can become great allies, but only if we are willing to challenge their power over us.
The new moon in Gemini arrives on June 3 at 3:02 AM PT, reminding us of the power of our words. Ruled by Mercury, the magician, trickster, and word-weaver, this new moon reminds us that casting spells is something we do all day long.
A witch’s work is never done.
At the time of the new moon, its ruler Mercury is sitting pretty. In its own sign for a brief time, Mercury is now a bright evening star, adept at helping us tell our tale, sell our wares, and plead our case. Waiting in the wings, Mercury is ready and willing to point out a few shortcuts on the way to manifesting our new moon intentions.
Jupiter is boosting the messages we deliver during this new moon. This blessing needs to be made use of in typical Gemini fashion: quickly. From now until June 11th, the skies are fairly clear but they won’t stay so. Mid-month finds us under some compromised cosmic conditions, so it’s wise for us to use the days beforehand to get done what we can.
This new moon only has one glitch, a square to Neptune in Pisces. This clouds a situation and seems to have us a little less put together and a little more unravelled. It makes messier an already unruly Gemini Season that is uninterested in confines of any kind. The moment calls for extra caution and care when things feel out of control or not thoroughly worked through. As the sun perfects its square to Neptune on June 9th, things will feel extra hazy and perhaps a little unmanageable. Stick with the facts that you have and wait for the ones that you don’t yet have a full grasp on.
June 4th
Mercury Enters Cancer
Here until June 26th, Mercury swims through the primordial waters of Cancer, initiating us into the realm of confessing deep feelings and talking into the wee hours about our past, our regrets, and our earliest memory. By mid-June, Mercury will make a mockery out of our best intentions but for now it’s just a little extra emo.
June 7th
Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, both at 4°
Here, Mercury gets a boost of innovative juice, giving us access to all kinds of ideas, conversations and insights into some of the most important changes to make in our thinking process.
June 8th
Venus enters Gemini
Here until July 3rd, Venus blesses the part of our chart that contains Gemini and anything we started during the new moon. Flirting feels a little more free and easy breezy with this transit. Love may be fleeting, but so too is being attached to what isn’t working.
June 9th
Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, both at 18°
Today’s astrology is ungrounded and unhelpful if you are trying to get something exactly right. Better to allow for great amounts of fluidity under these skies. If anxiety peaks, get yourself into nature. Slow your mind down to the speed of a caterpillar crawling along a leaf. Breathe in rhythm with the waves. Tell the wind your worries and let them be carried off by the cooling currents.
June 10th
Sun in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius, both at 19°
Today’s astrology helps to lift spirits and build the confidence that yesterday may have let leak out like air from a balloon. This astrology is bright and cheery – the only caution is it is bound to encourage us to overdo, overstretch, or overestimate what we’ve got to work with.
June 13th
Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, both at 18
For a brief moment, Mars makes nice. Getting us in touch with our feelings, desires, and dreams, Mars and Neptune team up to remind us to move towards what is most meaningful for us. Today will have us feeling inspired to go beyond our usual limits, but tomorrow brings a rude awakening to work through. Hangover cures come in handy.
June 14th
Mars in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn, both at 18°
This is one of the most challenging (but when worked through one of the most rewarding) aspects is between Mars and Saturn. In opposition to one another these two put us up against tremendous odds. Like speeding at full force into a wall, our hearts and hopes, desires, and drive meet a monumental opponent who requires from us our best and every effort. What you work through today, and over the course of the next week, will test you in many ways.
June 16th
Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces, and opposes Saturn in Capricorn, all at 18°
As Mercury goes through the same terrain that Mars just did, the lessons don’t quit. Mercury has both the gift of the gab and the burden of proof to contend with.
Neptune offers Mercury immense imaginative powers to play with, but what will be more likely felt is Saturn’s disdain for anything but the facts. Especially because the astrology was so challenging on June 14th, today makes the week feel a little relentless. For every ‘no’ you get, take a deep breath. Recenter yourself. Refocus your energy on where you have power. Recommit to the ‘yes’ you reserve for yourself.
Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius makes its second square (of three in 2019) to Neptune in Pisces, both at 18°
This transit adds further mess to the mixture of today’s astrology. Jupiter in Sagittarius is here to help us grow. Square Neptune, Jupiter’s growth gets wobbly and unsustainable. Whatever today reveals about your growth, have gratitude for any amount of reconstruction you can do. Further expansion isn’t helpful if the base isn’t solid.
Aries & Aries Rising
The way to build a base is brick by brick. Laying down my defensiveness in exchange for depth. Digging into the past in order to understand the dynamic of the present moment. Smoothing out the wrinkles of unacknowledged feelings in order to let the energy flow.
The way to cure loneliness is one interaction at a time. So I can absorb the wisdom delivered by my loved ones. So I can experience the depth of friendships in my life. So I can remember that my mind will tell me all manner of stories about how isolated I am, how unique my problems, and how precious my sorrows. But being with others that live honestly reminds me that my struggle is the human one, and I need not go it alone. I know that if I rush through every interaction, every hurt feeling, every miscommunication, I can’t ever get to the healing. I won’t dwell in the pain of my past, but I won’t refuse its messages when they visit me in the present.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
I check my attitudes about abundance. I know that acknowledging how it already appears in my life helps me access more of it, but I also honor the blocks I have to it. Where I limit myself unnecessarily is where I need to get curious. There is no healing without intimate knowledge of what causes harm. Disrupting self-pity that has gone on for too long is an integral part of accessing my ability to problem solve. It’s not about knowing what to do next, it’s about being willing to receive. Creating space for the possibilities awaiting me.
Excess is my invitation to share what I have and don’t need. It opens up avenues of connection for me. It brings good fortune into my life by offering me the opportunity to give.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
When speaking to myself, I choose my words wisely. The world has a million criticisms of me, so I won’t riterate them. I won’t let them freely pollute my inner environment. I won’t harbor them in my home.
I attune myself to what inspires me to grow. I attune myself to what challenges my best to come forward. I attune myself to nature’s knowledge, so I feel as certain of my time to bloom as I do my time to return to my roots.
With this new moon, I give myself a head start. A chance to refresh. A blessing to begin again. The more I focus on my gifts, the more able I am to clearly, and without doubt, give them to the world. I build a place for myself to exist. I refuse the margins they’d like to keep me in and instead create my own guidelines, roadmaps, and gateways to make a million entrances through.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
All of the work that no one sees shows up in the finished product. All the worrying, all the fussing, all the lullabies I sing to the creative projects that I want to bring into the world are palpable in the end result.
My work is to stay patient with the process. My work is to keep my awareness on what needs me most. My work is to not feel sorry for myself if I have to miss out on a moment in the world.
There will be more.
I attune myself to the bigger picture. I keep my focus on my long term goals. I know that anything that gives me temporary relief should be used, but only sparingly if it detracts too much from staying on the path of productive self-discovery. I know that there is no such thing as personal perfection. Everytime I get caught in the net of such a deceptive foe, I feel my life force getting tangled, bound up, wrapped around energy channels that need to flow freely. I know that my best effort, done consistently, is the way to work. I know anyone holding me to another standard probably does the same with themselves, and that isn’t about me. I leave what isn’t mine behind.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Leo & Leo Rising
Issues occur when I’m unable to be honest with myself. Complications arise when I forget to count myself in the equation. Situations get excessively unmanageable when I’m unable or unwilling to communicate my needs.
With this new moon, I recommit to being honest in public.
I surround myself with those that are working on their ability to do the same. I curate community based on our mutual ability to be as forthcoming about our experience in the world as we are about our ambitions in it. I want to be with people that are willing to share what hurts while being generous with their good feelings. I want to be with those that aren’t afraid to laugh while in pain or acknowledge the truth of the matter while in the midst of any kind of company.
The more I surround myself with those that know how precious time well spent is, the more I feel I have. The more I align my efforts with those that know my success is their own, the more I know I have. The more I am able to uplift the people I play hard and work well with, the more blessings I am a beholder of.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
My career is a cure for my past mistakes, mishaps, and misdirected energy. I pour my desire for anything I’ve yet to experience into the container of my public roles. I am here to give all that I have to the world. I am here to empty myself of all excess love, creative energy, and life lessons. Anything I have been given isn’t mine to keep, but it is my responsibility to share.
Even when the world refuses to see me as a gift, I know otherwise. My sources are rock solid. I trust my intuition above the naysayers with nothing but negativity to offer. I know how resilient the energy that runs through me is, so I will trust it over the systems my situation finds me in.
I get myself to the wells that refill me. The sounding boards that hear me out. The courts that let me bounce my ideas around, giving me all sides of the story so that I can make the best decisions and go in the directions that set my soul alight.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Libra & Libra Rising
Being available to the solution sometimes means being in the inbetween. Knowing that I actually have control over very little in life, I remind myself to trust my ability to be with the process. There have been a million moments where I didn’t know where to go, how to get from A to B, or how to manage what life has put in front of me. But I figured it out. I felt my way through. I found cracks that became doorways. I found abilities within me, dormant but ready for use.
Doing so taught me how to build bridges to my success.
June may be filled with professional challenges, but none that I am ill-fitted to find my way through. They awaken within me my determined dedication. What I need to move towards becomes increasingly clear. Obstacles only refine my aim or redirect it as needed.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
When my days start to feel tightly packed, I remember to make space in myself. I know that one deep breath often leads to two. I know that one reminder to my system to release a tight jaw often leads to the dropping of my shoulders, the softening of my forehead and the opening of my chest. I know that when my calendar gets cluttered, I need to take a moment to weed through my to-do’s, putting at the bottom what isn’t of primary concern. I know that the world demands an impossible amount from me, so I choose to stay with what is possible. What is productive. What is present here and now.
I choose to stay with what will grow instead of what makes me wither.
With this new moon I recommit to healing what holds me back. A little less shame about being human creates valleys of space within me. The tectonic shifts in perception that come from holding a little of my discomfort in a lot of compassion is undeniable. With this new moon, I give myself the cure I need in this moment. My mental health requires that I get clear on how I pathologize myself so that I have the option not to. With this new moon, I recommit to giving my points of pain a break and my strengths the opportunity to recharge.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I know that half of the relationship dynamic is mine to work through. I know that half of the things to say are mine to speak. I know that half of the heart that is put into this dynamic is mine to give.
I know that in order for my partnerships to have a fighting chance, I have got to make sure that I am doing my fair share of the maintenance. Doing someone else’s emotional work doesn’t help them grow as an adult. Doing someone else’s problem solving may relieve them momentarily, but it doesn’t help them build for the long-haul. Doing the hard work of telling others my boundaries and sticking to them is on me, up to me, and of great benefit to me. I have to be clear enough to know what I need long-term in order to ask for it now.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
With this new moon I commit to the projects that get my messages into to the world.
With this new moon, I recommit to reducing the shame I feel when I make a mistake. Professionally and personally. When I allow fear to dictate my actions, I impede my growth so instead, I allow myself the flexibility to make amends and begin again.
I know that the interpersonal realm is hard for all humans. I know my specific quirks aren’t uncommon, and only I can know how to help myself through them. I refuse to let old issues stop me from healing in the present. I know that being vulnerable with myself is a challenging endeavor, one I may not always wish to engage in or encourage. But being vulnerable with others is impossible otherwise.
I honor all the relationships in my life by being willing to slow down. I don’t want to speed through the moments. I don’t want to miss the lessons. I don’t want to have to relive any technical difficulties repeatedly. Efficiency is just as much about depth as it is about getting things done.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Inspiration is unruly. Wild. Untamable. Living beyond our timelines and confined calendars. I cannot summon it when it is convenient for me. I cannot complain when it doesn’t oblige me.
Inspiration arrives without warning and leaves without apology.
Left grateful for its gateway, I take any amount I am given and place it where I won’t forget about it. I build homes for it to visit. Gardens for it to plant itself in for a time. Gateways for it to saunter through when it wants to.
But I don’t rely on it in order to do my work. Instead I go to the canvas, drawing board, desk, and dancefloor with my dedication to being there. I know that showing up for the creative process and listening to whatever it’s got for me that day is more than half the battle. I know that embracing my wildness means loving what I’ve been told is unacceptable. I know my shame and I am not put off by it. I know my fears and I am not stopped by them. I know what it means to fit in, and I am not here for any kind of conformity that divorces me from my precious, potent, life-giving, IDGAF-about-anything-but-the-truth, energy.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Home is where I let myself be. Without judgement. Without holding my breath. Without worrying about getting it right. I know that I am allowed to learn and still be loved. Make mistakes and make it up. Make my bed and make a life that is worthy of calling it a home.
Home is wherever and whenever I can take a deep breath. It is all the places of restoration I allow myself to hunker down within. It is a place within me that I save for only the sweetest of my family members. Blood lines aren’t always avenues to this residence. You have to have to have goodness running through your veins in order to have a key to my door.
If you want more sign-specific information on how to build with this new moon and the lunar cycle, I’ve got a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you in A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Lunar Cycle from June 3 – July 1.