December 6th
Mercury stations direct at 27° of Scorpio
Happening on the same day as one of the most auspicious new moons of the year, Mercury’s about face points us in the direction of positive movements. When planets change direction, they pull focus. Mercury’s station direct isn’t impeded by any other planet making it all the more helpful and in line with today’s fresh start. It also means that Mercury will soon re-enter Sagittarius and conjunct Jupiter for a second time in this sign. This gives us an extra opportunity to send and receive good news in the weeks to come.
For now, only Uranus is retrograde, making this one of the most retrograde-free zones of 2018. With little in our way, it’s the perfect time to get to work on what we most want to manifest this lunar cycle.
11:20 PM PT – New Moon at 15° of Sagittarius
The last new moon of 2018 has us going out on an incredibly high note. Next to Jupiter, its ruler, this new moon is auspiciously situated. Jupiter loves to help out. It’s a planet that brings bounty where there was lack. An energy of renewal where there was a loss of faith. Jupiter takes what was flat and fills it out into 3-D form. A new moon in the same sign as Jupiter, with this much strength, imbues everything we begin at this time with some cosmic special sauce.
Tremendous in its offerings, this new moon encourages us to become a channel for its gifts. Both Jupiter and Sagittarius are spiritual in their pursuits and when centered in generosity, spirituality is a force unlike any other. This new moon reminds us that we become what we are able to give. We succeed when we are confident enough to share what we have without need for praise in return. Jupiter in Sagittarius and this new moon want to school us in the subtle art of having faith in our ability to expand no matter who would rather we stayed small.
Sagittarius moves. It knows little defeat because of its sheer momentum. It must gallop towards a horizon, no matter how far off, far reaching, or far-fetched, scoffing at naysayers along the way. This new moon encourages us to act on our intuitive wisdom, developing a connection to it as we go.
With this new moon, we have the ability to forge ahead with what seemed formerly impossible, inconceivable, or unreachable.
May we all go forth and prosper.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December 7th
Mars conjuncts Neptune at 13° of Pisces
This is both a strange and sweet connection. Strange because Mars is the planet of direct, decisive action and Neptune is anything but straightforward. The mists of Avalon have nothing on this planet. Enveloping Mars in its intoxicating and disorienting vapors, today’s astrology is best used to imagine and fantasize about where it is we want to go. Getting there isn’t necessarily for today, but if we do it will be through taking the wonkiest of roads or by complete and utter beginner’s luck.
December 12th
Mercury re-enters Sagittarius
The usual hard-time Mercury has in Sagittarius is negated by the blessing of being with its current ruler, Jupiter. Mercury makes grand plans but also has the energy and enthusiasm to get them done. Operating on faith alone can be risky business, but Mercury will have us doing so for a spell. See what believing in yourself and encouraging your best efforts can get done.
December 16th
Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn, both at at 9°
Today’s astrology helps us to accomplish great tasks with little effort and a lot of pleasure. Venus and Saturn team up to remind us that productive partnerships inspire our maturity. Commitments that are correct for us inspire something integral to our becoming. Bond with those that make you want to show up as all you can be.
Mars in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, both at 19°
Mars and Pluto, as a duo, deepen our drive. These two encourage us to believe in our power so that we might make happen what would otherwise seem impossible. These two are incredibly persuasive, encouraging us to make the most of what we have while working it any way we can.
December 20th
Sun in Sagittarius trines Uranus in Aries, both at 28°
As the sun and Uranus team up, they help us find ways to be triumphant in our ability to define ourselves for ourselves. Being true to you is nothing short of revolutionary and as you do, you inspire others around you to do the same. This chain reaction helps us all to think outside the box, finding creative solutions to our most intense problems.
December 21st
Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, both at 13°
Today, both Venus and Mercury help to celebrate the solstice the right way. Venus and Neptune in a trine to one another are an ideal love affair. This epic duo deems the heart a holy place to build from. Today’s astrology plays a dreamy, romantic melody as the soundtrack to our wildest fantasies. Your fantasies are more than likely to reveal their truth today.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 9° of Sagittarius
For the second time in the past month, Mercury and Jupiter meet in Sagittarius (the first was November 27th). This combination is incredulous to despair and demands only the most enthusiastic of ideas to come forth. Great for pep talks and party plans, the astrology of this solstice is adding up to nothing short of sensational.
Solstice, Sun enters Capricorn at 2:23 PM PT
In the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day and longest night also marks the moment of the sun’s eventual return to lengthier stays. Celebrated as the rebirth of the sun, the Winter Solstice is a time where many of our ancestors preformed rituals of welcoming it back. This is just as psychological a process as it is a spiritual or seasonal one. The act of calling back the light is one where we ask to have our conscious awareness awakened.
What are you working on becoming more conscious of? Use the solstice to plant the seed of that intention.
The Winter Solstice is a time to gather with others, light lanterns, set intentions that will grow with the warmth of the sun’s increasing light (much like a new moon), and celebrate the healing powers of the dark. With a glorious full moon on December 22nd, this night sky may be long, but it’s also lit up with endless amounts of inspiration.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice is arriving. The days are the longest and the nights the shortest. To celebrate this season is to revel in the triumph of light, warmth and the abundance of the earth. It is also to appreciate the oncoming darkness from here on out. Everything in nature is balanced and celebrating its rhythms reminds us to do the same.
The sun will remain in Capricorn until January 20th.
Your new moon horoscopes are meant to be read as an affirmation. Please reword as you need to. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
I know that my life is made abundant by the blessings I choose to focus on. I know that blessings overlooked have little power compared to the ones amplified, lifted up, and given a place on the mantle of my life. I know that even when people, places, and things fail me, I have a few key gratitude go-to’s to rest my conscious awareness upon.
I look back on my life and I refuse to feel anything but compassion for all I have struggled with. I have gratitude for all I have been given, and love for the paths I have had the good fortune of treading.
I sit downstream from fortune. I take the actions that activate my potential. I move confidently towards a future that feels me. Being able to listen, attuning my inner ear, and aligning my decisions with my gut instincts is the marker of my growth. I need no one else’s rulebook to succeed. If I have good friends who are willing to challenge me to do better as much as they are willing to love me through the easy and the extreme, I am amongst the richest people on the planet.
December’s new moon reminds me to set my sights on what I most want, most desire, and yearn for. Even if I never get there, at least I’ll not waste a moment on getting where I don’t really want to be. I promise myself that I will not spend a moment of 2019 wondering if I can do what I was put here to, wavering on whether I am worth it, or waffling on myself in any way, shape, or form.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon reminds me of what is possible when I place myself in the partnerships that inspire my best efforts and offer me theirs. Those that know how to expand their reach through joyful and generous connections to life. Those that create spaces where others can heal and help themselves. Those that know that giving is the only gold worth mining.
The generosity that I receive from others is humbling. The generosity I relieve from others is healing. The generosity that I receive from others is the perfect counter to the hostility this world dolls out daily. I am in deep gratitude for all that I am given, everyday. I know that I am growing through the collaborations that can energetically match me, challenge me, and cheer me on and up.
Generating wealth means that I refuse to stay stuck. Generosity flows and I am learning to move with it. When I feel afraid to change, to grow and to expand through possibilities that others offer me, I know to ask myself why. I know that to be afraid of what I might lose is understandable, but it’s no place to build a home.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon reminds me just how sacred my relationships are. My life is always expanding or contracting through my chosen partnerships, so I choose them thoughtfully. I know that the more I heal, the less I need to please. The less I need to please, the more room there is for partnerships that are abundant in pleasure and purpose.
I’m not here to dull my shine because others can’t deal with their reflection.
With this new moon, I recommit to experiencing the abundance of a good fit. With this new moon, I remember patience for all that is still finding its way to me. With this new moon I refuse to feel like I am missing out on anything if the partnerships I wish for have yet to materialize. At this point I know that my ability to meditate on the energy I wish to attract is the most potent and powerful declaration I can make. It’s an action that helps me decipher who I should pursue and who to let loose. The more I pay attention to what feels like a good fit, the less interested I am in lying to myself when something isn’t. The more I give myself, the more tender I am able to be with what is difficult.
With this new moon I commit to creating spaces where mutual growth is a given, independence is celebrated, and the unions I create with others are a fortress for refueling.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
With December’s new moon, I commit to outgrowing the attitudes that keep my work from expanding. I take note of where I tend to run out of gratitude. I scour my systems for resentments that lead to my own lack of effort. I make it a priority to parse out the pouting I might do. Instead of stewing in defensiveness, I make it a priority to find ways to be productive. I bring my every effort to making sure difficult things are communicated with as deft and caring a sentiment as is possible, but I refuse to stay caught in what isn’t solution oriented.
I am committed to envisioning professional solutions to any and all work woes.
This new moon reminds me that I am growing my capacity to cater to the work I most wish to do. I am focused on the abundance of good I get to contribute and receive in all my professional positions.
I am in partnership with my professional life. I am in an ever-transforming, ever-evolving, ever-blossoming exchange with all that I work on. I refuse to be a martyr to this process and instead see what happens when I come at it with an attitude of strength, confidence, and abundance.
I am dedicated to entering 2019 with a policy of no whining, no entitlement, and no allegiance to anything that squanders my talent. There is little that can stop me when I stay willing to work, wonder, and outgrow any need to people please. My talent teaches me all it can do when working outside of others expectations of me.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon reminds me of the endless power of my creative energy well-played. Poured into the containers that respect and keep me interested, my creative drive is a force that fields its own opportunities. I know that developing the capacity to find the right fit for it is a skill of its own, so I hone my relationship with my intuitive knowledge.
I know when something feels right. I know when something feels off. I know the difference between what is mine, and what is interesting, exciting, but ultimately not for me to do. I do not push for things that are someone else’s.
I save my energy to move towards what calls me to it.
I know that gratitude is a giver. I know that the more I offer thanks for the opportunities that are in my life, the more I am reminded to see them as such. Entitlement clouds my judgement, sours my soul, and limits my capacity to create. The more I show up to my creative projects with a sense of awe and wonder for what they are revealing to me, the more I will be able to serve them.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
The wealth of cultivating an inner life never ceases to amaze me. Each time I heal some piece of my past, I get to experience more of my potential. The more I lose interest in the relationships that dangle only the promise of connection in front of me, the more I know I am worthy of love. The more grounded I feel, the less interested I am in doing the things that sabotage my best efforts.
December’s new moon reminds me that in order to have a successful 2019, I need to know home. I can’t understand what I am capable of if I have little to no place to call my own. I am willing to do what is necessary to build it, and I am worth the work it takes to make the stable structures that my dreams need. I work on healing what I can with family. I make an effort to give more to those that help me know connection. I dedicate my energy to taking care of my core needs, values, and desires.
With this new moon, I give myself permission to thrive in the areas I have denied myself or been denied. I know that to shrink is never a demand I need to make on myself. I know that to thrive is an honor not everyone gets, so however I can get it, I go with it.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon opens up a month that makes clear how powerful my communications are. I make sure to be direct about what I need, what I mean, and what my intentions are. The more forward I can be, the more I can grow my connections in the ways I most care to. These days are filled with teachings about who is on my team and who is on an entirely different planet.
I go with the gravitational pull that is as pleasing as it is powerful. I fill my daily life with an abundance of activities that bring me back into balance. I know that any complaints I have about not having enough time are only impairing my ability to be able to maximize the moments that I do have. I refuse to be at the whim of my day. I put myself in my schedule, making a little bit of time into a moment of quality care for myself.
I pay attention to the messages that come to me. I am in contact with a great many more humans than usual, but I am also in contact with a great deal more energy than normal. I do not dismiss or diminish my intuitive cues and clues. Instead I track them, making note of every time they put me onto something unforeseeably joyous, important, or devastatingly true. I know that I am given clues about directions to take all day long. The more I develop this muscle, the stronger my connection to my entire life.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon is helping me to understand just how frequently I am gifted with the means to make my dreams come true. Having a certain talent is one thing we all have in common; having the ability to develop it is not. I am incredibly grateful for whatever ways I am able to dig into, explore and give of my gifts. Humbled by the amount I still have to learn, I find all the ways possible to perfect my practice.
I am now able to feel the impact of encouraging my resources to reveal themselves. The more I work with them, the more I am able to understand what they want to do. Each asset that I put to use helps me understand how I can be of better service in the world. Growth isn’t mine alone. The more I am able to offer, the more I put myself in the position of receiving.
I know I was put here to flourish, but not for myself alone.
With this new moon, I work at unravelling any assumptions made by my ego, especially of my greatness, superiority, or invincibility. That way, I can understand the truth of my talents and blessings, and experience them with great gratitude.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
December’s new moon is decidedly one of the more important ones of recent years for me. I no longer have the luxury of hiding who I am, though that never felt particularity pleasurable to me. I no longer have the privilege of pretending I don’t care about my most potent dreams (doing so only repressed my systems and ability to feel joy). I no longer have any interest in fitting in, a symptom of the human condition that makes me more robot than the original I really am.
It has come to my attention that it is time to relinquish any kind of conventional comfort that I might receive from suppressing my natural state of being. I am free to be my joyful, rambunctious, ridiculously irreverent/reverent self. It has come to my attention that too much creative energy wants to run through me to be caught up in what others deem respectable.
I know that I have to face the consequences of any and all of my actions. I know that I have to take on the burden of my becoming by showing up for, and being responsible to, myself. I know that no one can live my life but me, so I take this opportunity to declare that my joy is sacred, my gratitude is potent beyond measure, and my enthusiasm is what directs me to my next action.
In 2019, I am making it loud and clear that if it doesn’t ring my bell, I don’t answer to it.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon reminds me that the greatest achievements are as connected to my inner life as my outer one. I take this moment to remember what fills me on all levels, knowing that concrete proof of my growth is just as important as my emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Health isn’t one sided. It is a multi-faceted equation. I am continuously captivated by the connection between the work I do internally and its impact on my profession, relationships, and achievements.
December marks a departure from my need to hustle and thus begins a season where I need to call in what is nourishing.
All the work that I am doing behind the scenes at the moment is imperative to my future growth. It’s not always easy to trust the processes that get no accolades, applause, or immediate advancement, but it is where I am currently building strength.
December’s new moon reminds me to trust my inner motivations. I am developing my ability to trust what needs room in the private areas of my life, shielded from the glare of public critique until it has time to become itself. No parent thrusts their child onto a stage without properly prepping them for the situation. I will not ask my creations for anything that they are not yet willing, ready or able to give. I am generous with all in my life that needs me to protect it.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon reminds me how important it is to stay close to those that know how to create their own joy. Those that know how to build a home for their happiness. Those that know how to work towards their own fulfillment without being committed to resentment for what they didn’t rightfully get.
I might have had an unfair hand dealt to me, but there is nothing that will bring me down quicker than focusing on how much I don’t have. I know how to point out injustice while still accessing the power of my joy, pleasure, and ability to remain playful within my life. I know that there is a great fortune in my willingness to embrace the beauty of this moment while being aware and working to dismantle what is rotten at the core.
I let the wins of what others are experiencing refuel my determination to get my own inspirations into form. Any comparison that comes up gets re-channeled into efforts towards creating my life as I wish it to be. I neither condemn nor repress any of my reactions to the successes that others are experiencing. I simply let it inform me of my abilities, and remind me to have gratitude for the options available to me. There are so many gifts that come to me through my communities and I’m not about to stifle or slow them down by not being willing to embrace what is abundantly beautiful in my life already.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).
December’s new moon helps me to refocus my energy on what currently works in my career. It reminds me to magnify my gifts by being grateful for them. It calls on me to own the tools that I have been given by being real about what I need to work on.
I know that my success is a mixture of putting forth the necessary effort with little to no pity for myself in the process. I can be tired. I can need a break. But I do not bemoan my privilege or curse the conditions that are fair but not as I want them.
I am a different kind of diva.
I am a curator of courage. I am a facilitator of compassion. I am a dealer of depth. I am here to grow in the ways that I can, both in the world and in relationship to myself. I know that as I do this the quality of both depend on each other. The world needs me to give it the best of what I can, but that is impossible if I am left out of all that gets quality time.
2019 wants me to expand beyond what I would have thought possible a year ago, but it also is demanding that I do so while being entirely committed to earning my living as honestly as I can. I stay close to my truth so that I don’t lie to the world about who and what I am.
For a reading, ritual and guided meditation for your sign for this auspicious new moon, join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Cancer and the Lunar Cycle from December 6th – January 4th (PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2019 Intention Setting Rituals).