*If you want sign specific guidance, a ritual and altar suggestions for this solar eclipse/new moon in Pisces, please join me for Journey Through Eclipse Season. SALES END SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26th AT MIDNIGHT PT.
In a climate of increasing volatility, our imagination may be our greatest currency. Without the ability to imagine a world where justice is served, it is too hard to fight for its future. Without the ability to envision a world filled with promise, we can’t muster the urgency to pick up the pace to get there. Without the ability to imagine a place for ourselves in the world, it is much harder to create it.
In a climate of increasing violence, delusion is our most costly habit. The refusal to accept difficult aspects of life can quickly lead to our moral decay. A momentary retreat from reality can bear consequences that take years of hard work to come back from. Pretending that injury hasn’t occurred when harm has been inflicted doesn’t lesson the impact of the injury. Pain is made double when we are told that it isn’t pain at all.
The solar eclipse in Pisces arrives on February 26th at 6:58 AM PT. It is the last in a series of eclipses in that have occurred in this sign over the past 2 years.
The cycle is coming to a close.
This series of eclipses have occurred near the south node of the moon. The south node is a place of release. The south node is a point that can teach us the necessity of relinquishing control. The south node knows about the faith it takes to cease grasping at what we think will fill us up.
The south node helps us to empty out.
Pisces is a water sign. A reservoir of psychic energy. An unending source of compassion. An uncontainable ocean of imagination. Pisces extends itself beyond all boundaries. It is the embodiment of vulnerability, able to sense and tend to all manner of suffering.
Having empathy for another awakens our ability to have it for ourselves. One feeling informs the other.
This eclipse sits next to Neptune. Neptune erodes all boundaries. Moves us out of ordinary experiences. Gets us high. Gets us lost. Gets us to move our imaginations beyond our current conditions. Neptune can leave us feeling anxious and lost but it can also help us to reimagine a world that receives the wisdom of our sensitivity. Neptune tunes us into frequencies that live off the dial of our mundane reality.
We must tune into the visions that can feed us, carry us forth and remind us of the beauty we are capable of conjuring.
On the same day as the solar eclipse, Mars makes a conjunction to Uranus. The two together speak of breaking with convention in extreme ways. It is a volatile and unpredictable energy that we may feel we are at the whim of but that can be channeled towards our personal and collective liberation.
May this final eclipse in Pisces remind us of the power of our imaginations and the dangers of getting caught in the intoxication of our delusions. May we use this moment to reset ourselves, emptying ourselves out and orienting ourselves towards the most compassionate, imaginative ways forward. May we use the eclipse to call up the great healing powers within, giving ourselves exactly what we need without hesitation or restraint.
Eclipse blessings,