Venus Retrograde: October 5th – November 16th from 10° Scorpio to 25° of Libra
To the ancients each planet was seen as a goddess or god. Unlike the other lights in the sky, the planets moved of their own accord against the backdrop of the fixed stars, signaling to us times of prosperity, retrieval, strife, and victory.
Venus’s retrograde pattern captivated the imaginations of the ancients. The Sumerians saw the bright star as the Goddess Inanna, protectress of sex-workers, goddess of love, erotic energy, and the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
During her retrograde cycle, she goes from bright evening star to invisible to bright morning star. Slowly disappearing from view as she retrogrades back into a conjunction with the sun, Venus was thought to be in the underworld during her time of invisibility. As she stations direct, she reappears as a bright morning star, triumphantly returning to the heavens. Venus/Inanna’s visual transformations were made into a great descent myth that mirrors our own psychological process of death, rebirth, and transformation.
Venus is currently in Scorpio, one of the signs she has the greatest difficulty in. Here, Venus is more attuned to the wounds, betrayals, and historic assault of the feminine. Those that identify as women, femme, or express any amount of feminine energy, know the patriarchy’s twisted obsession, hatred, and fear of Venus.
Of us.
The results of damage done by patriarchal violence is amplified during this planet’s shift.
This once-every-18-month retrograde cycle teaches us much about our limits, our heart-ache, and the process of purging unhealthy relationship patterns from our systems. As Venus deepens into the retrograde she will reveal the massive shifts that all our relationships are undergoing.
In Scorpio, Venus is in exact opposition to one of her home signs, Taurus. Taurus builds stable structures. Loves consistency. Never lets go. In her opposite sign, Venus in Scorpio hungers after the transformative processes that bring the truth. Deaths and rebirths are a necessary part of the life cycle of any organism.
Not all relationships are meant to last. Venus retrogrades make this known.
Over the course of the next 40 days and nights we will come to understand in greater depth our desires, needs, and necessities when relating and creating our life and partnerships as they need to be now.
October 8th
8:47 PM PT – New Moon at 15° Libra
Like diamonds buried deep within, a just world is built through the pressure of injustice crumbling. The systems of harm that have ruled this world for too long are failing. The force of this process will ultimately lead to our transformation if we can stay with it.
Today’s new moon in Libra is square Pluto, and aspect that the sun will stay in until October 11th. The new moon asks us to take our grief and turn it into action. It asks us how we might get on the right side of the human story each and every day. It reminds us that every single act of justice adds up when we make it a constant and considerate practice.
October 9th
Mercury enters Scorpio, there until October 30th
As Mercury cozies up to the now retrograde Goddess, Venus and Mercury get into some intense pillow talk. Here, Mercury deepens our communications. Uninterested in the run of the mill niceties, Mercury in Scorpio makes a bee-line for the truth.
Tomorrow makes sure of it.
October 10th
Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, both at 1°
Venus in Scorpio squares Mars in Aquarius, both at 10°
Definitely one of the more difficult signatures of the lunar cycle, today’s astrology is unpredictable.
As Mercury makes its first steps into Taurus, it comes up against an abrupt opposition to Uranus in Taurus. Like a slap to the senses, this combo comes bringing news we previously knew nothing about. From left field, information comes flying at us. Remembering that in so many situations we need not respond right away can save us in these times. Know when you are within your rights to take a breath. Take a moment. Take a look at your options before you react to what is demanding you do.
Tearing into our more sensitive spots, on the same day, the square between Venus and Mars feels a little more vicious than is necessary. Astrologers of the past might have called this the ultimate fight between men and women, but we can look at it with more nuance and less of a gender binary than a “battle of the sexes”. We know that patriarchy is upheld by all genders. We know that white supremacy, colonization, and heteronormativity are intrinsically woven into the fabric of its functionality. We know that as we deconstruct one aspect of this system, we must do so to all the others.
On a personal level, Venus and Mars in battle feels unfair in some of our more personal connections. Venus comes looking for togetherness, Mars for separation. Feelings get hurt or already are. Try as we might to avoid it, in astrology like this we can cause a wound to reopen. We’ll have to revisit the scenario later for any possible make-ups or confirmations of break-ups.
October 11th
Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
This aspect has been building since the new moon on October 8th, and peaks today. It gives the entire week a tension, intensity, and depth that refuses to look away from what is normally swept under the rug. We might find ourselves enmeshed in incredibly difficult circumstances, unable to get out without a thorough investigation of our part in the process or without getting dirty as a result of going through such a deep dig into our subconscious.
October 12th
Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn, both at 3°
From October 10th (when Mercury opposed Uranus) to the 22nd, Mercury is on overdrive. Contacting a bevy of planets with vastly different agendas, the themes of these days will shift quickly, offering a multitude of messages ranging from incredibly affirming, to caustic, to transformational. Today’s transit puts us in good celestial company. As Mercury moves from a supportive sextile to Saturn, to a conjunction with Venus, we get the messages we need to succeed. Here, Mercury confirms what is working, helps us make solid plans, and finds ways to tip us off about the things we need to commit to.
October 15th
Mercury conjuncts Venus at 8° of Scorpio
Working with Venus retrograde, Mercury receives the messages that Venus may have held secret until now. Tuning into her journey, Mercury is both blessed by Venus and able to translate some of the heartache she is bringing up for us to heal. These transits remind us of the power of loving sentiments when shared. Tell your people you love them and then back it up with action.
October 19th
Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, both at 14°
Mercury in Scorpio squares Mars in Aquarius, both at 14°
Today is full of mixed messages. As Mercury gets inspired and uplifted by the creative cocktails that Neptune pours freely, it also gets some fighting words delivered via Mars. Messages can get muddled in these kinds of cross hairs. Make sure not to stoke the fires that can burn down the buildings you have built a home within. There may be a fight you need to have, but practicing harm reduction is key in these celestial set-ups.
October 22nd
Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
Today allows for an integration of all that Mercury has been moving through. The conversations, messages, and sentiments that have been shared over the last 10 days come to an important processing point. Our power is always in our ability to hold space for what is happening so that it has a chance to reveal the wisdom that resides in it.
October 23rd
Sun enters Scorpio and opposes Uranus in Taurus, both at 0°
Welcome to Scorpio Season! With tomorrow’s full moon highlighting today’s opposition to the planet of upheaval, change, and breakthroughs (Uranus), this is no time to sleep on the situations at hand. Scorpio teaches us how to honor death as a life coach. This season starts off abruptly, chaotically, and without mincing words or feelings but it will, undoubtedly, bring about the shifts and changes that will free up space in radical, unpredictable, and ultimately revolutionary ways.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Horoscope for Aries & Aries Rising
This, and every Venus retrograde, will always pull into focus your heart and finances. That’s because Venus rules your 2nd house of the work you do to support yourself and the money, resources and assets you have as a result, as well as your 7th house of committed partnerships.
With this specific Venus retrograde you are being asked to go through a therapeutic process in regards to these areas of your life. What isn’t working for you in love or work life? What about this moment is similar to what you went through 8 years ago financially? What about it is similar to what you went through in regards to committed partnerships or the lack of them? What are you taking personally instead of taking as an indication of what to heal, bring to consciousness, and bring into therapeutic spaces?
You are being asked to do a deep investigation into the heart of the issues that are a thorn in your side. If it hurts, it needs your attention. If it is personal and persists, try not to resist it. Try not to feel self-pity about it. Try to find ways to clarify what the issue is, what it isn’t, and what you can do to support yourself through it.
These themes will be weaving their way in and out of your days from now until the end of the year. The sooner you tend to them, the deeper the transformation you will go through with them.
The new moon in Libra picks up on these themes. It wants to help you transform an intimacy issue that has become pressing and pertinent to your development. What love do you block out of resentment for what you don’t have? Which exchanges bring up your insecurities, self-doubts, or deep fears of failing at what matters most to you? How can you use the moments that cut deep into your pain as entry points into your healing and, ultimately, your growth? Whatever you begin to unpack, process, and heal in regards to intimate partnerships will grow in impact over the next 6 months. Take a moment to visualize yourself getting lighter by the day with a lot more love flowing to and from you.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Taurus & Taurus Rising
As Venus, Goddess of love and connection, stations retrograde, the underbelly of your relationship dynamics start to reveal themselves. Your ruling planet governs your direction and your work life. As she switches up her style, so too will you. How you are connecting to others gets reviewed. Reworked. Reconsidered for impact. What you want out of partnerships deepens. Transforms. Takes you into new dimensions with your partners if they can handle the journey.
There is nothing about what you need from a partnership that is unattainable if you are willing to match it with the same kind of effort, care, and consistency. Use the beginning of Venus’s retrograde to be unabashedly committed to getting clear on what you need.
Make absolutely no apologies for the love you desire.
The new moon in Libra sets its sights on your work projects, relationships and health matters. What are you wanting to begin here? What rage needs to be channeled here? What aspect of your work life are you working to actively transform? Given the current state of affairs, what does your body need to release, set down for a moment, or get a chance to do? Ponder these questions and leave room for the answers to find you. Manifesting what we most want means that we listen to what wants to be born through us as much as we proclaim our future for ourselves.
As the new moon grows across the landscape of the next couple of weeks, keep opening up to the changes that are befalling you. The transformations that you are going through are deep and slow, but there are moments of astoundingly clear revelations that lead to quantum leaps and bounds for your growth.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Gemini & Gemini Rising
As Venus gets her retrograde on, she highlights the importance of your professional partnerships. Issues personal in nature that arise in your work-life are incredibly important to address right now. Venus will spend all of October and the first few days of November in this area of your chart. The goddess asks you how you feel about your work projects, what needs to change there, and what has the potential to impact the field you are dedicating your time and talent to. What you need right now is connection to currents of personal and professional liberation. If what you are doing right now doesn’t feel revolutionary in some way, it will most likely make you unreasonably restless.
As a rule, Venus is always and forever in charge of your 5th house of creative energy, projects, and progeny as well as your 12th house of hidden life, unconscious habits and ways in which you might self-sabotage. Every Venus retrograde will carry these themes with it, but this Venus retrograde in particular wants to know how you might be processing, healing, and sorting through these issues within your work life. What personal changes have you been undergoing in your private life that are helping you to get a better understanding of what your creative energy is capable of? Which of your work projects is helping you heal something that you haven’t been able to consciously hold in previous years?
October’s new moon picks up on these themes and asks you to invest some time developing the creative projects that help you transform your grief, rage, and fear into works of art that reflect your power, potency, and potential. Imbue your creative projects with these intentions and visualize them helping others do the same. Done for the sake of itself, every creative act is a study in transformation.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Cancer & Cancer Rising
As Venus finds its retrograde way through your chart, you are asked to let the creative projects you are working on transform you. The act of making something is an incredibly personal one. Intimate. Sometimes intimidating. Always revealing your current relationship to yourself. To be engaged in the act of creating is to lay yourself bare and to share that vulnerability with the world.
Venus retrograde asks you how you may have been holding out up until now. What guises are you letting go of? Which vices do you no longer need to depend on? What are you able to be more honest about and how does it shift the nature of what you are bringing into form.
In Scorpio, and retrograde, Venus has very little to lose. Here, she teaches us the power of ceasing to care about the crumbs others throw us for being good at their game.
As a rule, Venus is always in charge of your your 4th house of home, parents, family, and foundation, and your 11th house of friends, hopes, and collective visions for the future. Each time Venus is retrograde, these themes will be a part of your goddess-given curriculum. Notice the issues that have and will continue to come up for you in regards to the family you didn’t get to choose and the ones that you do. The nature of your friendships are changing, as are the roles you play with parents, housemates and your home space.
October’s new moon picks up on the agenda that Venus has put forth, asking you to work on the healing that needs to occur within your family and home life. Which parts of your past are you able to now put into perspective and perhaps even able to fuel you forward? Which resentments have you historically held towards family members? How are you learning to re-invest that energy to instead build yourself up from the base? With this new moon, visualize yourself rooting deeper and deeper into your self so that day by day you feel connected to an anchor that nothing can disconnect you from.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Leo & Leo Rising
Because Venus always rules your 3rd house of communications, siblings, good friends, and daily rituals, and your 10th house of career and public roles, every Venus retrograde will comment on these issues. As this current Venus retrograde makes its way through Scorpio, it deepens your relationship to your home, family, and foundational issues. At this time you are more likely able to see what lies beneath your everyday experience. Deeply rooted issues rise to the surface. The roots of your pain are exposed, but remember this only happens when you are ready to receive such information.
If your pain trusts you enough to reveal itself to you, be curious about its arrival. Show it some love, attention and respect. Welcome in the historically relevant issues that are working their way to consciousness. Find out how they need to be held. Hang back on judging them before you understand them. Ask how you might be able to better facilitate their release.
October’s new moon in Libra makes clear that your weeks are best used as containers for your personal transformation. Give yourself access to what helps you digest the worldly issues that tend to clog and drain the system. You need it, in order to change what doesn’t work in your life and the world, too much to sacrifice it to every ailment that comes across your news feed.
The new moon might bring about important conversations, messages, and insights into the nature of what you need to deal with now and going forward. Beginning new projects with the intention that they help you live with more honesty, intention, and dedication to your truth will set you up for a powerful transformation over the next 6 months. With this new moon envision yourself bravely engaging in difficult situations. See yourself coming to your days with great clarity, sense of purpose, and connection to infinite sources of inspiration.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Virgo & Virgo Rising
As Venus settles into its retrograde, you settle into the lessons and healing opportunities that it provides. What you say, how you say it, and how others receive it feels extra weighty at the moment.
Part of what this means is that you need spaces where you are encouraged to talk about your desires. What means the most to you stays on the tip of your tongue. Swallowing such sentiments only leads to indigestion. You need to know what it feels like to communicate these truths. As you do, more of your life energy is released. More of your journey becomes clear. More ways to financially support yourself opens up to you.
More often than not, others will want to invest in you when you know what you want and you aren’t afraid to communicate it.
As a general rule, Venus is in charge of your 2nd house of finances, assets, and livelihood, as well as your 9th house of long-term plans, far off journeys, education, and spiritual experiences. Each time we go through a Venus retrograde it will always comment, if not get you to inspect thoroughly, these areas of your life.
This Venus retrograde in particular is getting you to understand the connection between your ability to infuse your days with all that you are passionate about and your long-term satisfaction and financial well-being.
October’s new moon picks up on the theme of your work life and resources, and asks you to make some money magic. This new moon marks the beginning of something in this area of your life, but the beginning is intertwined with a transformation and review. Something about the nature of what you do for a living is in need of an overhaul, either in regards to your relationship to the work itself, or the relationships that surround it. Take note of how you are able to verbally work through conflict, intensity, or stress. You are in the process of developing a new way of doing the work that you do. Some things will have to be let go of, some just processed and repurposed. Envision yourself easily succeeding at any aspect of your work that you find challenging and notice if in that vision there is a key to your present and future success.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Libra & Libra Rising
With your ruling planet retrograde, you yourself get to review the ways in which you want to be in relationship with yourself and your life.
And your bag. Money matters reign supreme for you right now. If there is a disparity between what you do for coin, and what you desire to, Venus retrograde will reveal your frustrations about the gap.
Use it. You can work with Venus to help you get clearer about your passions and how they play an important part in supporting you. Or want to.
If you feel aligned with them on the job, notice the relationship issues that are being revealed to you through finances and the feelings that come up around having enough. Or being enough.
Venus digs its heels deep into the heart of your self-esteem issues with this retrograde.
Use it. Not to belabor the point, but to get information about what you might be misunderstanding about yourself. The parts of your being that feel bad are not separate from the parts that feel pretty, witty, and free to be. The separation is just an illusion. A powerful one, but one that needs to be broken down so that your self-doubt can reach the resources it needs to heal.
As a rule, Venus rules your 1st house of self and your 8th house of psychological healing and energetic, emotional, and financial collaborations. Any time Venus retrogrades, you can be sure that these aspects of life will be up for review, understanding, and healing. This particular Venus retrograde weaves together the themes of self-support and collaborative efforts. Weighing the importance of both is essential. Understanding when you need to do something on your own and when you need to ask for, and be able to receive, the support you need is essential to your success. Notice the feelings that come up when you ask for help or need to do something yourself. What are the themes and persistent patterns you notice most?
October’s new moon in Libra is your time to come back into relationship with yourself. Shedding layers that weren’t yours to wear in the first place, this new moon strips away the non-essential. Like the Goddess seeking her renewal, go to the streams and sources of purification that help you feel refreshed and reconnected to yourself. Whatever seeds you are sowing with the new moon unfold over the next 6 months. Make sure that they are supportive of your essential nature, needs, and desires. This moon is here to help you transform your relationship with yourself. Do what you need to with it.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Venus has picked you. To journey with her. To feel your way through the underground by her side. To witness the process of her transformation so that you can see how it mirrors your own.
You are changing shape.
Appropriate to this moment, the ways in which you are letting old things go may not always be to other’s liking, but nothing that isn’t true works for you right now.
While you are finishing up a year of intense growth, Venus asks you to review and discard any un-useful extras. Not all gains need to be kept. Up-cycle your excess so that you might feel a little lighter on the other side of this excursion.
As a rule, Venus governs your 7th house of committed partnerships and your 12th house of hidden life and the sorrows that live in the unconscious. Any time Venus is retrograde, these areas of life will get activated. Ask for awareness. Ask to be healed.
This particular retrograde weaves together the themes of your personal liberation and the needs of your relationships. What you need from others is changing. What you desire in partnership is undergoing its own healing journey. What you are able to bring to others is getting clarified, giving you a greater sense (eventually) of what you can accomplish, experience, and provide to all of your committed partnerships.
Refuse to sacrifice yourself, your desires, or your values to make someone else happy or a partnership work that refuses you as you are.
October’s new moon reiterates the lessons about transforming any self-sacrificing patterns that have gotten away from you in the past. It asks you to look at the aspects of your self and life that normally go without attention or inspection. It tenderizes a part of your heart, so be gentle with yourself. Tearing apart your being is no way towards liberation or healing. Instead, find ways to gently, but unflinchingly, unfold one pattern that you know gets in your way. A little goes a long way. Any healing you do around the new moon sets up a pattern of self-care that unfolds and grows over the course of the next 6 months. Get your fair share of bath salts and group texts.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
As Venus gets deeper into its retrograding ways, you are likely to notice the more nuanced aspects of your healing journey. Any amount of consciousness that you can apply to your pain is a great fortune, even when it means being in closer proximity with your sorrow.
We need to be able to name it in order to heal it.
Your relationship with the parts of yourself that you once had to compartmentalize are supposed to be deepening. Your inner demons are mostly just misunderstood desires. Appetites unfed. Needs unmeet. Wounds undressed. As you get freer of the shame that has held you in place in the past, you give yourself the psychic space necessary for growth.
As a rule, Venus is in charge of your 6th house of work issues and health matters, and your 11th house of communal support, friends, and the good fortune of platonic love. Every time Venus goes retrograde something about these areas of life will be reviewed, heightened, or healed. This specific Venus retrograde connects your deepest therapeutic processes with your work projects and the communal support you need to get them off the ground.
How can you let more support in? Who helps you hold it all? Who gives you the perspective you need to do the work you do?
So much has changed in your professional life, and will continue to. So much is changing in regards to the social circles you travel in and will continue to. Make sure that you are doing the deeper investigations into the nature of those changes so that liberation is possible. This astrology wants radical departures, not just a change of scenery. Your soul is craving freedom to create what is needed. The ego might settle on a superficial rearrangement every once in a while, but you know you are yearning for something truly revolutionary.
October’s new moon helps you initiate something powerful with a group of people. You are in need of communities that know how to tear down outdated and harmful structures so that you can rebuild for the good of all. The new moon wants you to plant seeds with others that develop over the next 6 months into something truly transformational. Envision yourself as one part of a larger whole . A network of beautiful humans working towards collective justice and liberation with a massive amount of irreverence, humor and contagious joy.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
We initiate one another into conscious awareness with every honest admission we make about our fears, desires, and deep set wounds. As Venus retrogrades through your 11th house of friends, and the covens you need to gather with to maintain perspective, you get ample opportunities to have these kinds of profound exchanges with others. Finding ways to create containers where healing can happen with others can and does transform your situation. We need to pull strength from every source we have access to when we are under the kind of pressure October doles out.
Find those spaces in your life. Find the people that are invested in having a real connection. Find ways to work through the difficult issues that honest intimacy always evokes. If and when you realize that some of your friendships aren’t built to be the vessels of honesty you need right now, fear not about pairing back on your social connections. This time might feel a little leaner than others, but the quality of care you’ll be able to offer your nearest and dearest will satisfy your yearning for connection.
As a rule, Venus is always in charge of your 5th house of creative energy and pursuits and your 10th house of career and public roles. As this Venus retrograde unfolds, you’ll find these areas of life receive their own transformations.
The new moon in Libra picks up on the career shifts that are the most imperative for you to make at the moment. It asks you what old versions of your professional or public self you need to release. It asks you to stop carrying the weight of what isn’t working and exchange it for space to experiment with what might. This isn’t a time of doing the same old, same old. This is a time to try something new, to try something with higher stakes than you might normally allow for, and to try to give yourself the opportunities to invest in your desires publicly and professionally. Envision yourself taking up the public space that feels most congruous, exciting, and revolutionary for you in this moment.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
As Venus retrogrades through the part of your chart that governs your career and public roles, you also get to circle around old projects, desires, or creations that never quite got their due. Revisions are imperative to your productivity. Editing is half of the creative process. Whatever ends up on the cutting room floor might be repurposed later, or merely good fertilizer for future growth. It’s important not to be overly attached to any one professional or public role. Enjoy the process of uncovering what calls you to it.
Venus retrograding through this part of your chart may have some of you reviewing what you love about your work. What do you desire to accomplish professionally? Is it shifting? You are being given the opportunity to understand something about your reasons for choosing what you have for a career. They are rooted deep within your past and there is something about this moment that clearly ties the two together.
Where you come from has everything to do with where you are going.
As a rule, Venus has governance over your 4th house of home, family and foundation, as well as your 9th house of travel, education, publishing, and future plans. Every time Venus retrogrades, you’ll get to understand these areas of your life a little deeper. This particular Venus retrograde picks up on these themes and weaves them in and around your career. Your plans may have been re-routed, rescheduled, or reformatted recently. Fear not. It’s all an important part of your overall progress.
October’s new moon agrees. It asks you what transformations might be occurring for you because of plans changing, shifting, or turning into something unexpected. What you start now unfolds over the next 6 months. Choose the things that broaden your horizons, not limit the course of your life. Envision yourself on the path perfect for you. With every amenity you need. In total trust that even though the unexpected happens all the time, your trust always overrules your need to know exactly how it will all work out.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.
Horoscope for Pisces & Pisces Rising
As Venus retrogrades it reminds you of the importance of connecting to the practices and the places that help you see the bigger picture of your life. What you value needs to be at the center of your plans for the future, which can only happen if you put what you value at the center, and as the source, of your days. If you can’t connect to what holds the most meaning for you daily, not much about the future dreams for your life will draw you near.
You deserve to be inspired by what you are working towards.
Venus also asks you to review the aspects of your life that you have put on hold, refused, or never made room for. This astrology is proposing that it’s time to retrieve something you thought you had to give up. Whether it was because of life-stress or difficult circumstances matters not, nothing that you feel in deep relationship with need ever be abolished from your life.
Make room for what fills up your spiritual reserves and sets your creativity free.
As a rule, Venus is in charge of your 3rd house of daily ritual, communications, good friends and siblings, as well as your 8th house of shared resources and collaborations. This particular Venus retrograde is connecting the dots between your daily life and the long-terms dreams and desires that you have. It asks what you can do a little at a time that will add up to a lot come years from now. It wants to know what collaborations help you bring your future aspirations to life. It wonders what you might need to learn to articulate in order to anchor your aspirations into existence.
October’s new moon initiates your collaborations with the kind of intense, transformational energy needed to make a dream manifest. If there are issues that need to be cleared up or corrected in regards to your partners and the agreements that you’ve made to one another, there’s no time like the present to do so. Same goes for anyone you are sharing resources with or have expectations of. Feelings need to be dealt with separately sometimes. Let the business you have with others be clean, clear of emotional manipulations, and fair for all sides involved. Trust that the more you stick to the facts, the more everyone wins.
What you start with others around the new moon has the power to grow with great gusto over the next 6 months. Make sure that the beginnings of your shared projects start out feeling balanced and able to bear the weight of the process you and it are likely to go through.
Please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, Venus Retrograde, and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from October 8th – November 6th. In it you’ll receive readings and rituals specific to your sign, plus guided meditations, altar suggestions, and auspicious times to work with.