To understand how to work with the new moon in Libra, please join me for Awaken Your Witch: Rituals for the New Moon in Libra, Samhain and Jupiter in Scorpio.
May we find every way possible to balance our hurt with the healing of our hearts. Our personal pain with unconditional love. Our trespassed parts with an unwavering tenderness.
May we find ways to track ourselves. So that we know what we need from moment to moment. So that we learn to stay connected with ourselves no matter our movements. So that we refuse to become too precious to face life’s trials and tribulations, but remain protective of our energy, magic and creativity.
May we find ways to balance being fierce with being humble. Powerful and vulnerable. Open and unwilling to transgress ourselves for the sake of anyone else.
May we continue to cultivate spaces that affirm our humanity. Spaces that hold us accountable for our actions. Spaces that encourage us to stretch our awareness of how we impact the world around us.
Spaces where we can heal what we thought could never mend.
The new moon in Libra occurs on Thursday, October 19th at 12:12 PM PT.
Distraught by injustice, Libra needs to know every side of a situation. Every angle unexplored. Every person’s point of view. It has a hard time drawing hardlines. Instead it is always seeking to understand. It is a sign focused on fairness, sweetness and finding balance.
No easy feat in an increasingly complex world.
The new moon is opposed by Uranus. The planet that jostles us about until we have broken free from our denial. Uranus wakes us. Shakes us. Shocks us into taking charge. This new moon won’t let us get by with half-baked sweets. The solutions to our situations need to be as nuanced as the problems.
This new moon is demanding that we understand what we need in this moment in order to come back into balance. It is encouraging us to re-invent the ways in which we do relationship, reminding us of how desperately we need each other. It is reminding us that within this incredibly broken system, it is literally impossible not to cause harm at some point.
We are not separate from the world’s problems. Or its perfection.
We cannot heal every hurt this world possesses, but we must try to heal the parts of us that know no better. The parts of us that do damage. The parts of us that allow damage to be done to us. The parts of us that stays complicit to the damage that we see done around us.
We need not be perfect to do this, we need only to be human and willing.
New moon blessings,