These affirmation horoscopes for the New Moon in Virgo are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your sun sign and your rising sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Tuesday, September 19th
Venus enters Virgo
Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, both at 13°
New moon at 27° of Virgo
Friday, September 22nd
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn, both at 16°
Sun enters Libra marking the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring in the Southern
Sunday, September 24th
Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, both at 13°
Virgo separates. Organizes. Categorizes. Wants to understand. Wants to learn. Wants to get it right.
Virgo wants to know the ins and outs of a thing. It sticks with something through the entire process. Digesting. Assimilating. Integrating the information into its entire being.
Virgo becomes what it tries to perfect.
Virgo works hard. Non-stop. Non-competitively. It works for the sheer satisfaction of getting something done. It works for the sadistic pleasure of knowing that it will never get it done satisfactorily because its own standards are impossible to attain.
But it will die trying.
This week the new moon in Virgo is accompanied by Mercury, Venus, and Mars in the effort-centric earth sign. This makes for an incredibly specific new moon. Just as Virgo would have it.
However, this lunation is far from tidy as its ruler, Mercury, is in an exact opposition to Neptune moments before the new moon takes place. This is very close to the point where Mercury stationed retrograde. Mercury, now direct, gets to complete this opposition while clearing its retrograde shadow.
Intoxicated by Neptune’s touch, Mercury is less than trustworthy under this influence. Less than exact. Less than careful with its application of knowledge. Neptune blurs lines and facts. Dissipates focus and and renders solid shapes formless. This aspect can be helpful for meditations and creative works, as it wants to connects us to something greater than ourselves and opens our imagination up to all possibilities.
The week is influenced by both Mercury and Mars’s opposition to the Sea God. Sensitizing us. Reminding us of how vulnerable we are. Reminding us of how willing we are to stick our heads in the sand and hope for the best. The antidote to which is always to go back to basics. Go back to foundations. Go back to keeping it simple and sorting through the facts. Go back to the real reason that you wanted to do something in the first place. The antidote to confusion is often times deciding that we aren’t confused. Reminding ourselves that when we get quiet enough and wait long enough, we’ll always know what we need to do.
This influence isn’t impacting the new moon itself and even though Mercury is temporarily hampered by Neptune, it is now direct. The work and effort that we make with this lunar cycle has the capacity to be very effective.
Horoscope for Aries & Aries Rising
I plant seeds in my work life that are likely to produce the kind of fruit that can sustain my soul. I don’t work for the recognition of a system that would rather see me suffer for its profit than see me profit off of my own efforts. I don’t pretend that what is only out for its best interest has any interest in my well-being whatsoever.
I make sure that I find ways to nourish myself. To remind myself of what I am really working towards. Who I am really working for. Where I am willing to go.
I remind myself to connect to those that are able to build a root system with me. One that can gives us access a vast network of information, energy and intelligence. One that reminds us all in the more difficult days that we are not alone. Myself included.
I allow any naturally arising purification process to unfold with this new moon. I know that I don’t need to force myself into any system because my body’s wisdom will always let me know what it needs. I take this time to retune myself to it, reminding myself that listening to its brilliance is intelligence at work.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Taurus & Taurus Rising
I take a moment to consider what it is I am creating. What it is I want to be making. What it is that gets in the way when I try to do so.
I take a moment to address the doubt. The shame. The things that I want to blame. I get intimately familiar with the excuses that I wish were real. I get honest about the way in which I deal. I get clear about the attitudes that need adjusting in order to make space for what is coming.
I edit out the unfaithful attitudes that linger in the background of my being.
Because beyond all the doubt, fear and fictitious situations that I find (or that are thrown at me) to worry about, I know that I will succeed. I know that I will win. I know that I will find my way through. I know that I will manifest the desires that drive me. I know that I am already triumphant. Each lesson that I learn along the way is preparing me for future encounters and I am grateful for the opportunity to get a head start on them.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Gemini & Gemini Rising
Tuesday’s new moon is my invitation to imagine what I want to create in and for my home. What needs to be cleaned out, cleared out, organized and re-prioritized? What needs to be more thoughtfully planned out, laid out or worked out with those that I live with, share space with, share family with? What needs to be integrated, accepted and digested or refused and released?
I take this opportunity to let go of anything and everything that doesn’t make me feel good. Anything that feels unkind. Anything that takes up space that I don’t have to give it. Anything that takes up space that I didn’t agree to. Anything that takes up space causing me to shrink or feel unwelcome.
This new moon asks me to separate, with clarity and compassion, from what I know I need to. This new moon asks me to remember that, most likely, I still have expectations left over from childhood. Expectations that someone is coming to get me, save me, or sort me out. While friends, lovers and partners will take part in my healing, I don’t need saving. I gently remember that my fantasies as a young child don’t need to take up the space of my agency as an adult.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Cancer & Cancer Rising
Tuesday’s new moon is my invitation to notice the aspects of my daily life that are an energy drain. The communications that just aren’t going anywhere. The conversations that I have had time and time again that simply aren’t being received.
There is no need to be on repeat.
It is a waste of my precious time, energy and talent. If folks aren’t picking up what I am putting down, I need to ask myself why I would keep dropping off my gifts to those that are ungrateful. Or unable to step up and meet me half way.
I need to harness each day to develop my dreams. Work towards their fulfillment. Work while enjoying each moment in which I am building towards them.
There is no time on my watch to waste.
I get right with my rituals. I get tight with what supports my long-term success. I take flight when I habitually focus on incremental progress.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Leo & Leo Rising
I take Tuesday’s new moon up on its offer to restructure my financial life. To reprioritize what I spend my earnings on. If I am not using my resources to make sure that I am taken care of, I can’t expect to refuel, regenerate or renew my creative energy.
I remind myself of the value of putting my health first. Myself first. My wallet where my well-being is.
I work with this new moon to understand where I might be leaking my resources. Where I might be devaluing my talents. Where I might be forgetting to protect my assets by leaving them undeveloped, unattended to or under-appreciated.
I lose what I don’t use.
I remind myself that if I want it, I have to work with it. For it. Denying access to what erodes it. Denying access to what derails it. Denying access to excuses that harm it.
I work with this new moon to make a plan to expand upon my resources so that a year from now I have plenty of growth to ground me.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Virgo & Virgo Rising
I wake up with this new moon. To my needs. To my responsibilities. To the fact that my life is a precious gift that I am committed to making the most of. I wake up to the fact that it takes great courage to live life with depth. I wake up to the fact that I’d rather work through my fears than live a shallow existence.
I take this new moon up on the offer to recommit to myself. To stop evading what I know I need to address. To stop pretending that something is working when I know it isn’t.
I am willing to be honest with myself and, as a result, be honest with everyone else.
I celebrate this new moon by getting organized in the most practical of ways. I set my desk up so that every instrument I need is within reach. I set my home up so that I feel welcomed when I enter it. I set my career up so that I am inspired to work towards all that I am making manifest. I set myself up so that I get to live out this next cycle with integrity, awareness and honesty.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Libra & Libra Rising
This new moon encourages me to go within. To remember the healing powers of the dark. Withdrawing my energy from outer activity isn’t withdrawing from life, it’s simply refocusing on my inner life. What happens internally is of equal importance as what happens externally. I use this new moon to remember that. I use this new moon to reconnect with that aspect of myself. I use this new moon to remember that my inner world is a mystery that I must spend time with.
Not to gather answers, but to gather insight.
The modern world would rather see me chasing my tail. Making moves regardless of their meaning. Making money regardless of its impact. Making advancements regardless of where they might take me.
But I know that ceaseless, unconscious production will not heal me. Reflection, connection, and introspection must be balanced with my efforts in the outer world. I use the new moon to give myself permission to get to know, gather, and give what I need to myself right now.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
With this new moon I gather those I can dream big with. I gather those that I can work efficiently alongside. I gather those that inspire me to dig deep inside myself so that my aim stays true.
I plant seeds of strength, love and hope with and for my communities.
I work through conflicts with others in my social circles as best I can, remembering that everyone experiences a different side of an issue. Everyone gets triggered in their own specific ways. Everyone is impacted according to their lived experience. I give myself and others room to understand these nuances. Room to grow through understanding each other’s side of things. Room to grow in different directions if necessary.
As I prepare for Jupiter’s arrival, I trust that everything I am letting go of now has served its purpose. I clear out the excess knowing that I need space for the opportunity that is arriving. I come to this lunar cycle having great faith that I am on the cusp of an unprecedented growth-cycle. One that will encourage me to stretch myself. Stretch my belief in what is possible. Stretch my belief in what I am able to make manifest in my life and through my work in the world.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Tuesday’s new moon encourages me to reflect on the clearing that occurred in my career over the summer. It asks me what space was created. It asks me to contemplate the ways in which I’m filling it. It asks me to allow in what I want to create more of and refuse what I don’t want to take root.
This is a lunar cycle that is encouraging me to get a tremendous amount of work accomplished, so I want to get clear about what I am working on.
I hustle for my highest good.
I work with the new moon to strategize my next career moves. I consider my dreams for the projects that I am pouring myself into. I consider what it would take from me professionally, personally and creatively to make these dreams a reality. I consider my plans to be sacred blueprints for my success so I keep refining them as I go. I keep referring back to them as I move forward. I keep strategizing with and acclimating to the new growth I am experiencing professionally and personally so that I don’t miss out on a single opportunity.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
I accept that confusion is inevitable. I know that it is also temporary. I know that always passes. I know that it is part of the process of getting clear. It is part of the process of finding my way. It is part of the process of learning how to strengthen my determination.
Nothing dilutes my determination.
Tuesday’s new moon helps me to realign myself with it. With the new moon, I reset my plans for the future. I allow myself the time needed to get clear. I put my anxiety in perspective so that I don’t make decisions out of fear. I know that my life is too expansive to be controlled by such restrictive states of being. I know that this lunar cycle will help me to make very important decisions in regards to my future. I know that these decisions define my direction so I stay close to my truth when making them. I stay close to my center when moving towards my goals. I stay close to what gives me energy when I’m committing my time, love and talent.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
I weigh what I owe against what I have in my treasure chest. I weigh what I can give against what I want to create. I weigh what I want to invest against the returns promised.
Exchanges, whether they be financial or energetic, cost something. Tuesday’s new moon helps me to calculate their true expense.
Exchanges, whether they be formal or informative, are valuable. Tuesday’s new moon helps me to honor the gifts and the lessons I receive through others.
Exchanges, whether labor or love, are necessary if I am to keep growing, learning and manifesting. Tuesday’s new moon helps me to understand the value of what others bring into my life.
I know that it can be easy for some to get intimidated when numbers are involved. It can be easy to want someone else to figure out how funds get distributed. It can be difficult to draw a hard line when working through financial or energetic equations, but this new moon is requiring that I get specific about my set of requirements. It’s not greedy to ask to have my needs met, but it’s detrimental to my life when I don’t.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.
Horoscope for Pisces & Pisces Rising
Relationships need periodic refreshers. They need to be fine tuned. As I grow, I change. As my partners grow, they change. As we grow, the nature of our unions change. The needs of our unions change. The impact that the relationship has on our lives changes.
Whomever I am closest to, whomever I am in a committed partnership with, is also helping me to change. I give thanks for the reflections. I give thanks for the opportunity to do better. I give thanks for the lessons that help me to get clear on how to move forward with them.
The new moon reminds me that the partnerships in my life that are built to last need restructuring. The ways in which we need to deal with issues changes over time. The commitments that I have made to others are worthy of restating. Clarifying. Getting precise about.
Because I respect those that I am working, loving and living alongside, I put the required effort in. I put the time in. I put the work in so that I know I’ve done my best. For myself. For my partners. For our union.
*Tuesday’s new moon in Virgo wants to help you clean up your life. Please join me for New Moon Manifestations: A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio and the Astrology of the Lunar Cycle from September 19 – October 18. During this lunar cycle, Jupiter enters Scorpio. In this workshop, I will go through the impact of this growth-enhancing transit for each sign, helping you to manifest the abundance that this planet can provide.