Astrology of the Week
Tuesday, December 12th
Mercury makes its inferior conjunction to the sun at 21° of Sagittarius
Friday, December 15th
Mercury conjunct Venus at 17° of Sagittarius
Saturday, December 16th
Sun in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries, both at 24°
Sunday, December 17th
10:30 PM – New Moon at 26° of Sagittarius
This week’s new moon in Sagittarius marks the end of a (mini) era.
Saturn is about to change signs.
But before it does, the new moon wants us to ponder the last moments of Saturn’s transit through the faith-filled fire sign. Happening right next to Saturn in Sagittarius, the new moon asks us to meditate on the meaning of all that we’ve experienced from the Deity of Demanding Life Lessons over the past 3 years.
If you have natal planets or important astrological points in Sagittarius, these past 3 years have been handing you especially potent lessons. Saturn teaches boundaries. Responsibility. Rigor. Hard work that hopefully helps us to attain a much deeper understanding of ourselves and our capacities.
Saturn will be leaving the wild fields of Sagittarius just days after the new moon. Saturn will then begin its once every 30 years (give or take a few) transit through Capricorn. With Mercury, Venus, the sun and moon all colliding with one another in Sagittarius this week, so close to Saturn, the emphasis stays, for now, in the part of our chart that contains this sign.
As Mercury and the sun come together, they mark the heart of Mercury’s retrograde journey. The beginning of the week offers us important insights into the nature of our current life lessons. Deep in its underworld journey, Mercury tells us tales of what lies beneath the surface of our personality. Beneath the surface of our life events. Beneath the surface of our reactions to them.
Life is a mythical journey that we all have to learn to interpret for ourselves. Rarely can we take things at face value. Almost always, we need to research the underlying meaning of the events we experience if we want to live in a deeper accordance with them.
Mercury’s inferior conjunction to the sun assists us with this kind of contemplation.
Later in the week as Venus conjuncts Mercury, a spoonful of sugar is added to the cosmic concoction. Reminding us to use sweeter sentiments to get our message across, Venus can help us connect to the work we have to do and enjoy what we can while doing so.
As the sun sits oh so close to Saturn while it makes a trine to Uranus, right before the new moon, we are reminded of the freedom that comes when we make commitments that encourage our growth and enable our evolution.
Stay steadily serving what holds you to your greater good.
*Your new moon affirmation horoscopes are meant to help reset your commitments and intentions for the next lunar cycle. Please change the phrasing of the words as you need to so that they resonate with you. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
I commit to the truth. As I know it in this moment. As I feel it in my body. As it resonates in my bones.
I commit to it even when it is inconvenient. I align myself with it. Aquire the discipline to be dedicated to it. I am the only one who can help myself grapple with the things in life that are painful upfront but liberating to integrate down the line.
I’m not afraid of having to separate out what I want to be true from what is.
Maturity comes when I can accept life on its own terms. My agency is revealed when I work within the situation surrounding me. Magic occurs when I remember that even though there’s more to life than the material, I need to know where I am in order to work with the elements available to me.
Sunday’s new moon reminds me of the importance of reviewing the lengths that I have traveled thus far. The education that I received over the last 3 years. The effort I made to get the grade. The incredible amount of self-development these years have required of me.
This new moon is my graduation. Marks my completion. Certifies the inner strength that I have had to develop in order to keep true to myself and honest with the truth. I proudly claim my certificate before rising off onto the next adventure.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I call in gratitude for what has gone. I call in a deep appreciation for what has departed naturally. I call on the inner strength that I have cultivated over the past three years. Strength that has allowed me a deeper appreciation of the revolving door of life.
Everything will pass through the gates of my life. In this I trust.
I remember that finding the right fit for collaborations takes time. It’s easy to get swept up in the sweetness of new meetings, but only over seasons, years, and a vast array of situations can anyone know the true strength of a combination. I give thanks for the patience I have learned when considering who to merge myself with and how.
I am in no rush to enter a bad match.
With this new moon I call in the partners who will ask me to rise to the next level of my creative capacity. Those that will arouse my curiosity. Those that will give me just enough to inspire my desire to give them back more. I call in the tough but loving teachers who make me want to do it myself. Those that inspire me to bring more of what I’ve got so that I have a better understanding of what I am capable of.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
As I look back over the last 3 years, I am grateful for all the lessons I have had to learn in my partnerships. Grateful for the affection received as it has taught me how to open to more sweetness within me. Grateful for the painful points in my growth cycle, as it all directed me towards what I can do to heal myself more thoughtfully. Grateful for the boundaries that were set, as they have taught me how to respect myself in ways I didn’t know I had the right to. Grateful to those that speak to the evolving part of me. Those that know not to take my temper at face value. Those that know I’m better than my worst moments. Those that call on me to grow into the person I am destined to be.
I now know that no one can carry my burden for me, but I am in deep appreciation of those that hold it with me. Those that appreciate the ways in which I have had to carry it. Those that understand my potential beneath it. Beyond it. Because of it.
I’m even grateful for the rejection. As it has helped me to accept more of myself. Unconditionally. Without reservation. Without hesitation. No matter who else does, I choose myself.
Every day.
With Sunday’s new moon, I rededicate myself to showing up in partnerships as someone committed to my individual growth. Because I know that when I don’t, I’m no good to anyone else.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
I honor the habits that help me hone my skills. I honor the schedules that I need to work within. I honor the effort that it takes to bring my work into being.
But none of that is possible unless I honor my personal boundaries while in professional settings. My physical self as well as my productive self. My trade as well as the tools I need for it. This new moon helps me to remember that in order to make work that has integrity, I have to be in a respectful relationship with myself.
My boundaries do not come and go with the demands made upon me. Rewards awarded to me. Misdirected desires for recognition, attention, or love within me. I work with this new moon to develop the kind of boundaries that can hold my center no matter what.
These are lessons that I have been learning over the past few years. Lessons on how to be professional. How to be reliable with my work. How to be consistent with the crafts that keep my life afloat. I honor the fact that this isn’t always an easy process, but one that is always incredibly important to go through. I can look back on the past 3 years and marvel at the work that I have been able to accomplish as well as the discipline I have been able to develop. I am grateful for both the opportunity to do so and the willingness that arises within me to meet the challenge.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I heal the parts of my heart that have grown cynical. Despondent. Disheartened. I take this opportunity to notice what is stagnant in my soul. Unchanged in my problems. Unaddressed in my complaints.
I reclaim responsibility for my well-being.
With this new moon I notice the places where I stop myself from experiencing joy. Fun. Feeling good. I contemplate why this might be. Wondering if and how I can help myself get a little more free. Wondering how I might say no to what leaves me too drained to enjoy creating my days. Wondering how I might help myself remember that life isn’t something happening to me.
We are occurring together.
I recommit to witnessing the power of my impact. I reclaim the fact that I change the world by simply being in it. I remember that I am an artist weaving my story through time. Threaded through the fabric of it. Essential to the entirety of it. With this new moon I remember not to take for granted the impact of my creative work or the impact of my joyful self-expression.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I call my energy in. I find my base. My center. My place to call home. I look back at the past 3 years and marvel at the work that I have gotten done. The emotional floorboards I have laid down. The cornerstones I have been able to build a life around. The family issues I have been able to put in perspective.
It’s impossible to heal everything all at once, but it’s even harder to heal what I have no distance from.
I allow all relatives, housemates, and living partners to have their own path. I’m not here to save anyone. I’m not here to take away their lessons, learning, or journey. I am simply here to support myself in the ways that I can. If doing so helps create healthy connections with others then it is a sweet byproduct of what I am already dedicated to. If doing so helps to show others that it is possible for them too, I am happy about it. But I allow that process to have its own speed. I don’t need my healing to have any other impact than what I already receive.
With this new moon I continue to steadily supply myself with my needs. Helping myself find the anchors that keep me connected through the storms of life. Assisting my self-awareness so that I know where I’m coming from and where I can return to at any given time.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I call my days into order. I count the hours I have to work with. I make space for the breaks I’ll need to take to refuel. I honor the tempo that I operate best at.
I clean up my calendar so that I am as efficient as possible. I say no to what I don’t have time for. What can’t help me get ahead. What won’t deepen my relationship to my days, but what is ultimately distracting during them.
With this new moon I reflect on efforts that I have made over the past 3 years. Efforts that have made it possible for me to pour my creative energy into the shape of a life lived on purpose. I reflect on all the ways in which I have been able to construct a message out of my experiences. All the ways in which I have been able to take what I have lived through and turn it into a narrative that celebrates my strengths. That applauds all the ways in which I have navigated around obstacles. That encourages me to keep finding the successes that hide in-between the lines. This new moon reminds me of all the pathways towards my mental health, because there are many. I need not limit my healing to any one area of my life. I use this new moon to recommit to the routines that keep me grounded and coming back to myself and my well-being all day long.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I call in clarity around my resources. What to do with them. How to be in relationship with them. How to hold them in high regard.
With this new moon I look back at the last few years for perspective on how I have been learning to do this in a deeper way. I acknowledge what the past few years have helped me to create financially. What they have taught me about sustainability. What boundaries I have had to work within. I have learned that not all problems are permanent. Not all refusals are the end of the story. Not all roadblocks mark the end of the trail. Some are put onto my path to teach me something about my resilience. Some are put in my path so that I remember to reach out for help and feel the power of interdependence. Some are put in my path so that I am forced to develop a new skill.
I persevere, making sure that my assets are assisting my overall growth.
I spend time on what matters. I spend money on what matters. I spend my energy on developing relationships with all that matters most to me. I do not waste my resources on what doesn’t witness me as a valuable asset to invest in.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
I celebrate my growth. The hard-earned boundaries that I have set and stood by are now sturdy enough to carry me through the storms that once blew out my flame. The principles I have been able to serve and stay steadily embodying have given me a backbone that centers me. The truth that I have chosen to rebuild my life around is the altar of my choosing.
The rituals I engage in affirm the possibility of moving through the world with less baggage and more of my beauty on display.
I have moments of wobbling around these lessons, but the point is that I keep coming back. I can falter but that doesn’t mean I have failed. Learning to get back in the saddle is both half the battle and the teaching. I make myself into an incredibly astute student so that no experience feels like a waste.
All of these lessons are fuel for my self awareness. For my actualization. For the purposes of being able to serve my life with greater clarity. I distinguish my present from my past. My pain from my potential. What I have lost from what was necessary to let go of.
Sunday’s new moon is my opportunity to reset my commitment to myself. To set boundaries that protect my well-being. To align my actions with my beliefs. My growth doesn’t happen because I want it to. It happens when I am willing to serve it no matter the work involved.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
I am happy to linger in this moment of stillness and reflection. This part of my journey is less about movement and more about the quality of my introspection. More about integration than action. More about the quality of my contemplation.
There’s plenty of movement right around the corner. Plenty of work to be wrought. Plenty of form to fill out. I feel no need to rush.
This week helps me to unpack and unload any baggage that I’ve missed. It asks me what pieces of my personality I am learning to make peace with. What soul-wounds are up for review. What dimension of myself I am learning to love despite the discomfort.
I am committed to carrying less shame forward. Less guilt in my gut. Less dread in my overall daily experience. I am committed to having more space in my being. More love for my becoming. More curiosity about what else awaits me. I am committed to clearing out what I can. Committed to healing what I need to. Committed to understanding the power I have to scale the mountains within so that I can reach a greater, more soulful perspective.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I call in meaningful partnerships with the communities that I most want to serve. That I most want to situate myself in relationship with. That I most want to join together with to grow something long-lasting. I call in opportunities to both teach and learn with those that I hold dear. With those that hold the same vision for a sustainable and just future. With those that know how to party with a purpose.
With this new moon I reflect on the lessons that I have learned in and through my peer groups over the past few years. I am grateful for those that have taught me how to be a leader amongst leaders. Those that have taught me about growing up and getting myself together. Those that have taught me about the value of finding a team to support my strengths and navigate around my weaknesses.
With this new moon I honor the process of becoming that I am in. The process of becoming the person, friend, and accomplice that I wish to be in the world. I don’t take for granted all I have had to give up or come to terms with. All I have had to learn about asserting myself and my boundaries. All I have had to separate myself from in order to come back into a deeper relationship with my life. I am grateful for the journey and know it doesn’t stop here.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice
With this new moon I call in the confidence I need to successfully engage with the world. I ask to believe more fully in my capacities. I ask for insights on how to best put them to use. What to dedicate myself to more fully. What to show up early and stay late for.
With this new moon I call in the clarity, concentration, and contemplation necessary to know how to take what I have developed and put it to use. I ask for the ability to direct my energy towards worthy goals. To deliver on my promises with decisive dedication. To believe in the process without needing there to be a specific result.
With this new moon I let my work teach me about what it needs. What it wants. What it has the capacity to become. I look back on the last few years in awe at what I have been able to develop. What I have been able to center inside of me. What I have been able to carve out as my own. I am what I dedicate myself to, so I use this new moon to refresh my dedication to professional pursuits that pursue the truth.
To understand how this week’s new moon will impact your sign, and for rituals and meditations to mark the Winter Solstice, please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Sagittarius and Intention Setting for the Winter Solstice