Monday, February 27th
Mars in Aries oppose Jupiter in Libra, both at 22°
Wednesday, March 1st
Sun conjunct Neptune at 11° of Pisces
Thursday, March 2nd
Jupiter in Libra oppose Uranus in Aries, both at 22°
Saturday, March 4th
Venus stations retrograde at 13° of Aries
Mercury conjunct Neptune at 11° of Pisces
Sunday, March 5th
Mars in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius
It’s time to journey through it. Go back over it. Review the road maps that lead us to the heart of it. Find the courage to contend with it.
The heart is a hard thing to follow, but the only beat worth trying to track.
Jumping from obvious response to outlandish, inexplicable reaction, the heart is constantly working out its own mystery. We are wise to learn its ways. To follow it as best we can. To serve its desires. To worship its wants.
The heart knows what it needs, no matter what we think we want. It is a persistent partner that we can’t get rid of. One that, when denied, becomes undeniably problematic. Its sorrow unrelenting. Its protest overwhelming. Its demands ever growing. Our heart’s desires haunt us when we refuse them life. Draining us of the will to live. Refusing us pleasure in even the most obvious forms. Appetites for life leave us. Our souls suffer a malicious malnourishment when the heart’s desires are left starving for attention.
If we want to experience the unparalleled pleasure of feeling loved by life, we must allow the loves of our life to take up residence in our hearts. We must give air to the flames of desire that are aglow within us. We must let the dream arrive. We must welcome it in. Allow it to find its way into our waking time. Allowing its grand and perfect plan to reveal itself to us.
We must release what stands in the way of us and it. We must be willing to let go of ego. We must be willing to let go of façades. We must be willing to let go of winning anything but the knowledge that we are made for the love that was fashioned just for us.
This week Venus stations retrograde.
Reversing direction roughly every 18 months, and retrograding through the same signs every 8 years, Venus retrogrades tend to strip us of our false pretenses, asking us to shed the layers around our heart that keep us from its power. Our greatest reflections, our relationships. Our greatest gateway into awakening, our love.
To the ancients, the planet Venus was known as Inanna, queen of heaven and earth. Her descent myth is one that is endlessly informative. It tells of the inevitable loss that we suffer if we are ever to know what love truly is. It teaches us that what protects us must be given up if we want to understand the depths of our love. It teaches us about what awaits us when we are willing to experience our own sincere vulnerability.
The myth of Inanna parallels the astronomical aspects of Venus’s retrograde, which unfolds in three distinct stages: (1) Venus’s station retrograde as an evening star / Inanna’s descent into the underworld; (2) Venus conjunct the sun / the death and rebirth of Inanna and the heart of her underworld journey; and (3) Venus’s rebirth as a morning star, stationing direct / Inanna’s return from the underworld.
Venus will begin its retrograde journey at 13° of Aries retrograding all the way back to 27° of Pisces, in an exact conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer. During this 6-week period, we’ll be collectively exploring the ways in which we relate to ourselves (Venus in Aries), what compassionate love looks like (Venus in Pisces), the importance of using our imagination when working on healing our core relationship wounds (Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces) and much, much more.
In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Aries & Aries Rising
The first phase of Venus’s retrograde occurs in Aries. Whether that is your rising sign or your sun sign (or both), this transit will open your awareness to the many ways in which you relate to yourself.
And to Venus.
As the planet that governs love, connection, beauty, art, reflection, vanity, envy, pleasure, desire and passion, Venus’s retrograde is asking you to review how you work with these aspects of yourself. It is asking you to embody Venus, which is no small task.
Venus is both the glorious and gruesome parts of love. Venus asks us to understand the extremes of our heart. The length we’ll go to in relationships. The love we fear we won’t get and the fear that can arise when we do get it.
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde asks you to adorn your life with self-affirming sights, sounds, smells and textures. It asks you to uphold what you value. It asks you to proclaim your passions. It asks you to see your unique expression of beauty as divine. Worthy of being anointed. Worthy of being proclaimed. Worthy of being protected.
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde will ask you to venture into the spaces of your heart that you rarely go to. It will ask you to reacquaint yourself with the patterns that can pain you. It will ask you to get clear about which pain is due to growth and which is due to unconscious acts of self-sabotage.
Sincerely seek to heal the parts of your heart that think self-denial is acceptable. Sincerely seek to heal the parts of your heart that refuse healthy expressions of love. Sincerely seek to heal the parts of your heart that have yet to be held by loving and kind compassion. Love yourself into fullness. Leaving no space vacant or left wanting. Leaving no room for lonely, hungry ghosts to haunt the space that is love’s to fill.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
When we condemn our heart’s reactions, we impede its healing. When we try to make our heart’s desires fit into the boxes of logic, we distort their shape, twisting them into forms that will never allow them their fullness. When we rush our heart’s healing, we impose timelines too tense for them to unfold within.
Our hearts know how to heal. All on their own. All we need do is have faith in the process. All we need do is not rob ourselves of the precious pearls of wisdom created when working with the irritants inwardly felt. All we need do is ask our hearts how we can better support them.
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde occur in the part of your chart that deals with what you have lost, what you have to let go of, what needs to come to an end and the creative energy that is bound up within you when you hold too tightly to your sorrows. Or when you refuse to mourn them fully.
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde asks you to get to know the desires that you have demonized. It asks you to get to know the desires that you have long forgotten. It asks you to get to know the energy that is locked up in the parts of yourself that you reject. It asks you for meditative self-reflections that will not garner applause or appreciation from the world but might be able to gather up the aspects of yourself that have for too long lived in isolation. Reconnect with the parts of yourself that feel unworthy of comfort. This is your job to do. This is your relationship to have. This is healing.
The last two weeks of the Venus retrograde will help you to review and heal through connecting to those that uphold your dreams, live into the future you wish to be a part of and inspire you to go further than you can on your own. It will help you to work out the ways in which you need your community to heal. It will ask you to hold visions of hope and healing for those that you love and surround yourself with. It will ask you to work out the kinks with your friends and support systems so that you can be better allies, co-conspirators and comrades going forward.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde will have you relearning what it means to be a friend. It will have you reviewing the roles that you may occupy within certain groups. It will ask you which roles still feel relevant and which feel like they are no longer necessary for you to fulfill. It will ask you which relationships need fine tuning, which groups you still find a place for yourself within and which folks are working to support the directions you are currently seeking.
Not all connections are built to last but the ones that are can push through even the toughest of road blocks. Seek out the strategies that can help you find ways through the more difficult lessons that you encounter. Seek out the aspects of your relationships that help you to learn and grow into a greater awareness of yourself.
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde are not as much about the relationships themselves, as about what you learn about yourself while you deal with the ups and downs of them. Take the focus off of folks and instead seek to understand what they are bringing up for you to witness within yourself. Take the focus off of how you want someone to act and seek to understand how you wish to act given the situation. Take the focus off of wondering what groups you fit into and seek to understand what you need in order to feel like you fit into your own life.
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde journey ask you to heal some aspect of your relationship to your career. This time might bring about a project that feels particularly healing. It might bring the closure needed to a professional relationship issue that you have been struggling with. It might bring you the connections that can help you bridge a gap in your work and in the relationships that keep it alive and worth working on.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
The first foray of Venus’s retrograde asks you to invest in your relationship to your career. How well do you love it? Hold it? Romance it? Protect it? Venus wants you to decorate it. Adore it. Be fascinated with it. Venus wants you to make sure that it feels beautiful. Valued. Loved. Venus wants you to reboot your affair with it. Rekindle the spark. Revamp your romance.
You need to care about what you are creating. And feel like it cares about you back.
Work on what is right for this moment. Follow your desire. Follow the partnerships that inspire you to work in ways that leave you invigorated to discover more. Follow your passions so that you can understand their potential. Not every avenue will bring you to a place where you can set up shop, but the journey will lead you to a greater understanding of what your career calls for.
Answer with a willing response.
This Venus retrograde circles around an issue that you were working through in your career back in 2009. What did your professional life look like then? What were the questions you struggled with? How have those questions changed? How have they stayed the same? How can you implement all that you learned from those lessons into this next round of Venus retrograde?
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde ask you to heal an old wound around having faith. This part of the journey will have you confronting the philosophies that either keep you stuck or help you to remember that there are multiple ways to move through life. Your options depend on you becoming conscious of them. Your options depend on you remembering that they are there for your choosing. Develop the internal muscle that reminds you to have faith in your own abilities, in a greater power than yourself and in the mysterious unfolding of your life and career.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Leo & Leo Rising
Venus will spend the first four weeks of its retrograde reviewing your journey. Where you’ve come to. How you got here. Where you might want to go next. What you might need to learn. What you might need to teach. What you might need to plan for.
The adventure that Venus asks you to (read demands that you) partake in is one that leads to greater self-knowledge. It’s a journey that requires that you struggle with the bigger questions of your purpose. It’s a journey that is focused on your self-discovery.
But we can’t discover much when we stay within the confines of what is comfortable.
Venus asks you to question your views. It asks you to push up against your philosophies to see what they can withstand. It asks you to question any beliefs that you have that don’t believe in you back. Venus is asking you to get to the core of what you have faith in. What you know will be there no matter what crosses your path. What you know can conquer the tests of time.
Venus asks you to divest from what cannot.
This process of renewal will eventually ask you to understand in greater depth the ways in which you invest your time and energy into the projects that you do. Is it with care and concern for how the collaboration will impact you? Is it with an understanding of your needs and the demands that others are asking of you? Is it with consideration of the project itself and if you are the best fit for it? Venus will also ask you to take a look at the deeper psychological systems in your relationship dynamics. Many are overdue for a cleansing, clearing and reboot, all of which you’ll get great encouragement to do.
*In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde are spent reviewing your relationship to your investments. Your emotional investments. Your energetic investments. Your psychological investments. Your financial investments.
What are you consciously invested in? What are you unconsciously paying into? What is draining your accounts of vital life energy? What are you not giving your fair share to?
Venus spends the first four weeks of its retrograde helping you to better understand the reasons for your reactions. This part of the Venus retrograde aims to teach you something about your psychological structure. Which relationship dynamics are your stumbling blocks? Which are your triggers? Which are issues too sensitive to touch and instead need to be handled with greater care and unlimited compassion?
This internal review will serve the last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde as the planet of love and connection slips back into the part of your chart that deals with committed partnerships. Paying homage to your most dominant relationship issues, Venus will ask you to spend these last weeks understanding a deeper level of both your partnerships and your place within them. The relationship dynamics that you are in now may mirror a situation that occurred 8 years ago. Take note of what you have healed here. Take note of what you have learned to ask for. Take note of what still feels out of reach and see what you can do to assist yourself and your partnerships to experience a fuller bloom.
There will be parts of your heart that you are still learning to share, parts of your heart that you might be unfamiliar with yourself. Take your own heart in. Protect its delicate lining. Remind it of the exquisiteness of its softness. Learn more about what it needs in order to feel secure in its tenderness. Aware of its strength. Fortified by its own ability to love and, in the process, heal the hurt that inhibits it ability to be fully present, without reservation.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Libra & Libra Rising
Love is fire. Burning away every false notion that we have of ourselves. Relationships are hearths. Built to hold the inferno of our hearts. For however long and in whatever form, the love that we experience through our committed connections helps us to understand what we are capable of feeling. Being. Becoming.
We need each other. We are here to potentiate one another. We are the blessings that our beloveds seek. They are the blessings that we cannot live without.
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde will seek out the relationship dynamics that you most need to learn about. This is a review that you go through every 8 years. This is something that you were working out back in 2009, 2001, 1993, etc. It’s a dynamic that you first learned about at a young age. A dynamic that has set the tone for every other relationship since. A dynamic that needs you to be dedicated to learning more about it.
What gets in the way of your heart’s desires? What do you feel unworthy of receiving? What do you feel the need to annihilate before it has the chance to bloom? What loves test you enough to spur you into a deeper level of self-awareness?
Love is not compliance.
Love is an entry point into the greatest fight of our life: the fight to become. Instead of staying within walls that promise to keep us safe, love fills us with the courage to know ourselves in ways we can’t without it. Love gives us the chance to become what we were meant to be.
Knowing how to work through the ups and downs of love and relating is the work of our lifetimes. It is the work of this Venus retrograde for you.
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde cycle will help you to connect these relationship lessons back to your work and health. Who you are working with? How you are able to love your days and therefore get a good amount of work done? Take what you learn from your most important relationships and apply it to the work that is at hand.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde will focus heavily on the work that you have to do, the relationships that help you do it and the impact it has on your health.
Learn how to relate to your work like you would want to any other relationship. Over exertion leads to burn out. Help yourself stay even-keeled by checking in on your temperament and your tone throughout the day. Is there a sense of joy there? Is there any ease? Are there moments of relaxation that can refuel you?
Pleasure has to become a component of everything that we do. Otherwise what is the point in doing it for long? Otherwise we begrudge having to do it at all. Otherwise we resent why it must be done by us.
But pleasure can’t come from the outside in. We have to be willing and ready to make room for it. To find it. To hunt it. To adore it once it arrives.
The first 4 weeks of Venus’s retrograde might tangle some heart strings. It might complicate some working relationships. It might make your needs for a healthy work/life balance all the more apparent. But it will also give you ample opportunity to get to know, in a much more intimate way, what you need to give to your daily life, routines, work projects and working relationships. It will remind you of the importance of joy in your 9-5. It will make clear the effect of loving what you do, from hour to hour, day to day, and week to week.
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde will go to great lengths to convince you of the healing that can occur through your love relationships, creative projects and any children in your life. It seeks to send you on a journey to heal your relationship to your creative energy. How you value it. How you work with it. What you do to honor it, release it and let it have life in yours. See what the tie-in is with your work life, if it needs more of your creativity, a little more ease and a little more enjoyment rather than your sheer force or effort.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde want to help you heal the relationship that you have to your creative energy. They ask you to use pleasure as your main teacher. They ask you to learn about yourself through playfulness. They ask you to consider all romantic endeavors as sacred sources of inspiration. They ask you to see what you may have been holding back in this area of your life. They ask you to understand, in greater depth, the power of the erotic energy that runs through you.
Venus is encouraging you to become more intimate with the part of yourself that attracts to it what it wants. Venus is encouraging you to become clearer about what you want so that you can consciously attract it in. Venus is encouraging you to take this energy seriously, learn how to trust it sincerely and clean up the ways in which you work with it so that you can do so unapologetically.
In short, the first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde want to teach you about the power that you posses when you are in purposeful possession of it.
Get to know what you are capable of. Don’t back down from it. Refuse to diminish it. Own it without arrogance, but with an unwavering acknowledgement of its magnificence.
Consider all that you have learned about your creative, erotic energy over the past 8 years. Which love affairs were your greatest teachers then? What did you learn from them? How have you healed? How do you approach this aspect of your life differently now? What were you learning about your creative energy then? What projects were your biggest teachers? How did you approach them then? How do you approach your creative work now?
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde ask you to sink deep below the surface of things. They get to the root of why you feel worthy and unworthy. Desirable and undesirable. Connected and disconnected. They scour the base of your energetic reservoirs, your creative wells, your oceans of imagination for clues as to what may have entered your streams of consciousness, telling you that you aren’t what you are. They ask you to heal the old wounds. Flush out the poisons from childhood. Cleanse the systems that were put in place by familial patterns so that you can better honor the gifts that you have received from the gods.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde dig deep into the trenches of your past. They unearth the underpinnings of your relationship needs. They work their way down to the bottom of your heart’s desires. To be loved. To be held. To be protected. To be fought for. To be emboldened by those that go to bat for you.
Venus may be inviting you to learn more about these lessons through matters that come up in your family. It might be working its magic with regards to your living situation. It might be pulling up old patterns from your past to arrive in all manner of vehicles. What’s important is the healing that occurs through the reliving, the revisiting and the reuniting with the younger, older and more vulnerable parts of yourself.
Healing is what Venus is after. Healing is what is required of you. Not solving. Not fixing. Not figuring it out. Not trying to make it anything other than what it is. Just healing. Just learning how to be in that healing. Just holding yourself through whatever healing is happening for you now. Knowing that you do so in honor of those in your lineage that couldn’t, wouldn’t or never got the chance to. Knowing that you do so while surviving your past. Knowing that you do so while working through the guilt of surviving. Knowing that you do so while others you wish would, don’t. Knowing that your true calling is to heal all that you can.
Nothing has greater importance or impact on the world than this.
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde pull focus on your relationships to siblings, blood and not. They want to help you to understand your connections with your neighborhood, your daily rituals and all the communications that occur within each 24 hour segment that we have been given. They ask you to create healing rituals that can fit into your daily routine. They ask you to remember the sacredness of each day. They ask you to reconnect with the rhythms of it and the rhythms that help you make the most of it.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Venus spends the first four weeks of its retrograde sorting through your schedule. Asking you which parts of your days you are in harmony with and which parts of your days need more from you. What have you left unloved? What leaves you feeling unloved? What have you left unattended? What are you letting take up too much of your time, leaving it hard for you to enjoy the precious hours of the day? What makes it hard for you to show up for your day fully?
Venus’s retrograde may also unearth the relationship dynamics between you and your siblings, siblings related to you by blood or heart. Those friends that feel like family, aunties and uncles, cousins and sisters might be on your radar right now. These connections might be going through a transition. Some of those relationships might be going through a growth spurt, supplying you with ample healing opportunities. Some of these folks might be in their own healing process and need a little extra understanding at the moment.
Venus’s retrograde will also help you to understand your communication style. Your writing projects. Teaching gigs. Learning pursuits. Is there something that you need to or want to develop a deeper relationship with here? Is there something that you are learning to be clearer and more direct about? Is there something that you need to learn to say in diplomatic, yet straightforward ways?
Venus spends its last two weeks sorting through your resources. Helping you to get a better understanding of the healing that can occur when you are able to spend what you’ve got on what you need the most. Most folks put their healing at the bottom of the list. Below entertainment, below travel, below bubblegum. Invest your assets into your healing and, in turn, heal your relationship to all you own.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
We don’t lack the resources to fix the world’s problems. We don’t lack the human potential to be able to solve the crises that we are in. We don’t lack the time needed to create solutions to the most pressing issues.
We lack the collective will to be in relationship with what needs us most. We lack the collective agreement to invest in our overall well-being. We lack the societal dedication to care for and protect one another.
The first four weeks of Venus’s retrograde ask you to become more dedicated to your potential as a means of being in relationship to, and in support of, the world’s. Your success is meant to uplift a small corner of the world, but you can’t do that unless you take the risk to care enough to make gold out of what you have been given.
Be brave enough to learn what you don’t know. Be courageous enough to ask questions. Be willing to relearn how to have productive relationships with your resources. Become invested in your success. Become connected to the needs of your talents. Become your greatest, ally, agent and administrator.
It’s time to learn about what gets in the way of your cash flow. It’s time to unlock the potential of your energetic currency. It’s time to divest from the bad investments that you have made wholeheartedly.
Reclaim your heart back from what doesn’t claim you as invaluable.
The last two weeks of Venus’s retrograde further this conversation as the planet of love and connection returns to your sign. Here, Venus is situated to help you experience great acts of healing and homecoming. As you are asked to embody this planet’s ability to connect, create and attract all that is beautiful, you’ll need to also understand all the ways in which you might inhibit or refuse the love and support you so deeply want and need.
* In Love and Let Go, A Journey Through Venus Retrograde, we will journey through this Venus retrograde cycle together. Framed through the myth of Inanna, we will use this ancient tale of love, loss and redemption to guide us through the regenerative process that is Venus retrograde. In this course, you’ll receive weekly emails containing videos, ritual suggestions, astrology lessons and tips to help you best work with this Venus retrograde in real time.